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Bedding the Fake Boyfriend: Bedding the Bachelors Book 10

Page 14

by Virna DePaul

  For her part, Rose seemed introspective as she looked anxiously out the window, scanning the parked cars on the cobbled streets for one that looked like Michelle and Alec’s rental.

  “What about the beach? That seems like a good place to go think,” she said, shooting him a questioning glance.

  “It sure does.”

  He took the next opportunity to turn around and drove toward the shore, hoping Rose’s intuition was right. When they pulled into the parking lot a few minutes later, he let out a relieved sigh.

  Pay dirt.

  “That’s the car,” Rose said, tapping on her window as she pointed to the vehicle.

  “Good call,” he said as he parked in the closest space and popped the truck into park.

  “Maybe you should go talk to her alone?”

  “Actually, I’m wondering if a woman’s perspective might be exactly what she needs right now. Let’s both go and if she wants to talk to me alone, you can come back to the car, okay?”

  But part of him just wasn’t ready to let Rose out of his sight yet. As confident as he was that she still had feelings for him, he still didn’t trust her not to ice him out the way she had all those years ago.

  Once bitten…

  They exited the truck and cut through the parking lot toward the beach. It took them about twenty minutes of walking and searching, but eventually they found Michelle, huddled on the sand, tossing rocks into the ocean.

  And if Alec looked miserable?

  Michelle looked devastated.

  “Hey, you okay?” he called as he and Rose approached.

  Michelle’s bloodshot eyes met his and she instantly burst into tears.

  “I’m a t-t-terrible person,” she sobbed, her shoulders shaking as she pressed her face into her knees. “Alec is so wonderful to me, and here I am pulling this shit. What a fucking asshole your sister is, Gio.”

  He squatted down beside her and rubbed her back gently. “Aw, Mich, no one thinks you’re an asshole. We’re all just worried about you. What’s going on, did something happen?”

  She shrugged and shook her head before lifting it. “Nope. My stupid doomsday brain happened, is all. Last night, we were in bed after our amazing shower, and he was like, snoring that cute way he does after he’s had a few beers,” she said with a half-smile. “And suddenly, I got to thinking, ‘What happens when he dies?’ And then the thoughts kept coming and coming and, like, everybody dies, right? So it’s definitely going to happen, and he’s a few years older than me and then I started thinking about how Nana had all those years with Pop and how, when he died, it was like her whole world was gone.”

  She turned her tearstained face to him and bit her shaking bottom lip hard before continuing. “Is that what love and marriage is? Certain, soul-shattering pain? Why the actual fuck would anyone sign on for that?”

  He rocked back on his heels as he contemplated the question.

  She was right. When their grandfather died, it was years before his grandmother could even function. He tried to think of what he could say to help the situation, because agreeing with her sure wasn’t the right answer. Before he could speak, though, Rose jumped in.

  She plopped down on the sand next to Michelle and began to talk in low tones.

  “It’s not the same, I know, because you don’t choose family, but I got to be with my brother Michael for more than two decades. His death was like an A-bomb dropped on my world. And it’s taken me years to realize that the reason it was so devastating was because he brought so much to my life. That’s what love is. A beam of pure, shining light in our lives. So we can choose to live in darkness all the time, or we can choose to bathe in all that amazing light, even though we know that dark days might come.”

  Rose took Michelle’s arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  “Why don’t you tell me all the things you love about Alec?”

  Michelle’s watery laugh rang out as she began ticking off on her fingers. “He’s thoughtful. He’s kind. He’s protective but he also steps back and lets me take risks and shine.”

  “Those are all amazing qualities in a mate. You’re very lucky. What else?” Rose asked, scooting closer to Michelle as she spoke.

  As the women continued to talk, Gio stood, stepped back and watched for another long moment as the love of his life supported his sister through her crisis.

  And in that moment, he’d never loved her more.

