Only Tonight

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by Lucy Darling

  Only Tonight

  Lucy Darling

  “Friendship is one mind in two bodies.”

  ― Mencius



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15



  Also by Lucy Darling



  It was only supposed to be one night. Luke Kane is a player if you listen to gossip. An international one at that. He makes it hard to resist him when he’s so handsome and sweet every time we meet. He's nothing like people say or so I thought until he disappears not only from my life but the baby's growing inside me.

  Kinley Cole thinks this is only for tonight. But I know this is forever. I just can't have her yet. If the men I've taken down find out about her, they'll use her against me. So I’ll wait to stake my claim after my final covert op. I only hope it won’t be too late to claim the woman who already has my heart.



  I step off the plane sucking in a deep breath. I swear the air here feels different. It's sweet and fresh. I seem to be able to draw it deeper into my lungs.

  I turn my head to stretch my neck from the long flight. Something is different, and I sure as hell can’t put my finger on it. It has to be because my brother is finally settling down. We’ve both been so married to our jobs, a trait we inherited from our father. Change is coming.

  I glance around the private airport that’s as tight as Fort Knox. No one but a handful of people should know I’m here. By the time anyone puts it together, I should be long gone and back across the ocean to the other side of the world.

  But damn, I have to admit that it feels good to be home. I didn’t realize how much I missed being here until now. The tightness that had formed inside my chest seems to relax.

  I guess I better make the most out of the next forty-eight hours. It’s all the time I’ll have for the next few months. Once it’s up, I’ll have to make up my mind and decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. I need something different, and I can feel that difference is coming. It gives me an unsettling feeling.

  I descend the stairs. Grant starts to open the back door to the SUV. “Get back in,” I tell him while shaking my head at him. I round the vehicle, tossing the one bag I’d brought in the back before I climb into the passengers’ side. I have a house here too, so it wasn’t necessary for me to bring anything more than the carry-on I had. It’s easier to stay at the hotel where the wedding is happening. The home I had here felt empty anyways.

  “You look tired,” Grant says before throwing the SUV into drive.

  “Thanks, asshole.” I run my hand down my face. I feel tired. I’ve felt that way for some time now. I need to stop. I know it. Yet the thrill is what keeps pulling me back into the underworld. It gives me a sense of doing good.

  I’m not just another billionaire who sits around doing nothing. I don’t toss money around and expect everyone else to do all of the work. I enjoy getting my hands dirty, and hard work always pays off, no matter which part of your life you apply it to.

  “Will this be acceptable to wear to the rehearsal?” I ask Grant after he gets us out of the secure airport.

  “You missed the rehearsal. It’s dinner now.”

  “Fuck,” I mumble, feeling more like a piece of shit. My little brother is getting married and I am barely making it in time. At least I’ll be there for the big day tomorrow. I start to straighten my tie but say fuck it. The rehearsal dinner is only at a restaurant. “Married,” I mumble to myself. I still can’t believe my little brother Gerrit is getting hitched.

  “Yep, we were all betting that you’d be the first with your playboy ways.” I fight not to roll my eyes. That reputation has gotten me into many places, so I let people believe what they want to. They think I want an easy pussy, they think I want all kinds of other things. I don’t really give a shit what anyone thinks. I know the truth.

  Everyone knows I have money to blow, and they want me to blow it their way. From drugs, or propositions and anything else under the sun. They also think they can use me to move money. It doesn't look so funny when I walk into a bank with a million in cash and drop it down to be deposited. They don’t even blink an eye at me. It all plays well into my double life.

  Years ago I would have told them all to fuck off. That my hands are clean and that I wouldn’t dirty them for anything or anyone. That was until Agent Clark and Interpol came strolling into my life asking me for my help. They wanted to dig out the evil that lives in the underbelly of some major cities doing business overseas. I’d agreed.

  What else am I doing with my life besides making money hand over first? I am bored with only being successful. I want more. Clark came at the right time. For the first time I felt like I would be making a difference, so I snatched up the opportunity. Now I’m in so deep I’m not sure how I’ll ever get out. Everyone thinks I stay away because I’m so involved in my work, but it’s mostly for their safety.

  When I enter the restaurant, I give the hostess a chin nod, already knowing where I’m going. My parents love this place, and I know they’ll be having the party in the back room. I push on the double doors, knowing they will open up and reveal a private dining area.

  What I don’t expect is the vision that stops me in my tracks. The icy blue eyes that meet mine almost take my breath away. They are a blue that I’ve only seen while boating in the Antarctic Ocean. Her light blond hair only makes her look more like a goddess. I’ve been all over the world and have never seen anything or anyone as beautiful as her. It takes me a moment to realize I’m openly staring at her.

