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Dinosaur World 8

Page 28

by Jacobs, Logan

  “Lucky bastard,” Becka snorted.

  “Mum’s neighbour was one of those doomsday preppers,” the soldier continued. “She always thought he was nuts, but he let her into his bunker, and they’ve been eating tinned beans and playing cards this whole time.”

  “That’s a pretty good outcome,” I laughed. “So, getting everyone here went okay?”

  “Everything went perfectly,” Kat said with a smile. “They’ve all joined your parents for the tour. Adhara’s dad was very insistent that they get the full, alien experience. I think my mum’s pretty close to fainting.”

  “Mine, too,” I said. “It is kind of a lot to spring on someone, but I’m so glad they’re here.”

  “I think I need help,” Adhara said. “With making my dress. Can you girls show me what will look good on me?”

  “My sweet, supermodel alien,” Becka sighed and strolled over. “You could wear a bag and be the hottest thing in the universe. But hell yes, we’ll help you.”

  “We will help Kat, too.” Hae-won grinned. “Otherwise, she might try and get married in her camo pants and boots.”

  “I like camo and boots,” the soldier laughed.

  “So do I.” I sent the soldier a wink, and she snickered when my gaze dropped to her glorious ass.

  “Okay!” Becka cut in. “This is officially the bridal suite! Jason, you must leave so we can prepare your beautiful brides.”

  “I’ll leave you to it,” I agreed. “Does it matter that I have absolutely no idea what I’m meant to do during the ceremony?”

  “I will show you,” Adhara promised. “It is simple. Maybe we can do the vow talking that you all did before? I liked this.”

  “Anything for my wives,” I said, and Kat gave me a kiss on the cheek before she started to design her dress.

  I left the girls chattering and giggling behind me, and as I stepped out of the room, I was convinced it was the best noise in the universe.

  I could hear voices upstairs, too, and I made my way over to the bronze staircase. As I headed up the steps, I realized the conversation was taking place in the alien language, and when I reached the next level, I found Leo in deep conversation with Adhara’s mother.

  They looked over at me as I approached and nodded approvingly at my suit.

  “This is a good clothing,” the older woman said. “All the human ancestors are being shown around. Our other scout who stayed on island of your world has returned also. The ceremony will begin shortly.”

  “About that,” I said. “I was wondering if you could teach me a phrase in your language, so I can use it in my vows.”

  “Our language?” Leo asked and crossed his burly arms. “What do you want to say?”

  “I love you,” I said. “I figure it can’t be too hard to at least learn one sentence.”

  The male scout raised an eyebrow, and then he made a series of slow, guttural grunts followed by a gentle hum.

  “Uh,” I said. “Okay, here goes.”

  I made some noises that I felt were pretty close to what Leo had said, and suddenly, the stoic alien broke out into a howl of laughter. His stern face softened, and his shoulders shook, and I sighed when he actually braced his hands on his knees to recollect himself.

  “That bad?” I grinned. “Dammit, let me hear again.”

  Leo kept repeating the sounds, and I took it piece by piece until I could just about mimic them.

  “It is close.” Adhara’s mother smiled. “I believe my daughter will appreciate gesture.”

  “I guess that’s all that matters,” I chuckled.

  There was a sudden burst of voices, and footsteps rang out as a group of people came down the bronze stairs.

  Adhara’s father led my parents into the room, followed by the girls’ families. Kwan, Jee, and all of Hae-won’s brothers appeared, and then Debbie came in close behind. A man and woman I figured were Kat’s parents were next, and I grinned from ear to ear to see everyone together.

  “Jason!” Hae-won’s brothers yelled, and they jogged over to me and grabbed me into a hug.

  “Hey, guys,” I laughed. “Holy shit, it’s good to see you all.”

  “You did it,” Sun-hee laughed and shook my shoulder. “You saved the world!”

  “I did,” I chuckled.

  “Not only that,” Tae said. “I hear you are now the ruler of it.”