  “I don’t know why it hit me so strongly last night. And then I had these terrible dreams…do you really think it’s just cold feet?”

  Rose and Michelle had been talking for well over an hour now—so long that Gio had melted away at some point—and Rose felt confident that she understood how Michelle was feeling enough to answer honestly.

  “I do. This whole time, the worst thing you’ve said about your husband-to-be is that he snores, and even that is kind of cute. Of course you guys argue sometimes, but no relationship is perfect all the time. Marriage takes some work and commitment. But is it really all that different than what you’ve been doing for the past few years?”

  Michelle toed the sand and shrugged. “It’s not. We started living together six months into dating. We have our routines and habits. I don’t expect much to change.”

  “And are you bored?”

  “God, no. I’m…happy.” Michelle admitted. “I guess that’s what’s so scary. What if it all turns to shit, or he breaks my heart, or one of us dies?”

  What if, indeed? She wished she could tell Michelle none of that would ever happen, but after losing her parents and Michael, she knew that life could take tough turns sometimes. She went for straight up honesty.

  “As long as you don’t take each other and what you have for granted, you’ll continue to be happy. The rest is a waste of brain power. You have to box those bad thoughts up and put them away, Michelle. If something happens, you can deal with it then. Planning isn’t going to make it any easier and, if none of those bad things ever come to pass? You’ve just wasted your life worrying for nothing. Plus, it’s not like if you break it off now you’ll save yourself any pain. You’d be miserable and so would he.”

  “Truthfully, I can’t even fathom life without him,” she admitted with a nod. “I’m so glad you came to find me. Thank you, Rose. For all of it. Especially for sharing about your brother. I know it must be so difficult to talk about Michael. I didn’t know him well but he was always such a sweet guy,” Michelle said, offering her a smile. “Gio was crazy about him too. God, remember that one party, right before you guys broke up? A few of the guys were talking about Michael and Gio made them sorry. I was never so proud of him. Assholes.”

  Rose blinked and shook her head as blood rushed to her ears. “What party? When?”

  Michelle’s smile dimmed as she scrunched her nose up in thought. “Don’t you remember? Fourth of July. Literally just a day or two before you guys broke up. Oh wait. Shit, I forgot. You weren’t there because you weren’t feeling well. And that was the whole point. Gio didn’t want you or Michael to find out what those guys said and if he got into a fight at the party, everyone would know about it and why it happened. You’d be certain to find out and find out why, and maybe Michael would, too. Gio didn’t want that. So he waited until afterward to confront his friends. Gio was furious. He threw a few punches, sure, but it’s what he said to them that made them really scared. Whatever it was, it was enough to make sure they never said anything about Michael again.”

  The world seemed to tip topsy turvy as Michelle’s words hit home and Rose almost cried out in disbelief and pain.

  Gio hadn’t stood up for Michael in the moment because he hadn’t wanted her or her brother to ever hear what was said. Not because he was two-faced, or didn’t care. Not because he was too immature to know what loyalty meant or because he didn’t understand the concept of the strong protecting the weak.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  Michelle’s eyes widened. “Oh, Rose. I’m so sorry. I shoul
dn’t have said anything.”

  She quickly shook her head. “No, it’s okay. Thank you for telling me. I—I’m glad I know.” She smiled tightly, then said, “Shall we head back?”

  Michelle nodded. “Yes, poor Alec must be a mess. Thank you again for everything you said. You really helped me clear my head,” Michelle said, her cheeks flushing as she stood and swiped sand off her bottom. “I feel sort of stupid now…”

  She felt stupid?

  Rose had broken up with the only guy she’d ever loved…for nothing.

  All those wasted years. All that wasted pain. Not to mention what she’d done to Gio. Jesus, she’d messed up and she’d messed up bad.

  Michelle stuck out a hand and she took it, letting the other woman tug her to her feet.

  One thing was for sure.

