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Mama and the Alien Warrior

Page 8

by Honey Phillips

  “What is this?” he growled and licked the impudent nub.

  Her taste exploded in his mouth, sweet, tangy, delicious, and he licked again, eager for more. Her body arched upward and her hands reached for his head. Ah, a pleasure receptacle. He grasped her hips with both hands, pulling her closer as he searched for the best way to please her. He licked, circled, tugged, while she made indecipherable noises and tried to rise to meet him. His tail abandoned her luscious breasts and slipped between her legs, probing at the small entrance until she softened enough for it to slip inside.

  “Oh, my god, what are you doing? Oh, that feels so good…”

  Her channel was so tight that his tail could barely move, but he worked it deeper, until he found a spot that caused even more of her delicious wetness to surround him. He stroked it repeatedly while he continued his attentions to her pleasure receptacle, sucking it into his mouth as she had taken him into hers. Her whole body seized, and then she cried out again, her delicious essence flooding his tongue. Her cunt convulsed around his tail so tightly that he could only imagine what it would feel like around his cock. The thought was enough. His shaft overflowed with a forbidden explosion of seed. He ground down against the soft carpet and wished it were her soft flesh instead.

  As soon as the final jet left his body, his shaft stiffened again, already aching for more. He was almost blind with the need to push inside the tight fist of her cunt, to feel her channel lock around him as his knot expanded and he brought her to climax again and again. He rose over her, his cock already seeking her entrance, but just as he felt the kiss of her hot, wet flesh, her eyes opened. For a moment, he saw only willingness in her gaze, and he started to press against her, but then alarm replaced it and her hand came up.

  “No, Hrebec. We can’t.”

  Abby felt relief, and perhaps the tiniest bit of disappointment, when Hrebec froze at her words.

  “You do not want this?” he asked, running that marvelous nubbed cock the length of her slit.

  ‘We can’t,” she repeated. “I’m not on birth control.”

  His eyes heated even more and she suddenly realized how much that would encourage a man whose species teetered on the verge of extinction. His cock jerked against her clit, causing a spasm of pleasure so intense that she almost gave in. But she wasn’t one of her reckless teenagers. She was an adult, and she had to be responsible.

  “Please, Hrebec,” she said softly.

  With a muffled curse, he pulled back. To her surprise, he didn’t stomp off, but instead, he sat back against the couch and lifted her up onto his lap. She could feel his rigid cock beneath her ass—did that thing ever go down? —but he made no attempt to resume his actions, simply wrapping his arms and tail around her. She sighed and nestled closer, feeling unexpectedly shaky from both her climax and the feelings rushing through her—feelings she did not want to examine too closely.

  He stroked her hair, and she found herself petting his tail where it was wrapped around her. As her body began to relax, she thought back to what he had said.

  “What did you mean by that—that it was forbidden?”

  His body tensed, but he answered willingly enough. “It is forbidden to waste seed on any act that is not for the purpose of procreation.”

  “Is that a religious thing?” she asked, and then immediately felt silly. “No, of course not. It’s because your race is…”

  “Is dying. You can say it.” He sighed and rested his cheek on her hair. “And you’re right. As soon as we are capable, we are required to donate our seed every week.”

  “Every week? Do you, um, masturbate into a cup or something like that?”

  “You mean touch ourselves? No. There is a machine.” His voice tightened. “It is not pleasant, but I believe that is because they do not want to encourage us to seek pleasure on our own.”

  She knew her cheeks were turning pink, but thankfully her face was buried against his chest. Somehow that gave her the courage to ask the next question. “You already, um, ejaculated twice and you’re still hard. Why are they so worried about wasting seed when you seem to have so much to spare?”

  “It was not fertilized. Remember what I said last night? I would have to knot before my seed becomes fertile.”

  “So the machine…”

  “Forces us to knot? Yes.” His voice was still tight, and she stroked his tail comfortingly.

  “But you no longer have to use those machines, right?”

