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Pack 2 - The Awakening

Page 3

by R.A Cullison


  We pulled into the hospital area, everything was hazy. A nurse took the baby out of my arms. I watched her slowly walk out of the room with my baby. I wanted to get up and go after her. Where was she going with my baby? I felt the doctor poke me with something. A few minutes later felt my whole body get relaxed.

  I woke up to people talking and laughing. I opened my eyes and looked around. The TV was on and Matt was walking around with the baby in his arms. “What time is it?” I asked.

  “Hey, your awake.” he reached in his pocket and fished out his phone, “Its 10:45am.” then he shoved it back.

  I reached my arms out, “bring her here.” I smiled at him. He walked over to the side of the bed and with a peck on the cheek he handed her to me. As I held her I was staring at her. Getting a good look at how beautiful my baby was.

  “What do you think?” Matt asked.

  I stroked her silky dark hair, “She is beautiful and tiny.” I pulled her up and kissed her forehead. I rubbed her cheek, “She looks like you.” I chuckled. Matt sat next to us on the bed and we both soaked in this moment with her. From that moment I knew I would die for her, do anything to make sure she had a great life.

  “What are we going to name her?” Matt asked.

  “Hmm.. How about April?” I suggested.

  “April?” he raised his eyebrows, “April what?” he stroked her head with his hand.

  “April…… Vivian. After my Grandma. April Vivian Hanson.” I looked up at his face.

  “Ok, April Vivian Hanson it is.” he smiled. I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

  “I love you. We are finally a complete family.” I smiled at him again and then looked back at April. I could tell right away she was going to have Matt wrapped.

  The nurse came in, “Mrs. Hanson, the doctor wants you try to nurse her.” she walked over to my side and unfastened my gown and instructed me on how to breastfeed. It didn’t take much for me to get the hang of if, “Fast learner huh.” April was a great feeder, she got it right away. Matt rubbed her head; she had her eyes wide open, looking at me.

  “Hi baby girl,” I still checking her out. Seeing what she has of mine and what she has of Matt. I noticed her ears and laughed, “Matt she has your ears.” he looked, sure enough, “if anyone ever had doubts if you’re her Dad, all they have to do is look at her.” I teased.

  Matt smiled.“Yeah I know, I might have been alittle greedy.” we both chuckled. She needed burped, I left that up to Matt. He was all too happy to, he went and sat on the chair.

  I picked up the phone, “I guess I better call my Grandpa and let him know I had her.” Matt just shook his head, “is she asleep?” I asked, he shook his head.

  I dialed Grandpa’s number; since he got Claira in his life, he’s been different. The phone rang once, “Hello?” it was Claira.

  “Hey Claira, is my Grandpa there?” I asked.

  “Yes, one second, Travis! Its Nora.” she told my Grandpa.

  “Hello?” he answered, he sounded depressed.

  “Hey Grandpa, guess what?” I asked.

  “What?” he didn’t even try, he didn’t sound like the full of life Grandfather I knew.

  “I had the baby.” I said excitedly.

  “You did! Are you at the hospital?” he asked.

  “Yeah in North Carolina, I think. I’ll explain later. I will send you a picture on the cell. Grandpa she is beautiful and has Matt wrapped already.” I looked over at Matt; he was rocking her in the chair.

  My Grandpa began to laugh, “You know what they say, Daddy’s little girl, but in some cases it’s more like the little girl has the Daddy wrapped. I can see Matt being that type. “He chuckled again.

  “Oh I am seeing it right now, she is less than 2 hours old and already has her dad wrapped.” I chuckled, “I will talk to you later.” We said our good-byes. It was an interesting sight to everyone, this huge man with this tiny baby. I ended up falling to sleep from pure exhaustion.

  I woke to the sound of people chattering, I kept my eyes closed and listened. I heard Matt and a female talking. I had to listen closely, they where talking about the baby. The nurse was flirting, Ha! A nurse flirting with a married man whose wife just had his child. Slut! I rolled over and stretched,

  “Hello beautiful.” I opened my eyes there was Matt’s face.

  “Mmmmm.” I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him, “hi honey, Where is April?” I asked straightening up.

  “They are doing some last minute tests on her. They won’t let us take her until we established a home for her.” I pulled back.

