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Down the Line (Sports Romance)

Page 14

by Cheryl Douglas

  It had been a long time since she’d thought of those days. The tears. Frustration. Sleepless nights. And the pressure on her was nothing compared to the pressure on Ethan. He’d had the added stress of trying to make a place for himself on the baseball team so he could get a pro team to look at him.

  “Do you think I got involved with Joel too soon after Ethan broke up with me?” It was a concern that had been plaguing her ever since Ethan told her about the ring he’d bought for her.

  “It was out of character, that’s for sure,” Ash said, walking around the desk to collect his phone and keys. “But who am I to say it was wrong for you? You guys lasted a long time. Maybe it was exactly what you needed to take your mind off Ethan.”

  “Ethan told me something recently.” She grabbed a cleansing wipe and wiped down the desk to avoid looking at Ash.

  “Oh yeah?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the desk. “What’s that?”

  “He told me he came back here on spring break the year we broke up with an engagement ring for me.”

  Ash’s eyes widened. “Seriously? He was going to propose to you?”

  She nodded. “He said he’d already realized he’d made a huge mistake breaking up with me and he needed me in his life, but since he’d broken my trust, he wanted to do something big to get it back.” She dropped her head in her hands. “And I told him that I’d moved on, that I was in love with someone else.” She sighed. “I even told him I’d marry Joel if he asked. I was just being stupid and petty, trying to hurt him the way he hurt me.”


  “Yeah, and that one conversation was all it took to change the course of my life. If I’d kept my big mouth shut and listened to him instead of spouting off, things would be so different.”

  “Yeah, you wouldn’t be sitting here with me, that’s for sure. You’d be married to E with a few kids by now.”

  She rested her hand on his knee. “Hey, I could never regret this business venture. You know that, right?”

  “Sure.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it. “You’ve been the best partner ever. But if your commitment to me and this place is holding you back—”

  “I didn’t say that!” She cleared her throat, embarrassed by her outburst. “I mean, it’s not like that.”

  “I know you,” he said, smiling. “I know you take your commitments seriously. You wouldn’t want to let me down. But I’m here to tell you, I love you, girl. You’re one of my best friends. And I sure as hell don’t want to see you wasting your life here when you could be making all your dreams come true with Ethan.”

  She loved him even more for giving her an out, but it wasn’t that simple. “I’m not even sure I could fit into his world. It’s so different from what I’m used to.”

  “You won’t know until you try, will you?”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “It is.” He leaned over, gripping her shoulder. “The way I see it, you have something most people never get—a second chance with the guy you love. Maybe it’ll work out and the two of you will live happily ever after. Maybe it won’t and you’ll come back here to a pretty great life. Either way, I don’t see how you could make the wrong choice.”

  Ash and Grace were both startled by the sound of a key in the front door lock. There was only one person who had keys—other than them. Their landlord.

  “Dr. Dorado,” Grace said, as she looked into the eyes of the man who was once supposed to be her father-in-law. She knew he was still angry that she’d ended things with his son, but she hoped he wasn’t there to punish her and Ash for her perceived misdeed. “This is a surprise.”

  She and Ash shared an “oh shit” look while the doctor surveyed their facility.

  “I’ll cut to the chase, kids. I’m retiring and selling this plaza.”

  Grace suppressed a moan. She’d known this was a possibility. She and Joel had talked about the possibility of his father selling the plaza, which housed his medical practice in the offices upstairs, when he retired. She just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon. When they were together, Joel had assured her his father would be reasonable. He might even give them favorable financing terms and allow them to buy the building. He’d promised her they would work it out. But Joel wasn’t in her life anymore, and she had to find a way to sort this mess out on her own.

  “This is, uh, kind of sudden,” Ash said, standing upright. “I mean, I know our lease is up for renewal, but we never expected you to sell the building. We’ve only been in business a few years and things are finally—”

  “I understand all that,” Dr. Dorado said, raising his hand. “And I’m sorry if this poses a problem for you, but I have to think about what’s best for me and my family.”