  “Not bad.” Min-jun smirked. “I am glad to have you as a brother.”

  “Thanks, man,” I said with a grin. “I’ll make sure everyone’s set up nice once I’m… I don’t know. Doing ruler shit.”

  “You better.” Sun-hee waggled his eyebrows at me.

  Then Debbie hurried over to me, and the brothers broke away to let her pass.

  “You gorgeous yank!” the blonde woman shrieked as she grabbed me by the shoulders. “My daughter’s got good taste, that’s for damn sure. We’re on a fucking spaceship, Jason.”

  “We are,” I laughed. “Pretty cool, right?”

  “There’s aliens all over the place,” Debbie said with wide eyes. “It’s incredible! Those purple boys have got some arms on them, too. Did you see the jawlines?”

  “I didn’t have time to notice.” I grinned.

  Kwan and Jee strode over to me while Debbie eyed an older-looking alien man from head to toe, and the underground king reached out a hand.

  “My son has done well,” he said approvingly. “I suppose you really have earned that Porsche.”

  “You got a Porsche?” Debbie asked and snapped her attention back to me. “Can I have a shot at it?”

  “Would you like one, too?” Kwan asked, and Debbie grabbed onto my arm as her eyes widened even more.

  “You are family now.” Jee smiled. “We share with our family.”

  “Damn right, I want a bloody Porsche,” Debbie snorted. “You got room on that island of yours for a few more people?”

  My in-laws laughed with each other, and I headed over to the man and woman I hadn’t met yet.

  “Hi.” I smiled. “You must be Kat’s parents. I’m Jason.”

  “It’s an honour,” the man replied. “I’m Eric, and this is Lauren.”

  “Kat has told us so much about you.” Lauren smiled. “We are looking forward to getting to know you better.”

  Suddenly, the dreamy music around us became louder, and Adhara’s mother raised a hand like a teacher trying to get everyone’s attention.

  “The joining ceremony will begin,” she announced. “Please take seats. Jason, up to the front with me.”

  My mom gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then hurried over to take a seat with my dad.

  I made my way down to the circular stage, and Adhara’s mother smiled in a way that looked so much like her daughter as she instructed me on what to do.

  “Take off your shoes,” she said. “And stand inside the pool. Your females are on their way.”

  “Thank you.” I slipped off my shoes and socks and rolled up my pant legs before I carefully stepped into the little pool. The water was perfectly warm, and as strange as the situation was, I found myself feeling completely relaxed.

  Then I looked up as I heard footsteps approaching, and my heart rate doubled on the spot.

  Holy fuck, it was my wedding day again.

  Becka and Hae-won appeared from the sleek bronze stairs, and they looked incredible. The blonde Brit had a light blue, figure-hugging dress on with matching heels. She had put on some soft makeup and blew me a kiss as I admired her, and her hair was lightly tousled in a kitteny way.

  Hae-won wore a deep red dress with a low cut bodice and lacy sleeves. She had on black high heels and dark lipstick to match her dress, and I couldn’t keep from admiring how perfectly the outfit hugged her petite body. The way her hips swayed with each step made her red dress even more alluring, and I had to remind myself that I wasn’t alone in the lavish, alien hall.

  The girls walked toward me with their heels clacking in time with each other, and then they stood to my right
like bridesmaids.

  “You both look amazing,” I whispered.

  “We know.” Hae-won grinned as she smoothed down her dress.

  “Just wait until you see the others,” Becka giggled. “Your mind is about to explode, Hubby.”

  There was a murmur amongst the crowd, and I looked over to see my two new brides at the far end of the room.

  My jaw practically hit the floor as I took in the sight, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how fucking lucky I was.

  Kat was in a white, lacy dress that clung to every perfect curve of her sculpted body, and it was short at the front and draped down into a train at the back so her toned legs were on display. She wore silver heels that glistened in the alien lighting, and her curly hair had been somewhat tamed with a lacy veil that draped down over her shoulders.

