Only Tonight

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Only Tonight Page 2

by Lucy Darling

  “No, I guess I was a little surprised. I hate that I went and made an assumption when I shouldn’t have.” I run my finger along the colorful piece. I have so many questions, but I hold back, not wanting to seem pushy.

  “We can spend the night getting to know each other.” He gives me that charming smile of his. I bite my bottom lip while I consider it.

  “With the way your brother looks at my sister I think we’re going to have a lifetime to get to know each other.” We both look out at the dance floor watching as Gerrit spins my sister around. My throat grows tight. “If you could excuse me for a moment.” I stand from my chair, suddenly needing air.

  Before I can try and make an escape, my sister breaks from Gerrit’s hold on the dance floor to come talk to me. I feel Luke’s eyes on me the whole time. Kennedy wraps me in a tight hug, telling me that she loves me.

  “I’ll be back before you know it. It’s only a few months,” I remind her. “Enjoy your honeymoon and that man that is hopelessly in love with you.”

  “I know we don’t need anyone to make us happy, but loving my husband is something I could never explain. I hope one day you find what I have with Gerrit. No, I take that back. I don’t hope you find it. I know you will.”

  “Maybe I’ll find me a hot Italian while I’m there?” I tease. I have to joke or I’ll cry. I know Kennedy and my relationship is codependent, but without partners it worked for us. Now everything is changing. She gives me one last kiss and then she’s gone.

  That tightness in my throat gets worse as I watch her go. I turn, needing to get out of here fast in order to get my shit together. It’s not until I'm out of the ballroom and almost to the end of one of the hallways that I release the emotions I was holding in. I know Luke is following me. He hasn’t taken his eyes off me. He gently grabs me by the elbow, turning me toward him before I can find a bathroom to hide in.

  “You’re crying.”

  “I guess you're not the smart one out of the Kane brothers.”

  Luke throws his head back in laughter. He laughs so hard it makes me smile because damn. The man was hot before, but when he laughs he makes my body throb in places it shouldn’t.

  He wipes one of the tears, but another falls. “Why are you crying?”

  I glance both ways down the hallway. “There is no way that you missed me walking my only sister down the aisle today.”

  “Trust me, pretty eyes, I notice everything when it comes to you.” I dip my head, trying to hide my blush, but he only puts his finger under my chin to make me look back up at him.

  “Kennedy is my family.”

  “You’re not losing her. Not really.”

  “Did you know that I still sneak into her bed at night? We’re not little kids anymore, and I still do it. Well I guess I used to do it. Now, she won’t be there for me to do it.”

  Luke's whole face goes soft like I’ve said the sweetest thing in the world. “You’ll find someone too. Then you’ll be wanting to slip into bed with him instead.” His tone is playful, but my mind flashes to me slipping into bed with him. He rubs his thumb down my cheek, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “I know. She even asked me to move with her, but I’ll cross that bridge later.”

  Luke’s lips twitch. “My brother said you could move in with them. He really will do anything for his wife.” I can tell Luke thinks the offer from his brother for me to move in with them was nice, but overall he doesn't much care for the idea.

  “From what I’ve seen he’s the kind of man that women read about in romance books.” Luke's jaw hardens for a moment. “But I’m leaving for Europe for a few months, so I’m in no rush to find a place.”

  “I hear you saying the words but based on the look on your face, I don’t think you believe what you're saying.” He steps more into me. His body presses into mine.

  I lick my bottom lip. Maybe it’s the dress and being all done up that has me being bold. The two glasses of champagne are probably helping too. I am far from drunk, but it took the edge off my normal shyness when it comes to men. At least men I find attractive.

  “Maybe it’s because I want to be doing other things with my mouth.” I place my hands on his chest. The man is hard all over.

  “You’re asking for it, pretty eyes.”

  “I know. So what are you going to do about it?”



  What was a man like me to do when this angel with the long silky blond hair, and eyes you could get lost in challenged me? She has the aura of an angel that was dropped right down among us mortals.

