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Page 20

by Evangeline Anderson

  He frowned. “You mean you’ve never reached the peak?”

  I shook my head, feeling obscurely ashamed.

  “Remember I told you I never felt much of anything back on Earth? It’s only since I’ve been up here with you that I started feeling like I might be able to, you know, have an orgasm. I…” I licked my lips and looked down. “I thought I was going to, uh, have one the last time you were healing me. When you were, you know…licking my breasts. But then you stopped and even though I tried I…I can’t seem to make myself, uh, reach the peak, as you put it.”

  Grav made a low sound in his throat and I looked up quickly. Was he angry for some reason?

  He was, but I soon found out it wasn’t at me.

  “This is my fault,” he growled, frowning. “I did this to you, darlin’. I woke up your body and then I left you wanting because I was afraid to get involved. And then the damn truth-drink the Reverend Mother made us take made it about a hundred times worse. That’s why you’re in so much pain.”

  “I understand why you didn’t want to get involved,” I said quickly. “I mean, we already talked about this and decided it was a bad idea. I’m still married—uh, joined, and—”

  “You’re not joined to that abusive asshole back on your home planet,” Grav interrupted me fiercely. “Not in the eyes of the Goddess. He broke the contract between you and gave up any right he had to call you his female the moment he put his hands on you with anything other than love.”

  “I guess…” I bit my lip. “That’s not exactly my definition of divorce but—”

  “We decided it’s a bad idea because I’m a half-breed—I can’t bond you.” He looked incredibly frustrated by that for a moment. “And because of my past.” He lifted my chin again. “But Leah, just because I can’t bond you to me or claim you as a mate, doesn’t mean I can’t bring you pleasure…at least enough pleasure to ease your pain.”

  “Do…do you want to?” I asked and then realized what a stupid question it was. “I mean, of course you do because you’re feeling the pain too—right?”

  “Yeah, I feel the pain you’re having, darlin’,” Grav rumbled, his white-on-black eyes never leaving mine. “But that’s not why I want to touch you…to make you come.”

  “Why then?” I whispered, my voice breathless and uncertain.

  “Because you’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” Grav growled, cupping my cheek. “And I’ve wanted you from the first minute I saw you on the AMI.” He stroked my face, still studying my eyes intently. “But I don’t want to scare you. So let me be clear—I don’t know what kind of treatment you’re used to in the bedroom but I’m gonna be gentle, darlin’. As gentle and slow and thorough as you need me to be.”

  I felt a wave of heat rush through me.

  “You…you will?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Suddenly, with no warning, he swung me up into his arms.

  “Oh! Grav, where are we going?” I gasped as he stood easily and carried me towards the door.

  “My room,” he growled. “More room to spread out there. I have a feeling this is gonna take a while.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I laid her out on the bed and damn if she wasn’t the most gorgeous sight I’d ever seen. She let me take her robe off, raising her arms obediently and then relaxing back on the bed when it was gone. When I got it off her and threw it over the side of the bed, I saw she was bare except for the tiny little underthings she’d called “panties” that the Commercians had given her with her first outfit.

  Without the robe in the way, I could see how badly she needed to be touched. The thin black fabric clung to the folds of her pussy, molding itself to her soft little mound so tightly I swore I could see the outline of her clit. She was wet there—the black material shiny with her honey. It made my mouth water and I had to remind myself I was only doing this to help her—to ease the pain that I had started in her the last time I had healed her breasts.

  Speaking of her breasts, they were soft and round and full, the pink nipples erect with need. I wanted to suck them again but I wasn’t sure how Leah would feel about it. I also thought about taking my flight trousers off—by now my shaft was snarling for release. But then I decided that probably wasn’t safe.

  As I’ve said before, Braxians have a point of no return. I didn’t intend to reach that point with Leah tonight. I was just going to help her come—that was all. So the trousers stayed on.

