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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

Page 82

by J E Mueller

  “Oooh sneaking around is always fun.” Consta smirked. “How should we do this?”

  Benz looked thoughtful for a moment. “Mare, can you do a general walk around and start jotting down locations? We can work from there.”

  I bit my lip as I thought. “I can try. You know Clove wants me around for everything and I’m not sure how long Lydia needs to identify where they are.”

  At least a minute of standing still helps. Having a clear mind helps me as well.

  I repeated back what she said before adding, “It’s not as easy as it looks. To clear my mind I need my magic off and I hate the idea of something sneaking up on me.”

  “We’ll have to do things in groups then.” Kip shrugged. “We’ll help protect you.”

  I believe they all will, Lydia agreed with them.

  I smiled at both those facts. “It’s worth a shot.” At least we had the start of a plan. “We will start thing tomorrow, make sure Clove and Cane have nothing to suspect.”

  Morning came and I hated to be up, but knew I needed to be chipper and ready for the world if I was going to get some things accomplished today. I plastered on my cheerful morning face and took a deep breath before going to find Clove.

  It was early enough that she wasn’t awake, so I happily sat on the edge of her bed and nudged her until she was up.

  “What?” she grumbled.

  “We’ve got adventuring to do,” I sang

  The two others in the room, Cane and Mallow, both groaned at the sound of my voice.

  “Maybe later. I went to bed late.” Clove groaned again and shoved me off the bed.

  That was far more simple than I had been expecting. She knew I would be up to things, and would think I was normal enough not to wonder exactly what I was up to all day. Happily, actually so, I skipped into the common room and headed out the painting where Season and Ellyn were already waiting.

  Neither looked happy to be up, but getting moving before people could wonder why we were leaving, and seemingly leaving together, was the best plan. With a nod, I led the way up to the room with the puddles. Lydia swore we’d be safe, and Benz admitted he had safely been there himself recently. The whole thing would have thrown my mind for a loop if anything had made sense recently. I knew Remi had been there before, so at least that mentally checked out.

  Benz and crew waited for us just outside the door. He waited until we were right on them before opening the door and leading the way in. “I figure it’s better if we do everything at once.”

  The room itself looked exactly how I remembered it. There were puddles that ranged from the size of a human to the size of a table. They were in plenty of weird shapes and knowing the few times I had dodged death in here made me want to leave in an instant, but I steeled myself, and smiled brightly.

  “So, we’re in the deathy-death room of doom and gloom. Now what?” I asked simply, wondering why this was the best meeting place. Remi had been talking to the water creature here. I guess that was something.

  Benz looked around. “The Creator, Marella, monitors this room. I know Remi would want us to plan with her as well as Lydia.”

  I nodded, remembering this conversation from the night before. “It is still weird that a Creator can be trapped and both somehow take control of a room.”

  “Odd it may be,” a voice said as a human made of water rose from the depths of a nearby puddle, “however, it is no less true. It’s complicated.” She looked at the group and frowned. “Where is she?”

  “Dead,” I stated simply when everyone else averted their eyes. “We don’t know for sure if it’s for good, but last time she was back by now. An Agmon got her and scattered her essence. We need to press on. She wouldn’t want us waiting around when there is greater good to serve.”

  Marella gave a firm nod. “Then let’s continue.” I couldn’t read her watery features. I desperately wanted to know how the news impacted her, but bit back the thought.

  “What can we use to better find artifacts?” Benz asked her, getting back on track.

  Marella paced carefully as she thought. After a few moments she responded. “There is an artifact that will allow you to find other artifacts. It has not been claimed yet from what my magic tells me. Give me a moment to locate it.” She looked at Benz firmly. “This information comes with a price. It’ll be hard for me to find and I won’t be able to protect this room for awhile. Someone must guard it at all costs.”

  Benz nodded. “I will. Is there an easier way? I’d rather not weaken you.”

