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The Automobile Girls at Chicago; Or, Winning Out Against Heavy Odds

Page 19

by Laura Dent Crane



  BARBARA had slipped on a kimono and was starting for the door.

  "Aren't you going to kiss me good morning?" pouted Mollie.

  Bab ran back, throwing her arms about Mollie, giving her sister a quickembrace and kiss; then she hurried from the room, going straight toRuth's bedroom. To her surprise, she found Ruth Stuart fully dressed.The girl was sitting before a window staring out at the whitened fields.

  "Oh, Ruth, I'm so glad I found you awake. Do you know whether yourfather is up yet?"

  "Yes. Why, dear?"

  "I must see him at once. I have important information for him. You willexcuse me, won't you, if I run down to see him? Is he downstairs?"

  Ruth shook her head sorrowfully. There was no laughter in her eyes thismorning. She seemed very different from the bright, carefree Ruth ofold.

  "Father is not here, Bab."

  "No-ot here?" gasped Bab.

  "No; he left on the seven o'clock train for Chicago this morning. Afteran all-night conference between him and Mr. Presby, it was decided thatdaddy must go into the city early this morning to see that Mr. Thompsonwhom you girls met at the wreck of the car on your journey to Chicago. Idon't know what it is all about, but I suspect it is money," concludedRuth with a trace of bitterness in her tone. "When I think how happy yougirls are in your little home without wealth, I sometimes wish I hadnever known luxury. But what did you want to see father about?" demandedRuth suddenly.

  "I--I wanted to tell him something. Oh, please don't ask me now, Ruth,dear. Is--is he at home or at the office?"

  "At home, I think. The office will not be open to-day, this being aholiday."

  "Then I am going to Chicago to see him," declared Barbara firmly.

  Ruth gazed at her incredulously.

  "You can't mean that?"

  "But I do."


  "Unless Aunt Sallie will accompany me. I would rather she did notto-day."

  "Bab, I don't know what you have in that little head of yours, but I doknow that is it important. You are not flighty, like myself. You neednot tell me what is it that is troubling you, but if you wish, I will goto town with you."

  "Oh, will you really go with me, Ruth?" cried Bab, her face expressingher relief at Ruth's declaration. "Then let's get ready at once."

  "You forget that we have Aunt Sallie to reckon with first, Bab,"reminded Ruth.

  Miss Sallie for a time gave promise of wholly defeating Barbara's planto go into the city to see Mr. Stuart. However, after Bab had taken MissSallie into her confidence, the latter gave a reluctant consent. Ruthknew her way about so well that there would be no possibility of gettinglost, and then they were going to her home, which made the journey seemless undesirable than it might have under other circumstances.

  The result was that Ruth and Barbara took the nine o'clock train forChicago that morning amid loud protests from Olive, Mollie and Grace.Ruth regretted that the man had not come out with Mr. A. Bubble thatmorning. She hoped, however, that they might find the car at home.Perhaps her father intended to drive out in the car that night. However,Barbara's mission being so urgent, the best thing to do was to take atrain for Chicago at once.

  From the station in Chicago the girls proceeded quickly to the Stuarthome. Mr. Stuart was not at home. He had not been there, but had calledup on the telephone to say that he would try to be home for luncheon.Ruth went to the telephone and called up her father's office. Mr.Stuart's secretary, who had been called there to do some important workthat day, said his employer would be in in half an hour. Bab announcedher intention of going to the office, urging Ruth not to trouble toaccompany her, as her friend had several matters to attend to at home.

  "Very well," answered Ruth, after a moment's reflection, "I will call ataxicab. I'll tell the driver exactly where to leave you. You must makehim wait for you, then you can come straight back here. I know you wantto see daddy alone, but I'm not a bit jealous," she added, giving Bab'spink cheek a loving pinch. "Daddy will be surprised to see you. Youprobably will be in time to take luncheon with him down town. I don'tbelieve he will be home for luncheon now, it's getting so late. It's toobad that our Christmas dinner at Treasureholme had to be spoiled firstwith father's going away, then you making up your mind to rush down toChicago. Tell me, dear, have you an idea in that little head of yoursthat you can help father in his present difficulty?" questioned Ruthearnestly.

  "Yes, I have," admitted Barbara, "But I would rather not tell youanything about it. You might make fun of me and convince me that I wasfoolish. I might be afraid to go to Mr. Stuart in that event, fearing hemight make fun of me, too, but----"

  "Not father! There is the taxicab. I'll go out and tell the driver whatI wish him to do." Ruth hurried out with her friend, giving the driversuch directions as she had decided upon.

  The drive to the building in which Mr. Stuart's office was locatedoccupied not more than fifteen minutes, for, this being a holiday, thestreets were reasonably clear of the heavier vehicles that usuallyinterfere with the traffic. Barbara knew the building, having been therebefore. She therefore found no difficulty in making her way to theoffice. The driver, acting upon Ruth's orders, waited below.

