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Mama and the Alien Warrior

Page 14

by Honey Phillips

  “Oh my.” She stroked him through his pants, shivering with anticipation as she felt the wide, pebbled shaft.

  He cleared his throat. “So, no cards?”

  When she looked up at him in shock, he covered her mouth with his, his tongue probing urgently. She opened to him, delighting in his delicious lemony taste, her body melting into his. One big hand held her head in place for his kiss as he delved deeper, his other working feverishly at her breasts while his tail massaged her swollen clit.

  He made an impatient noise and pulled her onto his lap, surrounding her with his body, his scent. She clasped his neck, trying to pull him even closer as she writhed against him. There was a ripping noise and then her pants were gone, nothing separating her from the pebbled surface of his tail as it rubbed and kneaded, sliding through her slickness and pressing up into her needy channel. She convulsed, and he swallowed her cries of pleasure as she came in a long shuddering wave.

  When she finally stopped shaking, he lifted his head and smiled. “Most certainly that is better than cards.”

  “Mm. You’re right.” She stretched in satisfaction, and the movement reminded her of the massive erection throbbing beneath her butt.

  Time to decide. Although she knew he would never pressure her, she wasn’t cruel enough to stop after coming so far. There was always the possibility of another blowjob, but gazing up into that strange, handsome alien face, she knew what she wanted.

  She took a deep breath. “I asked Dr. Mekoi for a birth control pill today.”

  “I know you did,” he said solemnly. “He didn’t tell me, but Cassie told Inzen about the pills and he told me.”

  “Is that why he wanted to talk to you?”

  He hesitated. “Yes.”

  She narrowed her eyes at his hesitation. “Is that all?”

  “No, my flower. The rest was… personal.”

  An unexpected feeling of hurt flashed through her. She was half-naked in his arms. Was that somehow not personal?

  He must have seen her withdrawal because before she could stiffen, he pulled her closer and kissed her gently. “I didn’t intend to distress you. In fact, it is the opposite. Can you believe that my only intention is to prevent you from feeling distress?”

  Could she?

  Looking up at his worried face again, she nodded slowly. “Yes, I trust you.”

  And she did. The one man she found to believe in, and he was an alien who she’d encountered millions of miles from home.

  “Thank you, my flower.”

  He bent his head and kissed her again—a kiss that started off as a sweet acknowledgment and rapidly became deeply carnal.

  “I want you inside me, Hrebec,” she gasped, her hand already reaching for him.

  “I have not yet tasted your sweet cunt.”

  “Later.” She fumbled with his pants. “Dammit, how do you get these things open?”

  With one lightning fast move, he removed her top and laid her back on the couch before stripping away his own clothes. Her breath caught in nervous excitement—there was just so much of him, all of it big and green and hard, with those tantalizing nubs that had her pussy aching in anticipation. His cock was wide and thick, narrowing slightly between the heavy base and wide tip. She licked her lips and saw a pearl of precum appear on the broad head.

  “Come to me, Hrebec.” She opened her arms and he lowered himself over her.

  They both groaned as his head sought her entrance and he pushed gently. Despite the slickness coating her lips, her body resisted.

  “Open for me, my flower,” he urged, maintaining a slow, insistent pressure until her body opened and he slid partially inside. The immediate stretch had her pussy fluttering wildly as it tried to cope with his invasion. The feeling skirted the edge of pain, but then his tail stroked across her clit and the pressure became pleasure.

  He paused, and she thought he was waiting for her to adjust, but when she tried to raise her hips and encourage him, he shuddered then stiffened. She looked up to find his face taut and his attention locked on the place where they were joined.

  “Hrebec, is something wrong?”

  “No.” Even his voice sounded strained. “I want to be inside you more than anything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “I want that too.” She tried to wiggle her hips again.

  He groaned and his eyes closed. “Once I’m inside you, I will knot.”

