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Works of Honore De Balzac

Page 1427

by Honoré de Balzac

  Pauline You are mendacity itself, and you always see a lie in other’s words — Oh! Leave me, madame, you make me shudder.

  Gertrude (aside) Well, she is candid at any rate. (Aloud) I am going to tell Ferdinand of your resolution — (Pauline nods in acquiescence.) But he will not believe me. Suppose you write a word to him?

  Pauline Yes, I will write to him, and tell him not to go away. (Sits down and writes.) Here is the letter, madame.

  Gertrude (reads) “I am going to marry M. de Rimonville — so that you may remain here. Pauline.” (Aside) I do not quite understand this — I fear that there is some trick in it. I am going to let him leave; he will learn of the marriage when he is far away from this.

  (Exit Gertrude.)


  Pauline (alone) Ferdinand is utterly lost to me now — I have always expected it; the world is either a paradise or a prison cell; and I, a young girl, have dreamed only of the paradise. But anyway I have the key of the desk, and I can return it after having taken out something which may serve to put an end to this terrible situation. Yes, that is what I will do!


  Pauline and Marguerite.

  Marguerite Mademoiselle, my trunks are all packed. I am now going to begin packing here.


  Yes. (Aside) It is best to let her do so. (Aloud) Come here,

  Marguerite, take this gold and conceal it among your things.


  You are sure that your reasons for starting away are very urgent?

  Pauline My poor Marguerite, who knows whether I shall be able to get away! But come, go on with your work.

  (Exit Pauline.)


  Marguerite (alone) And to think that I believed this fury was unwilling that mademoiselle should marry! Is it possible that mademoiselle should have concealed from me that her real love was being opposed? Yet her father is so good to her! He leaves her free to choose — Suppose I were to speak to the General — Oh! no, I would not run the risk of injuring my child.


  Marguerite and Pauline.

  Pauline No one has seen me. Listen, Marguerite, first of all, take away the money that I gave you, and then let me think about the resolution which I have taken.


  If I were in your place, mademoiselle, I would tell everything to the


  Pauline To my father? Unhappy woman, do not betray me! And let both of us respect the illusions, in the midst of which he lives.


  Ah! Illusions! That is the very word.


  You may leave me now.

  (Exit Marguerite.)


  Pauline, then Vernon.

  Pauline (holding in her hand the parcel of poison, which was shown in the first act) Here stands death before me! The doctor told us yesterday, in reference to Champagne’s wife, that this terrible substance required some hours, almost a whole night, to produce its deadly effects, and that it was possible, during the first hours, to nullify these effects; if the doctor remains at the house, he will provide this antidote.

  (Some one knocks.)

  Vernon (from without)

  It is I.

  Pauline Come in, doctor! (Aside) Curiosity brings him to see me, curiosity will take him away.

  Vernon I see, my child, that between you and your stepmother, there are secrets of life and death?


  Yes, and, above all, death.

  Vernon I was afraid so! And that, of course, I must attend to. But tell me — You must have had some terrible quarrel with your stepmother.


  Let me hear no more of that creature. She deceives my father.


  I know it.


  She never loved him.


  I was quite sure of that!


  She has sworn to ruin me.


  How? Is it in an affair of your heart that she wishes to do you harm?


  Rather say, it is my life she threatens.

  Vernon What a horrible suspicion! Pauline, my child, I love you well, you know I do. Tell me, can nothing save you?

  Pauline In order to change my fate, it would be necessary that my father change his ideas. Listen; I am in love with M. Ferdinand.


  I already know that. But who would hinder you from marrying him?


  Can you keep a secret? Well, he is the son of General Marcandal!

  Vernon My God! You may rely on my keeping that secret! Why, your father would fight with him to the death, if for nothing else, because he has had him under his roof for three years.


  You will then see very plainly that there is no hope for me.

  (Pauline sinks back overwhelmed with emotion in an armchair.)


  Poor child! I fear she is going to faint. (He rings and calls)

  Marguerite! Marguerite!


  The same persons, Gertrude, Marguerite and the General.

  Marguerite (running in)

  What is it, sir?

  Vernon Get me a tea-urn of boiling water, into which you must drop some orange leaves.

  (Exit Marguerite.)


  What is the matter with you, Pauline?

  The General

  Dear child, do tell us?

  Gertrude Oh, it is nothing! We can understand her feelings. It is because she sees her lot in life decided —

  Vernon (to the General)

  Her lot decided? And in what way?

  The General She is going to marry Godard! (Aside) It seems to me as if she were giving up some love affair of which she did not wish to tell me. As far as I can understand from what my wife has told me, the unknown one is ineligible, and Pauline did not discover his unworthiness until yesterday.

