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Page 13

by E G Manetti

  A new cartouche combines the symbols of the fostering cartouche. Gariten descended from the Yellow Gyre, and Helena had distant claim on Grey Spear. Combining the first symbol of Grey Spear and the last symbol of Yellow Gyre, Gariten formed the Grey Gyre Cartouche. That Lilian was heir to a cartouche connected to Grey Spear was the core of Sebastian’s claim on her protégé contract.

  Dragging details from memory, Lilian adds, “The monsignor also contested the structure, claiming it should be Yellow Spear, not Grey Gyre.”

  At that, Lucius snorts. “That might be the only time in his life Sebastian asked for the second position.”

  “The use of Yellow Spear would have made the link to Grey Spear less apparent,” Lilian nods. “It is always the most prominent cartouche that is first in a new designation.” Lilian regrets that milord has ceased his pleasant caressing, his attention focused on her sordid family history. “Monsignor Sebastian was also justifiably irate that Gariten formed the cartouche and registered the emblem without Grey Spear foreknowledge and agreement. I had not thought, but perhaps that perceived insult by Gariten is also a source of Monsignor Sebastian’s animosity.”

  This once, Lucius agrees with Sebastian. Anyone who dared to reference Blooded Dagger in a new cartouche without Lucius’ foreknowledge and agreement would quickly regret it. “How did Grey Spear retaliate?”

  “I know not, milord. I was not involved in Gariten’s dealings,” Lilian murmurs, swallowing against the rising bile that surfaces with the discussion of her sire’s criminal dealings.

  Lilian’s complete lack of involvement in Gariten’s commerce dealings was exceptional among warriors, among whom the training of heirs begins at the age of consent. Insulated in Mulan’s Temple, all Lilian’s attention had been given over to her advanced studies. It was that unusual situation that had led Lucius to expect a cloistered academic, not the fierce pragmatist in his arms. That unusual situation was also central to Dean Joseph’s ability to negotiate Lilian’s sentencing. Had she even minor involvement in Gariten’s dealings, she would have been found guilty of his crimes, not simply Guilt by Blood.

  None of which resolves the source of Sebastian’s current animosity. “Sebastian has always been one to hold a grudge. Nonetheless, it does not seem cause enough for such ire. It has been over two decades since Gariten’s offense.”

  “Yes, milord,” Lilian agrees. Lilian does not voice the stray thought that Sebastian Mehta has become disordered in his wits. Milord would not overlook an apprentice’s slur against a ranked member of the elite, let alone a Cartel -governing monsignor. Nor is it likely that something so dangerous would go unnoticed by those who daily deal with Sebastian Mehta. “Truly, I am at a loss in this. I expected some ire from thwarting Monsignor Sebastian over Mistress Tabitha, but apprentices and junior associates are not so difficult to acquire. Why should the fate of either of us warrant such an extreme response?”

  “I know not, but it is of concern that he holds such ire toward you.” Milord’s indulgent tone cools. “You are to conduct no more intrigues with that house. It is dangerous for you, and I have too much in play to risk a legitimate claim from that quarter.”

  Milord’s hand ceases toying with the warbelt and settles on her waist while the other rests on the back of the couch. Milord leans close. Milord is no longer smiling.

  “Yes, milord.” Lilian nods soberly.

  “Do you understand the import of this?” milord presses.

  Lilian more than understands. As she voiced to Rebecca the day of the Moon Races, Lilian has meddled in Grey Spear matters far too frequently. Another foray into thwarting members of that house will not go unnoticed. It is the Shades’ Grace she has succeeded so far. “I need not understand milord’s will to adhere to it. Nonetheless, I do understand. I did not realize until the last governors’ meeting the strength of Monsignor Sebastian’s animosity toward me or the level of difficulty the monsignor poses to milord’s plans. I would have Master Douglas in the skill consortium along with Rebecca, Chrys, and Clarice but dare not. It would be too dangerous for all of us.”

  Lucius allowed Lilian’s consortium to help her adapt to her diminished status. It has reaped unexpected rewards in terms of both Lilian’s safety and the advancement of Mercium. Douglas would be an excellent addition, though Lucius is relieved and delighted that she has recognized the risk. “Had you known it would give rise to such anger, would you have intrigued to collect Mistress Tabitha?”