  “Grav,” she whispered, reaching for me. “Please…”

  She didn’t finish her sentence but she didn’t need to. I lay on the bed with her and took her in my arms. She flowed to me, as warm and willing as water, the lush curves of her breasts pressed against my chest, her round, full hips and heart-shaped ass filling my hands.

  Gods, she was fucking perfect.

  I kissed her then, because I couldn’t help it, taking her sweet mouth hungrily, tasting her as I had back on Gemina. She kissed me back eagerly, opening her lips to me and inviting me in when I invaded her.

  I wanted to penetrate her with a whole lot more than my tongue, but I felt her sweet body quivering against mine and knew this wasn’t doing her any good.

  We had to get down to business.

  Reluctantly, I pulled away and positioned her in the crook of my arm.

  “Grav?” She looked up at me uncertainly. “What…what are you going to do?”

  “Touch you, darlin’,” I murmured, looking into her big brown eyes and feeling like I was drowning. “Just touch you—that’s all.”

  “All right.” In a gesture so trusting it made my heart fist in my chest, she let her thighs fall open, inviting me in. “All right,” she whispered again. “Go ahead.”

  I growled softly in the back of my throat and ran my hand down her body, making sure I paid attention to her full breasts as I went. Leah cried out and arched her back when I tugged gently at her tight nipples. I knew how sensitive they were and I couldn’t resist sucking one tender peak into my mouth as my fingers found their way down to her mound.

  Leah cried out and arched her back, offering me more. Offering me anything I wanted.

  Gods, how I wished I could take her up on that! But we couldn’t go too far—it would be too damn hard to let her go if we did. And I had sworn to myself I wouldn’t go to that point of no return. Not with someone as innocent and lovely as Leah.

  Because a Braxian’s point of no return—well, let’s just say it’s not a pretty place. Not in battle or in sex.

  “Darlin’,” I murmured hoarsely, releasing her nipple as my hand found her mound. I cupped her pussy—just cupped it at first, feeling the warm little mound nestle in my hand. The black fabric felt slippery with her juices and she gave a soft little cry and pressed up into my palm.

  “Grav,” she whispered breathlessly. “Grav, please…I need…need you so much.”

  “I know you do, sweetheart.” I lifted my fingers and let them trace gently between her pussy lips, running lightly over the sensitive little bump of her clit, caressing her through the thin panties.

  Leah gave another little cry and I saw how much need she was in—felt the surge of painful pleasure my touch provoked in her. My cock gave an answering surge but I ignored it—this was about Leah. About easing her pain and giving her pleasure.

  About making her come.

  “I need to touch you under your panties, darlin’,” I murmured, looking into her eyes. “Need to touch your bare pussy. Can you let me do that?”

  Leah bit her lip, uncertainty flickering across her face.

  “Yes,” she whispered at last. “If…if you need to.”

  “I think I do if I’m going to make you come. Look—I’ll just cup you at first. All right?”

  We both watched as my fingertips teased under the waistband of her little black panties and I finally held her, bare and vulnerable and oh-so-Goddess-damned beautiful in the palm of my hand.

  “Oh, Grav…” she br
eathed and spread her thighs wider for me, another gesture of trust that tugged at my heart. This was unknown territory for her—a place she’d never been before. Or rather, a place she’d never been able to go. And she was letting me take her there—trusting me to guide her.

  I swore to myself I wouldn’t betray that trust. That I would take things slow and make her feel good—make her come again and again.

  Her soft little pussy was wet and open under my palm. I could feel her slippery folds pressing up eagerly, spreading under my fingers as though she couldn’t wait to feel my touch. But when I stroked her clit lightly, she gasped and pulled away.

  “What is it darlin’?” I looked at her anxious. “Did I hurt you?”

  “It didn’t hurt exactly.” Leah bit her lip. “It’s just…I’m so sensitive now. It’s almost like I can’t stand to have anything touching me. Anything at all.” She looked at me with wide eyes. “What are we going to do?”

  “This.” I left her side and went down to the foot of the sleeping platform, positioning myself between her thighs. But when I started to tug down her panties, Leah gasped and brought her knees together.

