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Laina Turner - Presley Thurman 01 - Stilettos & Scoundrels

Page 15

by Laina Turner

  “She could probably write an even better story now that the Senator is dead. People will be much more willing to talk,” Hildy said.

  “Talk about what, Hildy?” Margaret replied.

  “About Tom Daniels and what a jerk he was. I know for a fact that Helen had cut him off, wouldn’t give him one more cent,” Hildy said with conviction, sticking her chin out.

  “You don’t know that for sure,” Margaret said, shaking her head. “Stop spreading gossip.”

  “Of course I do,” Hildy said smugly, with the confidence of someone who had an inside source. I hoped she kept talking, as this was interesting, especially the part about Helen cutting him off financially. If he did owe people money, that might have put him in a bad spot. But, bad enough to be killed over it? Maybe. Money was a strong motivator. It made people do crazy things.

  “I bet a lot of people might find it interesting that the Senator had someone working for him who was, well you know, someone of alternative lifestyle,” the third woman finally spoke up and as soon as I heard her voice I recognized who she was.

  Harriet Sands, Cooper’s stepmother. His parents divorced when he was in high school. His mother left town and his father

  quickly remarried. Harriet had been a beautiful woman when she was younger, and still was. She had dark brown hair cut fashionably in a long bob with layers around her face. She had to be my mother’s age. However attractive she might be, she wasn’t always rumored to be the nicest. As far as I knew, there was never any love lost between Cooper and his stepmother. They had never been on good terms. She despised having to share Cooper’s father, and Cooper felt she was a money-hungry whore. His words, not mine. However, they were the words of a teenager. This all happened years ago, so maybe things were different now. However, she had gotten my curiosity up. Who could she be talking about? And really, who even cared about those things these days?

  “Harriet, that doesn’t mean anything,” Margaret said. “Quit being so judgmental.”

  “No, Margaret, she’s right,” Hildy said. “Senator Daniels was a conservative. He took a strong side stance against gay marriage. It’s not about being judgmental, but about being a hypocrite. Not that I’m surprised.”

  “He was a politician, so being a hypocrite is a given. Why would that surprise anyone?” Margaret said.

  If the Senator was trying to cover up the fact he was not really against gay rights, why would he be the one killed? It seemed as though it would be the other way around, the Senator would have it out for someone else if he was so inclined. I didn’t see what this could have to do with his murder, but it was interesting nonetheless. I started to ask the ladies which member of the Senator’s staff was gay and scandalizing the office in all its esteem, when Katy walked up.

  “Mrs. Sands, Dottie is ready for you now.”

  “It’s about time. My appointment was ten minutes ago,” Harriet brusquely stood up. “I don’t know why I put up with this!”

  As Harriet walked off, Katy rolled her eyes and the other two women giggled as they noticed. It was clear Harriet’s attitude was no surprise to them.

  “Because she does a fabulous job, and no one else will put up with you,” Katy said under her breath so only I could hear. We smiled at the inside conversation.

  “I brought you some coffee, I thought you might want a late afternoon pick-me-up, although I spilled half of it on the way and the rest is probably cold by now. I was trying to make it up to you for being late,” I apologized.

  “Don’t worry about it. Come on back to the office,” Katy said to me. “I have a new espresso machine. I was spending way too much time and money going to Betty’s. Not to mention it was hard to go there without getting a muffin too. I can whip us up some of that fancy coffee you like so well.”

  “Yum…lead the way.”

  Katy fired up the machine and soon the room filled with the heady aroma of fresh brewed espresso. How I loved that smell. It was almost as good as the taste. Almost.

  I sat down on the brown leather couch in the break room/office of Katy’s salon and waited for my coffee to brew. “I like those jeans, Katy.” They were wide leg jeans with white embroidered butterflies on the cuffs. She paired them with a crocheted short sleeve top that just set off the cuff of the jean well. “I need you to tell me everything you know about Cooper. Besides what we heard from Dirt last night. What has he been doing since the army? How did he get into private security?”

