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Brynna: A Stone Society Novella

Page 5

by Faith Gibson

  “That’s Urijah Aldobrand Holgersen, thank you very much.”

  “What? You two aren’t married.”

  “Not as far as you know,” Uri said, smirking. “I legally changed my name. It was Banyan’s idea. He wanted us to have the necessary paperwork in place in case something happened to one of us.”

  “Do you think something bad’s going to happen?” Brynna knew there was the possibility of someone coming for the crown one day, but if that happened, a name change wouldn’t mean Uri got to be King just because of his name. That’s not the way it worked.

  “We hope not, but with Drago still out there gunning for Rafael, we never know what will happen.”

  “That’s just another reason for me not to claim Travis. He’s already been targeted by Theron. What if we complete the bond, then Drago comes after him? I can’t do that to him.”

  “Anyone who’s watching will know you and Travis spend all your spare time together, so mated or not, it’s not going to matter. And shouldn’t it be Travis’s decision? You’re not doing either one of you a favor by keeping this secret. Brynna, trust me. Once you tell Travis the truth, life will be so much better for you both. There’s no way you’re not fighting your beast. That has to be taking a toll on you. And Travis is all wound up. I know this from being around other unmated humans. The pull they feel is just as strong as it is for Goyles. You’re already practically living with the man, and he has to be going crazy not being able to do the things that come naturally between mates.”

  “You mean sex.” It was adorable that Uri was blushing.

  Urijah pulled into the parking lot of the boutique where Brynna wanted to browse “Yes. I was trying not to be crude.” Uri cut the motor, removed his seatbelt, and turned toward her. “Brynna, he’s ready. The mate pull overrides any guilt he feels from moving on quickly after Rachel. And don’t throw my thirty-year stubbornness in my face. Just because Travis moves on doesn’t mean he’ll forget the woman. It means you’ll help him with his emotions if he gets melancholy. Do him and yourself a favor and talk to him. Let it be his decision.”

  “But he knows all about the mate bond from talking to Trevor. He’s going to feel like he has no choice.”

  “Then explain to him he does. Now, come on. I want to look at that shirt hanging in the window.” Uri got out of the car before Brynna could argue further. She spent the next hour trying on clothes while thinking about what Uri said. After she found a few dresses she couldn’t live without, she ventured over to the men’s section where she picked out several new shirts for Travis. She loved seeing him in button-up shirts he left untucked over his well-worn jeans. Her mate had a good sense of fashion, and she knew he would appreciate what she’d picked out. Besides, the printed shirts she chose would look great with his emerald eyes.

  Brynna and Uri hit up a couple more stores before stopping to get lunch. Brynna excused herself to the restroom while they waited on the server to bring their order. While she was peeing, her beast bristled, and the hair on her arms stood on end. Brynna reached out with her shifter senses, but there was no one else in the small room with her. Still, she finished quickly, and after washing her hands, she eased open the door and glanced out in the hallway. There was no one there, so she made her way back to the table.

  “What’s wrong?” Uri asked as soon as she sat down.

  “Not sure. I had a weird feeling I was being watched, but there was no one hanging around the hallway.”

  Uri scanned the small café. He wasn’t much older than Brynna, but Urijah was a warrior, whereas Brynna only ever practiced with swords and guns. She could hold her own if need be, but Urijah had fought in battles, both against humans and Gargoyles.

  “I’m not sensing anything out of the ordinary, but we should remain cautious.”

  “Maybe my beast is just agitated with me.”

  “No. Our shifters can be pissy with us, but they would never alert us to danger if there wasn’t a threat. They also wouldn’t fail to alert us just because they aren’t in agreement with our current opinions.”

  That didn’t relieve Brynna’s worry. If her Goyle was on edge, there had to be a reason. She wanted to ask if they could get their food to go, but she refrained, knowing Uri would protect her should there be an actual threat.

  The server had just placed their food in front of them when a family of four walked in. The youngest child, a girl of about four or five, stopped next to their table, staring at Brynna. “You’re pretty.”

