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Page 50

by E G Manetti

  Sevenday 85, Day 6

  Lucius smiles down at his slate as George pilots the transport through the Garden Center District. All remains secure with Sebastian and Garwynn. Lucius dare not incarcerate his enemies in a Serengeti facility while Damocles moves freely. He cannot retain them in a Blooded Dagger property without his motives being questioned. With Sebastian of Sinead’s Sect and Garwynn of Jonathan’s, Rimon’s Shrine is a perfect solution. The keeper cannot be influenced or corrupted, and there can be no suggestion of Blooded Dagger mistreatment of the prisoners. Not for the first time, Lucius mentally blesses his formidable spouse who is also a powerful force within Rimon’s sect.


  Exiting milord’s office with the ninth-bell chimes, Lilian hurries across the reception area, oblivious to Marieth’s raised eyebrow at the indecorous pace. Planning Sebastian Mehta’s indictment consumed the remainder of the prior day. This is Lilian’s first opportunity to enlist Tabitha and Rebecca in milord’s plan for snake hunting.

  Tabitha jumps up to greet Lilian. “Lilian, do you forgive me? If I had revealed what I knew before you were scourged—”

  “Peace, Tabitha.” Lilian holds up a hand. “Had you spoken before Seigneur Trevelyan succeeded in voiding Grey Spear privilege, it would have gained naught but your dismissal and disgrace.”

  Nodding with relief, Tabitha sits at the table and pushes a tray toward Lilian. “There is green tea and fruit. Truly, I am sorry I could not speak.”

  “Tabitha, you owe no contrition,” Lilian admonishes, taking a chair. As the tray comes toward her, Lilian’s eyes light, and she reaches greedily for the small bowl. “Strawberries! At this time of year? They are prohibitively expensive.”

  Face lighting in return, Tabitha laughs briefly in pleasure. “Now that you know more of Monsignor Sebastian’s depravity, can you doubt my gratitude? Strawberries are small enough thanks for rescue from that torment.”

  Her mouth full of strawberry, Lilian shakes her head against the need for thanks. At Tabitha’s set expression, Lilian shrugs and holds out the dish to share.

  “If you are going to share, I’ll have one,” Rebecca voices from the doorway. Reaching into the dish after Tabitha, Rebecca adds, “Sometimes your virtue is appalling. I know they are your favorite.”

  Swallowing, Lilian reaches for another berry. “Small enough reward for all the aid you have both provided.”

  “Well, in that case…” Rebecca reaches toward the dish to find it whisked away.

  Holding the dish close, Lilian responds, “You have both had one. There are but two left. I am not that virtuous.”

  “Praise the Shades,” Tabitha laughs, placing a cup of tea by Lilian. “I had begun to wonder if you were mortal.”

  “Mortal enough to need your aid.” Lilian sheepishly takes a strawberry.

  “Rumor, gossip, and innuendo, according to your alert,” Rebecca says, pouring tea.

  Lilian hums slightly in appreciation of the sweet fruit. Swallowing, Lilian gives her friends the information they wish. “On every seigneur in Grey Spear.”

  “Monsignor’s choice for Grey Spear Preeminence!” Rebecca exclaims with a grin. “This will be entertaining. The Cartel is already wild with the news that Sebastian and Garwynn Mehta are in seclusion at Rimon’s Shrine Quarters.”

  “What say you?” Tabitha asks. “It is but ninth bell.”

  “Seigneur Trevelyan has developed a taste for the black tea from the Eleventh System,” Rebecca smirks.

  “The one that is only available at the most exclusive tea shop in the lobby?” Lilian takes the last strawberry. “It is insanely expensive due to the Matahorn import commissions.”

  “And there is a line out the door,” Tabitha adds with disgust. A frown follows. “They refused to deliver for our seigneur?”

  “Seigneur Trevelyan did not request it.” Rebecca virtuously avoids a contraction. “It is well known that the seigneur’s apprentice lacks discipline. A lengthy time standing in line teaches patience.”

  “And gathers a good deal of gossip,” Tabitha laughs.

  “Clever.” Lilian regretfully eyes the empty strawberry bowl. “Seigneur Trevelyan is becoming a true warrior of Monsignor’s instruction. No act serves but one purpose.”

  “What say you?” Rebecca frowns.