  But Bab again was fated to be disappointed. Mr. Stuart had not yetreturned, his secretary informed her. Barbara decided to wait awhile.She inquired as to where she might find Mr. Stuart, but the secretarycould not say. He informed her that there were important businessconferences on for that day, though Mr. Stuart might be looked for atany moment.

  Bab went down and dismissed the taxicab, then returned to the office towait. An hour went by, and still Mr. Stuart had not returned. So sheentered into conversation with the not unwilling secretary by asking himif he knew Mr. Bonner, a Chicago broker.

  "Yes, I know him. Is he an acquaintance of yours?" he asked curiously.

  "I've met him. Where is his office?"

  The secretary told her, then added:

  "You're not going to see _him_, are you?"

  "I must see Mr. Stuart," replied Barbara evasively. "I'd better go, forhe may go home without returning to the office."

  "That may be," said the secretary. "If he comes in, whom shall I tellhim called?"

  "Miss Barbara Thurston," she answered, as she hurried away.

  Bab had some difficulty in getting past the clerks in the outer room,but was finally ushered into Mr. Bonner's private office.

  Bonner looked pleased when he saw his visitor, but he evidently failedto recognize her.

  "I'm Miss Thurston, the girl who saved your life perhaps in the wrecksome time ago," she announced boldly and according to her plan.

  "Of course! How stupid of me! I owe a great deal to you, Miss Thurston."

  "You can do a great deal, Mr. Bonner," put in the girl quickly. "I'vecome to ask that you keep your promise to me."

  "Let me see, was it a box of bon-bons?" questioned Bonner lightly.

  Barbara ignored this and asked bluntly:

  "Why do you insist on ruining Mr. Stuart and Mr. Presby?"

  "Please explain yourself," said Bonner harshly, taken off his guard andflushing hotly.

  Barbara did so, in girlish fashion.

  "Young woman, did Robert Stuart send you to intercede for him?"

  "Oh, no! He would be displeased if he knew that I had come here to-day."

  "Miss Thurston, I admire your pluck. I, not being responsible for Mr.Stuart's or for Mr. Presby's speculations, can of course do nothing foryou in this. If I could, I think my gratitude to you for saving my lifewould take a personal form. This is business, and in that each manfights for himself. By the way, how did you get the notion that I am inany way responsible for Mr. Stuart's misjudgment on market conditions?"

  "I chanced to overhear your conversation with your friend 'Jim' on thesleeper."

  "So you played eavesdropper! I would not have thought it of you, MissThurston."

  "It was impossible not to hear; but
when you mentioned Mr. Stuart'sname, I listened, call it what you please."

  "I presume you told Robert Stuart what you heard," he responded, againflushing.

  "No, Mr. Bonner--not yet."

  With the words, Barbara rose and ran out of the office, slamming thedoor behind her. Her face was aflame and she was trembling.

  When she reached the street she decided to walk for part of thedistance, so that she would have time to quiet her agitation before sheshould reach the Stuarts' home. It was growing dark before she realizedthat she would have to take a taxi or the Stuarts would be very muchworried about her.

  "Oh, Bab, where have you been? We've been frightfully worried," criedRuth. "Dad's home, and he said his secretary told him you'd left theoffice about three o'clock."

  "I started to walk, and forgot how late it was, Ruth."

  Mr. Stuart, who had come into the hall in time to hear the conversationand noting how tired Bab looked, said:

  "Come to dinner now, and Barbara can tell us things later."

  When dinner was over and they were seated around the library fire,Barbara turned to Mr. Stuart and said:

  "I can tell you the name of the man who's fighting you and Mr. Presby,Mr. Stuart. Will the knowledge do you any good?"

  "You, Barbara! How can you know this? It would have helped a month ago,my girl; I fear it is too late now."

  Bab's heart sank. Was what she had done--and it had been hard for a girlto do--in vain?

  "Why does Mr. Nathan Bonner hate you?"

  "Nathan Bonner started, a green boy, as a clerk in my office. I thoughthim worthy and helped him, but finally found it necessary to dismisshim."

  "Yes, he's crooked," said Barbara. Mr. Stuart started and looked at thegirl in amazement; so she settled back and told him the story of thetrip to Chicago in detail. "He mentioned your name, Mr. Stuart. He alsosaid that because I had saved his life, he would assist me if I everneeded aid. To-day he refused."

  "To-day! Where did you see Bonner?"

  "Oh!" Only then did Barbara tell her host how she had spent theafternoon.

  "My dear, you're a very imprudent girl. Nevertheless, you have done me aservice for which I can never give you adequate thanks," said Mr.Stuart, his voice husky with emotion.


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