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Brynna: A Stone Society Novella

Page 8

by Faith Gibson

  Banyan came back. “It’s not the breakers. Maybe the power is out all over. I’m going to check with the electric company.”

  “While he’s doing that, I’m going to call Marcie.” Brynna pulled Travis down on the love seat and held his hand. Her mate’s breathing had become erratic, and Uri could sense that her touch soothed him. “Hey, Marcie. Is the power out in town? Okay. Yeah, it is here. B checked the breaker, but that wasn’t the problem. You and Lawrence might want to stay in town until we get this figured out.” They talked a few moments more, then she hung up.

  Banyan was also off the phone. “There were no outages reported according to the recording. I left my number on the emergency line. Now all we can do is wait.”

  Urijah didn’t like the situation one bit, but he kept his opinion to himself. Well, he didn’t speak it aloud.

  I don’t like this, B.

  Neither do I, but I don’t want to alert Brynna or Travis in case we’re wrong in our assumptions.

  “I’m going to go find some candles,” Banyan said. The Gargoyles didn’t need them, but Travis didn’t have the advantage of shifter eyesight. Urijah went with him, and they lit all the candles they found so Travis would be able to navigate his way through the house and up to his and Brynna’s bedroom.

  “I’ll let you know as soon as I find out what’s going on,” Banyan told the others.

  Brynna grinned. “I think we can manage the dark for one night.” Travis blushed, and Urijah chuckled. Yeah, he and B could manage in the dark as well.

  Chapter Seven

  Brynna was worried. Her beast was unhappy, and Travis was doing his best not to let on he was unnerved. He tried to put on a happy face, but considering he’d been on the wrong end of a vengeful Gargoyle several months before, she couldn’t blame him. So, she did the one thing she knew would take his mind off their troubles – she got naked.

  “Come on, Mate. Let me see that sexy body of yours.”

  Travis laughed, shaking his head, but he got undressed. He didn’t argue with her assessment of his body, so she took that as a win. She didn’t need light to see Travis’s face or to know how turned on he was. He grabbed her around the waist, and his erection nudged her stomach as he picked her up and tossed her on the bed. Travis crawled up Brynna’s body, kissing her inner thighs, bypassing her clit, tongued her belly button, then made a feast of her breasts. She was a panting mess before he ever touched between her legs.

  After a round of rough sex, Travis made love to Brynna, and then they cleaned up in the shower by candlelight. Her mate was more giving than any man she’d ever been with, making sure she found her release before he did. Sometimes more than once. By the time he was done with her, she was sated and sleepy. Falling asleep in her mate’s arms was something she’d dreamed of often, but her dreams were nowhere as wonderful as the real thing. She was a Gargoyle, yet her human made her feel safe.

  Banyan’s cursing woke Brynna. Sunlight filtered through the thick curtains, and her inner clock told her it was after nine. Having lived so many years, Brynna didn’t need a watch. What she did need in that moment was to pee and go see what had her brother in a tizzy. She kissed Travis on the neck, and he mumbled something that sounded a whole lot like “Love you.” Brynna’s heart skipped a beat.

  Kissing him again, she whispered, “Shh, Lover. Go back to sleep.” As much as she wanted to admit her feelings, she would wait until he was ready to hear the words, however long it took. Travis’s lips curled slightly, and then his breathing evened back out. After taking care of business in the bathroom, Brynna pulled on her underwear and a cute dress before going downstairs. Banyan was making tracks across the kitchen while Uri sipped a mug of coffee.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Banyan stopped pacing and turned to Brynna, dragging both hands through his already messy hair. “The power was cut off because someone got in their system and put in a disconnect order. It’s too early to call Julian and have him look into it.”

  “You think it was done on purpose and not a mistake on their end?”

  “I’m not taking that chance. With both you and I feeling like we’re being watched—”

  “You felt it too? When?”

  “At the armory. My beast was agitated, but neither Uri nor I saw anyone.”

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions yet.” Uri set his cup down on the table and went to Banyan, rubbing his shoulders.

