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Pack 2 - The Awakening

Page 10

by R.A Cullison


  I opened my eyes; it was dark except for the small light behind my bed. I couldn’t move, I scanned the room with hazy eyes. Obviously in a hospital room from all the white and the spell of disinfectant. I blinked a few times to clear my vision, I was alone. I went to talk, but there was something in my mouth, a tube. I felt panic wash over me; I began to gag on it.

  The machines began to buzz. A nurse ran in thinking to find me dead. To her shock, I was staring back at her. “Mrs. Hanson, your awake!” she sounded surprised. I began to pull at the tube coming out of my throat, “No! No! Don’t pull on that!” she was holding my wrists over my head, “Help!” she yelled out to the hallway. Two more nurses showed up, one with a needle.

  The biggest of the three held my arm down so the nurse with the needle could stick me. I tried to fight, but they won, three against one isn’t that fair. I felt the cold liquid from the needle shoot into my arm. I began to feel drowsy and my arms began to feel limp and fell to my sides.

  “Shit for someone who’s been in a coma for a month is pretty strong!” the first nurse commented.

  I passed out again it wasn’t for very long. I woke up with the tube out of my throat. I looked around; I stared at a familiar sight. It was the back of Matt’s head; “Matt?” my throat was scratchy. He turned quickly.

  “Hey baby.” He got down on his knees beside the bed; “how you feel?” he said stroking my head.

  “Can I have a drink?” I started to rub my throat.

  “Of course hon.” he poured me a cup of water. I sipped it slowly.

  “How is April?” I asked, “Is she ok? Where is she?” I tried to set up.

  “She is fine; she is with your Mom in the waiting room. They said I couldn’t bring her in here because you were hostile.” he smiled.

  “I was disorientated, but I’m ok now, I want to see my baby.” I insisted.

  “Ok, I’ll go get her.” he left the room. I looked around some more. I remembered being stabbed, I lifted my gown up. There was a small red line with staples across my belly, I reached around and there was identical mark in my back.

  I heard my Mom and Matt coming up the hall. I began to get excited to see her. I hoped she didn’t forget me.

  Mom walked in first. “Nora, my baby!” she ran to my side to hug me. I hugged her back. Matt walked in holding April. As soon as she saw me, she shrieked.

  “Hi baby!” I reached out for her; she nearly jumped out of Matt’s arms. I finally had my arms around her; she got into my arms and hugged me.

  “She miss you mommy.” Matt smiled.

  “Mommy missed her too.” I pulled her back and kissed her cheek.

  Matt bent down and gave me a big passionate kiss, the kind you give when you haven’t seen someone in awhile. “I love you” he breathed.

  “Love you too, so what have I missed?’ I asked.

  Mom and Matt where looking at each other, “Well.” Matt looked like he had big news.

  “Ok guys, what’s going on?” I asked.

  “Nora,” the way my Mom said my name made my heart fall to my kneecaps. “I have bad news, I mean really bad news.” I looked at them both.

  “Tell me, did someone die?” I asked, sort of a joke.

  “Your Grandpa had a stroke.” I looked at her as if she was kidding.

  “What?” I looked at Matt and his look gave me all the answer, “is he ok?”

  “No… he died a week ago.” I looked at him. “your Dad is beside himself.” I lowered my head letting the tears fall.

  “Matt, go find out when I am getting out of here, please?” I asked him, he smiled and left the room.

  “Nora, I am so sorry, so much has happened since you been in here.” she pulled up a chair. April was playing with my fingers, biting them.

  “Ouch, easy baby, your teeth are sharp.” she giggled, “What about Claira?” I asked.

  “She is in jail.” my Mom said.

  I raised an eyebrow. “For what?” before she could answer that Matt returned with the doctor.

  “Hello Mrs. Hanson, its good to see you up and talking.” he picked up the clipboard that was hanging off the wall next to the door. “Your husband said you wanted to know when you could go home.” he flipped through the papers attached to the board. “I don’t see why, you can’t go home in 2 days.” he said smiling at me.

  “No I want to go home tomorrow morning.” I waited for him to contest it.