  “Is that a bad thing? You said you would find fulfillment that way.” She bit her lip. “Is it… dangerous?”

  “For you? No.” He flexed his hips and pushed inside another inch. “Your cunt is like a silken fist, impossibly tight, but you will stretch to take me.”

  Desperate for more of that overwhelming stretch, she lifted her hips again and gained another inch. “Hrebec.”

  He opened his eyes and gazed at her. “I choose you, Abigail. I choose this. Remember that.”

  “Yes, I choose you too. Now move, please.”

  He did, burying himself deep inside in one hard plunge that set every one of her senses on fire. Her breath came in rapid pants as she tried to adjust to the incredible fullness. He started to pull back and she felt the ribbed surface of his cock rubbing against the sensitive tissues, creating sparks of pleasure just as his tail vibrated against her clit.

  With a wailing cry that he once again covered with his mouth, she came, her body spasming in almost painful waves around the massive intrusion. Her body arched and shook as he kissed her frantically, barely waiting for her tremors to subside before he was plunging into her in urgent haste, stretching her wider still, forcing her to take more until he buried his own cries in her mouth. She felt him swell inside of her, the base of his cock expanding inside the depths of her channel and sending her into another quaking orgasm as she felt his hot seed flowing into her.

  His mouth finally left hers as he buried his head in the crook of her neck and she tightened her arms around him. They held each other until her pulse slowed and she could catch her breath.

  When Hrebec raised his head, his face was serene, the strain completely gone. “You are everything I hoped for, Abigail. I—”

  Her breath caught. “You?”

  He closed his eyes briefly, then shook his head. “I do not know how long I will remain like this.”

  “Mm.” She wiggled experimentally and gasped as the movement reawakened the sensitive tissues. The stretching fullness had not diminished, which sent a shiver jolting down her spine. He reached down between their bodies and ran his thumb across her clit. Her body instinctively tried to tighten, only to meet the barrier of his cock.

  He groaned appreciatively. “This is a most exquisite agony.”

  He repeated the stroke and she could already feel her climax building again.

  “Can you come again?” she asked breathlessly, her hands tightening on his shoulders as his tail came up and began to tease her nipples.

  “No. But you will.” His eyes glowed with heat. “Many times.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  By the time his shaft finally softened, Abigail was limp and helpless in Hrebec’s arms. He carefully pulled free and gathered her close to him. The couch was too small to be comfortable, but he didn’t care; he was too overcome with emotion to want to move.

  He had found his mate, his woman.

  Inzen had warned him that if he knotted inside her, he would be bound to her. There would be no other female for him. Even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep Abigail, in the end, it had been an easy decision. He would rather have her for this brief time, to know the bliss of having found his mate, than spend his life alone without ever knowing this sense of completion. Basking in the happiness of being with his mate, he buried his nose in her hair and let their combined scents fill him.

  Abigail finally stirred. “We should go to bed.”

  “Wait here. I will tend to you.”

  He pulled on his pants, then walked quietly through the bedroom to fetch a shirt for her to sleep
in and a cleansing cloth. There was something deeply satisfying in seeing their combined fluids as he gently cleansed her reddened folds. She blushed as he wiped her clean, wincing a little despite his gentleness.

  “Was the knotting too much for you, my mate?” he asked.

  Abigail’s eyes flew open. “What did you say?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think before I spoke.”

  “Hrebec, you know I have to return to Earth.”

  “Yes, of course.” He did understand, even though the reminder filled him with sorrow. “You have your responsibilities, and I have mine.”

  “I wish… In many ways, I wish I could stay with you.”

  He smoothed the worried line between her brows with the touch of his finger. “I told you that I understood.”

  Without waiting for a response, he lifted her into his arms and took her to bed. As usual, Lucie was sprawled sideways across the bed. After gently depositing Abigail, he straightened Lucie out.