  “No. It is not viable to transport seed for any distance.”

  A sudden thought struck her. If there were no females on Ciresia and he was forbidden to have sex unless it was an attempt at procreation… She leaned back so that she could see his face.

  “Hrebec, have you ever had sex?”

  His cheeks darkened and he looked away. “I am ashamed to admit that I have. The first month after Defiance assumed its duties, we were at a trading port. There was a female there. After some discussion, we agreed that she was probably physically compatible.”

  A feeling that bore an uncomfortable resemblance to jealousy spread through her, but she tried to keep her voice calm. “Did you enjoy it?”

  “No. She didn’t feel right or smell right. I didn’t knot and I felt uncomfortable and ashamed.”

  She bit her lip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to feel that way. I just wanted to give you pleasure.”

  “You did.” His eyes heated. “You do feel right, Abigail. You smell delicious and you taste even better. I have no doubt that I would knot inside your tight little cunt.”

  A corresponding surge of lust shot through her but she pushed it firmly aside. “And that’s why we can’t have sex. What if I got pregnant? The odds are that it wouldn’t happen. I’m older and less fertile and our species are most likely to be incompatible, but we can’t take the risk. There’s no future for us.” Her words echoed the hollowness she felt inside, but before he could respond, Tiana cried out from the next room.

  “Saved by the bell,” she muttered.

  He frowned at her. “There is no bell.”

  “It’s an expression.” She started to climb to her feet and he lifted her effortlessly. “Thank you. Where are my pants?”

  She found them in a crumpled heap on the floor and could see the long rip up one leg where he had torn them off of her.

  “Dammit, Hrebec. This is the only outfit I have. Can you find a way to fix them?”

  Abandoning the useless garment, she headed for her daughter.

  Abby fed and changed Tiana before emerging from the bedroom to find Hrebec waiting for her. To her surprise, he had actually mended her pants, the tear almost invisible.

  “How did you do that?”

  He showed her a device like a long metal wand and explained how it could be used to fuse together a number of materials, including most fabrics.

  “It occurs to me that your females will need clothing for themselves and for the infants. I apologize for not thinking of this before. We have spare uniforms and I’m sure my men will be happy to donate from their civilian clothing.”

  A lump formed in her throat. He really was so sweet. “Thank you.”

  He gave her a rueful grin and shook his head. “I suspect that my crew will be more than anxious to give up their clothing for such a cause. I will have to limit it to no more than a few items per male or they will all be naked.” He cleared his throat. “It would do me great honor if you would choose from amongst my clothing to create outfits for you and the girls.”

  His tail slipped over the arm she had curled around Tiana and gently stroked the baby’s cheek.

  Somehow she suspected that accepting his clothing was another act with more significance than she understood, but if it was important to him, she wasn’t about to refuse him.

  “It would be our honor,” she said, echoing his words back to him.

  Handing Tiana to him while she pulled her pants back on, she couldn’t help but notice the way the baby watched him, her tiny ta
il seeking out his arm. Perhaps they did belong together, she thought, but just as the thought crossed her mind, Tiana’s head started bobbing and didn’t stop until her eyes found Abby. She stepped closer and put her hand on the baby’s cheek, while Hrebec’s other arm came around both of them. Even knowing that it was going to hurt that much worse in the end, she couldn’t help but be glad that she would have the additional time with Tiana. And with Hrebec.

  Pushing aside the sorrow of that future parting, she managed to smile up at him. “I think I’d better go rescue Pravit from Lucie. She’s probably talked his ear off by now.”

  For a moment he looked startled, clasping a hand to his almost nonexistent ear, then he smiled back. “I will assume that is another of your expressions.”

  “You would assume correctly. I’m going to get Lucie and then explain to the girls about the additional delay.”

  “I have duties as well.” He rather reluctantly handed Tiana back to Abby, once again brushing his fingers against her breast in the process. Now that she knew how wonderful his hands felt on her body, it was even harder not to press against his hand. His breath caught as well, but he stepped back.