  Vernon And you believe this? Do not precipitate matters, General. We will talk it over this evening. (Aside) Before then I am going to have a few words with Madame de Grandchamp.

  Pauline (to Gertrude)

  The doctor knows all!



  Pauline (she puts back into the pocket of Gertrude the handkerchief

  and the key, while the latter is looking at Vernon, who converses with

  the General)

  Keep him away, for he is capable of telling all he knows to the

  General. We must at least protect Ferdinand.

  Gertrude (aside) She is right. (Aloud) Doctor, I have just been informed that Francis, one of our best workmen, is sick; he hasn’t appeared this morning, and you might go and visit him.

  The General

  Francis? Oh! Vernon, you had better go and see him —


  Doesn’t he live at Pre-l’Eveque? (Aside) More than three leagues away.

  The General

  Are you alarmed about Pauline?


  It is simply an attack of nerves.


  I can take your place here, doctor, if that is so, can’t I?

  Vernon Yes. (To the General) I’ll undertake to say that Francis is about as sick as I am! The fact of it is, I see rather too much and my presence is not desired —

  The General (in a rage)

  What are you talking about? To whom do you refer?

  Vernon Are you going to fly into a passion again? Do calm yourself, my old friend, or you will cause yourself eternal remorse.

  The General



  Just keep these people talking, till I return.

  The General

  But —

  Gertrude (to Pauline)

  Tell me, how do you feel now, my sweet angel?

  The General
/>   Just look at them.


  Ah! Well, women stab each other with a smile and a kiss.


  The same persons (except Vernon) and Marguerite.

  Gertrude (to the General, who seems as if he were bewildered by the

  last words of Vernon)

  What is the matter with you?

  The General (passing before Gertrude to the side of Pauline)

  Nothing, nothing! Tell me, my little Pauline, is your engagement with

  Godard to be quite voluntary?


  Quite voluntary.

  Gertrude (aside)


  The General

  He will be here soon.


  I am expecting him.

  The General (aside)

  There is a tremendous amount of bitterness in her tone.

  (Marguerite appears with a tea-cup.)


  It is too soon, Marguerite, the infusion can’t yet be strong enough!

  (She tastes it.) I must go and prepare it myself.


  I have always been in the habit of waiting upon Mlle. Pauline.


  What do you mean by speaking to me in this tone?


  But — madame —

  The General

  Marguerite, if you say another word, we shall fall out.

  Pauline Marguerite, you may just as well let Madame de Grandchamp have her way.

  (Gertrude goes out with Marguerite.)

  The General And so my little girl has not much confidence in the father who loves her so? Come now! Tell me why you so distinctly refused Godard yesterday, and yet, accept him to-day?


  I suppose it is a young girl’s whim.

  The General

  Are you in love with anybody else?

  Pauline It is because I am not in love with anybody else that I consent to marry your friend M. Godard!

  (Gertrude comes in with Marguerite.)

  The General



  Take this, my darling, but be careful, for it is a little hot.


  Thank you, mother!

  The General

  Mother! Truly, this is enough to drive one crazy with perplexity!


  Marguerite, bring me the sugar basin!

  (While Marguerite goes out and Gertrude talks with the General, Pauline drops the poison into the cup and lets fall the paper which contained it.)

  Gertrude (to the General)

  You seem to be indisposed?

  The General

  My dear, I cannot understand women; I am like Godard.

  (Marguerite comes back.)


  You are like all other men.

  Pauline (hurriedly drinking the poisoned cup)



  How are you now, my child?


  I am better.


  I am going to prepare another cup for you.

  Pauline Oh, no, madame, this will be quite enough! I would sooner wait for the doctor.

  (Pauline sets down the empty cup on the table.)


  The same persons and Felix, then Godard.

  Felix (looking inquiringly at Pauline)

  M. Godard asks if you will see him?



  Gertrude (leaving the room)

  What do you intend saying to him.


  Wait and see.

  Godard (entering) I am sorry that mademoiselle is indisposed. I did not know it. I will not intrude. (They offer him a chair.) Mademoiselle, allow me to thank you above all for the kindness you have shown in receiving me in this sanctuary of innocence. Madame de Grandchamp and your father have just informed me of something which would have overwhelmed me with happiness yesterday, but rather astonishes me to-day.

  The General

  That is to say, M. Godard —

  Pauline Do not be hasty, father, M. Godard is right. You do not know all I said to him yesterday.