  With his heart full, he slipped into bed beside his mate. Tiana was close at hand, sleeping in her bassinet, but he didn’t reach for her. Tonight, he wanted his mate in his arms that he might savor every moment they had together. He wrapped his arms and tail around her and she gave a sleepy sigh and nestled back against him. Instead of thinking about the future, he let himself drift off to sleep, content with the present.

  For once, Lucie was not the first to awaken. Instead, Hrebec opened his eyes to find the room in stillness. Abigail was still in his arms, her soft weight and sweet scent causing his cock to thicken. If they had been alone, he would not hesitate to part her legs and feast on her delicious cunt.

  However, they weren’t alone. Lucie’s tiny feet dug into his ribs, and he silently praised Granthar that humans didn’t possess talons. Despite his aching cock, waking up this way pleased him immensely. He had his family around him. Even as he smiled at the thought, he heard Tiana stir. Little snuffling noises came from the bassinet, and he realized with delight that he knew her well enough now to recognize that she was hungry.

  Reluctantly disentangling himself from Abigail, he slipped out of bed and picked up the infant. Her eyes were open and she cooed at him as he picked her up, her head nuzzling into his arm in a contented gesture. As quietly as possible, he prepared her bottle and took her into the front room to change and feed her. He had forgotten to pick up the cardigan, but it didn’t seem to matter. She latched on to the bottle eagerly and began feeding, her tail curled around his wrist.

  As his tail stroked her smooth little head, his arms ached despite her slight weight. All those years ago, if he had only known that this was all it took: holding them. The Cires had been so desperate to save themselves that they set their children apart, confining them to sterile incubators rather than embracing each precious little life. And it shocked him to his core that having Tiana in his arms now kept him from sinking into guilt and sorrow over all those lost lives. Because with Tiana, he had been able to save someone.

  A soft noise drew his attention to the doorway. Abigail stood there, looking sleepy and adorable.

  “You didn’t need the cardigan,” she said a little sadly.

  “No, my flower.” He held out his free hand, and she came and joined him on the couch, curling against his side as they both watched Tiana. “I suspect it is no longer necessary.”

  Her lips trembled as she tried to smile. “Good. That’s good. She doesn’t need me anymore.”

  “I don’t think that’s it.” He looked down at the infant to see that her eyes were focused on Abigail. “After last night, our scents are mingled. I believe that she has accepted me because of that.”

  “But that’s temporary, right? What happens when it wears off?”

  He suspected that would never happen—that Abigail was a part of him now—but he didn’t mention it.

  Instead, he shrugged lightly. “Hopefully, by then she will have grown accustomed to my scent as well.”

  “I was thinking about that yesterday,” she said slowly. “What if that’s something else your babies need to thrive? They bond—imprint—on their first caregiver. Perhaps your labs should add that to the other things they are trying.”

  He stroked Tiana’s tiny tail where it wrapped around his wrist as he considered what Abigail had said. The infants needed more than just physical contact; they needed a bond with their caregivers.

  “It had not occurred to me,” he admitted, “but given the way Tiana has reacted, that is an excellent suggestion. I will send a message to see if it would be possible to assign a specific person to each group of infants.”

  Pleased as he was with his mate’s suggestion, he found he was not as excited as he should have been. Of course, he wanted his people to continue, but his thoughts were no longer concerned with their fate, but with his new family.

  “You’s left me.” Now Lucie stood in the doorway, an accusatory look on her face.

  “Just letting you sleep, baby,” Abigail said, holding out her arms.

  Lucie pouted but came over and curled up in Abigail’s lap. His tail wrapped around them both, pulling them into his side while he fed Tiana. Immense contentment filled him as they sat together in the quiet room.

  “What do you plan to do today?” he asked at last.

  Abigail sighed. “I’m not sure. I still have a little more sewing to do, but I’m almost done. At home, I work with the girls on various things—learning household skills, financial planning, educational programs, whatever they need to prepare them to take care of themselves and their children.”

  “That is most admirable.” Abigail’s role in the lives of her girls was similar to his duty to his young crew members.