  Grace wouldn’t be surprised if Joel was in on this, as his way of getting back at her for ending their shot at a new relationship, but she wasn’t about to make accusations she couldn’t substantiate.

  “Is there any chance the new owner would let us renew our lease?”

  “I have no idea. It won’t be on the market for a few more days. I thought my tenants should be the first to know, so I’m making my rounds now.” He tapped his hand on the high counter. “Have a nice evening.”

  Grace and Ash looked at each other as they heard the door closing behind him. They didn’t say anything, but she knew they were both thinking the same thing. What now?

  * * *

  For the first time ever, Ethan was not looking forward to Vegas. Spending time with Gracie without being able to touch her would be torture. But sitting around a table at an upscale restaurant with his sister, teammate, and the woman he loved, he was determined to make the most of it. They’d made small talk all evening, like strangers getting to know each other. And Ethan hated it. He wanted to talk about something real. Something that mattered.

  “Did Grace tell you what her landlord did?” Bella asked as Grace subtly shook her head at her friend.

  “No, what happened?” he asked, looking at Gracie.

  Gracie dabbed her mouth with a cloth napkin. “My, uh, landlord is selling the plaza.”

  “Damn.” He swiped a hand over his face, trying to process the fact that she could be losing her livelihood. “I’m sorry.”

  Her smile was weak when she said, “Thanks.”

  “Is he selling to an investor or…?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not even sure it’s on the market yet. He just wanted to give us a heads-up.”

  Ethan knew the building was owned by her ex’s father, and he couldn’t help but wonder whether this decision was a way of sticking it to her.

  “I think we’re going to leave you two alone,” Bella said, giving her brother a pointed look. “We’re just going to head down to the casino. Try our hand at blackjack.”

  Loran stood, pulled Bella’s chair out, and helped her with her cashmere wrap. Ethan watched the exchange. He’d never seen Loran take care of a woman before and he struggled to make sense of it. All evening, Loran had been attentive and affectionate with Bella, and it was starting to piss Ethan off. Especially if he wasn’t being sincere.

  But Ethan had bigger problems. Like how he was going to help Gracie. Then it hit him. He could help her. He waited until his sister and her date had walked out of the restaurant before pitching his idea.

  “I’ll buy the plaza.”

  She gaped at him. “What?”

  “You heard me. I’ll buy it from your ex’s old man.” He swirled his scotch before downing it. “I’ll put in a call to my lawyer, get him to make the offer.”

  He had a real estate broker back home, but he didn’t expect to need him on this deal. It would be cut-and-dried. Whatever the old bastard wanted, he’d get. It was only money, and Ethan wasn’t about to put a price tag on Grace’s happiness. This was one last thing he could do for her, and he intended to do it.

  “You can’t do that,” she said, gripping his forearm. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I appreciate the offer. So much. But I can’t
let you put up your money—”

  “It’s an investment,” he said, shrugging. “I have lots of real estate holdings. My financial advisor likes me to diversify. Baseball isn’t going to pay the bills forever.”

  He held up a hand to their waiter, indicating he’d like another drink. Gracie was still working on her third glass of wine and he suspected she wouldn’t have another. Lowered inhibitions and all that. Could be dangerous when they came together.

  She stared at him as though she couldn’t believe he’d made the offer. “Ethan…”

  He gestured to her glass when the waiter replaced his. “You want another?”

  She glanced at the empty bottle they’d ordered. “Sure. Why not?” She raised a hand to the waiter before he could walk away. “Actually, no. I changed my mind. Thanks anyway.” She inched her chair closer to Ethan’s so they were sitting right next to each other at the round table.

  “Hi,” he said, smiling as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table.

  “You’re incredible, you know that?”

  The way she was looking at him made him feel ten feet tall. “You’re pretty incredible yourself, beautiful.”