  “Tomorrow? You do realize you nearly died right?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I am all better now. I want to go home and be with my family.” I looked at Matt, “could you please take her?” I motioned for him to take April, he picked her up.

  “Tomorrow huh? Ok, let’s give you a good look over and see how you are doing, then maybe,” he wrote down something then left the room.

  “Why is Claira in jail?” I locked eyes with my Mom.

  “She made your grandfather have a stroke.”

  “This is a unbelievable. These last few years has got to be the worse in anyone’s life.” Matt shook his head in agreement. April Shrieked again, this time she was excited to be playing with her daddy’s hair.

  “Mom, can you take April, I want to talk to Matt alone please?” she smiled and took April from Matt.

  “Come on April, you and Grandma go check out the candy machines.” I rolled my eyes. “Matt, what happened? Who stabbed me?” I asked.

  “Victor.” my mouth fell open in shock.

  “Victor? But why?” the pain from my memory made me cringe.

  “I don’t know, he got away. I was so interested in you that I didn’t go after him.” he looked down.

  “Hey, you did what you had to do, I am here because you tried your hardest to keep me here.” I reached over and lifted his head with my finger. “you did what you had to.”

  He took a deep breath. “That is the closest I ever want to come to losing you.” his voice shuttered a little and a tear ran down his face.

  “Shhh.” I wiped it off. “its ok baby.” we hugged. “Your not going to get rid of me that easy.” I pulled out of the hug and looked at him. “How did Chad and Jessie get there?” I asked.

  “Well, according to Jessie, Corbin came to him and said that he was needed. Chad wasn’t thrilled to be going to Russia. They came and they weren’t there more than 25 minutes when they came into the room and helped us.” I could tell the memory was painful.

  “Where am I? Still in Russia?” I asked.

  “American Conciliate transported us. We are in Philadelphia.” he was stroking my cheek.

  “What happened to Dorsella and the other vampires?”

  “Killed” he lowered his eyes.

  “I want to know what happened.” I said.

  He sighed, “After you left we went into the room, we were going to wait for Troy to get back, but Noah was tormenting Dorsella. Dorsella fought him, she was getting the upper hand when he tricked her and decapitated her. Marcus was furious and he attacked Noah, nearly killing him.. Corbin was hiding in the corner, after he killed Dorsella and Marcus, Corbin leapt out of where he was and killed Noah and then…” I interrupted.

  “You sure this time?” I asked.

  He shook his head, “I burned the bodies myself, Troy survived, he was distraught when he seen them burning. He said he was going to bring the ship back to America. He checked on you twice since you been here. He now leads the vampires.”

  “Corbin?” I asked.

  “Kyle called and said that Corbin visited him, he said his good-byes. Noah is dead and you’re no longer in danger from him.” I lowered my head.

  “Mrs. Hanson? Its time for your test.” the big nurse from earlier came in.

  I was wheeled down to x-rays and they took tubes of blood. It took a few minutes. They made Matt leave visiting hours was over. The room was dark; I had the TV o
n watching some late night talk show. A figured appeared in the doorway.

  “Nora?” a familiar voice said my name. I looked at him; he walked in shutting the door behind him. He looked awful, big dark circles around his eyes and pale.

  “Corbin, what are you doing here?” I asked. He sat beside me on the bed.

  “I wanted to see you before…. I needed to come and apologize for everything I have done in the past.” he looked me in the eyes.

  “I ….” I went to say something but he put his finger over my lips, stopping me.

  “I love you more than anything, I always have. I never felt this kind of love before. I want you to forgive me for all I have put you through.” a tear rolled down his cheek. I fell in love with this man. I placed my hand on his cheek.

  “I will always love you too and I forgive you.” I began to tear up too. He leaned in and kissed me gently.

  He placed my hand over his heart, it was beating very slowly. I looked up at him. He kissed my forehead; he pulled back and was staring at the door, as if he was seeing something. I looked I didn’t see anything, “Corbin?” It was scaring me; he stood up and headed towards the door. He stopped and turned around.

  “Good bye….My love.” he opened the door and left. I heard a howling softer than a whisper. I put my head in my hands and began to cry. It was like losing him all over again.