  Maybe this is all part of a grander plan? Could she be a plant of some kind? In my line of work there’s a high possibility that she is an undercover operative. One that’s here to distract me. It’s not as if I don’t do the same thing to others most days of my life.

  Either way, I plan on taking whatever it is she’s offering. The temptation is too great. If I’m being outed, I want my last memory to be of me inside of her. I could die a happy man knowing that she came on my cock. My lips crush down onto hers as I dominate her mouth. There is no turning back now.

  Her kiss is more innocent than I thought it would be. I know I should go slower, but how long has it been since I had a woman? Now here I am kissing Kinley like I want the world to know she is all mine and no one else’s. I don’t care if she is a plant that was sent to get close to me. And mark my words, we are going to be getting very close.

  The more I watch her, the less I think she is here to scope me out. The way she blushes and often rambles on about her sister is too natural to be acted out. This is all her, and I want her for myself.

  I won’t let myself believe she is someone that’s here to get information on me. I convince myself it would be too much of a coincidence.

  I need to stop being suspicious of everyone, which is hard considering it’s what’s kept me safe all of this time. I need to remember that her sister married my brother. Even my own brother doesn't know about my work with Interpol. All they know is that I’m out in Hong Kong doing business. I was, but not in the way they thought.

  Her attraction to me isn’t acted. I’ve seen it in her eyes and the way her lips slightly part. Her reactions are natural.

  It’s not as though a woman like Kinley couldn't have gotten any man in that wedding to go home with her. Not that I was going to give anyone a chance to get near her. She’s mine. I turn my head for a moment, trying to hide my anger. Thinking about another man touching her is not something I want to continue to do. She belongs to me now.

  How long has it been since I’ve even kissed another woman? Now I've done it twice in the last twenty-four hours. Yes, in the underbelly of the dark world I play in there tend to be women everywhere, but I’ve never touched any of them.

  Most of them are willing to do anything for a few dollars. That always made my gut turn and caused guilt to ensue inside of me for them. That was a line I never crossed, not even when I was trying to blend in.

  There are things I’ve seen that have left permanent scars inside my mind. There is no healing from those things, so I pushed them to the back of my mind.

  “Luke.” She breathes out my name. Her already plump lips are swollen. I’ve managed to pull some of the pins in her hair out while we kissed, freeing the rest of that hair of hers so it can fall all around her.

  I think I might be wrong after all. I feel as though Kinley could heal me. That her very presence could erase all the bad shit I’ve seen in this world. Too bad she isn't mine to have forever. Sometime tomorrow, we’ll both be on a plane, creating more space between us. Fuck it hurts to think about that.

  I’ve only just met the woman, but for some reason it feels as though I’ve known her forever. The way we talk to each other would make you think we’ve been friends for many years. Hell, it may even make you think we are actually a married couple. That thought does not help my cock. Thinking about her with my ring on her finger causes a funny sensation in my chest. It also makes
me want to claim her.

  “Let's go back to my room.” I want her all to myself.

  “Let’s go.”

  I snag her hand, heading toward the elevator and stepping on. Another man tries to join us, but I tell him to catch the next. He lifts his hands and takes a step back. As soon as the door closes, I’m all over her.

  From the moment I saw Kinley this is all I’ve been able to think about. I need to be inside of her. To feel a part of her. Even if it is only for tonight. When the elevator dings, we stop kissing long enough to get into my room. The dress is history when my hands get a hold of her. Her loud gasp fills the room.

  I need to feel her on me. Skin to skin. It’s been so long since I’ve actually felt close to someone. I’ve spent so much time making sure I kept everyone at a distance. It was for their protection. Now I’m like a starved beast, and the only thing that will satisfy my appetite will be feasting on Kinley.

