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Jameson's Addiction

Page 14

by Glenna Maynard

  Jameson slides into the seat next to me. I hear him telling the manager with us to seat his ass up front with the driver. I can’t look at him right now. I’m hurt and pissed off. How long ago were they even together? God, I am so dumb. He gave me his sad poor me Jameson story, and I fell straight on his dick like a desperate groupie eager for his attention. I’m pathetic. I’m no better than the rest of the women he’s fucked.

  “Fancy, I should have told you. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t change anything between us.”

  “Are you dumb or just an asshole? She’s pregnant with your child!” I snap at him, and my tears break free rolling down my cheeks in thick drops.

  “Whoa, what? Viola isn’t pregnant. And if she is it certainly isn’t by me.” He grabs my hand, and I jerk away as my tears fall harder.

  “I’m so stupid. I believed every word you said.”

  “Now wait a minute, Peyton. I don’t even know what the fuck you are going on about. I went out with the she devil a few times to dinner. It was nothing. She’s a crazy bitch who will do anything for her fifteen minutes of fame. That’s it. When we get back to house, we’ll talk to her together. I’ll prove it to you.”

  “She told me she was pregnant by a guy who was still in love with his ex-girlfriend. Sound familiar?”

  “It’s not mine. There’s no way. I used a rubber when I fucked her.” I flinch at the harshness and truth of his words.

  “Yeah, well…maybe you told her the same shit you told me. That you didn’t have any, but you never fuck anyone else without one.” I punch his chest as he tries to hold me. “I hate you.”

  “Stop it, Peyton,” he growls and slams his mouth down on mine. I bite at him, but he doesn’t pull back. His tongue pushes inside my mouth and damn me to hell because I kiss him back. I want to believe him. I want to believe that its some bizarre coincidence and that fate couldn’t be this cruel of a bitch a second time around. He breaks away breathing hard as I seethe at him. “Don’t you ever say you fucking hate me again. You’re mine, Fancy. You always were and you always will be.” His mouth comes down on mine again, and his hand goes up my dress, pushing my panties aside to finger me.

  I feel like I am coming apart at the seams. I fall to pieces at his touch. I love this man so damn much. I know better but I can’t resist him like the fool that I am. I ride his hand taking all I can until an orgasm rocks through me. He undoes his pants and pulls me onto his lap. Neither of us caring that the driver is probably watching. I fuck him hard, bouncing on his lap, needing him to get off inside me. To fill me up with him and prove his love and loyalty to me as crazy as it sounds. It’s what I want and what I need right now. He tears at the top of my dress, ripping it partway to get my nipple in his mouth. He bites down on my tender skin and I cry out. I hear the partition glass start to come down. “Everything okay back there,” I hear that manager say, but I don’t dare turn around.

  “Mind your own fucking business,” Jameson growls and I hear the glass go up again. He thrusts his big thick cock up inside me finding his angry release. We slowly rock together, neither of us ready to let go. I milk him dry, hugging my arms around his neck as more tears fall. His mouth clashes with mine and we continue to kiss and fuck.

  “If anyone’s having your baby, it’ll be me,” I whisper in broken sobs.

  “Shh.” He rubs my back. “Only ever you, Fancy. Only you.”

  Loving you is a heartbreak I just can’t do

  You split me in two

  Dr. Jekyll meet Mrs. Hyde

  When I’m with you I lose myself

  You drive me crazy

  Push me to the edge of sanity

  Madness consumes me

  If I can’t have you no one can

  I eventually pull away from him once we get closer to the house. I look like a damn mess, and Jameson takes his shirt off and gives it to me. My makeup is smeared. My hair is sticking out every which way. My dress is torn. Everyone will know what we were doing back here on the drive to the house. “I’m not getting out of the car.”

  Jameson chuckles. “Sure you are. We’re going straight to Viola and getting to the bottom of this shit. I’m not having her upset you like this for no damn good reason.” I nod, but he’s crazy. I’m not walking into that house like this in front of everyone with his damn come leaking out of me.