  The beautiful soldier’s hazel eyes shone as she walked toward me, and I was mesmerized by her smile until my eyes suddenly caught on the white garter peeking out from under the skirt of her dress.

  Then my gaze flicked to Adhara, and my alien lover looked equally as unbelievable.

  Her outfit was made up of a cream-colored corset and a layered, puffy skirt. The top half of the dress plunged down to show off her amazing cleavage, and the material shimmered under the purple lighting. Adhara had tall, black heels on that laced up her slim, lilac calves, and I had to drag my eyes away from her perfect legs as I processed the erotic view.

  I was so happy and turned on at that moment that I was almost light-headed by the time my girls reached me, and it took every ounce of my willpower to keep my blood flow in order while I watched them gracefully slip off their shoes before they stepped onto the stage.

  “You both look stunning,” I whispered as they stepped into the water. “Seriously, I’m… I’m speechless.”

  “Thanks.” Kat grinned. “I decided against the camo pants.”

  “I approve this one time,” I chuckled.

  “I have wedding dress!” Adhara said excitedly as I took her hand to help her into the pool. “Becka helped make it.”

  “It’s almost as beautiful as you,” I murmured, and the alien blushed a beautiful dark purple.

  “Now, for ceremony,” Adhara’s mother announced as she stood behind the stage. “It is traditional to read speech.”

  The alien woman continued to recite something in her low clicks and hums, and Adhara’s emerald eyes instantly welled up with tears.

  I just admired the way she and Kat glowed while the steady lull of Adhara’s mother’s voice echoed around the room, and when the reading was finished, the older alien took a moment to smile at her daughter.

  “Do you want to say anything?” she asked, and Adhara nodded.

  “Jason,” the lilac-skinned beauty began. “When I came to Earth, I did not think I would meet any friends. I was lost and thought I would be fighting to survive among enemies, but then you showed me kindness and love, and I felt more safe than ever. Every day I felt more and more safe, and you made me smile even when I was scared.”

  Becka sniffed behind me, and I glanced over to see Hae-won rub her back gently.

  “I am so happy to be wife with you,” Adhara continued with an adorable smile. “We are family, forever.”

  “Yeah, we are.” I grinned. “Adhara, you amaze me. Everything you do is incredible, and from the moment I met you, you’ve fascinated me. You’re so calm under pressure, and smarter than anyone I know, and you’ve never hesitated to help in any way you can. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that your ship crashed in Ravenscar that day. It scared the hell out of me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, and I will spend my life loving you.”

  I cleared my throat, and then I recited the alien phrase that Leo had taught me in what I hoped was a confident tone.

  I immediately heard Leo snickering somewhere in the crowd, but Adhara’s hands flew to her cheeks as her emerald eyes glistened.

  “Jason!” the beautiful alien gasped. “You learned this for me?”

  I shrugged and grinned a bit, and Adhara’s smile seemed to light up the whole room at that moment. Then I looked at Kat, and I started to feel a little choked up as I prepared for my next set of vows.

  “I love you,” the pretty soldier said right off the bat. “I’m not gonna say a whole lot of cute stuff, because I hate crying in front of people, but… I think you know there is no other man I would follow across the universe, Jason. And I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one,” I said as I looked into her dewy, hazel eyes. “Kat, I honestly can’t believe a girl as amazing as you even exists. You’re brave, kind, and can blow up dinosaurs like nobody else. I can’t wait to play with guns with you for the rest of our lives.”

  Kat sniffed, and these last words were what finally brought a few tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Shit,” the soldier whimpered, and I held out my hands so I could clutch onto both of my girls.

  “Now, step out of water,” Adhara’s mother said. “And dry your females’ feet.”

  I carefully stepped onto the cold stage that surrounded the small pool, and I reached down for the black towel that had been placed on the steps. Then I knelt down and gently dried off Adhara’s slender feet first before I moved on to Kat’s.

  “That tickles,” the soldier giggled, and the two girls crouched down to return the favor.