  She goes for the buttons of my shirt, but she’s not quick enough. I pull at the shirt and the buttons go flying, leaving me only in my slacks and shoes. Her destroyed bridesmaid dress lies on the floor, leaving her only in a thong and heels.

  “You know this is only for tonight,” Kinley says as she reaches for the belt of my slacks. “It’s all we really have.”

  “For now,” I remind her as she pulls my belt free from my pants. I want more than tonight, but right now it is all we can have. If it was only her going off to Europe I’d follow her, but I have things that I need to finish in Hong Kong. Loose ends that have to be tied up.

  So for now I’ll let her think that this is only for tonight. But make no mistake about it; there will be many more nights of us being together. She’s already hooked me, and I haven’t even been inside of her yet. I should stop now before I get a taste of her. I know that once I do, there will be no turning back.

  She starts to undo the button of my pants, but I stop her. If I get my dick out now I’ll be inside of her in seconds. I want to savor this. I want to see every inch of that curvy body of hers.

  “Turn around,” I order her. “You have to trust me, Kinley. I’ll be good to you.” Something passes over her eyes, and she follows my order. “Bend down and don’t take the panties off. Leave the heels on. I want to feel them against me when I take you.” She sucks in a deep breath. I’m finding that the dirtier I talk, the more turned on she gets.

  My cock jerks in my slacks thinking about being the man to get her to do all the dirty things she’s never done before. She’ll be mine and only mine in all ways. She turns to give me her back. I undo my slacks, reaching in to grip my hard cock, trying to get the damn thing to calm down.

  The urge to take the edge off and mark her ass with my cum almost wins out. But I push that thought to the side, knowing that I want her to take every last drop of me inside of her tight cunt.

  Her lush ass bounces as she does as I tell her. I walk over to her, my eyes eating up the vision in front of me. She turns to look at me over her shoulder, and her beautiful blond locks cascading down her naked back almost cause me to come undone. I grip both of her hips, pulling her into me. I rub my cock against her ass. She lets out a whimper as she begins to rub herself against me.

  “You’ll wait until I’m done looking at you.” I release my grip on her hip to trail my fingers over her, getting closer to her pussy each time. My mind suddenly drifts to her belly being swollen with our child.

  I slip my hand down between her thighs. I push her feet wider with mine to spread her more open for me. I groan when I feel how fucking wet she is.

  “You’re hurting.” She nods even though it’s not a question. It’s not going to take much to make her come. I want to feel it, though. I’m a greedy bastard and want my cock inside of her as she finds her first release with me. I want to feel every bit of her orgasm.

  I turn her in my arms, my eyes locking with hers. I don’t know how she is doing this. When I stare into her eyes, I see a future and not one I thought I wanted. Maybe it was my brother’s wedding that’s fucking with my head. Really I don’t care what it is in the end because I want her. All of her. Forever.

  I kiss her. My hands go to her ass. I pick her up, carrying her over to the bed. She tries to thrust against me to rub her hard clit enough to get off, but I don't let her. I pull back as I lay her in the center of the bed. It’s not only her pussy that’s covered in wetness, but her thighs are too. Seeing her so turned on makes me feel even more out of control.

  “Spread your legs. I want you to show me what belongs to me.” She lets out a small moan before she again follows my order. Right now I need to see every inch of her. Her sweet pussy glistens with arousal, making my mouth water. Tempting me in a way that I’ve never been tempted before. “If you want to come, you need to spread those thighs wider. I’m a big man.”

  The glint in her eyes tells me she wants to say something smartass back, but her body is in too much need. I understand. If she barked an order at me at this moment I’d likely do it just so that I could be inside of her.

  Instead, like a good little girl, she spreads her legs wide for me. I want to bury my face there. I will, but right now I have to take the edge off. Both of us need it. I kick my shoes off before climbing onto the bed and over her.

  I’m so mindless with need I don’t even fully undress. I pull my cock out, dragging the head up and down her wet slit. I focus on her clit. Her fingers dig into my arms as that small action alone makes her come. I don’t hesitate to push inside of her at the same time. It only takes one stroke before I’m coming, her sweet cunt squeezing every drop from me. My vision blurs as I feel the greatest pleasure of my life.