  “What!” I was shocked and pissed, “they’re not keeping my baby!” Matt put his finger over my mouth to shush me.

  “Shhh! They‘re not.” he said in a shush tone, “We are going to be heading to Philly and staying in your Aunt’s house. Jessie and Chad both said it was best. So I sent a message over to the house staff to get a bedroom ready for the baby.” he sounded serious.

  “Thank God, but we still have to travel a distance to get there.” I was worried about traveling that far with the baby.

  “Yes, but the doctor said it was ok for her to travel.” he sounded sure of the himself.

  “Ok I guess, but we need a car seat and stuff for …...” he didn’t let me finish, he pointed to some stuff against the wall, “what’s that?’ I asked.

  “Baby stuff, I went shopping, there is clothes, diapers, bottles, pacifier, wipe and a car seat.” He definitely sounded proud of himself.

  “Aww Matt, I knew you come through.” I kissed him.

  The nurse brought her back in, “Here you go mommy and daddy. She is perfect health.” The nurse placed her in my arms.

  She was making noises like she had been crying. “Was she crying?’ I asked.

  “Alittle we had to take alittle blood.” the nurse said as she left.

  “Aww.” I picked her up and snuggled her, “mommy’s here baby girl.” I sat down in the rocker and began rocking her. She began to chew on her fist. I then began to nurse her; she was hungry. The doctor came in.

  “Mrs. Hanson, everything seems to be going good, looks like you will be released tomorrow, if things remain good. You are also allowed to take a shower or bath.” I smiled and thanked him. I burped her, she was quietly sleeping in my arms. Matt was asleep as well, passed out on the cot they brought in for him. I just held her, oh yes I was in love with her.

  The nurse came in to get the baby; they needed to check her hearing and sight. I kissed her head and let the nurse take her. I made my way to the bed. I laid there watching Matt sleep, I began to get lonely I wanted him to lay beside me.

  “Matt!” I softly called his name.

  He opened his eyes and looked at me, “Yeah?” he answered

  “Come lay beside me please.” I asked sweetly.

  He smile in return, “sure.” He got up and crawled next to me, I rested my head on his chest. I just laid there listening to his heart beating. Feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath. We both ended up falling into a dreamless sleep.

  I woke up still on Matt‘s chest, he was softly snoring, his arm was still around me. I could see the glow of the city light in the distance. I rose up, looked around. They must have just delivered dinner; steam was still coming out the sides of the cover of the plate. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I saw the tray.

  I lifted the lid and there, the smell made my stomach growl. A nurse came in with another tray for Matt. I picked up my roll and slathered butter over it and took a bite of it. I noticed the baby wasn’t in the room. I slid on my robe and headed down to the nursery. She was in the back asleep, the nurse saw me, “Hello Mrs. Hanson.” she greeted me, and I smiled.

  I wheeled her back to the room. I sat in the rocking chair and began to feed her. She nursed hungrily, barely taken in a breath. “Easy baby girl.” I rubbed her head. Her eye
s where open staring at me. Matt woken up and stretched. “Look April, your daddy is awake.” Matt smiled at that.

  “Yes, yes I’m awake.” he stood up, he headed for the bathroom. He came out trying to adjust his messy ponytail.

  “You like the sound of that don’t you?” I asked him,

  “Of what being called daddy?” he smiled, “Yes I love it.”

  I was released so was the baby, we headed towards Philly. April and I both slept most of the way, well until she needed fed or a diaper changed.

  Matt was singing to the radio, he didn’t have a singing voice, his voice was too deep, and he sounded more as if he was growling then singing.

  “Where are we?” I asked from the back seat, stretching.

  “We are 50 miles from Philly we will be there real soon.” I could see his face in the mirror, he was looking at April, “she asleep?” I looked down at her.

  “Yes, she is out and dreaming.” I chuckled at her facial expressions, “must be a pretty good one, too.” I got out my phone and started taking pictures of her. I sent one to my parents, Grandpa and Nikki. Nikki sent one back that was sweet;


  ~OMG! Adorable! Can’t wait to meet her!

  Tell Matt, share on the next one! ~ *Nikki*


  I never thought we were going to get there. We pulled into a rest area. I had to pee and do some personal checking. We pulled in, it was crowed. Matt climbed in back with April, while I ran into the bathroom. I walked in not one stall was empty; I leaned against the wall in line.