  This time it was harder to know that he was going to die. I put my hands together and began to pray for him, praying that he would make it to the other side. He did what he was sent back to do and that was to protect me.

  I lay back on the bed, staring out into the night sky. I fell asleep, into a deep dreamless sleep. Putting everything behind me, I was now looking forward to going home and being with my family.

  I woke up to the sound of a police car sirens wailing by the hospital. I rose up, feeling alittle sick to my stomach. I could feel the vomit in my throat. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it but that didn’t help. I reached over and grabbed a little pink dish next to the bed, and threw up in it.

  “Mrs. Hanson you ok?” Dr. Anderson’s asked.

  “Dr. Anderson? Can I go home?” I asked, sitting the dish next to the bed and I covered it with a newspaper.

  “Well we got your tests back from yesterday.” he looked down at his clipboard.

  “And?” I asked anxiously.

  “Mrs. Hanson, you’re a very lucky woman.” he said looking up at me.

  “Lucky?” I looked at him confused.

  “Yes, the fetus survived the stabbing.”

  “Fetus?” I repeated.

  “Yes, you’re pregnant, about 7 weeks.”

  “Preg..nant?” I said slowly.

  “Yes,” I automatically put my hands on my stomach. “I take it you didn’t know?” he asked.

  I just shook my head, “No.” I felt my chin tremble.

  “Well, this child must want to be born. It surviving the stabbing and all you has been through this past month. That is a miracle itself.” he turned and walked out of the room.

  “I can’t be.” I shook my head. Just then a nurse with an ultra sound machine walked in.

  “Mrs. Hanson?” she asked.

  “Yes?” I watched her wheel it beside me.

  “We are going to see how your baby is doing.” she put my bed back, lifted my gown, she seen my belly, “Oh, I can see why the doctor wants to see the baby.” she put the ultra goo on my belly. It took her a minute to find it. There was the baby; I watched the heart thump fast.

  “The baby.” I touched the screen

  “Yes.” she smiled at me.

  “Another baby.” I was shocked. “Wow!”

  She did some measurements, “everything looks good.” she wiped the goo off trying not to irritate my staples, “oh they look like they could come out.” she touched them.

  I just sat there crying silently, I knew exactly when I got pregnant. I cursed to myself, ‘that damn ship!’

  The nurse left, I reached over, picked up the phone from beside my bed and called Matt’s cell phone.

  “Hello, babe.” he answered. I could hear April crying in the back.

  “Why is she crying?” I asked.

  “Teething we think, are you ok?” he had slight panic in his voice.

  “I need you to come to the hospital and get me; they said I can come home.” I didn’t want to tell him I was pregnant yet. He would be shocked like me.

  “Ok, I will be there soon; I have to wake your Mom so she can watch April.”

  “Ok, see when you get here.” I hung up.

  A nurse came in with some release papers; “Before you go, the doctor wants me to remove your stables, from your stomach and back.” she smiled at me.

  “Ok, can we do my back first?” she had a pair of clippers of some sort with her.

  “Sure, can you roll on your side?” I shook my head and rolled on my left side. She clipped them, it stung alittle. “you healed nicely.”

  “I am a fast healer.” I kind of chuckled. She removed the front ones that didn’t hurt like the back ones. She also took out my IV and helped me stand. My legs felt like rubber, I held on to the side of the bed.

  “Whoa!” I smiled, “this feels alittle weird.” I started to take a few steps towards the bathroom.

  “You ok?” she asked.

  “Yeah I got this.” I went into the bathroom to pee, shower, brush my teeth and change into some clothes that my Mom brought a while ago when I was still out.

  Dark blue jeans, multi colored t-shirt, matching panties and bra, black flip-flops and a hoodie. I looked at myself in the mirror I didn’t recognized myself. I looked older and paler. I ran a hairbrush through my wet hair. I felt so much better not being stuck in bed and getting a hot shower. I couldn’t get use to my reflection I stared at myself I realized I looked like my Mom. Then the thought of my Grandpa being gone. I began to cry I didn’t like the idea of not having him there when I needed him. I would miss him then I thought of my Dad, thinking he must be in real pain. I wanted to see him. I ripped a piece of toilet paper off the roll and wiped my face. I came out of the bedroom Matt was there sitting on the edge of the bed.

