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The Automobile Girls at Chicago; Or, Winning Out Against Heavy Odds

Page 3

by Laura Dent Crane



  THE train stopped at Englewood for a moment and then pulled out againfor the Union Station. The girls already knew that they were in Chicago,and were feverishly gathering up their wraps. Bab was drawing on herovershoes when two warm hands were suddenly pressed over her eyes.

  "Guess who it is?" cried Grace, after she and Mollie had uttered littlesmothered exclamations of delight.

  "It's my Ruth! Oh, Ruth, Ruth!" cried Barbara, springing up and flingingboth arms about the neck of Ruth, fairly smothering her friend withkisses. Ruth and her father had gotten on at Englewood to welcome theiryoung friends.

  "You dear, dear 'Automobile Girls,'" cried Ruth, now clasping the threegirls one after another in a tight embrace.

  "Am I to be left out of this entirely?" questioned Ruth's father in anaggrieved tone.

  The girls disengaged themselves from Ruth's arms and fairly pounced uponMr. Robert Stuart.

  "Oh, how is dear Aunt Sallie and Mr. A. Bubble?" laughed Barbara, hereyes shining with joy.

  "Aunt Sallie is waiting to greet you at our home. Mr. A. Bubble isoutside growling over your delay in getting to Chicago," smiled Mr.Stuart.

  "We received your telegram," said Mr. Stuart, as they left the UnionStation. "For a time we were considerably upset. Later we saw an accountof the wreck in the morning paper. We did not learn that anyone wasinjured."

  "What caused it? Wasn't it awful?" questioned Ruth, gazing at herfriends admiringly. "And to think I wasn't there to share the honor ofbeing mixed up with a railroad wreck. Too bad," she pouted.

  "It wasn't a wreck, it was a shake-up," answered Grace.

  "I am glad you were not with us. Who knows what might have occurred,"answered Bab soberly. "Oh, there is Mr. Bubble," she cried, her seriousexpression changing to a happy smile as she ran forward to the puffingred automobile and patted it affectionately. A thin curl of blue smokewas rising from the exhaust of the motor car.

  "Hear him purr his delight," cried Mollie. "He's just like a contentedkitten for all the world," she laughed. "He isn't grumbling at all."

  "He was grumbling loudly enough when we left him," answered Mr. Stuart.

  "That's because he was cold. But we will warm Mr. A. Bubble up on ourway home," declared Ruth. This she did, keeping a wary eye out fortraffic policemen who might claim that she was exceeding the speedlimit. But Ruth knew fairly well where to look out for a traffic man andwhere not to look for him. Up Dearborn Street to Madison Street the carwhirled, the sharp air putting color in the faces of the girls andmaking their eyes sparkle.

  Bab kept stealing perplexed glances at Mr. Stuart. Something was on theyoung woman's mind, but she did not give expression to the thought. Inthe meantime the girls were chattering at a rapid rate. Through MadisonStreet they traveled and into Michigan Avenue, where a gust of bitingwind fresh from Lake Michigan smote them in the face.

  "Oh, look at the river!" cried Mollie.

  "That's Lake Michigan, you goose," answered Ruth, laughing merrily. "Howinsulting to call our lake a river. But here we are."

  The car swung into a driveway, coming to a halt before an imposingresidence, four stories high, overlooking the lake.

  "What is this great building?" questioned Mollie.

  "This is where we live, dear," answered Ruth. "This is my home."

  "Oh, dear me, I thought it was the Chicago public library," retortedMollie.

  "Molliekins, what _are_ we going to do with you?" chided Ruth, laughing.

  The other girls were already running up the broad stone steps. The doorsswung open and the next second Barbara, Mollie and Grace threwthemselves into the arms of Miss Sallie Stuart. There was a volley oflittle screams of delight and any number of resounding smacks. Mr.Stuart had followed them in. He stood with his back to the door, smilingcontentedly on the joyous scene. He had come to love the three girlswith a love that was not far behind his affection for his own daughterRuth.

  The girls having released Miss Sallie from their embrace, Ruth draggedher friends upstairs. They were first shown to their own rooms, andwonderful rooms they were. None of the three girls from Kingsbridge everhad seen anything to compare with the beauty of these handsomeapartments. A few minutes later they were in Ruth's private sittingroom, the walls of which were done in pale blue silk. The furniture wasof old mahogany and on a dainty writing desk the girls found paper andenvelopes bearing the monogram "A. G." Ruth had had these prepared forthe girls' use.

  "Now, girls," she said, "are you too fatigued after your excitingexperiences to go out this evening?"

  "No, indeed," cried the three girls in chorus.

  "Then listen! Father has taken a box at the opera for this evening. Weare to hear Romeo and Juliet----"

  "Oh, how perfectly lovely," bubbled Mollie.