  Her face turned into a malicious smile. “There is an easier way so to speak, but it would allow me unhindered access to you mind as it is now. All your thoughts will be mine and I will speak through you for a moment.”

  “So, you’ll temporarily possess me?” He shrugged, acting as if none of this phased him. Maybe it didn’t. “As long as I remember it, I am fine with it.”

  “It will hurt, but if you wish to remember, by all means.” Marella smirked, her smile like a cat toying with a mouse before she pounced.

  Benz didn’t look happy. “We’ll be able to continue better that way. Let’s just do it.”

  “The fast route is always the most painful one.” Marella raised her hand toward him and motioned slowly with her finger to come closer.

  With a sigh, he went over and for a moment she walked around him as she nodded slowly. Then all at once she engulfed him in a water hug before pulling him into a puddle. We gasped, Gretta moving a step toward him, but no one dared to move further. He had agreed to whatever was to come.

  Bubbles quickly covered the surface but in the murky water no one could see what was going on. Then the bubbles slowed to a stop. We waited.


  And waited.

  Marella appeared laughing maniacally at the surface and slowly hovered above the water. Several stepped back. Instead, probably foolishly I walked toward her.

  “Where is he?” I asked tiredly. It was too early for this level of nonsense.

  “Recovering. Oh the things he knows.” She laughed for another moment. “Ah, he is ready to return.” She vanished again, falling back into the water which she was made of.

  I glanced back at everyone. Terrified eyes met mine. “Oh come on. This isn’t the weirdest event ever.”

  Gretta snapped out of it. “I hate that you’re right.”

  “What the hell have you been doing?” Ellyn gave a surprised cry. “This is horrifying.”

  “He’ll be back in a moment.” I waved it off, hoping my voice sounded more certain than I actually felt.

  The water Marella disappeared into started to bubble and Benz was thrown from a small blast of water which reformed into Marella.

  “See?” I motioned to him as Benz coughed up water. “He’s fine.”

  “Fuck, that hurt,” he choked out as he continued to cough.

  “But did you die?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  Benz shot me a glare before laughing and coughing a bit more. “I’m starting to think that may be the better option.”

  “Gotta fix this mess first.” I walked over and offered him a hand up.

  He accepted and stood on shaky legs for a moment before clearing his throat and looking at everyone. “Who’s ready for the first mission?”



  The first mission of course wouldn’t be easy, but at least it wasn’t going to be the most difficult. We assembled outside on the back patio looking around carefully. Nothing was close enough to cause me worry, but we’d be heading back to the gardens and that Dilus had already been haunting us enough.

  Since Benz didn’t need to hold up an illusion on top of an illusion it would be fairly easy to cloak the group, though he couldn’t hide all our footsteps. That wasn’t a problem for Season. She could control the wind, and Ellyn could throw her voice magically far. As long as it was within a mile outside Ellyn could make it seem she was there. The combination of leaves and grass moving along with voices i
n the distance would easily throw creatures off.

  If worse came to worse, we would fight. Lydia relayed how to kill the Dilus so I had no reason to fear it. Still, it killed Kaden, and it killed Remi the first time. The fear wasn’t going to leave that easily.

  Benz, when we first stepped out, looked like he was ready to turn around and give up. After three steps he was back into leader mode, and I was starting to think that most of us were doing nothing but putting up a mask anymore. Fix the mess, then consider rest…

  “All right, what’s the plan?” I stated just loud enough for everyone to hear me. We were in the clear, but I didn’t want to draw any creatures to us.

  Benz shrugged. “The artifact is in the mid back half of the hedge garden. We get there, get in, and get out. I’ll use my magic to get us in and get us back.” He directly looked at Season and Ellyn. “If you see a creature, steer it back toward the woods.” They nodded and he turned to Consta, Gretta, and Kip. “If worse comes to worse, we crush them. No mercy.”

  “What if we come across a Dreamer?” I couldn’t help it, I remembered what Remi had done the last time we took this route.

