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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 1)

Page 6

by Janie Marie

  So Janie wasn’t expelled. Well, at least she wasn’t there to ruin Kylie’s mini-fantasy that put her in the center of the Godson brothers.

  Mrs. Demoness was one of the few teachers who didn’t cower from Ryder, and she didn’t now as she stood up, bracing her hands on her desk to look intimidating despite her five-foot stature. “Your girlfriend is not the homework bin, Mr. Godson. Your assignment on The Little Moon fairy tale was due yesterday. You can thank Miss Mortaime for your drop in grade.”

  “Watch what you say about her.” Ryder shifted in his seat.

  Kylie darted her eyes back and forth. Every student was tensing in their seat. It was well-known that Ryder didn’t have a problem arguing and getting into fights with teachers. He’d even gotten into a fist fight with the old principal, and the new principal, who’d been the vice principal at the time, had to wrestle him off with the help of the brothers. They said the old principal couldn’t walk or talk anymore because Ryder had beaten him so bad. At least, that was the rumor she’d heard since starting at Blackwoods her junior year.

  She’d heard about him getting into a huge fight with an older boy who used to rule the school when Ryder was only sixteen. It was the only fight he’d lost, but he’d apparently lost it on purpose to win Janie. That didn’t make much sense, but that’s what people said. They were probably all lies, but looking at his emotionless stare, Kylie wondered if some of it was true.

  Mrs. Demoness glared at him. “Is that a threat?”

  Archer chuckled, leaning back in his seat as if he was preparing to watch a showdown.

  “A warning,” Ryder said, his eyes narrowing on the teacher. “You know damn well I know more about the fairy tales than you do.”

  Mrs. Demoness’ face reddened. “That doesn’t change when your assignment is due.”

  Ryder stared at her and a terrifying smile stretched over his perfect face. “Then let me give you a sample of my assignment, orally. Your interpretation of The Little Moon is full of shit because you, like every other lonely hag, loathe the goddess it’s about, simply for the fact she has a good heart and more than one man. Now sit your ass down, get on with your lesson, and leave me the fuck alone.” Ryder didn’t spare her another look and went back to talking with his brothers.

  Kylie swallowed as she watched Mrs. Demoness’ face scrunch in rage. Ryder had a point about her teachings of the Blackwoods Fairy Tales. Kylie wasn’t a fan of them, but clearly Ryder was. There was a collection of related stories that were found in Blackwoods, Colorado, Texas, and Canada a long time ago. Learning them was now a requirement in both History and English Literature. So it was strange for a teacher at one of the famous towns to speak so negatively about them.

  All through the lesson for The Little Moon, Mrs. Demoness made hateful remarks about how American storytellers were fools obsessed with a weak woman who used her promiscuity to blind men. Why on earth Janie had such a big problem with that, Kylie didn’t know, but she’d clearly relayed everything to Ryder after arguing with the teacher yesterday. Kylie realized that must be why Janie wasn’t in class—she was in trouble, and Ryder was pissed.

  What Kylie wouldn’t give to have someone that protective of her.

  “Everyone, turn to page 394,” Mrs. Demoness snapped, sitting down.

  Kylie sighed as she opened her book, not eager to work on the gloomy stories.

  Mrs. Demoness started speaking again, “We’ll be comparing the classic Grimm’s Fairy Tale of Little Red Riding Hood and—”

  The door opened as Janie Mortaime entered. Mr. Prince, the principal, was right behind her. Janie quickly made her way to Ryder. He sat up, reaching for her when she got close.

  “Take a seat, Miss Mortaime,” said Mrs. Demoness. “I don’t have all day for you to reunite with your boyfriend.”

  Mr. Prince leaned against the doorway, his vibrant sea-green eyes on the teacher. “She’s not staying. Neither is Ryder.”

  “What about us?” Archer asked, looking ready to bolt.

  Mr. Prince smirked. “I don’t need you pestering me. Stay put.”

  Archer flipped Mr. Prince off, who merely laughed with the other Godson brothers.

  Ryder stood, snatching Janie’s bag and greeting her with a kiss.

  Every girl sighed.