  "That reminds me, Molliekins, that I received a note from your 'lovelylady,' Mrs. Cartwright, yesterday. She asked me to tell you to look fora diamond butterfly at the opera to-night. She thought that might helpyou to locate an old friend."

  Mollie smiled happily. At this juncture there came a light tap at thedoor and a well-known gentle voice asked, "may I come in?"

  Miss Sallie was assisted into the room somewhat faster than sheconsidered dignified, but there was no resisting her "Automobile Girls."After getting her breath she sank into an easy chair, the girlssurrounding her.

  "I want to consult with you about our plans," she said. "We wish to makethis reunion one that you will remember all the rest of your lives. Ourcousins, the Presbys, wish you to spend some time with them. OlivePresby, their daughter, is especially desirous of having you there. Youwill find her a charming girl and I am sure you will all fall in lovewith her at sight. What do you say?"

  "About the falling in love?" questioned Mollie innocently.

  "No, no, Molliekins," rebuked Ruth. "About the invitation, of course."

  "I am sure we shall be well pleased with whatever arrangements have beenmade for us," said Grace.

  "Yes, indeed," added Barbara.

  "I am between fire and water," declared Ruth laughingly, as she droppedinto a chair before the fireplace. "I want you to stay and I want you togo to the Presbys. I have decided, with your approval, that we shalldivide your time between our home and the Presbys' place. First, we willdo Chicago, after which we will go to Cousin Jane and Cousin RichardPresby. They have a grand old home and hundreds of acres of groundssurrounding it."

  "Are they so very rich?" questioned Mollie.

  "On the contrary, they are extremely poor," answered Aunt Sallie,whereat Mollie puckered her brow in perplexity. "Their property isheavily mortgaged. They are in a fair way to lose it unless----"

  "Unless what, Aunt Sallie?" asked Bab gently.

  "Unless perhaps they may in the meantime find the buried treasure."

  The effect of this announcement on Mollie, Barbara and Grace made MissSallie smile.

  "Buried treasure? Buried treasure! Oh, oh, oh!" they cried in chorus.

  "Don't get excited, dears. There is no chance for the 'AutomobileGirls,'" interjected Ruth. "I've stirred myself up so many times overthat old treasure that I have lost ever and ever so many nights' sleep.Take my advice and forget all about it," she admonished.

  "Oh, please tell us about it," urged Mollie.

  "A buried treasure? How perfectly delightful!" sparkled Barbara.

  "I haven't time to tell you now. It is a long story. This treasure wasburied many years ago by one of the Presbys' ancestors. They will tellyou all about it when you go out there, and I am sure Cousin Richard canmake the story much more interesting than I could."

  This had to suffice for the present, though the girls were burning tohear the story. Anything that savored of adventure appealed to thesehealthy, outdoor girls, and what could be more adventurous than huntingfor a treasure that had been buried for years and years?

  The girls' trunks had been brought up, and while they were dressing forthe evening, Bab took advan
tage of the occasion to consult with Ruthabout her gown.

  Ruth ran forward, flinging her arms about Barbara's neck the instant Babcame into her room.

  "Dear, dear old Bab," she breathed, running tender fingers over theshining brown hair of her companion. "You can't know how I have wantedyou. It seems years since last I saw you. Answer me truly, dear. How doyou think father is looking?"

  Barbara's face sobered instantly. Ruth noted the quick change ofexpression.

  "You needn't tell me. I see by your expression what you think," addedRuth quickly, brushing a stray wisp of hair from her face.

  "That was what I wished to ask you about, dear," said Barbara. "He looksso worn. What is the trouble? Has your father been ill?"

  "No. Not in the sense you mean. Nevertheless, we are greatly worriedabout him. He has been speculating. We think he has lost a lot of money.He does not speak of his business affairs as he used to do, and thatmakes us all the more certain that things are not going as they shouldwith him. However, I mustn't speak of these matters now, as I wish youto have the happiest time of your life while you are with us. Why,Barbara Thurston, what a lovely frock!" exclaimed Ruth impulsively.

  Barbara flushed with pleasure at the compliment. Her gown was of darkred crepe-de-chine, trimmed in soft folds of liberty velvet. Bab hadtucked a single red rose in her hair. Ruth never had seen Bab look morecharming.

  "It is mother's Christmas present to me," explained Bab, referring tothe frock. "I think it very pretty."

  "I wish I could look half so well in anything," answered Ruth, butwithout a trace of envy in her tone. "But I must hurry. If I run on likethis we'll never get to the opera."

  "I was just about to ask if you mind my running down to chat with yourfather a few moments before we go?"

