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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

Page 63

by J E Mueller

  Clove appeared just on the other side of the stairs as I heard feet rush through the room next to me. I glanced over to see a man come to a dead stop.

  They didn’t so much as glance at me as they glared at one another. The man had a very athletic build and wore clothes more suited to hunting… which seemed to be the dress theme here anyway. His short brown hair was messy, but the cheesy grin that slowly crossed his face the longer he stared at Clove made me concerned.

  “Well, are we both trying to make new friends?” I recognized Benz’s voice easily enough.

  “As if that’s what you’re here for,” Clove stated coolly.

  “You’re right. Gotta dash.” He smirked, blew her a kiss, and then dashed past the hall and up the steps.

  “What was that about?” I asked, more confused than not before I heard the sound of something metallic being dragged along a wall not too far away.

  “It means he’s running from something, and so should we.” Clove turned and ran back the way she came, giving me no time to catch up.

  Still, I ran full force as I tried to follow her turning this way and that. This estate seemed to have endless paths stretching on for an eternity. It made more sense for a dream to have unlimited routes. If this was an actual place, how was that possible?

  I suppose magic was the next logical guess, but I hated to even mentally admit that. Stupid real dream world being a different realm.

  It seemed to take forever before Clove came to a full halt in a small dead end room. The room had powder blue walls, a few cozy, oversized sofas, and one overly large painting that went from floor to ceiling. My eyes lingered on the strange painting. Why was nothing this big or as well detailed elsewhere? The painting was of a rather dainty woman who was either just getting into bed, or just getting up in the morning.

  Clove glanced back at me, face turned up in a grin. “So, how much do you still not believe in magic?” She didn’t give me a chance to respond before cackling and walking directly into the painting. For a moment it wavered around her and then she was gone. The painting looked as if nothing had happened at all.

  What in the ever living hell did I hit my head on?

  Clove didn’t return. The painting remained unchanged as I stared, probably gaping like a fish. I shook my head, as if to remove the nonsense from my mind. Nothing changed. The painting continued to remain unmoving, mocking me with it’s silence.

  “Of course it shouldn’t be moving.” I clicked my tongue and finally took several steps to it and touched it decisively. To my surprise, the canvas didn’t meet my finger tips. Instead, I felt something that reminded me of homemade jam. “Why me?” I groaned and forced my arm into the painting before pulling it back out. Nothing seemed to be wrong, so before I could talk myself out of it, I pushed myself into the jam and…

  It was just another room on the other side. A large sitting room, with Clove and Mare snickering at my confusion as I fully entered.

  “You made it.” Clove smirked, hands on her hips. “See, it wasn't so bad.”

  Mare shook her head, “It’s a fairly common rite of passage.”

  I nodded dumbly. What was even going on? Did they even know or were they just making up crap just to help themselves accept this existence they were stuck in?

  Mare motioned to the room around us. Several sofas were grouped together with little tables around them. Somewhere around a dozen people were sitting or lounging about, talking, reading, and one possibly napping. At the end of the room was a hall. “This is what we call home, safety, safe zone, and any form of that. Nothing can get you here. So, let’s have a seat. I’m sure you have at least eight dozen questions.”

  There was a spot open nearly mid room and while the two of them sat I chose to remain standing. I shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot for a moment before looking at Mare. She seemed to be the more reasonable of the two.

  “So, what is this place exactly and how do you know what exactly it is?” Good job self. That was a reasonably specific enough question.

  Mare glanced at Clove but replied, “Well, that’s complicated but at least there is an answer.” She took a breath and sat for a moment trying to form her answer. “So, this place is another realm created specifically for those who have died and have not moved on.”

  I raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything as she continued. “It has some oddities to it, such as people in a deep dream like state can visit, but ultimately it’s just us.” Mare motioned to those in the room. “Dead people who are too stubborn to move on to the full blown after life.”

  “How could you possibly know that?” I asked when she didn’t add anything more.

  “Everything in the universe was created by someone or something. So, this place was created as a home realm for wandering souls. They said it was a better fit than what was once in place for lost and wandering souls prior to the creation of here, wherever here is. We know this because we have met the Creators.” Mare shrugged. “Honestly, I would introduce you to them, because that is so much freaking easier than explaining things, but something happened recently and now no one can find them.”

  I recalled Benz saying something about it. “Didn’t that guy from the other team have something to do with it?”

  Clove chimed in, “So he claims. He may be powerful and crafty, but there is no way he could have pulled that off.”

  Mare nodded slowly, “I have to agree with that. While he is certainly clever, I don’t think he did it, and if he did do it, there is no way he did it alone. Something like that with others involved wouldn’t stay a secret for long, so why don’t we know anything? There has to be another reason, something we are just missing. It’s only been a few months and it’s not the first time they’ve vanished for a while, it’s just the longest.”

  Clove gave a firm nod. “Exactly. Sorry we don’t have a great answer for you, but there are at least answers. Like it or not, that’s where the facts are.”

  Sighing, I finally took a seat across from the duo. “Okay… Ummm, I guess you said I’m some form of Dreamer? How do you know that?” I didn’t like the answers so far, but I had no way to currently argue them so I’d give myself a bit of time to process things at least.