  Tercero leaned over, handing Janie a folder. “Get me out of here, tesoro, and I’ll buy you a Dr Pepper and let you drive my car.”

  “Deal,” Janie said, kissing Tercero’s cheek before looking at the principal. “Mr. Prince, Tercero has something of mine in his car. Can he get it?”

  Mr. Prince rolled his eyes at her. “Come on, Tercero.”

  Archer glared at Mr. Prince, then grabbed Janie’s hand. “Spring me, too, beautiful. I’ll give you a massage and a ride in my car. Way better than your Camaro.”

  Savaş snorted before laughing at Ryder’s glare.

  “Bye, handsome,” Janie said, giggling when Ryder punched Archer in the shoulder.

  “Don’t call him handsome,” Ryder growled, kissing Janie once more before dragging her toward the door.

  “There is no kissing on campus, Mr. Godson, especially not in my class,” Mrs. Demoness snapped.

  “Ryder,” Mr. Prince said, his tone a warning as the bad boy began to turn to the teacher. “Let’s go.”

  “I expect them to be punished, Mr. Prince,” Mrs. Demoness said as Janie shoved Ryder out the door.

  Mr. Prince’s retort was instant and harsh. “And I expect you to teach the curriculum outlined by the board without voicing your negative views on our town’s beloved history, Nia. Check your email after class.”

  Ryder and Tercero could be heard laughing in the hall as Mr. Prince shut the door.

  A few students snickered as Mrs. Demoness’ face grew red with rage. She looked downright psychotic with her wild curly hair, but it had to be stressful dealing with a bunch of rich kids opposing you and having no power to stop it. Because everyone knew Ryder would be let off. The Godson family was loaded—probably richer than Kevin—and they contributed to the school financially.

  Ryder probably should’ve been expelled at least twenty times, but here he was, more than likely getting Mrs. Demoness fired.

  “Read the story to yourselves,” Mrs. Demoness said, her voice screeching like a bird. “I want absolute silence. Your assignment and homework is on the board. Get to work!”

  Kylie swallowed her annoyance as she read the board.

  Read: Little Red Riding Hood and The End of Gods & Monsters.

  Assignment: Summarize and provide your interpretation of each tale. Provide examples of similarities in style, structure, and content between the traditional Grimm Fairy Tale and the Blackwoods Tale.

  Great, The End of Gods & Monsters was long and way too emotional for a fairy tale. She was going to be up all night.

  “Archer, wake up and start your assignment,” Mrs. Demoness said.

  Archer had his head on his desk, and he didn’t move.

  “He seems to be unwell,” Savaş said. “I think I should take him to the nurse.”

  “You will do no such thing,” Mrs. Demoness shouted.

  Archer dramatically reached out for Savaş. “Help me, brother. I am certain I have something contagious. I believe I may faint.”

  Everyone laughed, including Kylie, when Savaş jumped up and lifted Archer’s limp body into his massive arms.

  “Sit down, Mr. Godson.”

  Savaş glared at the teacher. It was terrifying enough to make everyone stop laughing. “You are well on your way to starting a war with our family, Demon-ess.”

  Kylie’s jaw dropped. Did they all talk to teachers like this?

  “I suggest you learn your place quickly,” he added.

  Archer snickered but kept his eyes closed.

  As Savaş started to leave, he dropped a bag right by her desk.

  Archer peeked an eye open. “Mind helping a sick man, Red?”

  Kylie felt her cheeks burn as she reached down and
picked up the bag to hand it to him.

  “Thanks, gorgeous.” Archer winked, moaning as he took the bag. “Make haste, brother. I feel the cold hand of Death closing around my heart.”

  Savaş laughed, rushing out of the room as the class lost it.

  Mrs. Demoness let out a little growl before snapping, “Get to work, everyone. Now!”

  “This is gonna suck.” Kylie looked down at the puddle of water pooling around her feet, then back inside the dark house. It looked like no one was home, but she knew better.

  After being left to find her own way home from school, Kylie began the trek through the woods nearby. It was a normal occurrence for her—one she didn’t mind, but today, a terrible storm had decided to blow in. Now, completely drenched, she stood at the foyer of her house, debating her best options before going in.