  “You do lack patience. Seigneur Trevelyan teaches you the virtue while you serve the seigneur’s will and your inclination for collecting gossip,” Lilian responds, resolutely ignoring the tablespoon of strawberry juice in the bowl. “What did you learn waiting for black tea?”

  “Naught of note.” Rebecca’s frown lifts at her lord’s cleverness. “None doubt that Monsignor Lucius moves against Grey Spear, but it is all speculation. It will only gain fury over the coming days.”

  “Which serves our purpose.” Lilian bites her lip, ignoring the temptation of the strawberry juice. “We can hide our investigations in the general swell of gossip. We can also sift that gossip for the information Monsignor needs.”

  “Monsignor is very wise.” Tabitha nods slowly, blowing on her plain green tea. “There is much about a warrior’s character that is only known to those of low status.”

  “Tabitha, you are already knowledgeable about many of Grey Spear,” Lilian returns. “Have you the alliances to learn what you do not know?”

  “They are wary since I changed house,” Tabitha replies.

  “What of Douglas?” Rebecca suggests.

  Shaking her head, Lilian responds, “We cannot ask Douglas to intrigue with us against Grey Spear.”

  “What about Clarice? Did she have contact with Grey Spear as a Cartel apprentice?” Tabitha suggests.

  “I do not think Seigneur Herman will be pleased if Clarice intrigues against Grey Spear.” Lilian replies.

  “I am not so certain,” Tabitha says. “From what I know, Monsignor Elenora is not fond of Monsignor Sebastian.”

  “Mayhap not,” Lilian agrees. “But if we ask, and Clarice cannot help us, we have revealed Monsignor’s purpose to Iron Hammer.”

  Rebecca and Tabitha exchange a brief glance. Lilian is not wrong. If Seigneur Herman asks, Clarice will yield all she knows.

  “Do you think—” Rebecca begins and then breaks off. Lilian’s attention has wandered to the strawberry bowl. “For the Fear of Rimon, Lilian. Take it if you want it.”

  Startled, Lilian looks up from the bowl to find Rebecca and Tabitha regarding her with amused exasperation. Tabitha rolls her eyes and motions to the bowl. “Get on with it.”

  Color high but unable to resist, Lilian defiantly upends the bowl over her tea and guides the juice into the steaming liquid. With a defiant swirl, Lilian mops up the last of the strawberry juice and then sucks the liquid from her finger.

  “As I was saying,” Rebecca huffs lightly, “I doubt that either Douglas or Clarice will be overly surprised if we are seeking information. It will be true throughout the Cartel.”

  “Even if they guess our true purpose, does it matter?” Tabitha adds. “It is not a wonder that all are interested in events and the potential change in Grey Spear Preeminence.”

  Lilian thoughtfully rolls strawberry-flavored tea in her mouth. “They may even be willing to share some information, as I would with Monsignor Lucius’ permission.”

  “What of Master Vicenza?” Rebecca asks. “The Cartel associates and apprentices work with all three cartouches. I am sure he can help.”

  “We shall speak with him.” Lilian nods. “We will also have the assistance of the Blooded Dagger protégés.”

  “Monsignor’s Shieldbearer will do his duty?” Rebecca’s eyebrows rise. She well remembers Nickolas’ original disdain for Lilian and the damage it caused.

  “Why would he not?” Tabitha frowns at Rebecca, confused by the undercurrents.

  “Peace, Rebecca.” Lilian shakes her head. They will not discuss the past or malign milord’s protégé. “Master Nickolas is an ally in this. Even were he not, he is Monsignor’s protégé and do
es his duty.”

  “The Blooded Dagger associates will follow the protégés.” Tabitha nods, knowing Lilian will not speak further. She will discover from Rebecca what is of concern about Nickolas. “With Vicenza and our contacts in Iron Hammer and Grey Spear, we will have a goodly group to collect what the monsignor requires. How do we proceed?”

  Sevenday 86, Day 1

  “Sebastian Mehta continues to insist that all our evidence is fabricated and that we cannot prove the charges,” Trevelyan reports.

  His words are met with a derisive hoot from Marco and a disbelieving stare from Solomon. Lucius stretches out his long legs and smiles across the comfortable seating area at his spymaster. “In this, Sebastian’s arrogance works in our favor.”

  “Monsignor?” Marco questions. “Would it not be better if he simply confessed?”

  “Not if I am to have the Grey Spear preeminence of my choice,” Lucius replies. “If Sebastian confesses, then Grey Spear does not need to gather for his Cartel review. Our ability to influence the preeminence vote will be greatly diminished if it occurs remotely.”