  “Wow everyone has to pee at once!” a young pregnant girl commented.

  I looked at her and smiled, “I was you just a couple of days ago.” she looked at me up and down.

  “You just had a baby?” she asked.

  “Yes, alittle girl, she is outside with my husband.” I smiled.

  “Oh, the mustang?” she asked, “Is that your husband in the back seat.” I could tell by the look on her face she was curious.

  “Yes, Matt, he is sitting back there with our daughter.” I moved up another space in the line.

  “You’re lucky, he is cute in a gothic-kind of way.” she was rubbing her tummy. I finally got into the stall, did what I had to do and left. I walked up to the car; Matt was walking around with April who was crying.

  He seen me, “I think she is hungry.” he went to hand her to me.

  “Let me get in first.” I opened the back door, slid in and waited for him to hand her to me. I gently held her, Matt shut the door. I began to nurse her, she was hungry. ************************************************************

  We finally pulled up in front of the house; I noticed several cars there, “Matt who is here?” I asked, “They are all rental cars”

  “It’s the pack and I think Travis and Claira. I don’t know who else I could be. Your parents maybe? I don’t know.” Matt came around to my side of the car to get the baby and the car seat. We headed inside. The house was clean and smelled of coconuts. There where big pink balloons saying ’it’s a girl!’ and ‘Congrats on your new arrival!’ I could hear familiar voices coming from the kitchen. I pushed open the swinging doors to see who was all in there. The room was busting at the seams with people.

  “Nora!” my mom’s voice pushed out of the crowd. She walked towards me with arms wide open.

  “Hi Mom.” I greeted her, we hugged.

  She pulled back to look at me. “Where is my granddaughter?” she asked excitedly.

  I pointed to the other room, “In the living room with Matt.” they all filed out except Claira, who for some reason she kept her distance from everyone. Most of the time she glared at me giving me dirty looks.

  I had to find out what her problem with me was. “What?” I asked, “Do you have a problem with me.”

  She sighed and stood up, “Yes, I do as a matter of fact. Your manipulate everyone in this family.” she had a snotty tone to her voice.

  “Excuse me, where do you get off telling me I manipulate everyone?” I was pissed, “just because you’re dating my grandfather.”

  “You mean your father, your real father.” she was a little too cocky, it took all I had not to hit her.

  “No, my grandfather! I have a Dad, you been dating my Grandpa for what a year maybe. You come into my house and tell me that I am manipulate the people I love. You’re wrong, Claira! I think you are jealous of the love we all share and you’re lashing out at me, because I am close to everyone in this family. You want to piss everyone off at me for no reason don’t you? I didn’t do anything to you.” I sat down the diaper bag I was carrying. I heard the door creak open behind me. I could see it was Matt out of the corner of my eye.

  “Oh, yes you do, as soon as your name is mention; Travis has to rush to be here, just like the rest of your family. I think you’re a… how do I put this…. a conniving bitch.” she glared at me. Matt busted through the door.

  “A conniving bitch huh? The only bitch I see around here is you. You come into our home and lash out at my wife for no reason. You got Travis fooled don’t you, that’s ok, because you don’t have us fool.” Matt was shaking.

  “Stay out of this, Mutt!” she covered her mouth, like oops.

  We looked at each other stunned.

  “Mutt?” Matt repeated back.

  “Yes, Mutt, I know what you are! You bare the signs. One day everyone else will find out too.” she said evasively then breezed past us into the other room where everyone else was.

  I looked at Matt in shocked. “How could she know?” I asked.

  Matt shrugged his shoulders, “No clue.” We both headed out to the other room.

  My Mom was holding April, “Honey, she is perfect, absolutely perfect.” my Mom beamed.

  “Yeah, well I hate to break this up but I have to feed her and let her chill out alittle. We did just travel a long ways.” I took her from my Mom.

  “Your right honey.” she kissed Aprils head.

  “Grandpa, could you please come with me.” I made eye contact with him.

  “Sure hon…..” he stopped. Claira grabbed his arm and was whisper something to him. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Travis, please, I want to go back to the hotel.” she pleaded with him.

  “I’ll be right back.” he said again and followed me up stairs anyways.

  “Whats wrong Nora-bug?” he asked me as soon as got to the top of the stairs.