  A door slamming upstairs at the same time lightning lit up the sky made Kylie jump. A lump formed in her throat. This was like a setup for some scary movie, but for her, the scary movie was real.

  What she wouldn’t give to have Logan there. He had no problem putting his arm around her and telling everyone to fuck off. She couldn’t help but wish she’d at least had his number. She stopped herself from hoping for too much with him. First of all, she had no phone, and second, he would expect her to repay him with sex when he kept her from getting hurt.

  And my problem with that is what exactly?

  “Seriously, Kylie,” she whispered to herself as she shut the door. “I’m not going to be a whore to get a guy to like me.”

  “Talking to yourself again?”

  Kylie screamed, dropping her wet things on the floor as she spun around to face Maura.

  “Kevin would worry, you know,” Maura said. “If he found out that you still talked to voices in your head. He might worry about a lot of things.”

  Kylie slowly tried to distance herself from Maura, taking in the bat in her hands. Maura was team captain of the Girls’ Softball team. She must have just gotten home before it rained.

  “I was just thinking out loud, Maura.”

  Maura grinned, her lips expressing false happiness. “I saw you in the halls today—when you were drooling over Ryder Godson. Did you fantasize you were Janie fucking Mortaime? Did you imagine he was kissing you instead of her?”

  Yes, but she wasn’t going to say that. “I was just watching like everyone else, Maura.”

  A twisted sneer graced Maura’s face. “I saw you when the fight was over, too. With Trevor.”

  Kylie froze. “Maura, it was nothing. He was just helping me pick up my books and thanking me for the project.”

  Maura screamed, swinging her bat at the vase nearby, smashing it. “Don’t lie to me! I saw him kiss you. You knew I liked him!”

  Kylie stumbled backward, hating herself for not looking around because she fell over a chair. The old pain in her side stabbed her, and she cried out as Maura moved closer. “Please, Maura,” she cried as she held her hands up to protect her face. “It wasn’t like that. I even confronted him about standing you up.”

  Maura yelled, raising her bat.

  Kylie screamed, but continued to blubber out her findings. “He said he forgot. He had a thing with a coach.” She cried as Maura swung her bat to knock the chair away. “He didn’t mean it, Maura. He said he would make it up to you. He felt bad.”

  The crazy gleam in Maura’s eye had Kylie more frightened than she had been in a long while. She knew the beatings had increased lately, but she didn’t understand why.

  “Then why did he kiss you?” Maura’s voice was low and steady, her green eyes fierce with hate. “Why did I hear him tell you he was never interested in me?”

  “Maura,” she screamed as Maura yelled and swung right for her.




  He looked around the punching bag he was currently imagining was Chris to see Mark making his way closer. “Hey,” he said, resuming his work on the bag.

  “Still pissed at Chris, I see.”

  Logan didn’t respond.

  “I saw him today. He came by, asked if I’d seen you.”

  Logan grunted and continued his workout.

  “He said you fired him.”

  “I did.” Logan flicked his head, moving the hair from his eyes.

  Mark sighed, putting his hands on his waist. “Over that girl? It’s not like she was—“

  Logan cut him off, “You work for me, Mark. Not the other way around. I don’t run my decisions past you.”

  Mark held his hands up, smiling. “I was just trying to figure out what happened. I wasn’t picking a fight. You know I never had a problem with—“

  Logan held his hand up, stopping him. “He just pissed me off.”

  Mark nodded in understanding. “And ruined your game.”

  Logan shot him a dirty look.

  “What?” Mark laughed. “You telling me you weren’t trying to get into her pants?”

  “She’s seventeen,” Logan muttered, picking up his bag to leave.

  Mark laughed loudly and followed him.

  “Shut up.”

  “Are you that hard for some virgin pussy?”

  “It’s not like that.” Logan nodded to a few guys, greeting them as they walked by.

  “Then what’s it like?”

  Logan stopped and glared at his coach. “Why are you asking?”

