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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

Page 90

by J E Mueller

  I shot an arrow into its head. It surfaced to screech. Its face I could best describe as fishlike. Some of its features were almost human, forming in a neck with gills, and signs of a body below. The arms it flailed had fins along the elbows, and long sharp nails on the ends of its hands. Melly didn’t hesitate to shoot at it, two arrows lodging in its face. Katherine sent a wave of ice magic at its face, silencing it’s scream.

  “Do we have their attention?” Benz called over.

  “Of course,” I replied. No use lying to him. “They’ll keep their distance or be shot in the face.” I hoped again I sounded reassuring. That was fully my plan.

  Benz carefully slid down the vine and tried to reach for the chain without touching land. As he stretched I shot an arrow at a creature getting far too close. It was an exact repeat of before. Benz continued trying to reach the pole while ignoring us as best he could. He tried to swing the vine but still it was just out of reach. In the end he had to give in to touching land.

  His feet crunched on the gravel and he easily grabbed the chain. Suddenly, creatures were darting through the water to reach the island. I shot as fast as I could, the others trying to keep up with my movements, but one reached Benz as he pocketed away the chain.

  Without hesitating he drew out his sword, struck the emerging creature in the face and jumped for the vine. As he ascended, several other creatures swam quickly, trying to reach land.

  “Here they come!” I called loudly, taking a defensive stance as I fired arrow after arrow.

  It was only a handful in total, and Benz was nearly back as Brent dove at one of the creatures that already had an arrow in its head. One creature cast some form of blue magic at me. While I could feel something cool try to latch on to me, the scarf tied tightly to my arm seemed to do its job.

  Mentally, I thanked Lee as I shot arrow after arrow at the creature.

  Benz finally dropped down to our side and another six creatures appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Lunging at him one grabbed his leg as he managed to push the other away.

  Turning to strike the one on him, another appeared out of the water, letting both successfully pull him into the water as I managed to shoot only one.

  Oh Marella, I do hope you’re connected to this place.

  I dived into the water and grabbed Benz’s arm while he kicked at the creature holding him. My second vision gave me the ability to see just well enough what I was doing.

  My my, this is not where I expected to end up. I could hear Marella’s voice.

  I prayed she knew a way out.

  Prayers are for angels, child. Demand a way out.

  Because that wasn’t exactly what demons lived for.


  I demand a way out. I demand a way away from this situation. I demand a way to bring all the Creators back to their true forms and solve this problem. I demand a way to forevermore be rid of those angels and demons.

  Now that is an excellent start. I don’t bargain for souls, but that desperation is just the kick I need.

  The water around us started to bubble heavily making it impossible to see, magic or not. The creatures, confused, let Benz go and I pulled us to the surface. With a few kicks, we were back at the shore.

  The team from the other side were rushing over to us.

  “We need to get out of here,” Asher called.

  Benz nodded, standing on shaky legs. Blood was coming from tears in his pants. Holding my gauntleted hand over the injury, I could see a slight glow as the magic worked.

  “That’s good enough,” Benz assured me.

  “It will be when it’s fully healed,” I insisted.

  “We need to go.” His eyes pleaded, but I shook my head.

  “Marella has got this,” I replied calmly, knowing she was likely having too much fun.

  Everyone had reached us now.

  “Why aren’t we fleeing?” Asher asked, more confused than worried.

  “Marella has got things under control. First we heal, then we flee,” I replied as simply as I had to Benz.

  Asher gave a sigh, and crouched down to help with Benz’s legs. In another few moments things were as good as new.

  “Hand me the chain,” I stated, trying not to be demanding to Benz. He did just put himself at great risk to complete this mission.

  “Might as well; she didn’t even try to communicate with me.” Benz handed it over and I put it around my neck.

  “What did she do?” Brent asked, confused by the whole situation.

  “I’m guessing that’s how you didn’t both die in the water.” Melly crossed her arms. “Was that really needed?”

  “Clearly.” I laughed, happy to start leading the way back. “I don’t know exactly what she did, but I asked for her help and they all decided to let go and leave us alone while a ton of bubbles surrounded us.”

  Benz and Melly quickly caught up to either side of me. “We’re almost done then?” Melly asked excitedly.

  “Not quite. There’s two more unaccounted for,” I tried to mentally remember where we currently stood.

  “But you have others inside still working, correct?” Asher asked.

  “We do,” I confirmed.

  “Then maybe they found the rest.” Asher’s statement made me want to hope, but it felt a little too optimistic to just return back and be almost done.

  “We can hope. We’ll have to see.” I let Asher take the lead. “Will you all join us to finish this or will you stay outside?”

  “That is a hard question, and one I cannot answer for everyone.” Asher shook his head, not even glancing my way. “Things can overgrow badly and quickly out here.”

  Tell him once we’re restored, we’ll set the slate clean, Emmyth’s voice chimed in. I would much rather this be resolved sooner than later.

  “Emmyth says he’ll wipe the slate clean once he’s able. Whatever that means,” I echoed the message.