  Her eyes were scanning his face as though she was trying to make the pieces of a puzzle fit together. “Why would you do this for me? And don’t you dare give me some bullshit line about diversifying your portfolio, because I’m not buying it.”

  Her lips were mere inches from his and he was dying to kiss her, but he brought the crystal glass to his mouth instead. The scotch was rich and full-bodied, aged perfectly. But nothing could compare to the experience of kissing her… and having her kiss him back.

  “You want to know the truth?” He had nothing left to lose, so he shrugged. “I love you, Gracie.” He clenched his teeth as he turned the glass in slow circles on the table, staring into the amber liquid. “This may be the last thing I’m ever able to do for you, so yeah, I want to do it.”

  Her eyes were sparkling when she curled her arm around his neck. “I love you too. So much.”

  “You better quit lookin’ at me like that,” he said, trying unsuccessfully to draw his gaze from her mouth. “If you don’t, we’re both gonna be in some trouble.”

  “I want you,” she whispered in his ear.

  He glanced at her near-empty wine glass. “That’s the alcohol talking, sweetheart. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  She moved the wine glass out of reach. “I haven’t even finished my third glass. Believe me, I know exactly what I’m asking.”

  “No, you don’t.” He wanted nothing more than to take her to his room, but if he did, he wasn’t letting her go again. “You’re asking for one night, and I can’t give you that.”

  Her lips curved up. “We’re in the land of one-night stands and impulsive decisions. Why not make one of our own?”

  “What’d you have in mind?” Sex with Gracie wouldn’t be an impulsive decision. He thought about it all the time… and it sure as hell wouldn’t be a mistake.

  “Marry me.”

  His heart battered his chest as he stared at her. “What?”

  “You heard me,” she whispered. “Marry me.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Though with everything in him, he wanted her to be.

  “Why can’t I?” She ran her hand through his hair. “I think I’ve loved you all my life. The offer you just made proved to me that you’re willing to put my happiness above your own. I should be willing to do the same.”

  “What are you talking about?” He was trying to follow her train of thought, but it wasn’t easy when his mind was spinning with the possibility that she could be his wife in a few short hours.

  “Life moves in phases, don’t you think?”

  “I guess.”

  “So maybe this phase is supposed to be about your career… for us. The next phase may be about my career or a joint business, charity work…” She shrugged. “Who knows? We can figure it out together.”

  “So you’re willing to make this sacrifice for me?” He didn’t want her to have to sacrifice a damn thing to be with him, but that was what she was offering. A trade-off. Her happiness for his. Could he really live with that? “What about Ash? He’s your partner. He needs you.”

  “You need me too, don’t you?”

  He leaned in to kiss her, lingering over the sweet taste of wine on her lips. “You have no idea how much.” He brushed his thumb over her chin. “But, baby, this is a big deal. You were so adamant about not leaving—”

  “I’ve thought a lot about it. Talked to my brother, and Ash, and they both made me realize that I have to start taking chances. I can’t live in my comfort zone forever.”

  Gracie had always been a creature of habit. She liked predictability and routine. He didn’t know how she’d fare with a husband who was on the road as much as he was, especially if she was home alone in a strange city.

  “If you’re worried about me being bored,” she said, licking her lips, “I wouldn’t be.”

  “Oh yeah?” He shifted in his seat. The way she was looking at him made him want to throw her over his shoulder, skip the wedding, and head straight for the honeymoon, where he could lock her up in some fancy hotel room for a couple of weeks and make up for lost time.

  “You rarely have time to be bored with a baby.”

  “A baby?” He looked her over before glancing at her wine glass. “You’re not…?” No, she wouldn’t be drinking if she were pregnant. That couldn’t be the reason she suggested they get married, could it?

  “No.” She smiled. “I’m not pregnant. But I’d like to be.” She tugged her lower lip between her teeth and looked at him suggestively. “How do you feel about that?”