  “Thank you. So are you.”

  “Come along, Lark. Let the nice lady eat in peace.” The mother smiled at Brynna. While the family was being seated, Urijah followed them with his eyes, his smile wistful.

  “When are you and my brother going to start your family?”

  “As soon as possible. When we get back to the States, we’re going to start the adoption process. We’re going to start with an older child before we think about surrogacy.”

  “That’s great! I can’t wait to be an aunty.”

  “What about being a mommy? Don’t you want kids of your own?”

  Brynna popped a fry in her mouth and chewed, thinking about her answer. After swallowing, she told him honestly, “I don’t know. Sometimes I think it would be the best thing in the world, but then others…” Brynna shrugged. “I hate the way I was sheltered. I know I don’t want to raise a kid the way I was. I would want my child to go to school. Have friends. Go to sleepovers. Be able to make their own choices about what to wear and whether or not they liked certain foods. What if I screw up their life?”

  “Those are valid concerns for every parent, not just you. Banyan and I don’t want to screw up either, especially taking in an older kid whose life has already been hard. I think, in the end, all you can do is love them unconditionally. If you do that, then the rest falls into place.”

  “I guess I need to find out how Travis feels about kids before I start planning a nursery.”

  “I would tell him he’s your mate before you have that conversation,” Urijah said quietly in case there were humans within earshot.

  Brynna sighed and leaned back in her chair. “You’re right. The worst he can do is tell me he doesn’t want me, then the rest is a moot point.”

  “There’s only one way to find out. Let’s get back to the house. I’m going to take Banyan to our room and show him my nails.” Uri wiggled his eyebrows, and Brynna laughed, tossing her wadded-up napkin at him. “Seriously. He and I will make sure you two have privacy so you can talk.”

  “Thanks. Not just for that but for today as well. You’re a good shopping companion.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  When they arrived home, Uri helped Brynna with her shopping bags, but when they got to the door, he stopped her. He set the bags down and eased the front door open and told her Banyan and Travis were having a chat in the kitchen. One she needed to hear. Instead of announcing their presence, the two stood quietly, and Brynna listened with her shifter hearing.

  Travis said, “I feel guilty because it hasn’t been that long ago that I lost Rachel, but Brynna is like no one I’ve ever met, Rachel included.” Travis paused a few seconds before continuing. “More than that, I’m scared if I let myself get close to her, I’m going to fall in love. Then, when she finds her mate, I’m going to get my heart broken. Again.”

  Brynna turned around, opened the front door, and slammed it. “Honey, I’m home,” she called out. “Thank you,” she whispered to Uri, then picked up her shopping bags and sashayed into the kitchen as though she hadn’t intruded on Travis’s conversation with Banyan.

  “Wow, did you leave any clothes in the stores?” Banyan asked as Uri dropped his own packages by the doorway into the kitchen before stalking over to Banyan and kissing him deeply.

  “Barely. Why don’t you come with me, and I’ll show you what I got?” Uri took Banyan’s hand, pulling him from his seat. Neither one looked back as Uri grabbed his bags, and the two of them went to their wing of th
e house.

  “Did you have fun?” Travis asked. He stood and went to the fridge, removing the pitcher of tea. He poured Brynna a glass before refilling his own. Brynna sensed Travis’s nervousness.

  “Yes. After getting our nails done, we went shopping. I even bought you a few things.” When she took the offered glass, she smiled at him. “Thanks for this. Did you get any work done on the house, or did my brother monopolize all your time?”

  “No, I got quite a bit done. Banyan was interested in the program, so I explained it to him as I worked.” Travis pointed at her hand. “Your nails look pretty. I like the new color.”

  “Thanks. I decided on something a little bolder than my normal bright pink. Uri opted for navy.”

  “He went through with it?”