  “What…what are you…I mean I don’t think…” She didn’t seem to be able to finish her sentence.

  “It’s okay,” I murmured soothingly, looking up at her. “You said it yourself—you’re too sensitive to be touched.” I traced a long line down her quivering thigh and looked her in the eyes. “But not too sensitive to be licked.”

  “L-licked?” she stuttered, her eyes going wide. “You mean you want to—”

  “To taste you. That’s right, darlin’.” I stroked her thigh again. “My fingers are too rough—at least right now when you’re so over-stimulated. So I need to use my tongue on you. Need to spread your pussy and lick you until you come in my mouth.”

  “But…but how do you know you’ll, uh, like the taste?” She still looked uncertain, her knees pressed tightly together. “I mean, what if you don’t?”

  I gave her a long look, my eyes half-closed with desire.

  “I know by your scent, darlin’. By the way you smell so damn good it makes my cock hard enough to fuck through a steel wall.”

  Raising the hand I’d touched her with to my face, I deliberately licked my fingers, cleaning away the sweet traces of her honey that lingered there.

  Leah watched me with wide eyes and I guessed this was yet another thing she’d never done—or never had done to her. What was wrong with that fuckin’ mate of hers? If she was my female, I’d spend hours buried between her sweet thighs, making love to her pussy with my tongue.

  Which was exactly what I wanted to do now.

  “Leah,” I said softly, trying to make my voice gentle and non-threatening. “Let me in now, darlin’. Let me in so I can help you—so I can make you come.”

  “All right,” she whispered at last, parting her legs. “I…I guess that’s all right.”

  “It’s going to be more than all right,” I promised her, reaching for her panties again. This time she lifted her hips and let me slide them down her shapely legs.

  Then she was naked—completely naked and completely fuckin’ beautiful.

  I swore to myself I would worship her like a goddess—that I would bring her pleasure until she came against my tongue. But when I went to spread her legs, she hesitated again.

  “What’s wrong, darlin’?” I looked up at her. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “I do…I do trust you, Grav,” she said in a small voice. “It’s just…I’m, uh, so wet.”

  She gestured to the place between her legs where her juices had coated her inner thighs and turned her soft little pussy lips shiny with need.

  “Gods, I know…” The words were a groan in my throat. I didn’t just want to taste her now—I needed to. Needed to lap up her sweet honey and feel her thighs press tight around my head while she rode my tongue. I felt like I couldn’t hold off much longer but I didn’t want to scare her. “I know,” I said again, looking up to meet her eyes. “It’s fuckin’ beautiful.”

  Before she could reply, I leaned down and dragged my tongue over her inner thigh, cleaning away her juices.

  Leah gasped and her flavor exploded across my tongue, sweet and salty and deliciously feminine. I did the same to the other thigh and she didn’t try to stop me. When I looked up, she was watching me with a kind of wonder in her eyes.

  “You…you really like it?” she whispered.

  “More than like it,” I assured her, my voice dipping down to a possessive growl. I hadn’t let myself think about it before, but tasting your female is a mark of possession among my people. We Braxians taste our mates to pleasure them but also to claim them—to make them our own.

  Well, Leah wasn’t mine. Not only that, she could never be mine. But my body didn’t seem to know that. All it knew—all I knew—was that I needed more of her sweet, secret flavor on my tongue.

  And this time I wanted to taste it straight from the source.

  “Leah,” I growled, looking at her. “I need to taste your pussy now. Are you ready to let me?”

  “Yes.” She bit her lip and nodded, her eyes wide and filled with need. “Yes, please, Grav. I…I’m ready.”

  She didn’t have to tell me twice. Leaning down I spread her thighs wide and dragged my tongue from the bottom of her well all the way up to the top of her slit. Her honey filled my mouth and I felt her quiver and moan under me.

  This time she didn’t pull away.

  I looked up at her, feeling like I was drowning I wanted her so damn badly.