  Now I know where heaven is. It’s wherever she is.



  I wake up with a smile on my face and soreness between my legs. It doesn’t hurt in a bad way but in a way that reminds me of how many times Luke took me last night. I reach over to grab my phone to check the time. It’s still dark outside, but the moon provides just enough light for me to see. Luke’s warm body is pressed up against me, and I swear his cock is still hard even in sleep. It warms me that he can’t get enough of me for some reason.

  My eyes adjust to the bright light of the phone, seeing it’s already five in the morning. I sink back into Luke, taking a moment to appreciate the way he feels against me and knowing that I will never forget last night and how he made me feel so wanted.

  My heart aches at the thought of leaving him, even though I knew that it was a one-night thing. It didn’t feel that way to me last night. The connection I felt to him didn’t feel as if it were a temporary thing, but I can’t allow myself to think of that now. I take a deep breath, inhaling his scent and storing it to memory before I slip from the bed.

  I quietly maneuver around the room picking up my things. Once I have everything in hand, I go into the bathroom to slip on my dress. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I definitely look different. My hair is a mess from Luke having his hands in it all night, and my lips are puffy from his rough but sweet kisses. But there’s something else that’s different about me that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  I get myself together quickly, my shoes in hand before I grab one of Luke’s shirts to put on over the partially ripped dress.

  I know I shouldn’t, but I walk over to the bed to get one last look at him for now. It’s not as if I’ll never see him again. His brother married my sister. I’m sure we’ll run across each other at some future family functions. But I know that I’ll never see him again in this way. I let my eyes roam over him before I slip out of his room to go to mine.

  I’m only a few floors away, so it doesn’t take me long to get back to my room. When I enter it, everything is as I left it. I shower and change, checking the time again. I’ve done everything I can think of to pass the time before I have to leave for the airport, but I’m still a little early. Would it be so terrible to give Luke a kiss goodbye? That way when we see each other again it won’t be aw
kward. I can still feel him all over me. It is bittersweet.

  I call downstairs for someone to retrieve my bags. I tried to pack as light as I possibly could for a few months stay in Europe. I’m not sure of everything I’ll need. But I included a few dressier things for the few meetings I have as well. I am a little excited to actually get to put my Italian and French to use. I so seldom get to.

  What if this didn't have to be a one-night stand? My mind starts coming up with reasons that Luke and I can't be together. It’s not like I can wrap up my work and head off to Hong Kong and move right in with him. I need to let it go.

  A knock on the door lets me know the bellhop is here.

  “Morning, ma’am.” He gives me a smile.

  “Same to you. Can you have these taken down? I have a car coming to pick me up.”

  “They’ll be ready to go.” I tip him before heading back out and to Luke’s floor. I’m not normally a shy person. I usually say what I want, but with him I get this giddy feeling in my stomach. I also debate if a goodbye kiss is a bad thing. I bet we end up back in his bed.

  Which I have to say sounds wonderful. My first meeting isn't for over a week. Maybe he could come with me. If he could spare the time. The way Gerrit talks about him, though, I’m thinking he doesn't any extra time. Even if Luke wanted to offer me everything, to take me home to Hong Kong when I was done with my trip, I would have to say no. I know what the outcome would eventually be.

  I don’t want to get stuck in a city where I don’t know anyone with a husband whose life is based around work. I’d get slivers of his time at most and then what? Kennedy and I have so many plans here with the projects we've been working on, and being without her would be hard too.

  When the elevator doors open, I know I’m getting ahead of myself. I step off and freeze when I see a woman standing at his door. I watch as she swipes a key over the sensor on his door, and it opens. She enters, and the last thing I hear is the click of the lock as it falls closed right behind her. I open my purse and see the same key Luke had given me.


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