  “Yep. I doubt he leaves it on long, but who knows? Maybe he’s going to rock his new look for a while.” Brynna drained her tea, then set the glass down. She had to talk to Travis about being mates, but she needed a little more time. Brynna retrieved the shopping bags and pulled everything out, showing Travis what she’d bought. After insisting he try the shirts on, Brynna took everything to the laundry room. When she returned, she took a deep breath. “Travis, we need to talk. Can we go outside?”

  Travis’s smile fell. “Uh, yeah. Sure.” He placed his full glass of tea in the sink and turned toward the back door.

  Brynna caught his hand. “Hey, it’s nothing serious. Well, actually it is, but it’s nothing bad, okay?”

  When they got to the door, Brynna said, “Hang on.” She returned to the kitchen and grabbed two beers out of the fridge. Travis opened the door and allowed Brynna to walk through first. Always the gentleman. She handed one bottle over, then cracked her own and swallowed half the brew before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Travis was grinning when she looked at him. “What?”

  “I love how you dress like a proper lady, then you chug half a beer like it’s nothing.”

  Brynna snorted, making Travis grin harder. “I’m no lady,” she teased.

  “You are when you need to be.” Travis sipped his own beer.

  Brynna stopped at the fountain and stared into the water. It was one of her favorite things about the property. One of the less pretentious decorations her father had installed. She knew most homes didn’t have fountains, but this one was pretty instead of being too large and over the top.

  “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?” Brynna wanted to set her bottle down and take Travis’s hands in her own, but she was afraid of being rejected, so she held her beer tightly. She was worried about telling him the truth. It had been Gautum who, on one of their frequent phone calls, told Brynna she would know when Travis was ready to move on from losing his girlfriend. Travis wasn’t the same sad man she had met a month and a half earlier, and the shy smiles he gave her were more frequent. So was the longing in his eyes.

  Being Gargoyle, Brynna was in tune with his moods, and she’d had enough lovers over the centuries to know what lust looked like. On those nights she’d spent sleeping on his sofa instead of going home to an empty house, she had heard the sounds coming from his room after he’d gone to bed. What Brynna didn’t know was who Travis was thinking about when he took care of his needs. She wanted to think it was her, but she wouldn’t blame him if he was picturing Rachel instead. He had been planning on proposing before the human was taken from him, so it made sense he had loved the girl.

  “Come on, Brynna. I haven’t known you very long, but we’ve spent all my free time together. I know when you’re keeping something from me.”

  “You’re right; I am. I’m just not sure how to tell you or if now’s the right time.”

  “You said it wasn’t anything bad.”

  “No. Not to me it isn’t. But I’m not sure how you’ll feel about it.” Brynna didn’t think it was the right time even if Banyan did. “What do you think about me remodeling the house?”

  “Way to deflect.” Travis sighed. “I think you should remodel it to suit your tastes and live here a while. If you still don’t like it, make the decision, then to turn it into a hotel or sell. After our earlier discussion, it won’t take much to turn this place into something grand yet tasteful.”

  “Can you see yourself living here with me? After we remodel? I know you have Trevor back in New Atlanta, but we could split our time between Norway and the States. Plus, Molly would love it here, don’t you think?”

  “Why are you so worried about what I want? What’s going to happen when you find your mate? He’s not going to want me sticking around, and I wouldn’t want that either.”

  “That’s not going to be an issue. There won’t be anyone else showing up.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Brynna took Travis’s free hand and gripped it tightly. “I know, because you’re my mate.” Brynna held her breath.

  Travis narrowed his eyes at her. “What?”

  “I said you’re my m—”

  “I heard what you said, but I don’t understand. When did you figure this out?”

  “The first day I met you.”

  “I see.” It was Travis’s turn to chug his beer. When he finished, he looked off past the fountain.

  “I’m sorry. I know the timing is for shit. It’s why I didn’t tell you before now, and if you don’t want this, I’ll understand.”

  “What?” Travis shook his head. “Don’t repeat that. I heard you. Again. I just… I don’t understand. Or maybe I do. No, I definitely don’t. I know how the mate bond works. You’ve known for almost two months, so why didn’t you tell me? Is it because I’m human?”