  “All right?” I rasped, my voice grating with need. “Not too sensitive this time, darlin’?”

  “No…” Her breath was coming short and I swore I could hear her heart pounding inside the cage of her ribs. “No, it’s not…not too sensitive, Grav. You can…can go on.”

  “Good,” I growled, and went back to the well, desperate to drink. Thirsty for more of her sweet nectar.

  I had vowed to be gentle with her and I was—to a point. But I was right on the edge—my body urging me to take her and make her mine, the Braxian half of me demanding that I claim her as my own.

  I’m afraid I got a little wild—not that Leah seemed to mind.

  I know some males who trace the Vroxian alphabet across their female’s pleasure centers or take hours circling her clit. But by the time Leah finally let me in, I was too far gone for that.

  I spread her with my thumbs and just licked her, rubbing the flat of my tongue against the sweet little bump in her center and lapping up her sweet juices as I bathed in her warm, feminine scent.

  She was so beautiful—so fucking gorgeous spread out nude for me, her thighs open to let me taste my fill. I couldn’t be as slow as I wanted to—I needed her too much.

  As much, by that time, as she needed me.

  I dipped lower, penetrating her with my tongue, drawing a gasp from her lips as I licked up again, dragging long and slow and hot against her sensitive clit. Thanks to the truth-drink, I was feeling her pleasure as well as her pain. We kept pushing each other higher and each time I lapped her sweet, open pussy I felt her quiver and the flash of desire that went through her as she got closer and closer to the edge.

  But though she got close—damn close—she seemed to be having a hard time getting all the way there. At last she was crying and bucking against me, her hands on my throbbing horns, pulling me down as her pussy rose to meet my mouth.

  “Grav…Grav!” My name was a sob on her lips…a prayer. “Please,” she begged me. “I need something else. I’m so close but I feel so…so empty. Please.”

  I knew what she needed—the same thing a Braxian female who was being tasted and claimed would need. She needed to be filled with my shaft, long and hard, making her mine, bonding her to me…

  I was halfway to unfastening my trousers when I remembered that I couldn’t bond a female—any female to me. And even if I could, Leah deserved a hel
l of a lot better than the likes of me.

  Still, she needed penetration—I knew it in my bones. It was the only thing that would bring her where she needed so desperately to go.

  It was the only way to bring her to the peak and teach her how to fly.

  I looked up for a moment to see her—her arched back and thrusting breasts, her hair spread all around her like a silk cloud. Her cheeks were flushed with passion and her breasts were heaving as she bucked and moaned. Her pussy was wet and open, so ready for me.

  Gods…sometimes there are no words, you know?

  Quickly, not wanting her to lose momentum, I sucked two fingers into my mouth, getting them nice and wet. Then I slid them deep into the entrance to her well, as I went back to lapping her clit.

  The effect was immediate, as I had known it would be.

  “Oh…Oh!” Leah gasped. She tightened up, her body straining to meet mine, her open pussy pressed hard against my tongue. At the same time her hands tightened on my horns, making me feel like my shaft was going to break off it was so damn hard. And then I felt it—the quiver deep inside, the way her inner pussy clenched around me like a warm, silky fist.

  Coming—she was finally coming. I felt her pleasure like a tidal wave, sweeping through both of us and I’m not ashamed to say I came too—shooting jet after jet of cum just from the feeling of her reaching the peak.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Leah as I came and for a moment—just a moment—it seemed like she was almost glowing. I felt a tingling in every part of my body as our pleasure mingled—it was almost too much.

  “Grav!” she moaned helplessly. “Grav!”

  You don’t know what it did to me to hear her cry my name like that. Gods—it’s the best sound any male could ever hear. The reason the Goddess created the ability to hear in the first place, as far as I’m concerned. It made me want to stay between her thighs forever, just to hear her call for me.

  Fresh wetness coated my fingers and tongue and I lapped it up eagerly, staying with her, riding it out as the waves crashed over her.


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