Bhagavad-Gita As It Is
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of Buddhists, 2.26
of Caitanya, 7.8, 18.78 (6)
of devotion. See: Devotional service; Kṛṣṇa consciousness
empiric, 3.4, 4.9
goal of Sāṅkhya, 5.4–5
See also: Sāṅkhya philosophy
impersonal. See: Impersonalism
of Kapila (Lord), 2.39 (1)
Kṛṣṇa consciousness &, 10.11
Lokāyatika, 2.26
material, 2.26
Māyāvādī. See: Impersonalism
of monism, 13.23
of nihilism, 2.26
of oneness, 18.78 (6)
See also: Impersonalism
compared with impersonal, 9.29
See also: Devotional service; Kṛṣṇa consciousness
present-day, 2.26
& religion, necessity of both, 3.3
of religionists, 2.26
Sāṅkhya, goal of, 5.4–5
See also: Sāṅkhya philosophy
of scientists. See: Science(s); Scientist(s)
transcendental, recommended, 2.45
of two classes, 2.28
Vaibhāṣika, 2.26
Vedānta, 2.45, 2.46
difficult in present age, 2.46
Vedic, 2.25
See also: specific philosophies
Physical nature. See: Material nature
Physician, Kṛṣṇa compared to, Introduction
Piety, 3.16, 15.2
Pilgrimage, 4.28, 6.18
Pilgrimage place(s), 8.14
Ambarīṣa Mahārāja visited, 2.61
charity at, 17.20
Kurukṣetra as, 1.1
understanding of, improper, 3.40
for yoga practice, 6.11
See also: specific pilgrimage places
Pious activities
in mode of goodness, 14.16
results of, as temporary, 2.8
Pious men, four kinds of, 7.16–18, 8.14
Piśācas, 9.25
planet of (Pitṛloka), 10.29
sacrifice to, 9.16
ruler of, 10.29
Pitāmaha, Brahmā as, 10.6
Planet(s), Introduction
of ancestors, 10.29
in banyan-tree analogy, 15.2
of Brahmā, Introduction, 14.18
elevation to, sacrifice for, 8.16
suffering also on, 8.17
transmigration to, 8.17
compared to man floating, 15.13
controllers of, Introduction
See also: Demigod(s)
at creation, 10.8
of demigods
attained via demigod worship, 7.23, 7.24 (4)
examples of, 8.16
falldown from, 8.16
as Kṛṣṇa’s energy, 9.18
transmigration to, 9.18
worship for birth on, 9.25
See also: Heavenly planet(s)
Earth. See: Earth planet
energy of, Lord as, 15.13
of Gandharvas, 10.26
ghostly, 9.25
heavenly. See: Heavenly planet(s)
hellish, 16.10, 16.16
See also: Hellish planet(s)
higher & lower
transmigration throughout, 8.19
See also: Heavenly planet(s); Hellish planet(s)
highest, 14.18
illumination of, 13.18
of Indra, 9.20
kings of, Bhagavad-gītā heard by, 4.1–2
Kṛṣṇa origin of, 10.8
life on, 8.25, 10.6
all, 2.24, 14.4
source of, 10.6
light from, 13.18
living entities on all, 14.4
controls, 9.6
origin of, 10.8
proprietor of, 10.3
sustains, 8.9, 15.13
of Lord, elevation to, 9.25
lower. See: Hellish planet(s)
material, highest, 8.17
moon. See: Moon
multitude of, 11.13
number of, Introduction
origin of, 4.1 (2)
Kṛṣṇa as, 10.8
of Pitās, 9.25, 10.29
polestar, 18.71
proprietor of, Kṛṣṇa as, 5.29, 10.3
for punishment, 10.29
See also: Hellish planet(s)
Satyaloka, 14.18
spiritual. See: Spiritual world, planet(s) in
stars as, 10.21
for suffering sinful reactions, 10.29
as king of, 4.1 (2)
See also: Sun(s)
support of
Lord as energy for, 15.13
by universal form of Lord, 15.13
transmigration to, according to modes of nature, 14.18
travel to various, Introduction
universal form
disturbs, 11.20, 11.23
seen on, 11.20, 11.23, 11.36, 11.47
upper. See: Heavenly planet(s)
of Yamarāja, 10.29
See also: specific planets
Plant life, 3.38
on heavenly planets, 2.42
highest, “Kṛṣṇa” means, Introduction
Vedic means for attaining material, 2.42
See also: Happiness; Sense gratification
Kṛṣṇa’s representation in, 10.35
rules for, 10.35
Poisoning, punishment for, 1.36
Polestar, 18.71
falldown of, 2.8
qualification for, 1.2
See also: Kṣatriya(s)