  "Do, dear. It will do him good. You always act like a tonic on father,"smiled Ruth. "He's in the library."

  Bab tripped away, holding up her skirts, followed by the admiring eyesof her friend.

  "She's such a dear," mused Ruth, beginning the finishing touches of herdressing.

  Bab was especially anxious to see Mr. Stuart alone. She wanted to see ifshe could fathom the cause of his distress. He looked even more tiredand careworn than when she had first seen him. She entered the libraryrather diffidently pausing before Mr. Stuart, who stood near thefireplace.

  "Am I intruding?" asked Bab.

  "Intruding, my dear? You could not do that. But how beautiful you areto-night."

  "Don't. Please don't," protested Bab with well-feigned displeasure. "Youwill make me a vain little creature. Ruth has just said the same thingto me. At this rate I fear I shall begin to believe something of thesort myself very soon."

  "No," answered Mr. Stuart, gazing at her approvingly. "You are far toosensible a young woman to have your head turned so easily as that. Tellme about your good mother. How is she?"

  "Quite well, thank you," replied Bab simply.

  "I am sorry that she could not come with you. We had hoped to have herwith us."

  "Yes, we wanted mother to come. She asked me to thank you very kindlyfor your invitation, but said it would not be possible for her to go sofar away from home just now. Perhaps later she may visit you."

  "Bab, a good mother like yours is a most priceless treasure. Neverforget to value your treasure at its real worth," said Mr. Stuartimpressively.

  "I do and I trust I always shall, sir," answered Barbara, and RobertStuart smiled, for he knew that she meant what she said.

  Ruth and the other two girls came in at this juncture and theconversation turned on their gowns and the pleasures that were beforethem that evening. Barbara had not mentioned that she thought Mr. Stuartwas looking ill. She would not have ventured to do so, although she wasmore convinced than before that something very, very serious had comeinto the life of her friend's father. She wondered if she might not beable to do something to relieve the distress under which he was soplainly laboring.

  "There, now, what did I tell you, Bab?" demanded Ruth, entering thelibrary. "Didn't I say you were always a tonic to father?"

  Barbara blushed.

  "She is indeed, daughter. So are you all. But we must be going. Is yourAunt Sallie ready?"

  "She is waiting for us in the reception room," answered Ruth.

  "Then we will be off. Be sure that you girls are well wrapped up. Youare not used to going out in this climate with such thin gowns. Ruth,where is your cloak?"

  "Below, father. I will pick it up on my way down."

  Then they started downstairs, Mr. Stuart leading the way. They werejoined by Miss Sallie in the hallway and a few minutes later were beingborne away by Mr. A. Bubble, who, for this evening at least, was on hisbest behavior. Reaching the opera house, they were conducted to the boxreserved for them. Ruth insisted on her guests occupying the frontchairs. How the heads of the three little Kingsbridge girls did swim!Beautiful gowns, beautiful women and dazzling jewels were to be seenwherever the eye rested. It was a brilliant and animated scene, such asnone of the three girls ever before had gazed upon, for this was theirfirst visit to the opera.

  "Isn't it all wonderful?" said Bab to Ruth.

  "Yes, indeed," responded Ruth warmly. "There is nothing quite like anopera night, and I have been particularly interested in grand operasince we discovered Zerlina."

  "Oh, to be sure," exclaimed Bab. "Where is Zerlina now?"

  "She is in Paris, studying under the best teachers that can be procuredfor her," replied Ruth. "She writes me regularly. Her teachers give hergreat encouragement, and she expects to be ready to sing important roleswithin the next two years. She adores Jose, and he is delighted withhaving so talented a sister."

  "She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen," said Barbara."What a wonderful 'Carmen' she will make."

  "Yes; won't she, though," responded Ruth eagerly, "and that is the partthat she particularly looks forward to singing."

  The subject of Ruth's and Barbara's conversation was a beautiful gypsygirl that they had met during their trip along the Hudson. She hadbecome a protege of Ruth, who had cherished high hopes of sendingZerlina to a conservatory, but had been forestalled by the appearance onthe scene of Zerlina's handsome half-brother, Jose Martinez. On accountof family differences, Jose and Zerlina had been separated for manyyears, but in the end Zerlina was persuaded by him to place herselfunder his protection. All of this has been fully narrated in "THEAUTOMOBILE GIRLS ALONG THE HUDSON."

  "What do you think of it, Molliekins?" whispered Ruth over Mollie'sshoulder.

  "Think of it?" breathed the golden-haired Mollie. "I'm so happy that Icould scream right out so everybody in the theatre would hear me,"answered Mollie. "I don't know what I shall do when the music begins."

  A wave of laughter rippled over the box at Mollie's quaint way ofexpressing her delight.


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