  “What’s with all the questions? You like him?” Katy teased.

  “Hardly. In fact, it’s the other way around. He drives me crazy.” In many ways, I wasn’t ready to admit to anyone I felt something there. Hell, I wasn’t ready to admit it to myself. “But I asked him and he put me off. I guess I am just surprised to find him in this line of work, and curious that he doesn’t want to talk about it.”

  “Didn’t you have a thing for him once?” Katy asked, looking at me as she expertly steamed milk for our lattes. “Wait a minute. Didn’t you get together once in our senior year? Yes, yes,” she said excitedly, as if catching me red-handed. “It was the party after you got in that huge fight with Brian, when you found out he had messed around with Gail Severs.”

  “Please. One time. It meant nothing,” I said with a dismissive wave of my hand. At least it had meant nothing to him. We had what I thought was a connection—talking all night, among other things. Then, the following Monday at school, he acted as if I didn’t exist. “That was a hundred years ago, and I didn’t even remember until you just brought it up.” I had thought about that night a lot since it had happened, though not in years. However, when I saw Cooper on Saturday at the hotel, it all came flooding back.

  “Just forget it.” I didn’t like where this conversation was going. I didn’t want to talk about my feelings, especially regarding Cooper. “So, did you find out anything? Ruth was less than helpful, and on top of it, she called Cooper and my mother and told them I was trying to get information from her. I had to listen to both of them yell at me and don’t relish a repeat of that.”

  “Don’t think you’re going to get off this easy, Presley. I want to talk more about this Cooper thing. But I guess it can wait,” Katy said to me with mock sternness. “Since, I do have some exciting news!”


  “I confirmed Helen Daniels was definitely having an affair, and still is, if you believe everything you hear. Which you do, of course, because you saw it with your own eyes. Mrs. Dixon, who comes in for a wash and set every week, told me it was common knowledge that Helen and Tom were sleeping in separate bedrooms and definitely had their own lives, if you know what I mean. Those were her exact words, and she even winked at me when she said it. It was hilarious, and it was all I could do to keep from laughing. She told me the only thing keeping them together was money. His love of hers that is, because I don’t think he had any of his own. Helen just didn’t want the scandal of a divorce, or to have to pay him off.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t call me the minute you heard this! Did she give you any idea who Helen might have been involved with? We already suspected her of the affair. We just need to find out who it is. This is awesome news.”

  “No, she wasn’t exactly sure who it was, but she’s convinced it’s someone here.”

  “You mean here as in Alkon? Why?”

  “Because, for the last six months, she said Helen has been spending more time back here in town than she has in a long time—and without Tom, which is unusual. They typically have the fake ‘happy family’ thing going on. Mrs. Dixon said Helen used to come to Alkon about once or twice a year, and it’s been that way for years, because Helen never really liked it here. Then, in the past six months, she has come back about twice a month, supposedly on ‘family business.’ However, what could possibly need her attention this much lately, especially without Tom? We would have heard about something that important through the grapevine.” Katy was vibrating with excitement at being the one to give all this news
. I was glad to have our suspicions confirmed. At least it was a start.

  “Hmm, you know, Ruth also made me think there was something going on. She got very annoyed when I started asking questions about Helen. The gossip queens,” I said, nodding my head in the direction of Margaret and Hildy, “didn’t have a lot of nice things to say. But, Harriet Sands insinuated that the Senator had someone working for him who is gay. Or, as she put it, someone of an ‘alternative lifestyle.’ Since the Senator was publicly against this ‘lifestyle,’ if people knew about it, it could be bad for him. Can you believe that people still even care about this in today’s day and age? As if someone would get killed over that.”

  “They must be talking about Tobey Stone.”

  “What?” I choked on my latte. “Tobey’s gay?”