Politics, 2.31
of Pāṇḍava-Kuru conflict, 1.1–4, 1.11, 1.16, 1.23, 1.36, 1.37
See also: Diplomacy
Possessiveness. See: Attachment
extraordinary, where Kṛṣṇa & Arjuna are present, 18.78
as kṣatriya quality, 18.43
Prabhupāda, Śrīla
in disciplic succession, Disciplic Succession
family of, 6.42
obeisances by, Introduction
Pradhāna, 13.6
Pradyumna, 8.22
Prahlāda Mahārāja, 4.8
from Daitya family, 10.30
as Kṛṣṇa conscious authority, 4.16
Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.30
risks taken for Kṛṣṇa’s sake by, 11.55 (5)
surrender to Supreme Lord by, 7.15 (2)
tolerant of father, 13.8 (4)
Prajāpati, 16.6
Prakāśānanda Sarasvatī & Caitanya, 2.46, 10.11
Prakṛti, 2.39 (1), 7.4, 15.1
compared to wife, Introduction
controlled by Lord, Introduction
defined, Introduction, 4.6
as eternal but temporary, Introduction, Introduction
as female, Introduction
as Gītā’s subject, Introduction
Kṛṣṇa’s, 4.6
living entities as, Introduction
manifestation of, as temporary, Introduction
nature as, 13.1, 13.3
superior & inferior, Introduction
Prāṇa. See: Life airs
Prāṇa-maya, 13.5
Prāṇāyāma-yoga, 4.29
Prapitāmaha, Kṛṣṇa as, 10.6
Prasādam, 4.29, 6.17, 13.8 (10), 17.10
acceptance of, 18.7
advantages of, 3.13, 9.26, 17.10
for ancestors, 1.41
as “appropriate diet for suffering patient,” 6.35
benefits from, 6.17, 9.2 (7), 9.26, 12.8, 17.10
compared to antiseptic vaccine, 3.14
defined, 4.29
distribution of, at sacrifice, 17.13
eating, as devotional service, 16.24
flowers as, 2.61
foods offerable for, 6.17, 9.2 (9), 9.26, 13.14, 17.10
importance of, 3.13
Lord Caitanya recommends, 16.24
Nārada Muni &, 9.2 (7)
necessity of, 6.16
as offering’s remnants, 11.55 (2)
purification via, 3.11, 3.14, 12.8
as remnants of Lord or devotees, 17.10
renunciation &, 2.63
sacrifice &, 17.13
sinful reactions removed via, 3.13, 3.14
suffering relieved via, 1.41
tulasī, 2.61, 9.2 (9)
Praśna Upaniṣad quoted on soul as knower & doer, 18.14
Pratyag-ātmā & parāg-ātmā, 4.27
Pratyāhāra, 5.27, 6.25
Pravṛtti, 18.30
Prayāga, 6.11
Prāyaścitta (atonement), 1.43
See also: Purification
by Arjuna to Kṛṣṇa, 11.15–31, 11.35–46
for mercy & forgiveness, 11.41, 11.44
to show His Nārāyaṇa form, 11.45–46
in universal form, 11.15–31, 11.36–46
by Brahmā to Govinda, 4.5
by Caitanya, 6.1
by child in womb, 7.15 (7)
by demigods for protection from universal form, 11.21
by devotees for material benefit, 7.18, 7.22
for devotional service by Caitanya, 6.1
from Gopāla-tāpanī Upaniṣad, 9.11 (3)
Gurv-aṣṭaka, 2.41
impetus for, 7.15 (7)
by Kulaśekhara Mahārāja, 8.2
to Lord for fulfilling material desires, 9.24
for Lord’s mercy, from Bhāgavatam, 3.10
for material benefit, 7.18, 7.22
obeisances to, by Mādhavendra Purī, 2.52
of obeisances to Kṛṣṇa, 9.11 (3)
for protection of cows & brāhmaṇas, 14.16
for remembering Kṛṣṇa at death, 8.2
to spiritual master, 2.41
universal, Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra as, Introduction
to universal form
by Arjuna, 11.36–46
by demigods, 11.21
by Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura, 2.41
about Vivasvān, 4.1 (2)
Preachers of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. See: Devotee(s)
Preaching Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 3.13, 6.32, 9.2 (6), 11.55 (5), 15.10
assistance in, 12.10
authorities to be cited in, 17.15
for benefit of suffering living entities, 11.55 (5)
benefits of, 18.68
Bhagavad-gītā &, 18.68–69, 18.71
by Caitanya, 7.15 (4), 18.54
charity should assist, 11.54 (1)
devotee’s impetus for, 11.55 (5)
duty of, 13.8 (3), 16.1 (6)
Kṛṣṇa pleased by, 11.55 (5)
by kṣatriyas, 4.1 (1)