  The car stops at the front entrance. Jameson opens the door and exits the car, holding his hand out for mine. “Nope,” I pop the P. “Not happening. I’ll get out later once everyone has gone somewhere else.”

  “Peyton, stop it. Everyone had appearances this morning to promote the show. Rebecca is doing a radio show even.”

  “You swear?”

  “Cross my heart and hope to die if I’m lying,” he teases.

  I put my hand in his. “Has anyone ever died from embarrassment?” I smirk and he laughs.

  “That’s my girl.”

  “Fine. I’m cleaning up before we talk to Viola though.”

  “Whatever you want, baby. Whatever you want.” Jameson wraps his arm around my shoulder, hugging me close to his body as he quickly escorts me inside the house. He’s right. Everyone seems to be gone. I rush up the stairs to my room and quickly disappear behind my door, shutting Jameson out. I need some space from him for a minute. We’ve been spending every waking second together. I need to think. He has me acting so wild I can’t even think straight. I strip out of my clothes and go straight to the bathroom to wash away the shit we just did in the car. I feel dirty but a good dirty. After my shower I collapse on the bed still wrapped in my towel. I’m exhausted both mentally and physically. Sleep claims me quickly.


  Strong hands rub my calves, working their way up my thighs as I wipe at my eyes. “Mm that feels good.” A kiss presses between my legs. My eyes pop open, and I look down to find Jameson grinning up at me from between my thighs.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  “What are you doing?” I attempt to scoot up the bed and cover myself with my towel.

  “Waking you up properly. Once we get out of here and into a place of our own, I am going to do this every morning.” He grins.

  “Who said we were moving in together. You do remember that I was engaged and living with another guy like two weeks ago. Right?”

  “Don’t know what you are talking about. In my eyes you’ve only ever been with me,” he teases me. His words are so sweet I can’t even be mad at him.

  “Be serious, Jameson. I can’t just go moving in with you first thing.”

  “Shh,” he shushes me and runs his finger along the length of my pussy lips, stopping at my clit and pinching. “Be quiet. I’m trying to enjoy my lunch.”

  I throw a pillow at his head. “I’m not in the mood.”

  “Your pussy begs to differ.” He slides a finger in me, and he’s not wrong. I’m already wet for him.

  “We can’t do this right now. We have bigger things to worry about.”

  “Like what?” he smirks and adds a second finger. I let out gasp.

  “Like Viola, for starters,” I argue, but it’s useless. His fingers scissor inside me, moving faster and faster until I’m panting and laying my head back in defeat.


  An hour later I go down to the kitchen for food. I’m starved after all the excitement of the day. Everyone has returned from their guest spots and interviews promoting the show. Jameson had a call he had to take from his PR Team and his management. It isn’t fair that he gets to have his phone and have contact with the outside world. I grab a plate and slap a couple of slices of pizza on it and go to take a seat at the table with the rest of the group. Everyone is talking in hushed whispers and it is making me uncomfortable. I feel like there’s a big booger on my face or a zit or something. I look around the room wondering what’s up until I notice that Viola is nowhere to be seen.

  “Maybe if we all fuck Jameson too, we’ll be named next week’s top contender,” Hunter snarls in my direction.

face pales and I lose my appetite. “It’s not like that,” I snap at him, and he snorts.

  “Yeah, sure it’s not, sweetheart. I bet he told Viola the same things he told you when he got her the gig as host. But I guess he saw you and decided to move on.”

  “You don’t know shit all about me or Jameson. Where are you getting your information at anyway?”

  “It came straight from Viola. Didn’t you hear? She dropped from the show and gave an interview today. Said you stole her man. She’s pregnant with his kid.” His lip curls up at me in disgust.

  “I’m not a homewrecker. And if anyone has a claim on Jameson, it’s me!” I yell, pushing my chair back. “He was mine first,” I whisper more to myself.