  Finally I find myself heading her way. If she is my brother's soon-to-be wife there is going to be a hell of a problem. As hard as it is to pull my eyes from hers, I do in order to search her delicate fingers for a ring. To my relief, there isn't one, but I don’t miss the giant one on the finger of the woman she is talking to. I know in that moment that the woman standing beside my goddess must be my brother’s fiancée, Kennedy. It gives me an opening to go head over there.

  “You must be Kennedy, the woman who has stolen my brother's heart,” I say to her. “I’m Luke. The charming brother.” That gets me a laugh from both of them.

  “That I am. And this is my sister Kinley.” Finally I get to look back at her. This time a blush spreads across her cheeks, making those eyes of hers light up more. What would they look like in the throes of passion? Or when she is coming on my cock? I’ll know soon enough.

  “You made it.” My brother sounds surprised. It was hard to pull it off, but I wasn't missing this for anything.

  “Had to come see this for myself. I wanted to meet the woman who snagged your attention long enough to get you out of that office.” Kennedy blushes. “I can see why.” I wink at my brother. Which only gets me a glare back. He really is in love. I was only fucking with him to get a reaction. It worked. They seem to be the real deal.

  “Did you already introduce yourselves?” He looks to his soon-to-be wife, holding her closer to him.

  “Yes, your brother is rather charming.” Now it’s her that’s teasing him. I think I like her already. “What? It’s not my fault you’re not charming.” Kennedy giggles. “You’re pushy with a side of sweet.” She turns in his arms, running her hands up his chest until they lock around his neck. “Which is perfect because that’s my type.” A
pang of jealousy hits me out of nowhere. It’s unexpected. It’s not her that I want but what they have together.

  He gives her ass a small smack, surprising me. He really is in love. I’ve never seen my brother show affection to a woman. Especially in front of an audience.

  “I’d hate to have to kill my own brother.” I put my hands up in mock surrender. I like seeing him this happy. He deserves it.

  “I’m not trying to get married and have kids. I don’t poach,” I admit with a laugh. “Though I’ve never seen you with anyone before, so I’ve never even had the chance to consider poaching.” It’s so fascinating to see him involved with a woman that I can’t help but poke at him. I also want to reassure him.

  “I keep my life private.” Kennedy shifts to his side, wrapping an arm around his back while resting her head on him. She’s just as in love with him as he is with her. “Are you tired?” he asks her. She shakes her head no. Even the tone in his voice changes when he talks to her.

  “Are you a ladies’ man, Luke?” Kinley asks me with curiosity in her tone. I pull all my attention back to her—not that I hadn't been watching her out of the corner of my eyes the whole time to make sure she didn't try to slip away.

  “Why don’t you come have a drink with me and find out for yourself?”

  She gives me a playful smirk.

  “Luke,” my brother says in a warning. I give him a look that says I know what I’m doing. This woman is going to be his sister-in-law tomorrow. I wouldn’t fuck this up for him. But I won’t be denied time with her.

  “I guess I have time for one drink,” Kinley says, surprising all of us as she walks past me toward the bar.

  I already know there is no way I’m going to be satisfied with only one drink. It’s going to take a lot more than that. I snag her arm as we make it over towards the bar. I notice she bites that plump bottom lip of hers as she stares at the drink menu. Images of my cock sliding in and out of that sinful mouth of hers flash through my mind.

  When she looks back up at me, her cheeks go pink again. “Are you the cocky one because you’re the hotter one?” I know she’s trying to tease me. I haven't known Kinley for more than a handful of minutes, but I’m noticing it’s something she does. I’ve always been good at reading people. It’s partly why I’m so good at the line of work I’m in now.

  “I could ask the same of you.”

  She lets out a very unladylike snort. Or at least one for this place. It’s sexy as hell. There is no shame in it. She laughs how she wants and doesn't care what others might think.

  “Kennedy is the pretty one. Not that I’m ugly,” she rushes to say. “She just has this air about her.”

  “Hmm.” I ponder her words for a moment. “Do you like art, Kinley?”


  “Each piece is seen differently by every person. One that someone might hate another might love.” Her lips part in understanding. That spark behind her eyes dies when she catches something over my shoulder. “What can I get you to drink?” I ask, getting her attention back on me where I want it.

  “Vodka martini,” Kinley blurts out instantly. I don’t take her for much of a drinker, but something has just put her on edge.

  I mouth to the bartender that I want a club soda with lime before I see what has set Kinley off. I’m sure it’s an ex I’m going to want to punch, but there is no missing the woman Kinley is staring at. I’m guessing it’s her mother since she looks like her. Except my Kinley does not have a pursed look on her face.

  “Let’s steal our seats,” I suggest, picking up both our drinks and heading over to the long table to sit down next to each other. Since I have her drink, I knew she would have to follow.

  She polishes off the first drink fast but doesn't order another. It does, however, make her extra chatty. I grab at every detail that she divulges, having a feeling I’m going to need them.