  “Had it not been forbidden? Yes, milord. Was milord fully briefed by Seigneur Trevelyan?” Lilian asks, her physical tension communicating her concern at what could be considered defiance. Although milord did not mention aught of Tabitha until now, Lilian was certain that Master Chin and Seigneur Trevelyan kept milord apprised of the activities. Has she erred?

  Lilian has not erred. Lucius was well aware of Lilian’s design for Tabitha and pleased that she displayed both wisdom and subtlety in enlisting Chin and Trevelyan. He was as shocked as the others at the revelation that Sebastian had systematically hindered Tabitha’s commerce development. Lucius lightly strokes Lilian’s collarbone to ease her anxiety. “Sebastian’s calculated sabotage of Tabitha’s bond performance? Yes, I understand how neither you nor Seigneur Trevelyan could leave that alone. You were also correct that there is naught to be done in that regard.”

  Lucius is no happier than Lilian or Trevelyan that Sebastian will not be brought to account for such an egregious violation of warrior honor. It is yet another item on the tally of Sebastian’s misdeeds. With the aid of Mercium, that tally will come due a great deal sooner than Lucius once dared hope. For now, it is sufficient that Lilian is careful. Lucius leans in for one more kiss before releasing Lilian. “Correct your disarray and go. You are free to intrigue outside of Grey Spear. Do not get caught.”

  “Yes, milord. My thanks, milord.”

  Sevenday 52, Day 5

  In the ten sevendays since Lucius Mercio upended eight centuries of Serengeti tradition and championed a Vistrite synthetic instead of destroying it, the Mercium team has expanded to include associates from all three cartouches and most departments. Accompanied by Marco and Trevelyan, Lucius strides into the governor’s conference chamber, where the glare from the early dry-season sun throws the assembled into stark relief.

  A step behind the seigneurs and flanked by Rebecca, Lilian glances around, quickly assessing the mood of the assembled. Solomon and Rachelle are already at their places to the right of milord’s vacant chair at the head of the table. Rachelle is in animated conversation with Tristan, the Iron Hammer seigneur charged with oversight of the Mercium controllers. Behind Rachelle, Chrys is at attention behind her left shoulder, well beyond the required arm’s length from Tristan’s apprentice Verity, who is standing behind the seigneur’s right shoulder, indicative that Tristan is left-handed. Beyond Tristan, Kemeha is engaged with Elenora, who is seated in the center of the table, Herman to her right and Clarice properly behind Herman’s left shoulder.

  At the far end of the table, in marked contrast to the excitement evident among the Blooded Dagger and Iron Hammer contingent, Sebastian Mehta glowers as he speaks in sibilant undertones to Garwynn and Damocles. Further down the table, Aristides focuses on his slate, Douglas at attention behind his right shoulder. Next to Aristides is Hercules, Grey Spear’s Logistics and Supply Seigneur.

  Seigneur Hercules is reputed to be highly competent, but he is also singularly ugly. He has no chin, and with his pale yellow complexion, he resembles the great shellfish hunted off the coast of milord’s fisheries. They are prized for both shell and meat. His morose expression and prominent black eyes only add to the impression.

  As Lucius takes his place at the head of the table, Lilian uses her position at his left shoulder to examine the first few rows of the theater. In the first row, Gil is seated to the left of a woman who bears a remarkable resemblance to Seigneur Solomon. Blooded Dagger’s Media Management Seigneur, Nemilis, is a decade younger than Solomon and shar
es the same slight build and youthful features, making her appear even younger. Her shaggy, pink-tinted hair and bright blue suit are immensely becoming. Lilian knows Seigneur Aristides uses his blandly pleasant appearance to mask his manipulations. Seigneur Nemilis may well use her butterfly appearance as a distraction.

  At the end of the first row, Master Simon is turned in his chair, engaged with several associates Lilian does not recognize. In the center of the first row, Nickolas and Rachelle’s protégé, Irina, are laughing in response to some story of Fletcher’s. At the far end of the row, Martin slouches among the Grey Spear associates, his casual attitude fooling no one.

  Tall and lean with a well-muscled frame, Martin is the warrior ideal of male beauty. His rugged features include a cleft chin, hazel eyes, pale, burnished-copper skin, and thick, dark brown hair that is close-cropped except for his warrior’s braid. The arrogant and vicious warrior is present as Monsignor Sebastian’s protégé and not as a member of Mercium. Well and truly on the wrong side of Monsignor Lucius’ will, Martin was denied a place in Bright Star after his training chamber assault on Lilian, and he will have no part in Mercium. The exclusion does not sit well with Martin, who is convinced it is due to Sebastian’s feud with Lucius and not the result of his own dishonorable behavior and cruelty.