  The second this wedding was over, she had some serious owning up and groveling to do. She just had to hope and pray that he would understand when she finally told him the truth and that he could find it in his heart to forgive her.

  Because the alternative was unthinkable.

  Chapter 17

  Things were different.

  Gio wasn’t sure why, but he knew it deep in his gut. Something in Rose had changed. Maybe her talk with Michelle had gotten her thinking, or maybe she was anticipating the end of their trip and the questions it would bring, but there was no denying it.

  She’d been distant for the past day and a half, and he didn’t like it one fucking bit.

  By the time they’d gotten back to the house with Michelle in tow the day before, it had been late afternoon. She’d immediately been embraced by Alec, whose relief was almost palpable. They went off alone to talk as he and Rose filled in the rest of the family on what had happened. From then on, it had been a flurry of activity as the decorating crew and caterers began to take over the estate.

  Even with all the action, it didn’t take a genius to see that Rose was avoiding him. A fact which was only confirmed that night when he finally flopped into bed alone. She’d been “busy” halfway across the room ironing her dress that had already clearly been ironed by the maid on staff.

  When he’d asked if she was coming to bed, she’d said she was antsy and planned to stay up and read for a while. It had been a strange and trying day, so he’d let her get away with what was clearly an excuse. They’d both tossed and turned all night and had spent half the morning tiptoeing around each other, and his patience had come to an end.

  Something was up and he had the fucking right to know what it was.

  He finished fastening the knot in his tie and then headed down the stairs in search of Rose. Turned out, he didn’t have far to go, because she was standing at the landing looking like a deer in the headlights.

  “Hey,” she murmured, wetting her lips as she smoothed a hand over the front of her emerald green dress. For a second, his brain went offline as he stared at her.

  Damn, was she a picture. The tumble of red curls. The sweetheart neckline showcasing her delectable collarbones and the gentle swell of her breasts.

  Her skin looked like peaches and cream and he felt like a starving man.

  “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for being weird last night,” she said. “The whole thing with Michelle got me a little shook up and then talking about Michael…it just put me in a bit of a funk. I don’t want to ruin today for you or have you worrying about me. I’m truly fine now.”

  He could tell she wasn’t. There were purple smudges under her eyes that he hadn’t noticed at first glance, and she looked…the only word that came to mind was haunted.

  But why?

  “Rose?” Nana Ginger’s voice rang through the house and, a moment later, she came down the stairs and stopped short. “There you are! Michelle wants you to come up and look at her hair. She’s thinking the baby’s breath is too much. I think it looks lovely, but I’m just an old lady. What do I know?” Nana said with a laugh.

  “You look fabulous,” Gio said, working up a smile for his grandmother. She did a slow twirl in her lilac dress and beamed at him.

  “You lot look pretty snazzy yourselves. But enough of the mutual admiration club. Come on, Rose, we need to get Michelle’s hair finished so they can start her makeup.”

  She turned and ambled back up the stairs, leaving him and Rose alone again.

  “Duty calls,” she said with a hesitant smile. Her mouth trembled, and just as he was about to grab her and keep her from going, she leaned up and touched her mouth to his in a hard but fast kiss. “You look amazing. I’m so lucky to be here with you and your family, Gio. Thank you.”

  With that, she wheeled around and headed up the steps.

  Okay, so Nana hadn’t been there to see the kiss or hear her words, which meant it wasn’t just for show.

  He couldn’t help but grin, even though whatever had been bothering her was still clearly on her mind, and he hated to see her sad.

  “Gio?” A voice rang down the stairs, only this time it was his mother’s. “Can you come up and help your father with his tie? Your sister can’t find her something blue and is in a panic.”

  He brushed his fist to his mouth, and let out a heaving breath.

  Today was about Michelle and Alec. He had waited fifteen years for Rose to come back into his life and he was pretty sure laying all his cards on the table could wait one more day.

  He jogged lightly up the stairs, ready to do whatever it took to make sure this shindig went off without a hitch.