  “It’s your girlfriend,” I opened the door, “I just had a run in with her in the kitchen, along with Matt.” Grandpa looked at me shocked,

  “Run in? Like a fight?” he asked,

  “No, more like her saying I am manipulating everyone in this family, including you.” I laid April down in her crib.

  His eyes got big, “She said that?” he looked at the ground. He looked like he was disappointed.

  “And she called me a conniving bitch, and that’s when Matt came in and boy was he pissed.” I sat on the bed.

  “Oh my, I am so sorry honey that explains why she doesn’t want to stay her tonight. Matt isn’t the only one pissed right now.” He went for the door.

  “Grandpa don’t leave.” I begged, he turned and looked at me.

  “Oh I will be right back. I have to go straighten this lady out or she is going to be hitting the road.” Yeah he was pissed. April started to cry. I bent down picked her up and began to feed her.

  2 hours later a knock on the door, I was folding and putting way some clothes. “Come in!” I called toward the door.

  My Mom‘s head poked from behind it. “Hey honey.” she smiled.

  “Hey Mom, something wrong?’ I asked

  “Oh no, the guys are playing some kind of game system and your Dad went to bed, I’m alittle bored I guess.” she peeked in on April.

  “You wanted to see her again huh?” I asked teasingly.

  “Yes, my granddaughter, Wow! That�
��s so hard to believe that my baby is married and has a baby. Its bizarre.” she began to help me with folding the clothes. “Honey, can I ask you something?” she asked folding Matt’s shirt.

  “Sure, what’s the question?” I asked.

  “Matt is a big Man, I know it sound weird but, he seems to be a lot bigger than he was at your wedding.” she glanced at me from the corner of her eye.

  “Well that happens when you work on a dock, loading and unloading heavy stuff, and Matt’s never been a small guy so. He doesn’t seem any different to me.” I lied; even to me he looked monstrous.

  “Maybe its because you see him all the time and this is the second time I’ve seen him, I will tell you one thing, he sure is cute.” we chuckled, “you did good for yourself.” we hugged, “I think I am going to hit the hay, see you in the morning.”

  “Night Mom.” I smiled at her.

  She bent down and kissed April, “good sweetheart” I had to smile.

  I decided to take a shower and get dressed for bed. I was brushing my hair, another knock.

  “Yes?” I answered, it was Bernice, “Oh hi Bernice.”

  “Ma’am I am retiring for the night I wanted to see if there was anything you wanted before I did so.” she smiled.

  “Oh no thank you, have a good night.” I smiled back at her, she left. After another hour had past, I started to get hungry.

  I slipped on my robe and headed downstairs. It was quiet, no TV no sounds at all. Then I saw a bunch of clothes lying on the floor. I knew what was going on, there where out patrolling. I walked into the kitchen.

  There was a werewolf standing in the door. It stared at me and made a part huffing sound. “Matt?’ I said softly. It stalked around to where I was, and touched my face. “What are you doing? What if my parents see you or my grandfather?” he slowly back up and headed out the open back door. I ran and shut it; it was freezing outside and raining like crazy.

  I opened the fridge and began to dig out some sandwich fixings. Matt came back in this time in his human form soaked and naked.

  I slide off my robe and handed it to him, “You know tempting me like that isn’t good, we still have 6 weeks to go.” I smiled,

  “Yeah, Yeah I know. We were just running the boarders, Still no sign of Corbin.” he seen my sandwich and then smiled.

  “Here.” I handed it to him, “I’ll make myself another one.” he kissed me.

  “I am going upstairs and check on the baby,” he said taking a huge bite. He took three big steps and clear the whole room. I made another sandwich, grabbed a handful of chips and a single size orange juice.


  Several months had past and April had grown like a weed, she was such a happy baby. Matt and I still lived in the big house; just he, April and myself were there.

  I was in the living room and April was on her tummy, kicking an cooing. I was watching TV, some talk show about who is your baby daddy. I looked at April, “Well April, there is no doubt who your daddy is.” she looked at me with her big blue eyes that were the exact copy of Matt’s and kicked her legs. She also had Matt’s dark hair, you knew who she belonged too. Matt was gone a lot, he rarely was home or in human form. April saw him once in his wolf form and she wasn’t scared, it was as if she knew who he was.