  “If you do not object, I will join you for the mid-shift meal.”

  Her cheeks heated, but she nodded. “I would like that very much.”

  Pausing only long enough to drop a quick kiss on Tiana’s head, and a slightly longer one on Abby’s lips, he hurried away.

  “That’s your new daddy, Tiana,” she said to the baby, who gurgled happily. “I just wish that didn’t mean I can no longer be your mama.”

  With a heavy heart, she went to collect the daughter who would still be hers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  To Abby’s surprise, none of the girls seemed particularly upset about the additional delay.

  TeShawna shrugged. “Ain’t got nothing to hurry back to.”

  The other girls echoed the statement in their own ways. Of course. She should have considered that they’d ended up in her care originally because they had no one else to care for them.

  Only Amber seemed to be concerned and pulled her to one side. “Miss Abby, what if I go into labor?”

  “That’s one of the reasons why I agreed to make this detour. This new planet has medical facilities.”

  “What if the baby doesn’t want to wait?” She put a nervous hand on her stomach. “She’s been awfully active.”

  Abby did her best to project a cool confidence that she did not feel. “Remember that the ship has a medical lab as well. Captain Hrebec has already explained things to the doctor so that he can prepare.”

  Fortunately, Amber hadn’t seen Hrebec’s distress when Abby had warned him, so she accepted the answer with a sigh of relief.

  Molly, on the other hand, didn’t even seem to think about her upcoming delivery. She was mooning around the cabin, staring at the door.

  TeShawna came over to Abby and shook her head. “That girl’s got it bad. She’s tried to slip away twice, but I’m watching her.”

  “Thanks, TeShawna. I really appreciate that.”

  The girl just shook her head. “Don’t reckon it’ll do much good in the end. When they’re that determined, they find a way. Least she can’t get pregnant.”

  The rest of the day passed remarkably pleasantly. Lunch had been somewhat awkward, with the young crew members staring at the girls—and the babies—in silent awe. Not one of them had even so much as picked up a utensil until Hrebec growled at them. The girls were all flustered by the attention, but it was so obviously respectful that they eventually relaxed. TeShawna, with her usual bravado, even managed to wring a few words of conversation from one or two of the braver ones. Abby suspected it was just as well that Mekoi had not joined the lunch party.

  Ensign Ribel had not joined them either, and after a despondent look around, Molly picked at her food. One of the other crewmen stuttered a few words to her, but she just shook her head and refused to look at him. Abby’s concern for the girl continued to grow. Molly had been moody on Earth, but not to this extent.

  After lunch, Hrebec escorted them to his ready room. He had provided more of the sealing wands, along with some cutting devices. The large conference table had been piled with garments, mainly white uniforms, but with an assortment of other colors sprinkled amongst them.

  “Take your pick,” he said to the girls, and then he handed Abby a large clear plastic box also packed with clothing. “These are for the three of you.”

  Aware that all of the girls were watching, she took the overflowing container and smiled up at him.

  “I don’t think we need this much.”

  “You deserve much more, but since this is all I can provide, I want you to take it all.” He didn’t kiss her, but his gaze felt like a caress as it traveled across her face before he bowed and left.

  “Someone’s got a crush on you,” TeShawna teased.

  “Oh, hush,” she said, trying to hide her smile. “Now, who knows how to sew?”

  As it turned out, Cassie had an extraordinary eye for fabric and cut. The high-tech tools delighted her and she immediately went to work. The rest of them simply followed her instructions.

  “This is remarkable, Cassie,” Abby said, holding up a tiny onesie made out of one of Hrebec’s uniform shirts.

  The girl shrugged. “When you’ve been dressed in hand-me-downs all your life, you learn how to adapt them. That wand thing makes it easy.”

  “This is more than adapting.” Abby’s eyes went to Lucie, who was happily skipping around the room in a cute little dress made from the rest of Hrebec’s shirt. “You have a real talent for design.”