  “And then there is restitution,” Solomon adds thoughtfully. “Having been forced to witness testimony of Sebastian’s depravity, the Grey Spear seigneurs will be hard put to resist Blooded Dagger compensation demands.”

  “I believe the Grey Spear Legalistics Seigneur made those exact observations when he visited Sebastian yesterday,” Trevelyan remarks. “Sebastian was obdurate.”

  “Let us be certain Sebastian remains so,” Lucius returns. “His confinement is comfortable?”

  “Aye, Monsignor, every luxury is given to him and to Garwynn,” Trevelyan assures. “They even have their personal servitors to attend them.”

  “Pity we cannot deny the Grey Spear Legalistics Seigneur access,” Marco muses. “The evidence and our witnesses cannot be denied, regardless of what Sebastian thinks. I doubt the Grey Spear seigneurs will cease in their attempts to convince Sebastian to confess.”

  “I suspect Sebastian prays nightly for Demitrov’s untimely demise,” Solomon offers.

  “Mayhap we should answer that prayer.” Lucius gazes thoughtfully at Solomon.

  “Monsignor?” Trevelyan questions. Lucius cannot seriously be planning to terminate Demitrov. They can prove their case against Sebastian without him, but it will better with Demitrov, and they have yet to locate the Laser Sting.

  “By now, Grey Spear knows we have Demitrov in confinement,” Lucius reminds his seigneurs. “Interrogation accidents are not unknown.”

  “If Sebastian believes Demitrov is dead, he will be all the more insistent that we cannot prove our case.” Marco smiles slyly.

  “The ruse will only need to last the sevenday until Sebastian’s Cartel review,” Solomon agrees. “It is a brilliant notion, Monsignor.”

  “Trevelyan?” Lucius asks.

  “By the morrow, Sebastian will believe Demitrov is dead.”

  Sevenday 86, Day 5

  Seated on the scarlet couch, Lilian waits quietly as Lucius scrolls through the Grey Spear profiles on the large reviewer. Of Grey Spear’s fifty-three seigneurs, the most complete information is on the twenty-four assigned to headquarters. Of the other twenty-nine, the more remote the seigneur, the more limited the data. There is also a great deal of information on the senior and master associates, which will be sifted by Trevelyan and his team over the coming months.

  The dossiers are unedited except to eliminate that which was clearly motivated by emotion, be it spite or affection. What remains are a series of profiles that include much that amuses as well as informs. Who would have thought the junior supply chain seigneur, a massive man of grim aspect and no visible sense of humor, has affection for small, yappy dogs? Who could imagine that the unremarkable and proper Seigneur Garwynn enjoys the most vulgar of Indulgences?

  Lucius is pleased with the intelligence that Seigneur Hercules, the Logistics and Distribution Seigneur, is as solid and reliable as he has always appeared. At sixty-seven years of age, the seigneur is respected and skilled in the core discipline of Grey Spear and is the most suitable candidate for the preeminence. That Lucius finds the man painfully dull does not enter into it. The Grey Spear seigneurs will follow him, and Elenora will find him acceptable.

  The information on Aristides is interesting, what little there is of it. Lucius has found him clever and competent. Now it is evident that he owned the wit to manage some of Sebastian’s more bizarre demands and keep his own corner of Grey Spear clean. Marco should get to know Aristides better.

  “Lilian, this is exactly what I require. You and Master Nickolas have done well. I admit, I find the level of detail disquieting. What, I wonder, would they collect about me?” Lucius’ smiling regard is met by a rigid countenance.

  “A blank slate, and well they know it.”

  Lucius is gratified by Lilian’s fierce tone and expression, although he wonders at her certainty.

  Discovering doubt in milord’s regard, Lilian’s aspect lightens. “Truly milord, few of Blooded Dagger would share what milord does not wish known, and they would not do so for long.”

  “Is Grey Spear so corrupt they yielded so much?” Lucius asks.

  “I do not believe so, milord. It is more that those Monsignor Sebastian favors do not inspire loyalty beyond what is contracted. Master Douglas yielded little on Seigneur Aristides and only to the extent it was in Seigneur Aristides’ best interest. Most of what we know of Seigneur Aristides is from Blooded Dagger and Iron Hammer observation.”