  Asher slowed for a moment as he thought. “That certainly would help things, just reset it all. It would make it worth it. I still can’t speak for the others.”

  “And that is completely fine,” I agreed, hoping the others would decide to help as well. “I’m just glad there are options.”

  Back at the Watch, it was hardly a discussion. Several had never been inside the house, and every last one wanted this problem solved. The quicker the better, and the more involved, the less time it would take. In theory.

  We started down the path as afternoon turned into evening. Something felt off, and I could almost hear what sounded like the voices from the fog. The constant changing in tone and who was speaking, but the same message over and over that steadily grew louder as we approached the tunnel. Free us. You have the power. Free us.

  They’re louder than normal today, Marella chimed in. I had almost forgotten they could all hear my thoughts. I wonder if the others can hear them…

  With the thought in my head, I couldn’t help but wonder as well. “Does anyone else hear them?”

  Several people gave me confused looks before Asher nodded. “The demons and angels are continuing their call for help.”

  “Oh,” several people replied, sounding rather bored.

  “We’re used to hearing them this close. Several of us have had trouble getting them out of our heads, but they eventually move on. There’s only so many no’s they will take before finding a new target.” Asher smirked. “Open communication on such matters makes a huge difference, so people cannot be influenced so easily.”

  Benz rolled his eyes but nodded. “Makes sense.” He looked frustrated and annoyed, likely since he had been tricked by them.

  So most can hear them… Lee commented, his voice curious. I wonder… what do they even think you can do?

  Marella jumped in. Possessing someone isn’t that hard, though they can only hold it up for so long. Still, there is a lot of damage that can be caused with the right person under control.

  Are you really on our side? Emmyth mused.

lessed know it all… Was her only reply.

  I tried to ignore them, ignore all the voices I was hearing, but the group of voices seemed to be getting louder, as if they were right in my skull.

  “Free us!” They chanted, their demanding tone thunderous. I couldn’t even hear the gravel underfoot anymore as we walked.

  “We need you, we brought you your sister. So much safer now away from disease and death,” They explained, their half truths not painting a strong enough picture for me.

  “We can destroy this realm, leave your magicless place forever,” they said.

  “We don’t want that realm, and we can destroy this merciless plane…” The voices were nonstop. A constant loop of the same few things.

  By the time we actually reached the tunnel, I was covering my ears.

  Benz tried to pull at my hands but I wouldn’t budge.

  “They’re just so loud,” I explained, nearly in tears.

  Melly frowned. “They shouldn’t be that loud…” She glanced over at Asher, looking for a solution, concern evident on her face.

  “We press on. They’re stronger here, and there is nothing we can do about that.” Asher motioned to keep everyone moving. “The further we get away, the sooner the voices will lessen.”

  “How can you be sure?” Benz asked, still concerned.

  “I can’t be, but if they were getting louder as we got closer it makes sense they would lessen as we got further away,” Asher replied, letting logic rule.

  They were so loud though… A nearly maddening level. Still, I tried to keep with the flow of people. Someone, likely Melly, seemed to be leading me along.

  I don’t know if we can help that, Lee admitted. The artifact is doing all it can as it is.

  That was concerning. If the artifact was already working against this noise, I didn’t want to think how loud it could be. I had three Creators and there was nothing additional they could do.

  We have another concern, Marella stated rather happily for a problem.

  Yes, I feel it too. Emmyth sighed.

  What problem? I demanded of the group.

  There’s an artifact nearby, Lee supplied.


  I stopped in my tracks and everyone gave me a concerned look. Ears still covered, not that it really helped much, I said, “The Creators say there’s an artifact nearby.”

  “Why didn’t they notice it when we first came this way?” Benz asked curiously.

  It wasn’t there before, Emmyth replied.

  “Apparently it just recently ended up near here.” That sucked. Either someone moved it over here, or someone died. Either way. “I’m assuming it’s one of them if they can sense it.”

  You’ve got it correct, Marella agreed.

  Was there any way to tell the difference from someone bringing the artifact here and it appearing here?

  There is, but only once the artifact is in hand, Marella replied.

  “Can they tell us where exactly it is?” Asher pressed, “While this tunnel isn’t terrible, creatures can get in here just as easily as we did.”

  You are going to love this answer, Marella was far too gleeful. It was very doubtful any of us would like this answer. It’s up a few chambers.

  Right where the demons and angels were being held captive right? The artifact might even be enhancing their power just by its presence.

  Yeah, I’m going with that answer too, Emmyth agreed with me.

  But why would it work so well like that? Lee wondered.

  Because the magic that flows through that Creator is one that was once their own… Marella replied ominously.

  So, you’re saying my beloved is trapped there, Lee replied tiredly. Guess we’ll need a plan to save her. But what?

  I wondered that too since I seemed to be the vessel for getting from point A to B. They fell silent at that thought.

  I finally thought to answer Asher. “They can, but we all shouldn’t go. In fact, I think I can get by with just me going,” I replied, not wanting to subject any of them to these forces of chaos. With that said, the voices stopped. The echo I had heard since we approached the tunnel was gone. This was exactly what they wanted.