  He stood up. “ready to go?” he asked.

  “Hell yes!” he grabbed all my stuff and I walked out of the hospital into my mustang, Matt got in the drivers seat.

  “This feels great, can we stop and get a hamburger and fries. I have a craving for a milkshake.” I could see him looking at me funny.

  I looked at him, “What?” I asked.

  “Milkshake?” he raised an eyebrow, “Nora are you?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Am I what?” I looked at him seriously.

  He turned the key and shook his head. “Never mind.” we pulled into a fast food place.

  I sipped on my strawberry shake, I noticed Matt looking at me funny.

  “Matt?” I turned in my seat, “Yes.” .

  “Yes what?” he looked at me from the corner of his eye.

  “The answer to your question is yes.” I seen the shock slowly spread across his face.

  “For real?” his voice sounded like he looked.

  “Yes, I found out before you got there.” I shoved a fry into my mouth.

  “How far along?” he asked.

  “Think ship.” That’s all I said and he began to chuckle. “Darn boredom.” I joked.

  “Well, April is going to be a big sister.” I shook my head.

  We walked into the big house; it was just as if I remembered it. I could hear April crying from the living room. I walked in she was chewing on her fist. She seen me and began kicking her legs.

  “Hi baby girl.” I bent down and touched her head.

  “Mummma!” she babbled. I went to pick her up.

  “AT!” Matt said from behind me, “Let me get her for you.” he picked her up and handed her to me. She hugged me, “you take it easy missy!” h
e ordered. He bent down and kissed me.

  I pretended to solute him. “Yes, sir.” I smiled. I sat down holding her, “she is getting so big, I feel like I missed so much.”

  “Your Mom has been thinking about her first birthday.” I looked up at him.

  “One Year already? You’re getting to be a big girl.” I started nibble on her tummy getting her laughing. But she shoved her hand in her mouth muffling her giggles. Matt handed me my fast food, “does she eat real food?” I asked, feeling stupid being her mother I should know this.

  “Yep.” Matt sat beside us. I handed her a fry, “she loves french fries.” she finished he fry. I leaned back with April in my arms and began kissing Matt. I missed his musky sweet cologne and his blue eyes. April turned around and put her arms around both our necks.

  My Mom walked in, “Nora? Your home?” she was surprised.

  “Hi Mom, yeah I am home.” she had a bottle for April.

  “It’s her nap time.” She handed me the bottle or do you want me to do it?” I looked up at her.

  “Could you?” I handed it back to her.

  “Yeah, sweety.” she took the bottle and went to pick up April but she latched onto me crying.

  “I don’t think that’s ok with her.” Matt snickered.

  “Ok, I’ll do it.” I stood up and got April.

  “Nora!” Matt said sternly.

  “What?” my Mom asked looking at us both, “Oh my, your pregnant again, aren’t you?” she asked with a big smile on her face.

  “Yes, she is pregnant again.” Matt answered her.

  “I can handle this, stop freaking out, Matthew!” I carried April right past him and up the stairs. I walked into her room sat down in the rocking chair and began rocking her to sleep.

  I began humming a song to her; it didn’t take long before she was out. I touched her cheeks and nose. I was still in awe at how much she looked like Matt, but now I noticed some traces of me. I got up and laid her in her crib, she rolled over and put her butt in the air, I chuckled. I covered her up with her quilt. I turned on the baby monitor and left the room. I went back downstairs, Matt was watching TV.

  “She asleep already?” he asked.

  “Yeah, why?” I sat beside him.

  “She usually takes forever, must take her mommy’s touch.” he smiled.

  I sat beside him, he put his arm around me. “this feels so good to be home.”

  “It’s good to have you home, I missed you so much.” I turned my head and kissed him. Next thing I knew he was on top of me kissing me.

  I woke up wrapped in Matt’s arms both of us naked. I got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up, I stood up slowly but that didn’t help. Dizziness swept over me making me lose my balance, I had to steady myself. I rinsed my mouth and brush my teeth. I took my robe off the hook hanging on the bathroom door. I checked my reflection in the mirror. I started to look like myself again, I sighed in relief.