  Godard You are far too clever, mademoiselle, not to consider as quite natural the curiosity of an honorable young man, who has an income of forty thousand francs, besides his savings, to learn of the reason why he should be accepted after a lapse of twenty-four hours from his rejection — For, yesterday, it was at this very hour — (He pulls out his watch) Half-past five —

  The General What do you mean by all this? It looks as if you are not as much in love as you said you were. You have come here to complain of a charming girl at the very moment when she has told you —


  I would not complain, if the subject were not marriage. Marriage,

  General, is at once the cause and the effect of sentiment.

  The General

  Pardon me, Godard, I am a little hasty, as you know.

  Pauline (to Godard) Sir — (Aside) Oh, how I suffer! (Aloud) Sir, why should poor young girls —

  Godard Poor? No, no, mademoiselle; you are not poor. You have four hundred thousand francs.


  Why should weak young girls —



  Pauline Well, then, innocent young persons — be so very fastidious about the character of the man who presents himself as their lord and master? If you love me, will you punish yourself — will you punish me — because your love has been submitted to a test?


  Of course, from that point of view —

  The General

  Oh! These women! These women!


  You may just as well say, “These daughters.”

  The General

  Yes, for I am quite sure that mine has more brains than I have.


  The same persons, Gertrude and then Napoleon.


  How has it turned out, M. Godard?


  Ah, Madame! General! My happiness is complete, and my dream fulfilled.

  For now I am to be admitted into a family like yours. To think that I

  — Ah! Madame! General! (Aside) I’d like to find out the mystery, for

  she has precious little love for me.

  Napoleon (entering)

  Papa, I have won the school medal — Good-day, mamma — and where is

  Pauline? And so you are sick? Poor little sister! I’ll tell you

  something — I have found out where justice comes from.


  And who told you? Ah! see what a lovely boy he is!


  The master told me that justice comes from God.


  It is very plain that your master was not born in Normandy.

  Pauline (in a low voice to Marguerite)

  O Marguerite! Dear Marguerite! Do send them all away.


  Gentlemen, Mlle. Pauline desires to take a little nap.

  The General Just so, Pauline, we will leave you, and you need not get up till dinner time.


  I will certainly get up then if I can. Father, kiss me before you go.

  The General (kissing her)

  My darling child! (To Napoleon) Come, my boy.

  (They all go out, except Pauline, Marguerite and Napoleon.)

  Napoleon (to Pauline)

  And how is it you do not kiss me? Tell me what ails you?


  Oh! I am dying!


  Do people die? Pauline, what is death made of?


  Death — is made — like this —

  (Pauline falls back into Marguerite’s arms.)


  Oh! My God! Help! Help!


  Oh! Pauline, you frighten me! (Running away.) Mamma! Mamma!

  Curtain to the Fourth Act.



  (The chamber of Pauline as before.)

  Pauline, Ferdinand and Vernon.

  (Pauline lies stretched upon her bed. Ferdinand holds her hand in an attitude of profound grief and despair. It is just before dawn and a lamp is burning.)

  Vernon (seated near the table) I have seen thousands of dead men on the field of battle and in the ambulances, yet the death of this young girl under her father’s roof moves me more profoundly than all those heroic sufferings. Death is perhaps a thing foreseen on the field of battle — it is even expected there; while here, it is not only the passing away of a single person, but a whole family is plunged in tears and fond hopes vanish. Here is this child, of whom I was so fond, murdered, poisoned — and by whom? Marguerite has rightly guessed the secret of this struggle between two rivals. It was impossible to refrain from communicating at once with the authorities. In the meantime, God knows I have used every effort to snatch this young life from the grave. (Ferdinand raises his head and listens to the doctor) I have even brought this poison, which may act as an antidote to the other; but the princes of medical science should have been present to witness the experiment! No man ought to venture upon such a throw of the dice.

  Ferdinand (rises and approaches the doctor) Doctor, when the magistrates arrive, will you explain this experiment of yours; they will be sure to sanction it; and you may be sure that God, yes God, will hear me. He will work some miracle, He will give her back to me!

  Vernon I should have ventured upon it before the action of the poison had wrought its full effects. If I did so now, I should be looked upon as the poisoner. No (he places a little flask upon the table), it would be useless now, and to give it with the most disinterested motives would be looked upon as a crime.

  Ferdinand (after holding a mirror before Pauline’s lips)

  Anything, everything is yet possible; she still breathes.


  She will not live till daylight.




  She has just uttered my name.

  Vernon The vitality of a girl of twenty-two is very tenacious! Moreover, she will preserve consciousness, even to her last gasp. She might possibly rise from her bed and talk with us, although the sufferings caused by this terrible poison are inconceivable.


  The same persons and the General.

  The General (outside)


  Vernon (to Ferdinand) It is the General. (Ferdinand, overcome with grief, falls back on the armchair, where he is concealed by the curtains of the bed.) What do you want?


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