  “Duh. I thought most people had that figured out in junior high. You’re not very observant.” Katy launghed.

  “Well, that sucks. I had thought maybe Tobey was who Helen was having an affair with. You know, I saw them arguing at the Coffee Café, and Tobey’s young and good-looking. I thought maybe Helen might have picked him to get back at the Senator, since he was one of his employees. It would have been a great way to get back at him if she was so inclined. Nothing like a little young eye-candy on the side.”

  “Tobey’s definitely not having an affair with Helen,” Katy laughed. “You should have told me before that was what you were thinking. I could have saved you a lot of time.”

  “Well, then maybe it’s Chris. You know, keep it in the family.” I was joking, but the look on Katy’s face made me stop for a moment and start to think that there was definitely something going on between her and Chris. More than just the casual fling Katy had alluded to. The other night at the restaurant, I knew Katy liked him, with the shameless flirting and noticeable cleavage. However, when Katy said it was all in fun, I believed her that she was just playing around. But, when I mentioned Chris having an affair, even in jest, a pissed-off look flitted across her face and was quickly replaced with sadness.

  “Katy, what’s wrong? Is there something you’re not telling me?” I probed gently. Tears welled up in Katy’s eyes. “Is there something more than just a flirtation and fun going on between you and Chris?”

  She nodded, trying to get control of her emotions.

  “Well, why are you crying about it?” I touched her hand. “If you like him and he likes you, then you have a right to be happy.” I was confused about why Katy was so upset, though I was sure it had something to do with the fact that Chris was being a jerk, like he had been to her in the past.

  “That’s just it. I’m not sure he does like me. I mean, for anything more than just a quick fling, and I want more than that this time. I am not willing to settle, and he said that this time it was different. At first, he was really sweet and caring. He couldn’t seem to get enough of me and wanted to spend all our free time together. Then, these last few weeks, he’s been standoffish and distant. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” This statement brought a fresh burst of tears.

  “Honey, nothing is wrong with you. If he doesn’t like you, that’s his problem. Not yours. Have you tried to ask him about it?”

  She nodded again. “He just says he’s busy and that he’ll call. You know the typical unoriginal excuses that men come up with. The ones they think we’re stupid enough to believe. He just brushes me off.”

  “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I would just blow him off the next time he comes around. Make him realize you are not going to just sit around. You know how it is. When men think you’re available, they think they can treat you like crap. The minute you turn the tables on them, it is amazing how quickly they come running. Later, let’s go shopping. I promise it will make you feel a hundred times better.”

  She smiled at this. “I know that’s what you’d do, but I’m not you. I can’t help it. I really like him. I have for years,” she shook her head ruefully. “You’d think by now I would have learned my lesson with him, but I can’t help it. There is something about him I just can’t seem to get over, even when he treats me like crap. I just keep thinking he will change. That this time is the time.”

  “Trust me; I’ve made plenty of mistakes with my love life. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Sometimes you have to act strong even if you don’t feel it. You can’t let Chris know how much he can hurt you or he’ll take advantage. Most guys will.”

  “I know, I know. Guys are pigs. So remind me, why do we like them?”

  “Well, the alternative doesn’t seem all that exciting either. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be to date a woman?” I said in a half-hearted attempt to cheer Katy up.

  We both sat there for a minute: Katy lost in her own thoughts and I was trying to be patient, waiting for Katy to collect her thoughts while sipping her coffee. I wanted to get back to the matter at hand, but didn’t want to push her. Chris was a jerk and had always been a jerk, in my opinion, even though Katy never seemed to remember. Better she realized finally what a big jerk he was before she continued to let him play his games with her. She was way too good for him.

  “You know,” Katy, said, tapping her finger on her lips thoughtfully, seemingly back in control of her emotions, “I did hear a rumor a while back that Bobby Johnson was having an affair. Supposedly it was the reason Bobby’s marriage broke up.”