  “Maybe we should,” Travis said. Brynna hadn’t heard him come into the kitchen. “I turned on my laptop before I came downstairs to check my messages. My system has been wiped.”

  “Did you lose everything? All your work?” Brynna met him at the door and put her arm around his waist.

  Travis brushed a kiss against her temple. “No. I always back my work up on the server at the office, plus I keep whatever I’m working on at the time on a thumb drive. Julian will be able to get everything put back in just a couple minutes, but the point is, someone hacked me.”

  The door opened, and Marcie entered, followed by Lawrence. Both were loaded down with takeout bags. “Oh, the power’s back on,” she said. “We brought breakfast.”

  “It hasn’t been on long, so thank you for this.” Banyan began pulling food from the sacks while Marcie set mugs out on the table. She had picked up a large container of coffee to go with the food. Even though Uri had already made coffee, the extra wouldn’t be wasted.

  As they ate, Brynna filled Marcie and Lawrence in on what happened at the power company as well as the feeling she and Banyan had about being followed.

  “It wouldn’t surprise me if Drago has someone following us. I wish we had our swords from the States with us,” Uri said.

  “What makes those different?” Lawrence asked. Brynna thought it was a good question since they had their own armory, and there were probably twenty weapons on display throughout the manor.

  “Julian came up with a special coating. It contains hellebore root, and although the amount isn’t enough to completely paralyze an opponent, it definitely slows them down.”

  Brynna pushed her empty plate back and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’d like to get some sparring in. If there’s a chance we’re going to be attacked, I want to be ready.”

  “You won’t be fighting anyone,” Banyan said.

  “Excuse me? I’m not some fragile human.” Brynna turned to her mate and friends. “Sorry, no offense.”

  “None taken,” Travis offered, brushing Brynna’s hair back over her shoulder.

  “Help me out, Travis. Are you willing to let Brynna fight?” Banyan mirrored Brynna, crossing his arms over his massive chest.

  “I would rather she didn’t, but I’m not about to tell her what she can and can’t do. Your sister’s a badass with a sword. Just ask Uri.”

  Banyan turned to his mate, scowling. “Something you want to tell me?”

  Uri shrugged and cocked his head to the side. “She came by the armory one day. We may have sparred for a few minutes.”

  “Uh huh.” Banyan narrowed his eyes at Brynna. “Okay, Little Sister. Let’s see what you’ve got.” He slid his chair back from the table and stood. “If you can go ten minutes without losing your weapon, I’ll not argue with you about fighting.”

  “Yes!” Brynna pumped her fist, kissed Travis on the cheek, then ran to her bedroom to get her favorite sword. And yes, she had more than one. When she told them Gautum trained her, she might have left out a few details. While she was upstairs, Brynna changed out of her cute dress into clothing more suitable for sparring. She also braided her long hair to keep it out of the way. When she returned to the kitchen, Travis’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open.

  “Damn, Princess. You look hot,” he muttered.

  “He’s not wrong,” Marcie agreed, wiggling her eyebrows.

  Brynna laughed at her friend. Marcie had never seen Brynna dressed in what she called her battle gear of tactical pants tucked into a well-worn pair of leather, lace-up boots, and a fitted T-
shirt, all black.

  Uri and Lawrence didn’t comment, but both nodded in agreement. Banyan, however, scowled. “Where the hell did you get those? Better yet, why do you have… Never mind. Let’s get this over with.”

  Brynna kissed Travis again before following her brother outside. Banyan’s sword was quite a bit longer than Brynna’s, but she wasn’t worried about it. The two of them moved to the open area of the lawn while the others stood off to the side.

  “I’ve got a hundred kroner on Brynna,” Marcie said, causing Banyan to frown even harder. Brynna was glad her friend had faith in her, but Brynna also knew her brother was out to prove a point. She tuned out everything around her except for the large Gargoyle swinging his sword in an X pattern in front of him. Brynna called on her beast for both mental and physical strength. She knew Banyan would never hurt her, but he wasn’t going to go easy on her.