  “We save them to the best of our ability.” Benz shrugged. “I’m not Remi. I don’t think I could go all out, but I will at least try.”

  Consta nodded. “Done and done. Let’s do this.”

  I didn’t know much about the girl, but the certainty in her voice made me believe her. With a nod, Benz covered us with his magic and we continued on our way.

  Our footsteps were swift and I was certain something would come and investigate us, but nothing came. The creatures, though plenty, seemed to be staying a fair distance away. Maybe because we were far enough away they couldn’t hear our footsteps. Maybe since we couldn’t be seen they had no reason to come closer. Maybe, maybe, maybe, if I hadn’t sworn off biting my fingernails ages ago this would be a good moment for it.

  I hated this uncertainty but was grateful for a lack of a fight as we hastily made our way around the side of the building and toward the gardens. The closer the hedges grew to us, the more I anticipated a fight.

  We entered the garden with no issues. Taking a breath we all paused in the entrance as I let my magic flow. There was nothing abnormal going on here, but of course the spider was still here. Also several dozen little things, but those were a nonissue.

  I took a deep breath as the information flooded my head. “There’s little worth worrying about in here, but there will be one fun puzzle.”

  “The spider?” Benz asked curiously. He seemed to remember it too.

  “Of course the problem is the spider. When aren’t giant spiders not an issue?” I replied as sarcastically as possible. I wanted out but the mission had just begun.

  “I know spiders aren’t your thing…” Benz began.

  I cut him off before he could finish. “We need everyone possible for this so there’s no way I can skimp out. We’ll likely have to immobilize it. Giant spiders are impossible to kill.”

  I wouldn’t say impossible.

  I paused, still not used to this voice in my head. Lydia probably knew a way though.

  They need a lot more effort to kill. You see if you remove the heart and cut open the bottom of the abdomen that’ll do the trick.

  I cleared my throat despite the fact everyone was already watching curiously. “It appears there is another option. To disable it we normally just take out the two largest eyes or get it’s heart. To kill it you remove the heart and cut along the abdomen and let it bleed out. A little more work, but whatever works we’ll do.”

  Benz nodded. “Whatever makes it stop moving.”

  I nodded and tried to tune out the fears that were making their way to the forefront of my mind by listening to everyone else.

  “We should do this in waves.” Gretta gave the statement bluntly as she motioned to Kip. “If possible we should use some magic to distract it away from us and try to get it into a position where it can’t see us.”

  Ellyn’s eyes went wide. “Oh, and attack from behind?”

  “Yes!” Gretta smirked. “But not at once. Have a group move in and get it maneuvered around again so we can strike it again from behind. Then it’ll have forces from both sides. We have enough people.”

  I looked at the group as everyone tried to figure out the best combination for this wave effect. There were seven of us. We could easily do a magic distraction and a wave of four followed by three. Even five then two would be a decent combination. If I didn't have to face it head on initially, maybe I could do this.

  “Mare, are you even here?” I heard Benz state.

  “Humm?” I turned my attention toward everyone. “Sorry, I was thinking about the layering and this could actually work well.”

  Benz raised an eyebrow. “For someone who fights a variety of freaky things on a normal, daily basis, you sure get hung up over these spiders.”

  “One-” I crossed my arms and glared at him. “These things aren’t normal spiders. They are huge. That means they are even faster than normal spiders and can cover more ground. Two, exoskeletons. They are huge, fast, and even crunchier than their normal counterparts. Three, all those eyes! All those legs! Who needs a billion things like that? No one and nothing. Yet here we are!”

  Benz gave an amused grin at my outburst. “Think you can handle it, if not, I’d rather you stay behind.”

  “If I’m not facing it head on, I think I can handle it.” It would help not seeing the ten trillion eyes. I could do this. I had to. The faster we solve this, the better.