  Then when she lets me in on the fact that she’s leaving for Europe for a partial work trip and to travel, it’s a punch to my gut. It’s not like I could stay either. I have shit to wrap up too. Now more than ever I want to be back home.

  My brother keeps sending me death glares like I give a fuck. Before I know it, the dinner is pretty much over. I want to somehow make this night longer, ask them to serve another course in order to have more time with her. I am down to an hour with Kinley, and we’ve only just started. I need more time because it is quickly running out.

  I want to tell her to come back to my room with me, but I know that’s too fast. I don’t want to scare her off. I also don’t think she’s that type of girl. I am not usually that fucking type either. But there’s something about her.

  “More coffee?” the server asks. Her perfume burns my nose.

  “I guess another cup won’t hurt,” I say after she’s already poured it. When the waitress retreats, Kinley is now talking to the man on the other side of her, laughing about something he said. I grind my teeth together.

  “I’m so glad everyone could join us tonight, but we’re calling it a night. We have a big day tomorrow,” my brother says, stealing everyone's attention. I grab Kinley’s hand before I stand up. I don’t try to say goodbye to anyone. Everyone that’s here will be at the wedding tomorrow. I’m still holding Kinley’s hand as we make our way toward the doors. The minute we escape, I pull her into the first door I can find that’s open.

  “Come back to the hotel with me,” I blurt out.

  “I can’t.” She bites her plump bottom lip, but I can see it in her eyes. I pull her lip out from between her teeth.

  “I don’t want our night to end.”

  “You sure you don’t want to take big boobs in there back to the hotel?” I can tell she is trying to tease, but I can see the hurt in her gorgeous eyes.

  “No, I want you. I’ve wanted you since I stepped into the room and saw you standing there.” Hell, I think I wanted her when my plane landed and I stepped off. There was something different in the air. I’ve flown home many times, but this time when I got off that plane I really felt like I was home.

  “I’m staying at the hotel too. I might be able to sneak out.” I reach in my pocket and pull out a key as I ramble off the room number. “This doesn’t mean I’m definitely coming.”

  “Give me your number.”

  “You’re bossy.” She lets out a small laugh that goes straight to my dick. I want her to watch as I pull those pins that are holding her hair up so I can see how long it is.

  “We have a nosey family. With a few calls I’ll have your number. In fact, as much as my mom brings you up to me, I think it will be more than easy to get it.”

  “I should have known that you don’t play fair.” She pulls her phone out, handing it to me. I call my own phone before giving it back to her.

  “One more thing.”

  She tilts her head up, waiting to hear it. There is nothing to hear. I take her mouth in a deep kiss. I push my tongue past her lips, tasting the vanilla cake she had for dessert mixed with a sweet taste I know belongs to her alone. I also pull some of those pins out of her hair, allowing it to fall.

  I deepen the kiss even though I know if I don’t stop I’m going to have to take her against this wall. I need to stop because there is no way I am going to treat her like that. She’s different.

  She’s mine.



  In all my life I’ve never seen Kennedy glow the way she currently is. I’ve seen other brides of course. It comes with the life we lead. We often have to make appearances at special events, but this is different. Her happiness is written all over her face. My sister is madly in love with her new husband. Arranged marriage or not.

  Her husband Gerrit won me over the second he came bursting into the bridal room thinking Kennedy was getting cold feet. That man got on his knees and confessed his undying love to her. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the romantic in me loved the fact that he might have pushed for this arranged marriage because his need to ha
ve her was so great. It may have been a dick thing to do, but I also think it’s kind of sweet. I’m not sure what that says about me.

  The funny part is that if Gerrit would have only taken some time to get to know Kennedy, he would have realized that my sister had been crushing on him already. There would have been no need for an arranged marriage. All of that is in the past now, though. The rest of the wedding went off without a hitch. They are both about to begin their journey as husband and wife.

  “You look stunning, you know.” Luke places a kiss on my bare shoulder, breaking me from my thoughts. I’m in a strapless dress that hugs me in all the right places. My sister loves the hell out of me, and there was no way she’d put me in some ugly dress. Not only that, there was no way my mother would allow it. I’ve avoided her as much as possible today.

  Everything always has to be perfect for her. Trying to be perfect all the time is tiresome. It’s one of the reasons I decided to head overseas. With Kennedy being gone, I know my mother will direct all of her attention to me. That’s not a good thing. The only time she actually pays attention to either of us is usually to criticize something.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I glance over at him. His bow tie is undone, and his suit jacket is long gone. He’s even unbuttoned a few buttons at the top of his shirt. When I glance down, I can see that he’s rolled his sleeves up. That’s not what catches me off guard, though; it’s the tattoo that runs the length of his arm.

  “Do you hate tattoos?” he asks me. I find myself reaching out to touch it. I didn’t use the hotel key he gave me last night. But I still have it in my bag, and I’m pretty sure he’s staying tonight again.


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