  Lucius could not be more pleased. The Governing Council has approved the Mercium protocols. Seigneurs Rachelle and Tristan have prototyped changes to the manufacturing process of Mercium and its controllers that will reduce the forecasted production cycles by twenty percent. Two months into a four-month trial, and all indications prove Aristides was correct: demand will exceed their initial expectations. In a high voice that squeaks at the end of his sentences, Seigneur Hercules confirms that the distribution network will be ready when the Troy Mercium facility becomes operational by the end of the coming green season.

  The only person present who is not exhibiting excitement is Monsignor Sebastian Mehta, who intermittently casts a jaundiced eye at Lilian. Lucius briefly toys with the notion of informing the erratic governor that Lilian gave rise to the entire endeavor. With a little Luck of the First, Sebastian’s resulting attack of choler will bring on sudden apoplexy and death. Releasing the impractical, albeit appealing notion, Lucius begins to bring the proceedings to a close. “Is there aught else of note?”

  There is a brief consulting of notes and shaking of heads. Seigneur Herman asks a quiet question of his new apprentice, who turns her slate for his review. Attention turns to the pair to see if Herman has something to say.

  Lucius, who remains focused on Sebastian, is startled to find that baleful gaze move from Lilian to Clarice. The new Iron Hammer apprentice is happily oblivious as she confers with her seigneur. It cannot be a coincidence that another of Lilian’s friends has advanced to a position that puts her out of Grey Spear reach. Particularly given Sebastian’s open displeasure. While it seems impossible that Lilian would defy his edict to cease her interference in Grey Spear, as she would say, after a point, coincidence becomes a pattern.

  Seigneur Herman ceases his deliberations and turns to the group. “I have naught.”

  With that, Lucius dismisses the meeting, retaining Lilian’s attendance.


  Nearly skipping in her haste to match milord’s long strides, Lilian ignores the single correcting eyebrow Mistress Marieth sends in her direction. Naught can dim Lilian’s glow of delighted pride in her role in the instigation of Mercium. Intelligent and pragmatic, Lilian is well aware that Mercium’s rapid development and impending success has its source in her suggestion of almost a year gone. The emergence of reality from inspiration is due to the unconventional and brilliant man who owns her bond.

  Settling into his desk chair, milord commands, “Come.”

  Leaving her satchel by the door, Lilian readily moves between milord’s spread thighs until her knees brush the scarlet chair.

  Milord’s hands lightly clasp her waist, thumbs stroking along her hips just above the warbelt. Milord’s eyes hood and Lilian’s core tightens in anticipation of the passion that customarily follows milord’s commerce triumphs.

  Milord’s hands tighten on Lilian’s waist. “What know you of Seigneur Herman’s decision to take Mistress Clarice as an apprentice? She was one of the combatants in the festival brawl, was she not?”

  Clarice? Lilian is braced and eager for milord’s pleasure. The sudden shift in topic sends her wits scrambling for purchase.

  Lackwit. Lackwit. Lilian should have spoken when milord forbade her to interfere with Grey Spear. Lilian had not intentionally withheld, she had just not thought. The events Lilian set in motion to encourage Seigneur Herman to collect Clarice occurred a season gone. Lilian all but forgot it in the press of Mercium, Bright Star, Rebecca’s bond transfer to Seigneur Trevelyan, and the Moon Races.

  It matters naught. She has erred. Lackwit. Respond to milord’s question. Do not volunteer. Milord asked what you know, not what you suspect.

  I am the sum of my ancestors. Keeping her gaze on milord, Lilian begins, “Yes, milord, Clarice was a festival combatant. As to Seigneur Herman’s decision to take her as an apprentice, I have but few facts.”

  Milord is expectant, not angered. The increased pressure at her waist is a command. Only what you know, mayhap it will suffice. “Seigneur Herman has favored Mistress Clarice since this past rainy season. Her work is well regarded. She was honored to be added to Mercium and does little else these days. She has given me to understand that one of Seigneur Herman’s motivations was to attach her fully for Mercium. I suspect that the seigneur was impressed by her courage during the festival events.”