  “I’m just curious why you would beat the shit out of Chris over a seventeen-year-old girl who looks like she’s never even seen a guy naked before. And why she apparently means enough to you that you would fire him.” Mark shook his head. “Seriously, man. You’ve known Chris for years, and you didn’t fire him for the shit he pulled with—”

  Logan glared at him.

  Mark rolled his eyes. “I’m not picking a fight. How long have you known this girl?”

  “Do you have a point to all your questions?”

  “I’m just curious about the big reaction.”

  Logan was tired of this. Mark was a cool guy, probably the closest to a friend he had, but he didn’t need any new friends. “I don’t answer to you.”

  “I’m asking you as a friend.” Mark watched him. “You don’t just fire people—get drunk and try to fight everyone around you—all over a random girl.”

  Logan sighed, looking around the gym before he focusing on Mark again. “Someone’s hurting her.”

  Mark frowned. “Like her feelings, or like hurting her?”

  Logan knew Mark had a problem with girls getting abused. His girlfriend had been in an abusive relationship before, so he told him about Kylie, hoping it would be enough to get him to lay off. “She flinches and limps. I know you saw it. I just met her.”

  “Yesterday?” Mark asked, folding his arms. His muscles were already jumping, probably thinking about his girl.

  “Yeah. She was at the apartment when I came home. Trevor was dumping his project on her.”

  “You let her around your cousin?” Mark gave him a once-over.

  He glared at him. “No, dumbfuck. I just told you she was already there. He’d brought her over on his own. I don’t think he’s noticed she’s kinda hot.”

  “That’s good.” Mark sighed. “So, you find out who hurt her? Is it a boyfriend?”

  “No.” Logan was getting uncomfortable. He didn’t expect to see Kylie ever again, but he couldn’t help thinking about her, worrying if she made it home okay. “I offered to help her out.”

  Mark made a weird face at him. “With the project?”

  “No.” Logan felt a tight sensation around his chest. “Well, that too, I guess. I gave her an old project of mine so I could get her to come with me. I didn’t want to leave her there alone.”

  Mark laughed, wiping his eyes. “Logan Grimm bribed a seventeen-year-old chick to get her to come out with him?”

  “Do you want to know what happened or not?” Logan’s anger was coming back, and by the looks of it, Mark knew to lay off.

/>   “Sorry,” Mark said, calming down. “Continue.”

  “You know I’ll fuck you up if you keep laughing at me.”

  Mark just smiled.


  Mark waved his hand. “Just waiting for you to explain.”

  Logan exhaled a frustrated breath. “First off, I wasn’t bribing her. I just can’t stand Trevor. I wanted to take her to piss him off, but I changed my mind, I guess. I noticed her flinching, and I wanted to find out what was up. But I knew she’d run if I came on to her like I normally would. She looked like she was going to pass out when I introduced myself—I had to soften her up.”

  “Yeah, looked like a baby deer when I walked in on you two. That is, until she noticed Gloria.” Mark gave him a warning look. “Definitely has some fight hidden inside that little body of hers.”

  Logan glared at him. “Don’t say that.”

  “What?” Mark grinned. “Little body? Did you already get a peek?”

  “No, just don’t look at her body.”

  “Okay,” Mark said, still smiling.

  “I told her I’d protect her.”

  “And she refused you?” Mark looked confused.

  “She was thinking about it. But Chris fucked up my plans by saying that shit he did. Now she’s gone, and I’m just . . . I don’t know. I wanted to keep her safe, and now I don’t know if I should try to find her. If I ask Trevor, he’ll only make shit worse.”

  “Yeah,” Mark said. His joking was gone. “Well, I have good news for you then, Casanova. I know who she is.”


  Mark nodded to the benches nearby, and Logan followed him to sit. “She looked familiar, and when you introduced her, I thought it sounded like I’ve heard her name before. Do you remember that doctor who died in that bad accident? The one from Wolf Creek?”

  Logan frowned, thinking it over. “I think so. The one they couldn’t find for a while?”

  “Yeah,” Mark said. “His name was Dr. Oliver Hood. He used to stop by when I was in high school—sometimes helped when Evander wasn’t available. He fixed my dislocated shoulder one time.”

  “He’s her dad,” Logan said quietly.


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