  Benz nodded. “Fine, I think we have things narrowed down then. First wave will be Ellyn, Season, and Me. We’ll use wind, illusions, and throwing voices to get that spider into position and attack. We’ll back up quickly to bring it around where it needs to be for Kip and Gretta. Last wave leaves Consta and Mare. Jump in when you can so we can take the beast down.”

  Everyone nodded and followed Benz as he motioned to start moving through the gardens. I happily brought up the rear as I let my sense stretch. Something felt off here as I scanned the garden. Something was reforming possibly. It wouldn’t surprise me if the spider had killed something at some point here. The only thing I could remember for sure being here though was the spider.

  “Benz,” I called at a normal tone. “Something is reforming, but I can’t figure out what since it’s not here yet.”

  “Noted.” Benz nodded, barely glancing back. “We’ll have to stay on guard until it’s here and deemed a threat or not.”

  “Who the heck isn’t on guard?” Consta gave a sarcastic laugh. “We’re going to meet a giant flipping spider.”

  Season snickered. “She’s got a point.”

  “I think he likes to point out the obvious from time to time,” Gretta threw in.

  I imagined Benz was rolling his eyes, but the most I saw was a light shrug as he continued on, making sure every turn was safe.

  Consta moved by my side and I noticed everyone was lining up into their tiers.

  “So, you’re afraid of spiders?” she whispered.

  I nodded and shrugged. “Happens I guess.”

  “What about the other creatures here?” Consta asked, genuinely curious about this place.

  The hedges formed almost a maze, but each section had beautiful gardens and plants that seemed to be pulled straight from my dreams. Last time we were here, we managed to slip around any creatures. This time, there were few to slip around, and the one Benz found, was slain in two swipes of his sword.

  “There’s usually more… did the giant spider eat them all?” I wondered loud enough for all to hear.

  Benz actually paused this time and looked at me. “It has been some time since we immobilized it hasn’t it?”

  “I don’t know, that was something that Clove would do with a few others when we came here. Well, I think she killed it. Maybe she just immobilized it. Has it ever died?” That sounded concerning. “Is it too strong now?”

  “I’m s
ure the Creators kept it under wraps.” Gretta shrugged it off. “It probably wasn’t allowed to eat everything before and is excited by its new found freedom. Maybe things aren’t dead. Maybe just all webbed up.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel any better.” I frowned. Would I sense creatures entombed in a magical webbing? That hadn’t exactly come up before.

  “But it does make sense.” Benz nodded, agreeingly. “It would put things into its web and save them for later. The lack of creatures here is likely because of that. That respawn limbo since they aren’t dead might be what you’re feeling too.”

  “Fucking spiders.” I groaned as everyone continued on. I let myself linger an extra two steps behind. This was not looking like my week.

  Still, turn after turn, we made it to the land of the spider. Benz motioned for the first wave to line up and get ready.

  “So, what is your gift?” I asked Consta. “It would probably help with a team up to properly know.”

  Consta gave a small laugh. “It would. Sorry, I know you’re a Tracker with a sword.”

  “Being known has its benefits I suppose.” I sighed.

  Consta nodded. “Let me break down the group for you. I have two very simple gifts. Defensive is a shield that is clear and circular. It can cover me completely but only on one side. Offensive is another magic, I can basically throw rocks that explode on contact.”

  “Oh, that is nice.” I liked the sound of that against a giant spider. Maybe I wouldn't have anything left to do.

  “Kip is all fire. He can shoot fire, lob fire, and make it a shield. So nothing else for him. Gretta has a shield as well but its taller than it is wide and made of spikes, oh and it’s entirely made of ice.” Consta motioned to Benz. “I think we all know him.”

  I nodded. I knew Ellyn had also mentioned her throwing knives already and Season mentioned she could hear and understand animals and creatures. The animals didn’t really have much to say ever she admitted.

  Benz cleared his throat, quieting everyone’s soft spoken conversations. “Ready?” The first wave approached.


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