  Mare smiled widely. “Well, that is where the next big set of fun answers come in. Everyone here has different sorts of magical powers.” When I raised an eyebrow she just laughed. “Yes, everyone. Even you. Anyway, I am considered a Tracker. As a Tracker I can follow three different types of trails. I can follow the souls here, creatures, and Dreamers. Everyone has a different sort of feel to them, like a magical scent. It’s pretty neat. Souls are kind of like candies, sweet and alluring. Creatures have more of a musty feel to them. Dreamers, are…” She looked at me thoughtfully, “Really the only words that come to mind are sparkles. It’s weird, it’s different, but it totally works.”

  “Right.” I had no choice but to take her word for it since I obviously did not have this gift. “So how does one determine what ‘magic’ they have?” I crossed my arms tightly, wishing it did more to make me feel better.

  “There is someone who literally has a gift to tell you what your gift is.” Clove replied.

  “That seems like a waste of talent.” If that was all I could do, I’d be bored.

  “It’s not all they can do.” Clove laughed. “So magic comes two fold. There’s a basic gift, like Mare is a Tracker and then another gift that is more offensive or combative like swords or magical fire.”

  I nodded slowly, well that was less boring. “So, I need to find someone to tell me what I can do then?”

  Mare nodded excitedly. “Exactly! It’s really that easy, so let’s see who’s here to help…” She and Clove turned to take in the room and its current inhabitants.

  Clove seemed to find who they were looking for first. “Kaden! Come here a moment, will you?” She called loudly.

  I was surprised by her loudness, and rather rude demanding tone but no one else looked bothered or even su
rprised. Kaden turned out to be a rather lanky ginger, who might have been a couple of years older than myself. He seemed rather annoyed with being called over.

  “I heard from Lems we’ve got a Dreamer, so why do you need me?” His tone said it all. This was pointless because I’d wake up and forget.

  I wanted to just wake up and be back home, but something in my gut told me that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  Mare went from rather happy to angry in a moment flat. “Dreamers can be here seconds, days, weeks, or years. You do not know if she’ll come out of what happened to her or not. Judging isn’t fair.”

  Clove nodded. “Anyway, it takes you what? Thirty seconds? What does it hurt you?”

  It was that easy? Why was he annoyed then? Maybe it was just Clove being bossy.

  Kaden shrugged. “Could ask you the same.” He didn’t give her a chance to say anything back before turning to me. “Well Dreamer girl, I’m Kaden.” He offered his hand to shake.

  Not wanting to be rude to him, I accepted his hand. When his hand touched mine it was like a harsh zap. I yelped as the jolt quickly surged through me. “What was that?”

  Kaden shrugged. “How it works. One zap, one answer. Well, usually.” He shrugged again and looked at Clove. “I’ve no idea.”

  Usually? This place was going to give me another headache and the first one was hardly gone.

  Clove squinted at him as if she could squeeze more information out of him. “Pardon?”

  “Exactly as I said. I have no idea,” Kaden responded with a shrug and headed back to where he was originally sitting.

  “So, what just happened?” That might as well be my new catch phrase.

  Clove glared at Kaden a moment longer before turning to me. “Either he doesn't know, or he doesn’t want to say. One would be an odd first, even for a Dreamer. Kaden isn’t that incompetent. The other means he could be a sleeper agent and working with the other team. The longer you’re out of the loop, the less help we have.”

  I didn’t want to say that I hadn’t really joined her team. I hadn’t really thought about it honestly. I mostly didn’t want to find out what creature was lurking about and the other alliance seemed scary. I shrugged the alliance thoughts off. At least it was unlikely I was some sort of anomaly.

  “Whatever is going on, I bet Sans would know,” Mare commented simply.

  I really didn’t want to get my hand zapped again, but I was curious to see how things would turn out. There were several layers of drama here, and if I was stuck here, I should at least have some idea of what was going on.

  Clove nodded. “I have no idea where Sans is. Maybe looking for relics?”

  Mare cleared her throat. “So, what’s the plan commander?” I could see her wink at me while Clove wasn’t looking. Apparently the bossy thing was in fact common.

  “Track Sans.” Clove nodded.

  Mare stood up and started to head toward the hallway. Since Clove got up and followed, so did I. This would be interesting to follow.

  The hall led to a series of rooms. Most of the doors were open and I could see several bunks crammed into each room. There wasn’t space for clothes or belongings but considering how we possibly ended up here, I guess that wasn’t actually necessary. It made my chest hurt to think of, though. Would I ever see home? More importantly, how was Melly?

  Mare entered a room, walked over to a bed and picked up the pillow. Holding it, she closed her eyes and seemed to be concentrating.

  “Tracker stuff?” I asked Clove softly.

  Clove nodded, not taking her eyes off Mare. “Yeah, Tracking works best when you have something you can pull their magical energy off of. So, a recently used object is great, or as close as you can get. Though Mare can track just about anyone as long as she has met them.”

  “Really?” That sounded impressive.