  “Do you really think I’d let you go alone?” Melly chimed in.

  “I’m with her. You can’t go alone to get an artifact. It’s going to be dangerous. Especially if it’s where I think it is.” Benz gave me a sharp stare. He definitely knew.

  I gave him an equally hard stare back. “You shouldn’t go back there.”

  “I can handle it,” he threw back easily.

  “No.” I shook my head, my mind made up. “There’s too much at stake. You need to get back to Mare and see how things are progressing with her. Take the others with.”

  “We are not letting you g-” Melly started but I interrupted.

  “Yes, you both are. Asher is the least impacted and has the best know-how of this area. If he wants to assist me, he can.” I glared at the two of them.

  “So be it,” Asher agreed. “Benz, lead them back and get things set up. We’ll meet you back.”

  I pulled off the gauntlet and handed it to Benz. “Asher is a healer, you might need this more.”

  Perfect, leave me with the goody-two-shoes, Marella grumbled.

  Weren’t they all technically that way?

  No, but this lot does fit that note, Marella grumbled some more.

  “You need to be safe.” Melly grabbed my hand tightly.

  “I will do my best. You as well. Don’t trust anyone Mare doesn’t trust.” I smiled at her.

  She frowned. “I don’t know who that is.”

  “We’ll find her soon.” Benz sighed as he turned toward me. “Don’t get yourself killed or possessed.”

  I nodded at him. “Take care.” The others started to continue down the tunnel, giving a few backwards glances before focusing on what was ahead.


  With the group slowly disappearing into the distance, I turned to Asher. “I don’t think we can make a plan until we actually get there, but the voices are thrilled I’m coming, so they stopped making noise.”

  “That’s lovely.” He shook his head. “Let’s be off then. I actually do know where the entrance to their chamber is.” Asher headed back toward the outside.

  “How?” I asked as I caught up to him.

  Asher shrugged. “I needed to see what was making all that noise. It was disappointingly not the Creators.

  That sounded suspicious.

  Everyone is always suspicious, Marella said thoughtfully. Doesn’t make them terrible. Then again, maybe it does.

  I really hated how she simply threw out mind games and paranoia sometimes, but I ignored her for now.

  Best bet. She can be a handful, Lee chimed in happily. But good news, we’ll nearly have everyone together soon.

  Hopefully not in my head, but yes, everyone together, physically, sounded great.

  As we reached the outside once more, Asher led us up and around the top of the tunnel. The rocks were jagged and annoying to climb, but not impossible. Slowly, but steadily we made our way up and around until I could feel a very sharp shift in magic -negative and almost painful.

  “So, I’m assuming this hole here is it.” Asher pointed it out. “I never actually went inside, since I’m sure you can already feel the difference.”

  I nodded as I slowly walked around the circle. “We really don’t know what’s inside there.”

  “Nope, but I’m guessing it won’t actually be interesting.” Asher gave a slight shrug. “They’re locked away in something after all. It’s not meant to be much else other than a holding cell."

  “I guess this means we’ll find out the old fashioned way.” Carefully I lowered myself into the hole and let go, sliding down the rock like a slide for a short way. When I didn’t hear anything behind me I shouted up. “Bottom is not that far, come on down.”

  “I can’t,” I heard Asher’s voice echo down.

at? Why not? Afraid of tight places?” Everyone had some sort of fear.

  “No, there’s… some sort of barrier. I can put my feet in, but I can’t get any further down,” Asher called back.

  “Oh, well that complicates things.”

  “Think you can climb back up?” I heard him ask almost desperately.

  “Probably not. I bet the barrier works both ways. I do know there is another way out. Benz mentioned it dropped him out in the tunnel.”

  Asher cursed for a moment. “I guess we’ll have to meet back there.”

  “I’ll be fine. See you hopefully soon.”

  Not allowing myself to think too much into it, I pushed forward. The last thing I needed was to overthink this and try to fumble my way back out. It was truly doubtful they’d let me just climb back up and leave. I wonder what they were really capable of here…

  Once more, I pushed the thought out of my mind and tried to follow the increasingly dark path without falling. The lack of light did nothing for my mind, and my imagination enjoyed conjuring up hundreds of terrible fates for me. When a dim dingy green light finally came into view around the corner in the distance I was already terrified, dirty from the slide and cave, and my hands were starting to shake. Nothing like a good dose of an overactive imagination to throw things back in perspective.

  As I rounded the corner, I saw that the almost olive green light was coming from a hole in the side of the wall. It looked more like an eerie night series of glow bugs than something menacing and I almost breathed a sigh of relief that there were no creatures directly in my view.

  Just past the light the tunnel turned and kept on. As I went to continue on, voices came from the light.

  “Staaay…” a voice begged.

  “You must hear us…” another demanded.

  “You’ve come so far. Listen…” the voice changed once more.

  I sighed. Of course I knew this would eventually be coming, so I wasn’t surprised. At least it wasn’t a creepy fog. “Alright, get your words out. What do you want from me?” Did these things even know or care that I just wanted to find the artifact and get out? Probably not. I could be stuck here for three moons.


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