  “Lilian, you know more of this than you have voiced.” Lucius gives Lilian a little shake of impatience. His voice hardens as his legs cinch her knees in warning. Lilian is dangerously close to defiance. His apprentice is not permitted to withhold.

  I am the foundation of my family. Lilian is caught on a double-edged blade. To speak ill of one of the elite without facts violates several strictures. To answer milord incompletely violates others and leaves her open to a charge of defiance. If she is to be belted, it will be for the truth. “Truly, milord, as to facts, those are all I have. Of speculation and supposition, there is a great deal more. To give it voice without facts is slander. I will do so does milord will it.”

  Confounding woman. Once again, Lilian is immersed in intrigue. Lucius’ stern father, Tiberius, would have belted her without hesitation. Even as the thought forms, Lucius dismisses his father’s shade. Between Mercium and Bright Star, Lilian has earned some latitude, and Lucius’ curiosity will not be denied. He will know this ‘slander.’ Relaxing his hold on Lilian’s waist, Lucius demands, “I wish to know everything. All you know and all you suspect.”

  Milord’s expression softens with his grip. Milord’s command has freed Lilian to speak. Fear eased, Lilian shifts gently to relieve the pressure on her imprisoned knees. “In addition to acquiring Seigneur Herman’s favor during the rainy season, Mistress Clarice also acquired Monsignor Sebastian’s.”

  Milord’s eyes narrow at the mention of Monsignor Sebastian. Honor knows not fear.

  Milord’s cinch on Lilian’s knees loosens, his grip on her waist tightens, and with an abrupt movement, milord tugs Lilian forward, setting her astride his thighs. Widening his knees, milord forces Lilian’s legs open, leaving her off-balance, acutely vulnerable, and dependent upon milord’s restraining hands to retain her perch. “Continue.”

  Warily, Lilian hazards, “As milord is aware, Monsignor Sebastian’s apprentice Tabitha was frequently on restricted duty around that time.”

  Restricted duty is invoked by the Master Medic when an apprentice is too ill or injured to serve a full commerce day. It also prohibits the apprentice from providing carnal service. Lilian has experienced it twice due to assaults by vicious associates wishing the destruction of Gariten’s daughter. Tabitha experienced it regularly as a result of Sebastian Mehta’s abuse. When Tab
itha was restricted, Sebastian Mehta’s interest fell on Clarice and Rebecca, who as Cartel apprentices were available to all of Serengeti’s seigneurs.

  At milord’s slight nod of acknowledgement, Lilian offers, “The sevenday before the Warriors’ Festival, Mistress Clarice followed Mistress Tabitha onto restricted duty.”

  Milord’s expression hardens. Milord suspects where Lilian would lead. “I cannot say if it was the delay in her assigned tasks or the scabbed and bruised bite wound on her breast that I beheld when we were treated by Sinead’s Healers after the brawl. Mayhap both together motivated Seigneur Herman.”

  “What did you do, Lilian?” Lucius insists, releasing her blouse fasteners as he demands an accounting. Lucius knows his apprentice. She did not stand by idly while a friend was misused.

  The brush of milord’s fingers against Lilian’s breasts is distracting, and her perch increasingly precarious with only one of milord’s hands to hold her. Pushing her knees against the armrests, Lilian braces her posture. The glint in milord’s eyes is disquieting. Focus. Answer. “Milord, as milord wills, I took counsel with Master Chin, milord.”

  Three ‘milords’ in one sentence? Amusement at Lilian’s excessive deference leavens Lucius’ ire. Lilian has erred, but she has not defied him. Only mild correction is required. It can wait. He wishes the whole of the tale. He lightly pinches one appealingly exposed nipple.

  With a small yelp, Lilian launches into speech. “It was the day after the festival when milord directed me to the Master Medic. I shared with Master Chin my concern that with Mistress Tabitha about to slip from Monsignor Sebastian’s grasp, Mistress Clarice might be at risk.”

  With a quick movement, Lucius pushes Lilian’s jacket, blouse, and bra to the floor. Silver, Lucius notes, not one of his favorites. Mayhap bronze for the next set.

  Eyes wide, her breath catching, Lilian completes, “I know it not, but it would not surprise me to learn that Master Chin spoke to Seigneur Herman.”


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