  I walked out of the bathroom; Matt was still asleep and snoring softly. I grabbed some clothes from the dresser and dressed quickly. I could hear April crying in her room. I slipped out of the bedroom without waking up Matt to go get her. I walked into the room; she was standing up and holding on to the side of her crib.

  “Look at you, big girl, standing there.” I picked her up, “soaked huh?” I gave her a bath and a clean diaper. I dressed her in a pink dress with lacy socks and sandals. Her hair was long enough to put pigtails in. So I did, with two little clips. She looked cute.

  I went to get her a bottle it seems odd to be doing the mother thing. My Mom was up and watching her in the living room. When I came back, she was standing, holding on to the couch. I stood there watching her. Matt came down, he stood beside me.

  “What are you looking at?” he asked, then he seen April.

  “Can you believe that? Give me your phone?” I reached out waited for him dig it out of his pocket. He handed it to me I began recording her on his phone. She seen us standing in the doorway she turned from the couch, took a few steps towards us. She stopped and took two more then fell. She looked at us with her big blue eyes getting teary.

  Matt smiled, “She looks adorable.”

  I finally get a chance to do stuff like this with her. I walked over to her letting her wrapper her chubby hand around my fingers and helped her back up, “Walk to daddy.” I told her.

  Matt got down and held his hands out, “come on baby girl.” he was smiling real big.

  She started to giggle but she made it all the way there. He picked her up and began kissing her, “that’s my big girl.” I went over and kissed her too.

  “I am going to make breakfast, want anything guys?” my Mom asked. I shook my head.

  “Yeah, I figured. Matt?” she grinned.

  “Yeah, sure.” she went into the kitchen. Matt put April in her playpen. She didn’t care for that much, she began to cry. I walked into the kitchen.

  “Mom, where’s is Dad?” I asked.

  “Portland, he’s with your Uncle Roger getting things settled.” she cracked some eggs in a big bowl.

  “Can I call him?” I asked, sitting down on a stool.

  “Sure, call Grandpa’s house.” she starting whisking the eggs. Matt handed me his cell phone. I smiled at him.

  “Thanks babe.” I kissed him. I dialed the number.

  “Hello?” it was my Uncle Roger answered the phone.

  “Uncle Roger, is my Dad there?” I asked.

  “Hey Nora, yeah he is here….Bro, it’s your daughter.” I heard the squeak of the rocker.

  “Hello?” my Dad answered, he sounded tired.

  “Hi Daddy.” I greeted him.

  “Hey Nora-bug, how you doing?” he asked, he sounded alittle more excited.

  “I am good, I am home now.”

  “Great! I am so sorry I couldn’t be there for you.”

  “I know Daddy; I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, how is my granddaughter doing?” he asked.

  “She took her first steps today.”

  “Aww really? I am missing so much. We’re almost done here, you don’t mind putting up your parents for alittle while?”

  “Of course not, your always welcomed here, Dad. I love you so much.” I began to tear up. Matt was rubbing my shoulders; Mom was busy at the stove.

  “I love you too, more than anything. Can I talk to your Mom, honey?”

  “Sure, Mom, Dad wants to talk to you.” she turned and took the phone. We gave the some privacy. April playing with some noisy toys. I peeked in on her, she seen me and began to cry to be let out. I went to pick her up, my stomach turned. I ran to the downstairs bathroom and threw up again.

  I came out, Matt was eating, the smell of the food was turning my stomach, “Ugh, I am going for a walk.” I walked outside, the warm air felt good. The wind was a gentle breeze it felt good on my skin. I walked down the sidewalk for the first time since I inherited the place.

  “Nice day.” someone said, I looked an elderly woman was planting flowers in a flowerbed.

  “Yes it is.” I answered her.

  “You moved into the Sally Grossman’s house?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I am her Great Niece, its nice to meet you.” I reached out to shake her hand; she took off her gardening gloves to shake it.

  “Great Niece? You must be one of Vivian’s Granddaughters, lets see” she looked at me up and down, “Nora, I would guess, I am Nancy Pacer.”

  “Yes, how did you know,” I asked stunned.