  “Definitely not.” Brynna did set her bottle down then. She took Travis’s empty and placed it next to hers on the concrete walkway. Lacing their fingers together, she asked, “Is this okay?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Travis didn’t look sure though. He looked like he was either going to throw up or cry. Or both.

  “I’m honored to have you as my mate, human or not. You’re one of the best beings I know.”

  “So why now?” He tried to pull away, but Brynna didn’t let him.

  “Because you were in mourning. I’ve been giving you time to get over Rachel. Not that seven months is enough time, and not that I expect you to ever forget her. She was someone special to you, so I know you’ll always have a place in your heart for her.”

  “Bryn, you could do so much better than me. Do you seriously want a human for your mate?”

  “Yes, I do. To me, you’re perfect. I often wondered why the fates waited so long to send my mate to me, and now I know why. They were waiting for you. And before you say you aren’t enough for me or perfect enough, think about your brother. Is he not good enough for Jasper?”

  “Of course he is, but I’m not Trevor. He’s the better brother.”

  “Oh, Travis. I adore Trevor, but he isn’t better than you. He’s just different than you are, but not better. You’re both intelligent, handsome men. He happens to be a little bit quirky. I think that’s what makes him and Jasper work. In this relationship, I’m the quirky one. We balance each other out. And besides all that, I’m tired of fighting my shifter. It’s been pushing me to claim you. I want to claim you, but I was trying to give you time. This probably seems too fast or too… something. I mean, we’ve known each other such a short time.”

  “You’re right; it hasn’t been that long, but I know how the mate bond works from being around other Gargoyles. You don’t have a choice in who your mate is. I’m the one chosen for you, so if I turn you down, you’ll never have a mate. You won’t be given another one. And no, it hasn’t been that long since I lost Rachel, but whether I agree now or later, it is inevitable.”

  “I do have a choice. I could have kept this information to myself and continued being friends. But I don’t want to be friends, Trav. I want us to be friends, lovers, and mates. I want us to be everything to each other. I want you. I want you here with me, or I want to be with you back in New Atl
anta. I have all these decisions to make about the house, about where I’m going to live, and you’re part of those decisions. Well, if you want to be. If you don’t want to be my mate, then there’s no point in keeping the house. It’s too big for just me.”

  “On what planet would I or anyone else not want to be your mate? God, Bryn. You’re the most amazing female I’ve ever met. I’m crazy about you, and the more time we spend together, the more my feelings will grow. Yes, I’m still getting over losing Rachel, and she will always be part of me, but you…” Releasing one of her hands, Travis cupped her face, and Brynna leaned into his palm. “They say everything happens for a reason, whoever they are. And what happened to Rachel was tragic, but people die young every day. We might not understand why a baby is taken away from its parents or why a young mother is taken from her husband and small kids. Or why good people die when the evil of the world continue getting to live.” Travis brushed his thumb over her cheek. “It’s not for us to understand; it just is. If Rachel had lived, I think you would have been given someone else as a mate. I don’t think the fates would have been that cruel to have me married to her and then you come along to disrupt our lives.”

  Travis released her other hand, then threaded his fingers through her hair before caressing her other cheek. With her face gently secure in his hold, Travis leaned in and pressed their lips together. It was the softest kiss she’d ever had, but it was also the best. She always thought the moment she and her mate claimed one another would be fierce. Passionate. This was so much better.

  “I would be honored to be your mate as well,” Travis whispered as he pressed his forehead to hers.

  Brynna’s beast rumbled, pushing her to claim Travis. Brynna pushed back. She wasn’t going to throw him down there on the concrete as much as she’d like to. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Travis, her sweet, shy, human, took control of the kiss and devoured her mouth. His hands moved from her face to her hair where he grabbed two fistfuls and angled her head to the right just a bit. His tongue was hot against her own as he expertly took control. Oh.


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