  I choked on my coffee again at this news. “Stop telling me these things when I am drinking something,” I scolded Katy playfully. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Sorry.” Katy giggled.

  “You know I love gossip just as much as the next person, but does this have anything to do with our investigation? We need to focus.”

  “The rumor was going around for a few weeks right when Bobby separated from his wife and came back from his trip to Las Vegas. Supposedly, he went there to recover from his big heartbreak. But, if cheating was the reason his wife left him, he shouldn’t be too upset. It was his own damn fault.”

  There was that Vegas connection again. Interesting how it kept coming up. So much for ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’.

  “Maybe we can talk to his ex-wife. Do you know her?” Maybe this would give us some good information. Not to mention I was curious to know who on earth would have married Bobby. He married after I moved to Chicago, and I didn’t attend the wedding, so I had never met his now ex-wife.

  “No,” Katy said. “She wasn’t from here and they didn’t live here for the brief period they were married. I’m not sure where she’s at now. Probably as far away as she can get.”

  “Damn! Oh well, I’m sure it has nothing to do with Senator Daniels’ murder, but it would have been fun to get her thoughts on Bobby.”

  Katy had to get back to work, so we made plans to be in contact later and I headed home. My cell phone rang, knocking me out of my driving trance. The phone displayed my parents’ number. What have I done now? I wondered, looking at my watch. Was I late for something? I tried frantically to recall if I had made any plans with them; I was turning into a nervous wreck.


  “Pres. Where are you?”

  This can’t be too bad if dad’s the one calling. “I’m on my way home. I should be there in a few minutes. Why?” I was annoyed that they were checking up on me.

  “I don’t want to alarm you, but when your mother and I got home, we found that someone had thrown a rock through the window with a note attached,” he replied calmly, as if asking me to pick up a loaf of bread on the way home.

  “What?” I screamed, almost driving off the road. Annoyance quickly changed to fear. I almost wished it was my mom on the phone. I couldn’t believe he was being so calm about everything.

  “Now, sweetheart, calm down. It’s no big deal.”

  I could hear my mother yelling at him in the background. “See, I told you! You should have waited for her to get home. Now she will speed and not pay attention to her driving. Do you want her to get in an
accident?” She was not as calm about this whole thing as he was.

  Dad ignored her and kept talking, “Everyone is fine, and I’ve called Derrick. He should be here in a few minutes.” He paused, “Actually, I see him pulling in the driveway now.”

  “Did you see who did this? You said there was a note. What does it say?” My words tumbled out.

  “Don’t worry about it, King. Concentrate on driving, and when you get here we can figure this all out.”

  Concentrate on my driving after hearing this? Was he freaking kidding me? How can he be so calm about this? I thought, snapping my phone closed and accelerating. While my panic had subsided a little, I was still really worried.

  “C’mon, c’mon! Pick up!” I said into the phone. The voicemail kicked in.

  “Cooper,” I said urgently. “Call me the minute you get this.” My next call was to Katy, who didn’t answer either. Wasn’t the point of cell phones to be reachable at all times? In the city, people kept their phone glued to their ears. I threw my phone onto the passenger seat out of frustration. It rolled off the seat and onto the floor, taking me from frustrated to pissed—at myself. How stupid. Now if someone tried to call, I would have to stop to get the phone or risk reaching over to get it while driving and swerving off the road. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming. Deep breath in, and…exhale. In with the good and out with the bad. That never worked for me in yoga class, and it sure didn’t work for me now. It’s okay, I told myself. I’ll be home in a minute.

  The last few miles seemed to take forever. As I pulled in, I noticed Dirt’s county-issued Tahoe was already there on my parents’ driveway. Then I saw a car following me up the driveway. Who the hell drove a red truck? Then it clicked. I was going to kill my mother. The red truck belonged to Brian. She must have called him. Arg! Why? As if what happened wasn’t bad enough, now I had to deal with Brian. I wanted to bang my head against the steering wheel in frustration.


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