  It had been centuries since Gautum taught her how to stand against someone stronger than her, but as she circled her brother, all the training came back. Brynna might not have wings or impenetrable skin, but she was a full-blooded Gargoyle, and she was strong. Banyan held his sword in front of him, and Brynna wasted no time charging forward with a two-fisted strike. Her brother raised his eyebrows in shock before his face became a study of concentration. Brynna knew she had to pace herself. It wasn’t about beating Banyan. No, she only had to keep the sword in her hands for ten minutes.

  Once Banyan saw Brynna knew what she was doing, he stopped holding back. Metal clashed against metal as both Holgersens struck and parried. Banyan had at least seventy-five pounds on Brynna, and he was stronger, but she was able to move quickly. Fighting with swords was much different than using epees. Brynna had taken up fencing for a period of time, but the footwork was more forward and back. This was lunging and ducking. Twisting to avoid a blow. Banyan was doing his best to remove Brynna’s shorter sword from her hands, but she held on. Barely.

  Who knew ten minutes could seem like an eternity? It took a lot for a Gargoyle to get winded, but Brynna was definitely losing stamina. Banyan swung his broadsword with both hands, and Brynna called on her shifter to hold on just a little longer. The power behind that one strike had Brynna ready to call it quits. Her wrists were aching, and she had more than one broken nail. Brynna nearly dropped her weapon when her brother twisted around, coming at her with his full force. She dove out of the way at the last second, falling on her back. She climbed back to her feet, and Banyan brought his claymore up again.

  “Time!” Uri finally called, and Brynna dropped to her knees, her chest heaving. Banyan’s boots appeared in front of her, and she looked up into her brother’s blue eyes. Shouts of congratulations rang out from behind her.

  “Damn, Sis. That was impressive.” Banyan held out his hand, and Brynna let him pull her to her feet. She hid a wince at the ache in her arm. Travis was there at her side, pride evident on his gorgeous face. He took the sword from her, and Brynna rubbed her wrists.

  “Did I hurt you?” Banyan asked.

  “No. You could have, but you didn’t. I know you went easy on me, but I’m proud of staying on my feet as long as I did.”

  “My fierce, warrior Princess,” Travis muttered against her mouth as he kissed her. “You can wield a sword and shoot a rifle. Any other weapons you learned how to use?”

  “A few,” Brynna hedged. She had practiced martial arts and had become proficient with sais, staffs, and tonfas. She had also learned to use a bow and arrow. Not wanting to get into all the training she’d done over the years, she changed the subject. “Damnit. Now I need another manicure.” Everyone laughed, her comment having the intended effect.

  Having sparred briefly with Urijah, he already knew she was good with a sword, but he still fisted his heart and bowed his head. Marcie and Lawrence were talking over each other, and Brynna let their excitement wash over her.

  “Come on, Princess. I’ll run you a bath,” Travis urged. A bath sounded like heaven, and if she could convince her mate to join her? All the better.

  Travis leaned against the tub, and Brynna settled between his legs. “That was the longest ten minutes of my life,” he said before kissing her temple. He had held his breath for most of the time she and Banyan had sparred. Travis knew it was too soon to say he was in love with Brynna, but damn. Watching her go up against her brother had been both nerve-wracking as well as a huge turn on. And this badass? She was his. The sad part in all that was he wouldn’t be able to defend her if Gargoyles were to attack. That was something he would have to get over.

  “At least I’m good at something,” Brynna mumbled.

  “What are you talking about?” Travis wrapped his arms around Brynna’s waist, resting his fingers just under her breasts. As turned on as he was, now wasn’t the time for sex. It was for figuring out what was going on in that pretty head of hers.

  Brynna blew out a breath as she laced her fingers with his. Travis wasn’t sure she knew she was holding on so tightly. The adrenaline was probably still coursing through her veins.

  “Never mind. Just lost in my head.”