  “How many others of Grey Spear claim such circumspect retainers?” Lucius finds this newest development intriguing.

  “There are but seven; I marked those profiles with the Socraide emblem.” Lilian points at the reviewer.

  “The Luck of the First?” Lucius inquires. This is enigmatic, even for Lilian.

  “Milord may recall that I believe the Luck of the First comes from hard work and diligence,” Lilian replies softly. “I did not wish it to be obvious. It is milord’s knowledge to use as milord wills.”

  At milord’s satisfied nod, Lilian ventures a question. “Milord, may I be permitted to know what goes forth for the Second Day to come?”

  On that day Garwynn and Sebastian’s Cartel review convenes.

  At Lilian’s question, the satisfaction fades from Lucius’ face. “Once the evidence is heard and the depth of Sebastian’s depravity proven, it is likely his seigneurs will move for a verdict of Disordered Mind rather than Criminal Conduct. It is quite likely that Sinead’s Shrine will concur.”

  “If the Grey Spear seigneurs so conclude, I doubt Sinead’s Shrine will refuse its duty,” Lilian agrees. Sinead’s Prelate will not readily defy the will of the powerful Grey Spear Cartouche. Sebastian’s erratic behavior and wild plots are sufficient justification, and his wealth will fund his shrine guards. “Will milord contest the finding?”

  As much as Lucius would like to see Sebastian publically branded a criminal, it will not serve. Nor would it be honorable. Sebastian is mad and the Order of the Twelve Systems is very clear on the treatment of the deranged. No matter their transgressions, those deemed of Disordered Mind are not subject to criminal penalties. If they are a danger to themselves or others, as is Sebastian Mehta, they are confined to the Shrines.

  “No, nor will Monsignor Elenora.” Lucius’ lips firm. “It will not serve Serengeti to have Sebastian’s extreme plots become public knowledge. It could call into question the reliability of Cartel commerce and potentially invite Governing Council review of our operations.”

  “What then, milord?” Lilian knows Sebastian will be banished from the Cartel whether for criminal acts or derangement.

  “Sebastian will be retired to a pleasant agrarian estate in the Seventh System and supervised by Sinead’s Shrine.” Lucius leans back against the couch, contemplating the approaching events. “Regrettably, such a finding makes it likely that Seigneur Garwynn will receive a voided indictment. Even the inestimable Seigneur Aris
tides will find it difficult to convict a seigneur who has labored to contain a madman. That is the version Seigneur Garwynn is promoting, and there is insufficient evidence to disprove it.”

  “Seigneur Garwynn will remain as Serengeti financials seigneur?” Lilian is shocked. The man abused his position to defraud milord and Blooded Dagger.

  “No, Lilian, he will not,” Lucius asserts grimly. “Grey Spear will forfeit control of that department in addition to the significant financial reparations they will make to Blooded Dagger and Serengeti for Sebastian’s crimes. By the next Settlement Day, Blooded Dagger’s Seigneur Hadrian will be Serengeti financials seigneur.”

  “The Serengeti security-privilege department, milord?” Lilian tentatively suggests. She knows milord is anxious to reclaim the department for Blooded Dagger and replace Seigneur Damocles with Seigneur Trevelyan.

  “We will try to reclaim Serengeti security-privilege as well.” Milord’s lips tighten. “It is a low probability. We have been unable to tie Damocles to any of Sebastian’s crimes.”

  Lilian is unable to repress a shudder at the thought of Damocles.

  “Lilian.” Milord pulls her into the circle of his arms. “Damocles will harm you no further. Seigneur Hercules has a warrior’s honor.”

  Sinking into the comfort of milord’s embrace, Lilian nods. “Milord’s choice will be Grey Spear Preeminence , and milord has regained the financials department. It is a great victory for milord and Blooded Dagger. “

  “Yes, it is,” Lucius murmurs against Lilian’s temple. Hercules will not extend his shadow to protect cruelty or incompetence. Lucius will rid his Cartel of Damocles soon enough.

  31. Judgement

  Each Cartouche Preeminence holds a seat on the Serengeti Governors’ Council, ensuring that the Cartel advances in commerce, acts in accordance with the Cartel Agreement, and adheres to the Order of the Five Warriors. As the exclusive owner of Vistrite, Blooded Dagger is Serengeti’s preeminent Cartouche, and the Blooded Dagger Preeminence is the Cartel Preeminence and chair of the Governors’ Council.


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