  Cassie scowled, uncomfortable with the praise, and for a moment, Abby thought she’d dismiss it entirely, but then her face softened. “I’ve always liked to sew. Even if it started out as a way to make an old piece of clothing my own.” With a faint smile, she changed the subject. “No more cages and we get new clothes. This whole ‘getting abducted by aliens’ thing is looking up.”

  Abby surveyed the rest of the girls. Their laughter and conversation filled the room as they worked or juggled babies. Even Molly had roused from her usual moodiness to work diligently on a new outfit. If it weren’t for the stars flowing past outside the window, they could have been back on Earth, gathered together in the big living room as they did most evenings.

  “We’re lucky the Cires found us,” she agreed.

  “Now what about you?” Cassie asked. “What are you going to make?”

  “I don’t really need anything. I want to make sure Lucie and Tiana are taken care of first.”

  “They will be, but you can’t keep wearing that ratty old sweater forever. Besides, I think that big captain would love nothing more than to see you in something made from his clothes.” She pulled a garment that looked like a gold bathrobe out of the container. “Oh, this would be perfect with your complexion.”

  “Make it something sexy,” TeShawna said, wandering over with her Vanessa in one arm and Cassie’s Angel in the other.

  Abby rolled her eyes, but the girls were right. A change of outfits probably wouldn’t hurt.

  Hrebec hurried back to his cabin, disappointed but not surprised that Abigail wasn’t present. He was going to be unforgivably late for the evening meal. He took a quick shower and changed into a clean uniform, still fuming about the events of the afternoon. He had spent most of it with Mekoi, trying to prepare for the possibility that the pregnant females would give birth. Mekoi had sent a message to Ciresia, asking for copies of the older files that dealt with natural childbirth, and had been firmly refused. The High Council had no interest in assisting alien births and instead wanted the medic to run a series of tests on Tiana. Hrebec wasn’t about to subject his new daughter to long-distance experiments, and he suspected that Abigail would be just as adamant.

  Unable to receive assistance from his planet, he had reluctantly turned to the Vedeckian for aid. When Kwaret had been brought to the med lab, it was
quite obvious that he had been abused by his fellow prisoners. One eye was swollen, his pale skin was bruised, and he walked with a slight limp. Furious, Hrebec questioned the very young guard who had been stationed outside the brig, only to find that he had actually heard sounds of struggle but decided it wasn’t important since they were only prisoners.

  “As long as I am in charge, no one on this ship will be mistreated,” Hrebec snarled. “Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir. I-I just thought—”

  “You didn’t think, Saprao. That is the problem. You will assist Pravit in the galley until we reach Trevelor.”

  “Yes, sir,” Saprao said miserably. None of the crew liked assisting the crusty old warrior, and once Pravit knew he was being punished, Hrebec had no doubt that he’d make his life even more difficult.

  “In addition, you will stay away from the human females. I do not trust you with their safety.”

  Saprao seemed to shrivel before his eyes, his face aghast as the consequences of his actions sank in, but Hrebec felt no sympathy. He had never expected that a member of his crew would be so lacking in compassion as to allow the abuse of a fellow being.

  When he returned to the med lab, he reluctantly apologized to Kwaret. The man accepted it with a nervous smile, which did nothing to make Hrebec feel better. Fortunately, Kwaret possessed a surprising amount of knowledge about different methods of live birth. The three of them spent most of the afternoon making plans, and Hrebec came away with a begrudging respect for the Vedeckian.

  When it came time to return Kwaret to the brig, he couldn’t do it. Even though the guards were now alerted to the possibility of abuse and should be able to prevent any future violence, there was little they could do about verbal abuse. There were two small patient rooms attached to the lab. With Mekoi’s permission, he decided to let Kwaret stay in one of them. However, Kwaret was still a Vedeckian and still a prisoner, so he would need to remain under guard. By the time Hrebec had completed the arrangements, he was late for dinner. Now he hastened down the corridor, eager to see Abigail and his girls again.


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