  “It’s why I started the home to begin with. To give girls with few alternatives a safe place to give birth and get a head start on a better life.”

  “Chores and school first, then naps, then play time,” Lucie piped up, and Abigail laughed.

  “That’s right, baby.” She smiled at the little girl, then looked at him. “I’ve found that a routine helps the girls. We also make dinner together.”

  “Would you like to do that tonight?” He only hoped that Pravit’s tolerance towards Lucie would extend to the rest of the females.

  “Maybe. Everyone has their hands full with the extra babies, but it might be nice to help Pravit. If he doesn’t mind, of course.”

  “I likes Pravit,” Lucie said. “I wants to help him!”

  “Just because you help him doesn’t mean you get any pastries,” Abigail warned.

  Lucie’s face fell. “None at all?”

  “You can have one, and that’s only if you’re good.”

  “Okay,” she sighed, then smiled. “I likes his stories, too.”

  Tiana had finished her bottle and dozed in his arms. He burped her as Abigail had shown him before he asked, “Do you have the cloth for the sling?”

  “Are you going to take her again?”

  “Yes. As you suggested, I want her to get accustomed to me.”

  “You’re right. But maybe I can have a turn with her after lunch.” She bit her lip. “I won’t have much time left with her.”

  “Yes, my flower. I think she needs us both.” He only prayed that Tiana would continue to thrive once Abigail left them.

  Abigail arranged the cloth again, wrapping Tiana snugly against his chest. As he prepared to leave, he hesitated, then gathered Abigail close and kissed her as thoroughly as possible, given Lucie’s watchful eyes. He ran his eyes over her, pleased with the results. Abigail’s cheeks were pink and he could see the hard points of her nipples.

  Lucie giggled and danced around them. “You’s kissed Mama again!”

  “Yes, I did,” he agreed. “I will probably do it again as well.”

  “Kiss me, too, Papa,” she demanded, holding up her little arms.

  He froze in place, joy and sorrow warring in his heart. Abigail bit her lip again, the beautiful pink color completely draining from her face.

nbsp; Hrebec knelt down so that he was at Lucie’s level and wrapped his tail around her. “Little one, why did you call me that?”

  “You’s Tiana’s papa. I heard you say.” Her eyes were wide and anxious. “And me and Tiana is sisters so you’s my papa too.”

  “But Leonardo is your special name for me. I would miss it if you didn’t call me that.” His statement was true, but he hadn’t realized until he’d heard Lucie say it, how much it would mean to him to have her think of him as her father.

  Her bottom lip trembled, and he gave Abigail a helpless look.

  She had recovered her composure enough to kneel beside them and put an arm around Lucie. “Why don’t we talk about this later? Hrebec has to go to work, baby.”

  “I wants to go with him,” Lucie pouted.

  “Why don’t you come with me after the mid-shift meal?” he suggested. “Just like yesterday.”

  “Can we see the pink show again?”

  “Yes, little one.”

  “I ‘spose.” She gave a big sigh before her cheery little smile finally peeked out.

  He hugged her, relieved when her small arms went around his neck and she gave him a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  This time, there were no surprised looks when Hrebec carried Tiana onto the bridge, but throughout the morning, his thoughts kept drifting back to Lucie calling him her papa. He’d spent all those years fighting to preserve his species, but it had never been personal. This—this desire for a family of his own—tore at his heart in a completely new way, although it seemed just as hopeless. At least he would have Tiana. Still, it wasn’t until he joined Abigail and Lucie for the mid-shift that he truly felt complete.

  After the meal, he took Lucie to the bridge again. She insisted on sitting on his shoulder to watch the “pink show” as she peppered him with questions. He did his best to explain interstellar travel at a level that a four-year-old could understand. He failed miserably, and once again, Inzen came to the rescue. The man had a natural gift with children, and Hrebec remembered that he’d had a daughter of his own.


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