  He was trying to hide his reaction under the table. Was he on board with that? Hell yeah. He couldn’t wait to see her pregnant with his baby.

  “How do I feel about it?” he repeated. “Jesus, Gracie, you don’t know how much I want that.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  He felt as if he’d been waiting his whole life for this. Marriage and a family with her. The wait was finally over.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Grace was standing in some cheesy all-night wedding chapel on the Vegas Strip before a man in a tacky polyester suit and his wife, who was playing the organ—badly, but she didn’t care. As long as Ethan said those two little words she’d been longing to hear, she’d remember this as the wedding of her dreams. Because he was the man she was supposed to marry. She was finally getting it right.

  They’d tracked down Loran and Bella because she couldn’t get married without her best friend. She’d never hear the end of it. Their parents wouldn’t be too happy they’d been excluded, but Ethan and Grace had decided to throw a big party when they got home to celebrate.

  The officiant finally gave Ethan permission to kiss her, and he took full advantage, framing her face with his strong hands and making her melt with the sweetest, most sensual kiss in the history of wedding ceremonies.

  She loved him so much. Hearing him offer to finance her dream had flipped a switch in her head. He would do anything for her. Anything to make her happy, even if it meant he was miserable. That was when she knew she had to be willing to sacrifice for his dream too.

  Sure, living in a new city wouldn’t be easy. Giving up the gym wouldn’t be easy. But she’d be gaining so much more than she’d be losing. A husband she loved. And hopefully a baby.

  Bella and Loran approached to congratulate them and snap a few selfies before Ethan escorted her outside. There was a limo parked outside, since their boutique hotel was a couple of miles from the Strip.

  When Ethan and Grace were tucked inside—Bella and Loran were heading back to the casino—he pulled her into his lap. “Hey, Mrs. Shaw.”

  “Hey,” she whispered before kissing him.

  She couldn’t believe she was finally Ethan’s wife. And she had the simple gold band on her hand to prove it. He’d wanted to wait to
get her the perfect ring, but she told him she didn’t care about that. She just wanted a symbol of their union. And now she had one. And so did he.

  “What?” he asked, following her gaze to his ring. “You like that?” He held up his hand.

  “I love it.” She grinned as she popped the buttons on his white dress shirt and slipped her hand inside as she kissed his neck. “Now the world knows you’re mine.”

  He grabbed her left hand and kissed it. “You know I’m gonna have to add a huge rock to this though, right? Something with flashing lights and—”

  She giggled. “You’re too much.”

  His smile slipped when he looked at her, his gaze affectionate. “I can’t believe this is happening. You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.”

  “I do know.” She thought about the ring he’d bought for her years ago. The proposal she’d missed out on because she’d been too proud to hear him out. “I guess you think I was kind of bold, huh? Proposing to you.”

  His hand trailed up her bare thigh, slipping under her short flared dress. “I love that you told me what you wanted.” He hooked a thumb in her lace panties, grazing her core with his finger. “Now you wanna know what I want?”

  “Hmmm.” Her head drifted back as he drove one finger home, followed by another. She knew they must be at the hotel by now, but Ethan didn’t seem to care.

  “To watch my beautiful wife lose her mind for me.”

  “Babe, the driver is going…” She couldn’t finish the thought as he rubbed that taut bud, shifting all her focus to his unwavering attention.

  He pressed a button behind her head, connecting to the driver. “We’re going to need a few minutes. Keep driving.”

  “Yes, sir,” came the immediate reply.

  She might have been embarrassed if she wasn’t so turned on, but Ethan didn’t give her time to think about that as he stroked her into a frenzy. Her breathing was labored as she clutched his shoulders, lifting her hips and spreading her legs. The windows were tinted and the privacy screen was up between them and the driver, but Grace knew their behavior was still risky. Her husband was a public figure, and people were always trying to catch him in a compromising position. She wondered if getting his wife off in the back of a limo would be salacious enough to make the rags.


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