  But in the back of his mind, all he could think about was tomorrow night, when he and Rose would be back on that plane and all the things he would finally get to say to her…

  “Glasses up!”

  The guests all raised their glasses and Rose watched Gio from beneath her lashes as he began his toast to his sister and her newly minted husband.

  “Michelle, growing up, I always knew you were destined for greatness. Not just because you told me so every day,” he said with a warm smile, eliciting a chuckle from the crowd, “But also because of your drive and determination. And look at you now. On the fast-track to partner at your law firm and marrying the love of your life. I couldn’t be more proud of you. It almost makes me want to forgive you for the time you ratted me out to Mom and Dad for watering down their vodka so I could take some to the Homecoming Dance with me.”

  Rose laughed along with the crowd at that, remembering it all too well. As Gio’s date, she’d been guilty of partaking in that particular bottle herself. So strange how her life had come full circle. As painful as it had been, she’d long-since resigned herself to never seeing Gio again.

  Now here they were, seated side by side and behaving like a couple again. The Fates had a plan for them.

  Now if she could only be sure whether their tale would be a love story for the ages or a tragedy…

  “And, Alec, what can I say?” Gio continued, glass high in the air. “You’re one lucky bastard landing my baby sister.” His wide smile faded and his expression turned serious. “Honestly, I was sure there wasn’t a guy in the world I’d think was good enough and then you came along, intent on proving me wrong. I’m glad you found each other, and I’m proud to call you brother-in-law. To Alec and Michelle!”

  “To Alec and Michelle,” the crowd parroted back.

  Rose took a long pull from her glass of bubbly and blinked hard, determined not to cry. The ceremony had been lovely, the couples’ vows both so simple and heartfelt, there hadn’t been a dry eye in the room. Even Gio’s had been shining suspiciously.

  What had her the most emotional, though, was the love so evident between the Esposito family. They were so quick to hug and show affection. Even when her parents had been alive, they hadn’t been like that. She and Michael had forged their own path, creating a closeness and a bond that was a stark contrast to the reserved way her parents had shown love. Losing him had been like losing a part of herself.

  Now, there was a chance that, just maybe, she could have that familial love aga
in with Gio and his family. No one could replace her parents and Michael, but Nana Ginger, Michelle and the whole Esposito family had already begun to work their way into her heart.

  What came next would be up to Gio.

  She set her glass down as another rush of fear and nerves washed over her. One more night and then this terrible anticipation would be through.

  “Want to dance?”

  She looked up to find Gio standing over her, his gaze locked on hers as he held out his hand.

  Time was only going to crawl by if she stewed about what was to come so any distraction would be a welcome one.

  And dancing with Gio? Would definitely be a distraction.

  “I do,” she said, working up a smile.

  The rest of the night went by like a dream. The food was spectacular. Alec and Michelle both glowed, neither showing even a hint of the drama from the day before. And she and Gio danced, curled around each other like they’d never been apart.

  By the time it was over and they waved their goodbyes to the exiting bride and groom, she was exhausted but hopeful. Her tired feet carried her back toward the main house, arm wrapped around Gio’s waist, she was feeling the magic that weddings always seemed to exude.

  Once inside, by tacit agreement, the two of them said quick goodnights to the rest of the family before going upstairs to their bedroom.

  “That was really beautiful,” she said with a sigh as she closed the door behind them. “Your sister looked like a princess from a fairytale.”

  “She’s so happy. I can see it every time she looks at him,” Gio said with a nod as he tugged off his tie.

  Rose stilled, entranced with the motion as she recalled their time together a couple nights before.

  Gio froze, his shoulder muscles flexing visibly beneath his white dress shirt.

  “If I could hire a painter to capture that expression, a man would pay millions for it,” he murmured, padding closer to her. “Your face says so much, Rose. Do you want to know what it’s telling me now?”

  She nodded, her throat going dry as she stared up into his mesmerizing eyes.


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