  April began crying, “Oh baby, what’s wrong.” I picked her up. I checked her out, she wasn’t hurt. I figured she was teething or hungry. I sat down and began nursing her, she began to fall asleep. I laid her in her playpen with waking her up. I sat back down to finish watching the talk show. My cell began to vibrate in my pocket, I had it turned off so it didn’t wake April up. “Hello?” I answered.

  “Nora, it’s me.” Matt’s voice was raspy.

  “Whats wrong?” I asked.

  “Oh nothing, I just wanted to let you know that Nikki and Kyle are on their way to the house and Nikki has a big surprise for you,” it didn’t sound like a good surprise.

  “Am I going to like this surprise?” I asked.

  “Eh.” he said. Not too reassuring.

  “Ok, I’ll be ready.” I sighed,

  “How is the baby girl?” he asked.

  “Full tummy and sleeping.” I answered.

  “Ok, Love you babe.” he said before hanging up and not giving me time to answer.

  I waited for about 25 minutes when they finally got here. Nikki looked horrible, “Nikki what’s wrong, you look terrible.” she gave me a weak smile.

  “I think pregnancy is catchy.” she said shyly.

  “You’re pregnant?” I asked excitedly.

  “Yes.” she took off her jacket, she had a big belly, “I am 8 months.” I looked at Kyle.

  “Come in, do you need anything?” I helped her sit on the couch.

  “Actually.” Kyle said, “I need for you to keep her here, I am out searching for Corbin all the time and I don’t think she’s been taking care of herself and things have been pretty rough.” he put his hand on her head.

  “Rough how?” I looked at my exhausted cousin.

  “No food or a place to stay, we been living out of the van with the rest of the guys.” Kyle answered.

  “Oh my! Of course you guys can stay here.” I stood up, “Bernice!” I called into the kitchen. She came out holding a towel.

  “Go ready a hot bath and some food for Nikki, and some clothes out of my dresser.

  Nikki hugged me, “Thank you Nora.” her voice was weak.

  “How come you two haven’t gone to Grandpa when things got bad?” I asked looking at Kyle.

  “His girlfriend, Claira, she is a bitch, she wont let him do anything except work. We are all starting to think she’s a gold digger. All she wants if for Travis to buy her things or she threatens to leave him.” Kyle said with a angry look on his face.

  “Well, you can always come to me, no matter what.” I held her hand.

  Bernice came out of the bathroom. “Everything is ready.” she helped me get Nikki into a hot bath and some clothes. April was up and crying, I figured because she didn’t see me. I ran into the living room to find a angry looking Matt there holding her.

  “Oh hey!” I was surprised.

  “I just got here, where were you?” he had harsh tone in his voice.

  “Helping Nikki, she is ready to have a baby.” I said defensively.

  “Yeah I know.” he letting her stand on his legs.

  “She looks terrible and I will not let her suffer, she is my family.” I had a stern tone to my voice. I didn’t know what his problem was.

  “I know, its ok, but you left her out her by herself again.” he kissed her head.

  “No, Kyle was out here.” I gave him a dirty look

  “I still am out here.” Kyle’s voice came from a dark corner.

  “Oh, ok then.” he said with a cocky tone. I took her from Matt‘s arms.

  “Why do you always assume I am being a bad mother.” I asked him.

  “I don’t assume anything! You just don’t think a lot when it comes to her.” his voice stern and insulting. I held her tight in my arms, mostly to keep me calm.

  “Oh, how would you know, your never friggin here! Your always gone! Even when you don’t need to be. I am doing this by myself.” I put April on my side and started up the stairs.

  “Whoa, hold on. I am out there protecting you and her. So don’t give me that I’m never here. I am doing what it takes to keep this family safe.” he was right behind me, yelling at me. “What are you doing besides getting fat and basically neglecting our daughter!” I paused on the stairs. I took a deep breath and turned to face him with tears running down my cheek.

  His eyes met mine I could see instant regret. “You promised me, you would never treat me bad again, and look at you! In front the baby too! Your being a asshole! Well, guess what? I want you out of my house. I don’t need to take this from you.” Apri
l was looking at us with wide eyes. “I’ve doing this by myself for all these months without any help from anyone and you come in here telling me I am fat.” I pulled my shirt tight, “I am exactly he same size I was before I got pregnant. But that’s ok, you can think of me anyway you want because, Matt, I am done!” his face dropped. “Get out…of…my house.” I said it slowly.