  Jameson enters the kitchen and ignores the heated glares being shot his way. “Harvey Grant needs to see you and me, Peyton.” He holds his hand out to me. I place my hand in his. I guess this means I’m off the show sooner than I thought.

  I wait until we are out of earshot of the group in the kitchen. “What’s going on? Everyone was looking at me like I stole candy from a baby or something.”

  “Fucking Viola went on live TV earlier today and ran her damn mouth. Made up a bunch of lies about us. About you. She fucked us over and Harvey is about to tell you that you’re off the show. They set us up, babe. Everyone is talking about us online. The gossip channels. New stations. The story is all over that you used your connection to me to get on the show and that we’ve been secretly together all this time. And the icing on the shit cake of the day is Wes gave an interview and said I ruined your relationship, so we are both being painted as lying cheaters all over every outlet. Social media is on fire.”

  “You think Harvey and Viola planned this?”

  “Yup. I’ve got my people on it trying to squash the rumors but, it’s out of control.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead.

  “Perfect. Just perfect.”

  “At least we have each other,” he tells me softly.

  “I don’t care what any of them say about me or you. I know the truth and that’s all that matters in the end.”

  “You say that now, Fancy, but this industry is unforgiving and brutal. Until a new scandal comes along, Harvey is going to milk this for all its worth. Viola too.”

  “But the baby isn’t yours. A DNA test can prove that.”

  “She’ll fight it as long as she can, hoping to get me on the hook for child support, but I swear to you, Peyton, the truth will come out. That baby isn’t mine.” I nod and follow him to the other side of the house to the library where Harvey and his legal team are waiting for me.

  Chapter 30

  Nashville Gawker

  Hold up printing those I love Peyson t-shirts. The drama has been strong today in Music City. Jameson Lewis and his camp have gone radio silent after Viola Cortella dropped a pregnancy bomb and cheating scandal in our laps. That’s right Gawkers. Viola claims to be nearly four months pregnant with the dirty rocker’s baby and says things were going great for them and they were on the road to reconciliation until they all moved into the house the production company for Nashville Star put them up in. But Jameson got back in the sheets with his high school sweetheart and broke her heart. This story is stranger than fiction. It’s like a real life soap opera, folks. My head is spinning.

  Just when I thought things couldn’t get any crazier, a local attorney has come forward stating he was engaged to Peyton Mathews and was set to marry her next month. But then Jameson Lewis rolls into town, and bam, the wedding is off and she’s on the show. No more wedding. Bye bye relationship. Dude is broken hearted and I am shook. I am trying to find out more, but we got ex’s and oh’s, folks. Watch this spot. You know I bring you juicy gossip and all the tea first.

  All I can say is that bad boy knows how to make the ladies feel so good. I’d get in line for it. He can break my heart any day of the week. I’ll have his baby. How about you? What do you think? Did Jameson step out on Viola to rekindle his flame with Peyton? Did she break her fiancé’s heart to get back with her ex and a taste of fame?

  I for one am here for some Peyson. I think they belong together, and I am rooting for this couple to come out on top. We all know there’s no love like your first. I mean look at this picture of the two of them this morning. They are too hot for my blog.

  Chapter 31


  I’ve been on the phone with my people all night and day. There is nothing they can do to get me off this show. Harvey let Peyton go and is making me stick it out because in his words, you can’t buy this type of publicity. True to his word she is being flown to LA in the morning via a company jet to start recording her record. We’ve really got to pay better attention to our contracts. I was ready to let heads roll today, but then my manager reminded me that I took this gig without letting him look over the terms first. The only good thing about this all is Peyton believes me about Viola and the baby not being mine. It all just fucking sucks though. I just got her back only to lose her again. It’s bullshit. Now that I’m back in Nashville, she’s flying to LA, like I did five years ago. I guess karma is having some fun with me.