  “Because she said her other niece was wild and you don’t look like that.” she smiled, “So are you alone in that big house?”

  “No, I am with my husband, daughter, Mom and soon my Dad.”

  “That’s good, its nice to see a family in that house. Sally was a wonderful woman, very giving.”

  “She was.” I felt a hand on my shoulder, I
turned and looked, it was Matt, “this is my husband Matthew, Matt this is Mrs. Pacer.” Matt smiled.

  “Good Morning ma’am.” he greeted her.

  “Nice to meet you, Matthew, It’s nice to see that a family is living there, like I was told your wife.”

  “Yeah, that’s a big old house for just one person.” he said, “well excuse us ma’am, we are going to be walking down to the store.”

  “Have a good day, you two.”

  “You too ma’am.” we both said. We held hands walking down to the store. We held hands most of the way just being out in the fresh air and living life was an amazing feeling.

  We walked into the small Convenience store, they had everything in there. We walked past the condoms and I began to laugh. Matt looked at me funny, “What are you laughing at?” he asked smiling.

  “Oh nothing, just a personal thought that’s all.” I chuckled. Matt shrugged his shoulders and went back to get some beer and milk. I went and got chips, diapers and some baby snacks for April. We had several bags by the time we left there. Matt carried them all refusing to let me do anything but walk back home.

  April was playing on the floor with Matt. He was getting her laughing hard. She began to climb on him, Matt picked her up and held her over top of him. Getting her giggling, I really missed this kind of stuff.

  I asked Matt several times about Noah’s death, for a while he wouldn’t tell me. Finally, one evening after dinner, sitting on the couch, I asked him again.

  “Matt, tell me about Noah’s death.” I picked up the remote and muted the TV.

  Matt sighed, “I told you.”

  “I don’t think you did.” I scooted closer to him.

  He furrowed his brow. “Do you think I lied about what I saw?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Then what?” he was beginning to sound angry with me.

  “Matt I…I didn’t mean it sound like I don’t trust you. But something tell me he isn’t dead.” I tried to sound reassuring.

  “He is…he is dead.” he stuttered.

  “Did you see him die?” I asked.

  He lowered his head, “I didn’t see the deathly blow.“ he sighed, “Nora, and you don’t realize that Noah and I use to be friends.”

  “I thought you hated Noah?” I tried to hide the shock in my voice.

  “Maybe I should of explained.” he turned his head to look at me.

  “Explain what?” I looked at him confused.

  “Noah was my best friend before he bit me.” I interrupted him.

  “Your. Best. Friend? I said slowly. That thought was hard to sink in knowing how much he loathed him now.

  “We were in school together,” he continued, “football, mostly. I was Quarterback he was center.”

  “Ok, but…” he held up his hand to stop me.

  “I couldn’t watch him die, not after all of these years of….” he trailed off.

  “I understand, really. But I….I don’t think he is dead.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I mean like we haven’t seen the last of him.” I slowly shook my head.

  “Let hope we have.” he gave me a weak smile.

  “Wait I thought you burned the bodies?” I asked.

  “Yeah, only after Michael piled them on top of each other.” he drew in a deep breath.

  “Well I hope my feelings are wrong.” I shuddered at the thought of him still being alive. I ran my fingers through his thick hair, “I love you and April more than anything.”

  He smiled big, “I love you too. You and April are my life now. And we have another one on the way.” his hand went down to my belly.

  “Hard to believe that we will have 2 children soon and we thought having just April was hard enough” I chuckled.

  “Yeah but I am sure we can handle it.” we stared at each other for along moment.

  “I think we can too, but it will be tough and this time lets hope for a boy.” I smiled.

  The next morning my Mom got up and left to be with my Dad for awhile. She was beginning to miss him I could tell. Matt dropped her off at the air port after she gave a few really long good-bye hugs. I noticed she was acting really strange like something was bothering her. When I asked her what was wrong she just said it was the whole flying thing that made her nervous. I knew that wasn’t it that something was really wrong and she was hiding something from me.

  Several days later got a call from my parents saying that they were moving to Seattle. Dad got a job at a lab there doing some top secret research. Which he usually does causing him a lot of stress, that might be the reason why he got grey hair so fast.




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