  He lowered his head, “Nora… I” I didn’t give him a chance to finish.

  “Go.” I turned and walked the rest of the stairs then turned into the bedroom and closed the door. I paused for a minute just long enough to hear his boots slowly walk down the stairs and out the door. I put April in her crib, I began to cry. ‘What the hell did I just do?’ I thought to myself. ‘Go after him!’ I told myself, but pride kept me on the bed.

  For a week I went about what I normally did, I took care of April. I made sure she was fed and changed. I would check in on Nikki when April was asleep. I told her what happened with Matt and myself.

  “Nora, you got mad, if he loves you as much as I think he does he will be back. When he thinks things are calmed down.” she tried to reassure me.

  “Yeah, well he said some mean things to me, and I said them back. I can’t believe I told my husband to leave.” I shook my head.

  “Hey, at least your married, Kyle wont marry me. He said that’s not his way.” she looked down.

  “So he’ll get you pregnant but wont marry you?” I asked. It was pathetic to me.

  “He said marriage is a big step.” she sighed.

  “And having a baby isn’t?” I shook my head. I heard April on the monitor, “she’s up… Good night.” I hugged her and headed towards my room. I glanced at the front door, there was Matt looking terrible. I didn’t stop to at him.

  “Nora?” he said softly.

  “Yes?” I answered.

  “I am sorry for what I said. I had no right to put you down. When there is no way in hell I would win a father of the year award.” he looked at me all-sad.

  “April is crying I have to attend her.” I went to open the door. It got quiet, “she must of fell back to sleep.”

  “Please babe, can we work this out, I don’t want to lose you both.” I went to say something when I heard glass shattering and April screaming. We both ran into the bedroom, there was Corbin with April in his arms.

  “NO!” I yelled. Matt transformed into his other form. As soon as Corbin seen him turn he jumped out of the window. “NO!” Matt was already on his trail. I ran down the stairs, Kyle came out of the kitchen. “Corbin has the baby!” I yelled Kyle dropped what he had in his hand and disappeared in the kitchen. I ran outside in my nightgown and rain, crying hysterically for my baby.

  I ran around the house, checking for footprints I only seen wolf tracks. I fell to my knees at the tree line and sobbed. Praying they would find her. Bernice came out with jacket and helped me back inside.

  I changed into some dry clothes, this time active wear. Waiting was hell, I hoped Matt would find her and I dare say this but kill Corbin finally.

  Daylight, Matt and Kyle came back, Matt looked defeated.

  “Did you find her?” I asked.

  “No, we lost their trail outside of town, the rain covered everything.” I looked at Matt and began to cry. Matt put his arms around me.

  “We will find her, make no mistake about that.” he kissed my head.

  “Why would he take her?” I asked Kyle.

  “To get to you.” Kyle answered, I looked at him.

  “Me? Why me?” I asked.

  “We don’t know, I think he still thinks he has a claim on you, he was your first, right?” I looked at Matt.

  “Yes.” I felt ashamed, but Matt already knew that.

  “He thinks he owns you, he is living in some sort of fantasy world, or maybe he just loves you that much?” I looked at Matt then at Kyle

  “This is a nightmare, seriously screwed up nightmare.” I fell on the couch. My cell phone rang, breaking the silence. I picked it up. “It’s unknown.” I said looking at Matt, “Hello?”

  “You need help, call, this number, 732-555-9877. They may help, but a word of warning they aren’t ummm human.” the stranger’s voice said.

  “Werewolves?” I asked.

  “No something else.” He answered

  “What?” I asked again

  “Vampires.” he said in the same creepy voice.

  “Vampires? We ran into some vampires before.” I looked at Matt who was staring at me as if I was crazy.

  “Call that number; make sure you write it down.” I grabbed a pen and wrote the number on my hand.

  “Ok, I got it. Who is this?” I heard a click.

  “Vampires?” Kyle asked.

  I never did call them; I wanted the werewolves to find her not some bloodsucking monster.

  Later that night we got a call from someone who knew Corbin and knew he had our baby. He sent us to a warehouse at the far end of town, the dangerous part. At first we were a little suspicious. But we couldn’t afford not to follow up on every lead.






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