  “I’m just that good.” Mare gave a lopsided grin as she tossed the pillow back on the bed. “Though honestly it is a lot harder and slower without a source to start with.” Mare moved to head out of the room and I let her by.

  “Did it take a lot of practice?” I was honestly curious if it was all magic based or if work and talent were involved.

  “I wouldn’t say a lot.” Mare shrugged as she led the way back to the painting, which was blank on this side. “But it did take practice. I’ve been here somewhere just over two years so I’ve had time to get good.” She stepped through, with Clove right behind her.


  I hated how this thing worked, but I wasn’t too sure if they’d wait or leave me behind. Maybe being left behind would be better, safer. However, I wasn’t sure if I’d get any answers if I hesitated and didn’t go with them. So, carefully at first, I pushed myself through the jam-like substance and came out the other side.

  The two started walking right when I came through. “You’ve been here two years?” I said, continuing the conversation.

  “Yes, and Clove has been here what, three? Four?” Mare glanced at her friend.

  “Somewhere along those lines.” Clove shrugged, not looking interested in the line of conversation.

  I considered not pestering her, but my want for answers was stronger. “So when does one cross over? Do restless souls just wait eons here for some reason?” Well that would certainly suck, but it seemed doubtful.

  “When they die. Again.” Clove laughed. “The whole restless soul thing gets taken care of by giving us this sort of final quest. We have another chance to live and do things on our terms, just in a bit crazier of a world. There’s creatures to fight, artifacts to find, and all sorts of weird mysteries in this place. I suppose that’s enough, and those Creators did make it a hard place to survive for long periods, so the few of us that have been here years have had to get very good at what we do.”

  “Why doesn’t everyone just stay in that safe zone?” I’m sure there had to be a reason, aside from boredom. Who wanted to die, again?

  Mare gave a sad laugh. “Simply because you can’t. You can spend up to forty-eight hours there before it will magically warp you to another part of the house. Some places are much tougher to survive in. The way around that of course is to leave for at least an hour and then come back. Most go and grab food. Not that it’s actually needed, but it feels good to do something that was once so normal.”

  I nodded slowly. “I do remember that. The creatures anyway being tougher depending on where they are.” Good thing I read that dream journal last night.

  Clover and Mare paused to look at me.


  “I thought you were new,” Mare replied simply.

  “Sort of. I don’t remember much, but I had been reading my dream journal last night and several things from there make me believe this was the place I had been visiting occasionally.”

  Clove motioned for us to continue walking. “That’s not unheard of. Just a bit strange you’re so reluctant to believe if you remember even some of it.”

  “Psh, a dream verse something I can actively feel? Of course I’m not about to just jump into the center of the lake and hope not to drown.” Of course I was hesitant. What a silly thing to say.

  Mare laughed. “Now that, I believe. This place is odd, even for a dream.”

  “You must have boring dreams then.” Clove gave a sly smirk at her as they launched into a conversation about the weirdest dreams they had had lately. Apparently dreams and sleeping were still a thing here.

  I followed silently behind them. I was more than grateful for the answers, but too much of this seemed… forced. Mare seemed to choose her words quickly, but they still seemed careful. I wondered why, but would wait until I could catch her alone to actually ask her that.

  We wove down hallways, pausing here and there as Mare seemed to be listening or trying to magic a way around things. Several times I heard strange noises and we’d take a different route. Mare would abruptly turn around and duck down a hall we just passed and Clove didn’t seem at all fazed or bothered by it. I ju
st made sure not to be left behind this time.

  While they were doing this to help me, I wasn’t sure they were paying that much attention to me. If I did run into a creature, could it kill kill me? What happened to a Dreamer when they were killed here, but still trapped here? Would I just die here and come back or would I die here and back home?

  My brain felt like fizzling out as it tried to puzzle through the thought. I was about to ask, just to get that nonsense out of the way when Mare froze midway through a hall. I pressed my lips tightly together, the sentence stilled on my tongue as I waited to see what was going on.

  After several moments passed Clove looked impatient. “What is it?” she whispered harshly.

  Mare waved at her to be quiet before muttering one word, “Agmon.”

  It meant absolutely nothing to me but seeing the way Clove tensed made me certain I should stay silent.

  Moments seemed to tick by painfully as they stretched on. Finally Mare spoke again, “I think there are four of them on the way to Sans.” Mare’s voice was hardly above a whisper. “We’ve some distance between us and the first one, and we can probably avoid it, but the others there isn’t much of a chance.”

  Clove let out a slow breath. “Is Sans alone or with a group?”

  Mare looked off once more. This time I saw a slight green mist shimmering just above her skin before she spoke. “A group. They’re together, but if I remember the layout correctly, I think they might be trapped.” She held up her hand and the mist around her thickened a moment before vanishing altogether. “Either they’re working with the other group because of the situation they’re in or both groups happen to be trapped.”

  “Lovely, Steel Oath is here too? Guess we might have to save them.” Clove scoffed as she crossed her arms in disgust.

  I wasn’t sure how to take that in, but chose to ask the more important question first. “What is trapping them and how would we save them?” And by we I meant them. I was about as useful as a candle underwater right now.


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