  Travis rubbed his cheek against hers. “Talk to me, Princess. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Brynna bit her bottom lip. When he tugged on her hand, she rolled her head so she could meet his eyes. “I’ve spent my whole life trying to figure out who I am. To find something I’m good at. I thought transforming the manor into a hotel would give me a purpose, and it has. But when that’s done? Then what?”

  “Then you find another project to work on. Like our house. I want you to help me design it. You’re better at envisioning interiors than I am. You have a fantastic sense of style. As much as you like clothes and shopping, I’m surprised you were never a fashion designer.”

  Brynna blushed, and Travis chuckled. It wasn’t often she was the one embarrassed. “Don’t tell me. In all your amazing adventures over the years, you designed those funky dresses you’re so fond of.”

  “Not exactly. But I did work for a famous designer in the early nineteen hundreds. I even modeled for her for a bit.”

  “I love learning something new about you every day. You’ve had a life filled with travel and excitement. Learning. Doing. I hope we have a daughter so you can teach her how to live a life on her own terms. To experience everything life has to offer and never settle for something mundane. Damn, Bryn. I asked you to do interior design, but you’re too good for that.”

  “What? No, I’m not. If anything, I’m not good enough. You’re the one with the college degree. I had tutors, but I never went to school.”

  “Do you want to? Is there something you’d like to study?”

  “Not really. See? I just feel so lost.”

  “I do see. I see this amazing female who finds herself every time she tries something new. You are a badass in more ways than one. You set off to travel the world alone. That took courage. Whenever you find something you like, you learn how to do it. So what if you never settle on one thing? Why would you want to? Most people would give anything to be able to experience so many new things in their life. It’s what us mere humans call vacation. We work and work, saving a little money along the way so we can go do something for a week until we have to go back to our job and start the cycle all over again.”

  “I’m such a selfish bitch,” Brynna whispered, tears wetting her blue eyes.

  “Oh, Princess. You are the least selfish person I know. I wasn’t chastising the way you’ve lived. I was trying to get you to see that not having one purpose isn’t a bad thing.” Travis kissed her forehead, then hugged her close. “I don’t want you to be so hard on yourself. I love the carefree female you are. I’m glad you’ve been able to see the world and meet all these exciting people. I think more people should be like you. I think” — Travis leaned in and brushed his lips to hers — “you’re perfect.”

  “Is that how you really see me?”

  “It is. I’ve been in awe of you since the first day we met. You blew into my life an
d brought the sunshine with you.” Travis kissed her softly, hoping to tell her with his affection what he thought was too soon to admit. Brynna angled her body sideways and ran her fingers through his hair as they kissed lazily. Her hip was pressed against his dick, but he willed it to remain soft. There was much more to their relationship than sex, and part of it was talking and being there for the other. Brynna had brought Travis out of his depression, and he hoped he could be the lightness she needed when she felt down.

  “You know what I think you should do?” he asked. Brynna shook her head. “I think you should write about all the things you’ve done over the years. Give our children a way to pass down the stories to their kids. And who knows? Maybe while you’re writing, you’ll remember something you were most passionate about and want to revisit doing it.”

  “That’s a good idea. And don’t think I haven’t noticed you bringing up children more than once. That’s something you really want, isn’t it?”

  “It is. I can just imagine little blonde-headed girls running around swinging plastic swords while wearing dresses and tiaras.” Brynna laughed out loud, the sound filling Travis’s heart. “Trevor and I are the last of the McKenzies. Even though he and Jasper want kids, they’ll be Jenkinses. I’d hate for my father’s name to stop with me.”

  Brynna leaned forward and turned on the hot water, swirling it with the cooler water in the tub. “I know you’re estranged from your mom, but I’d like to meet your father one day. See who you get your good heart from.”

  It hurt Travis to think about his mother and the way she treated Trevor over the years. He doubted he’d ever forgive her, but his father was trying to make amends, and that was all he could ask for. “He’s going to love you.”

  “How do you know?” Brynna turned the tap off and leaned back against Travis’s chest.

  Travis moved Brynna’s hair off her shoulder so he could kiss the golden skin there. “Because I love you, and he’ll see how happy you make me.”


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