  Once we were all dry, we slipped our shoes back on, and we turned to look at Adhara’s mother.

  “The ceremony is complete,” the alien announced. “Jason is now joined with Adhara and Kat. May you mate often and well and create many offspring.”

  Hae-won’s brothers all burst out laughing while the rest of the room erupted into applause, and I was laughing just as much as them as I grabbed my two newest wives.

  Then I pulled the two beauties into a tight hug, and they planted kisses all over my face at the same time. It took all of my self-control not to grab their asses in front of everyone, but I let the feeling of their breasts pressing firmly against me bring a huge grin to my face.

  “Now,” Adhara’s father announced. “We head down to lower level to celebrate. Our kind guest from Earth Korea has brought many bottles of a liquid called alcohol.”

  I snorted as I looked over at the Korean man in question, and Kwan simply smirked as he rubbed his scar-covered neck.

  “I will not be having the alcohol,” Adhara whispered. “I think I shall tell you news, Jason.”

  I watched the gorgeous alien stroke her stomach, and I knew in that moment that I was about to have the first ever alien-human hybrid kid.

  “You’re serious?” I hissed, and Adhara nodded.

  “Are you happy?” she asked as she nervously bit her lip, and I immediately pulled her close for a kiss.

  “I am over the fucking moon,” I whispered. “Literally.”

  “Well, I’m glad that makes you so happy,” Kat muttered. “Because I have been feeling kind of ill the past few mornings.”

  “What?” I blurted out.

  “We are all having babies!” Hae-won squealed and threw her arms up in the air. “This is such a wonderful day!”

  “Fuck, our family is going to be the most attractive family in the world,” Becka snickered.

  I couldn’t even swallow while I tried to process my luck, and I felt like I was walking on air as we all headed off the stage. Then I caught my dad’s eye, and both him and my mom had clearly heard my Korean lover’s announcement.

  My dad’s eyebrows were raised up into his hairline while my mother just clapped absentmindedly, and when I sent my dad a grin, he started chuckling and shrugged. Then my mom burst into happy tears, and he dropped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her head.

  So, I decided they were probably alright with all this, and I was more than fine with the way my life was turning out.

  Not only did I have the four hottest wives in existence, but I was about to have four kids, too. My mind was racing a mile a minut
e while I led my wives down the stairs, and it took a second to realize that the lower floor had also been completely transformed.

  The rest of the alien crew were hurriedly placing bowls down that were full of bizarre food that smelled incredible. There was lively music blasting out all around us, and the orbs of light above us flashed different colors. A long table was covered in bottles of wine and liquor that I recognized from my first wedding at the Buddhist temple, but this time, I knew I was about to experience my first ever alien party.

  I rifled my hair in bewilderment, but then I saw a long window along the left side of the room, and I strode over to see a blue and green planet below us.

  “Holy shit,” I muttered. “There’s Earth.”

  My gorgeous wives had already started to dance, and I looked over to see my dad pouring Kwan a glass of whiskey. The party had kicked off at full swing almost immediately with aliens and humans alike, and my heart soared as I watched my girls fall around laughing as Hae-won tried to teach Adhara the macarena.

  Their eyes all shimmered with happiness while their cheeks blushed the sweetest pinks, and my gaze drifted to all of their abdomens as I realized every one of these beautiful women were carrying my children.

  And everything I had fought for had been saved. My entire world was right there on that ship, dancing to alien music and cramming brightly-colored foods into their mouths, and nothing would ever be the same from here on out.

  That day in the library, when I had met my first raptor, I had no idea what was about to come. I had no clue I would meet the loves of my life and prove to myself exactly what I was capable of. I had no clue how much I could even love a woman, let alone four, but here I was, and my heart was bursting with too much pride to be contained.

  All the near-death experiences and obstacles we had faced had all led to this moment of pure happiness.

  I turned back to look out of the window, and I stared down at the planet I was suddenly the leader of. It was a hell of a responsibility, but I felt confident that I was the right person for the job.


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