  It doesn’t matter though. We’ll make it work. I have about three weeks of filming left. I can tough it out. I already called Austin to keep an eye on Peyton once she lands. The record company wants to put her up in an apartment, but I gave her the keys to my house. I know the games they will try to play with her. The parties. The networking to bring her persona to life. Whatever they decide that will be. They better not try that bullshit not wanting her to have a public relationship either. Peyton’s my girl. The whole world already knows it anyway. Our past is already on display on every gossip website.

  Since Peyton is no longer a contestant on the show, she isn’t staying at the house tonight. Her bags are packed and there is a car waiting to drive her wherever she desires for the night. She’s already told me that her first stop is to confront Barb and find out what really happened that night at the hospital. There’s no way she’s confronting that bitch without me.

  I knock at her door. “You ready?”

  “All set.” Her bags have already been taken down.

  “It’s going to be weird not having you here with me come tomorrow. I wish things were different. I thought we’d be getting on that plane together,” I tell her, taking her hand in mine. When we get to the bottom of the stairs the other contestants are standing around and watching the scene. They all see Peyton and me as villains thanks to Viola and her pathetic woe is me fantasy. When the truth comes out, they will all feel like jerks.

  Peyton doesn’t bother with goodbye, we walk straight to the door and get into the car. These next three weeks are going to be torture. On the drive to her father’s condo in the city, she is oddly quiet. I turn her hand over in mine tracing the lines on her palm, wishing I had time to propose before she goes, wanting nothing more than to put my ring on her finger. I know she’d say it’s too soon, but in the end, I think she’d say yes. “You okay?”

  “I just wonder if my father had any idea about any of this. The last time I sat down to lunch with them Barb was horrible to me. She was threatening me and telling me how I needed to marry Wes. I don’t understand what my father ever saw in her. It’s like she has something on him, ya know?”

  “We’re about to find out.” I offer her a faint smile. I don’t know how this confrontation will go, but my guess is that nothing good will come out of it. I don’t blame Peyton for wanting answers. I’d like to know what really happened with our baby, so we can both have closure. The car stops in front of the massive building. Peyton’s father has always been highly successful, but the man must have won some high profile cases to afford this luxury.

  The Doorman recognizes Peyton and shows us in. “Is your father expecting you?”

  “No, but I am sure he will happily receive us,” she says.

  “Of course.” We step into the elevator with him and ride up to the twelfth floor. Barb answers
the door and her face pales when she sees me with Peyton. “We were just about to have dinner. I will set two more places at the table.”

  “That won’t be necessary. This won’t take long,” Peyton sneers at her and shoves past her.

  Preston Mathews looks up from sipping his whisky in the living room with surprise. “Sweetheart. I thought you were off filming. Jameson, nice to see you, son.”

  “Mr. Mathews,” I greet him with a chin lift.

  “What brings the two of you by so late?”

  “Why don’t you ask your darling wife. I’m sure she can tell you, Dad.”

  “Barb?” He looks to his wife. “What’s going on here?”

  She shakes her head and takes a seat next to him on the sofa. “I did what was best for both of them. It was the right thing to do.” She won’t look any of us in the eye.

  “What was the best thing to do,” he questions.

  “The accident. When Jameson and I were in that wreck. Barb here had my pregnancy terminated and had the doctor lie and tell me it was a miscarriage. She told Jameson that they could either save me or the baby, and then she blackmailed him into leaving. Did I miss anything, Barb? Anything else you decided for me?”

  Mr. Mathews is quiet, but his cheeks are red.

  “I only did what needed to be done. You weren’t ready for a child. I only ever watched out for you and tried to be a mother to you, but you were a terrible child. So spoiled and you hated me. You never wanted me in your life.” The woman fake cries with her crocodile tears.

  “Barb, that’s quite enough!” Mr. Mathews’ loud voice booms through the apartment. “I can’t believe you went that far without telling me. When Peyton was in the hospital, you said you handled it, but I never thought you capable of being so cruel. I’ve been so blind. But no more. I’m done. Pack your shit and get out.”


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