necessities in, 12.10
as nonviolence, 13.8 (3)
openly, 18.71
risks taken in, 11.55 (5)
by sannyāsīs, 10.4 (9), 16.1 (6)
wealth used to assist, 12.10
Prema. See: Love for Lord
Present age. See: Kali-yuga
Pride, 18.35
austerities & penances due to, 17.5
of demons, 16.4, 16.10, 16.13, 16.16, 16.17–18
detachment from, 18.51
sacrifice out of, 17.12
surrender blocked by, 15.5
Pridelessness, 13.8
Kṛṣṇa’s representation among, 10.24
See also: Sage(s); specific priests
Procrastination, 18.28
Procreation, 10.28
Proprietorship, false
detachment from, 3.30, 4.21–23
for self-realization, 18.51
as illusion, 7.27
surrender blocked by, 15.5
Prowess, Kṛṣṇa as, 7.10
Pṛthā, relatives of, 1.25
for aggressors, six kinds of, 1.36
capital, 2.21
of criminals, 1.36
by death, 2.21, 14.16
by government, 2.21
for killing, 14.16
Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.38
by Lord’s & nature’s laws. See: Sinful reaction(s)
Manu-saṁhitā cited on, 2.21
for murder, 2.19, 2.21
by Rāmacandra, 1.36
See also: Hellish planet(s); Sinful reaction(s)
Purāṇas, Introduction, 7.3, 10.18, 11.48
as histories, Introduction
history of, Introduction
Pure devotee(s)
as adhyātma-cetās, 3.30
all elevated by association with, 9.32
alone realize Kṛṣṇa, 4.11
anxiety absent in, 10.11, 12.14–19
association with, 6.8, 7.16, 7.17, 7.28, 9.32, 12.20, 15.20
rarity of, 10.9
attached to Lord completely, 10.9
Bhagavad-gītā understood by, 18.64
on Brahman platform, 7.29
with motivated devotees, 7.16
with yogīs, 8.14, 8.16
detachment of, 7.22, 8.14, 8.15, 8.23, 8.24, 8.27, 12.14–19
as determined in devotional service, 12.13
devotional service by, 6.18, 12.2, 12.13
disturbances absent in, 12.13–15
dovetailed with Lord, Introduction
duty &, 3.17–18, 9.28
as eligible to return to Godhead, 9.26
envy lacking in, 12.13
equal in happiness & distress, 12.13–15
equanimity of, 12.17–19, 18.54
essential for knowing Kṛṣṇa, 2.29
as expert, 12.16
no falldown for, 9.22
form of Kṛṣṇa attractive to, 11.8
free from bad association, 12.18
as friend to all, 12.13
with full knowledge of Kṛṣṇa, 7.17–19
fully engaged under Kṛṣṇa’s direction, 18.56
future of, 9.28
good qualifications required for, 12.18
good qualities of, 1.28
guidance by, 9.32, 18.55, 18.56
happiness of, 18.54
hear & chant about Kṛṣṇa with pleasure, 10.19
hearing from, 7.1, 8.15
as highest transcendentalist, 18.66
& his spiritual master, 18.56
no impediments for, 8.14, 9.22, 12.17
independence of, 12.16
as kind, 12.13, 12.15
not knowable, 9.28
alone attracts, 2.64, 9.13
association of, for, 4.9, 4.11
carries what they lack & preserves what they have, 9.22
controls, 1.15
enlightens, 10.11
known by, 4.5, 7.3
merciful to, 7.23, 11.7, 18.56
pleased by, 1.22
promises of, to, 12.6, 18.65–66
protects, 9.34
remembered by, 8.14, 10.9
seen only by, 11.48
wants us to be, 18.65
as liberated, 9.28
as mahātmās, 9.13
meditation of, 6.19
mercy of, 2.29, 18.71, 18.73
as niṣkāma, 8.14
offerings from, accepted by Kṛṣṇa, 9.26
oneness of, with Lord, 18.54
pleasure for, hearing & chanting as, 10.9
preaching by, 11.55 (3)
qualities & qualifications of, 6.7–32, 7.17–19, 7.20, 7.22, 8.14, 9.11 (5), 9.13, 9.22, 9.28, 10.9, 10.42, 12.2, 12.13–20, 18.54, 18.56
as rare, 12.13
return to Godhead for, 18.55, 18.56
risks taken by, 12.17
as satisfied, 12.13
as self-controlled, 12.13
service to, 18.67
serving Lord always, 8.14, 18.56
sleep remembering Kṛṣṇa, 1.24
as softhearted, 1.28
spiritual knowledge understood only by, 13.19
sp; spiritual master &, 12.13
suffering not felt by, 12.16
surrendered to Lord, 10.9
surrender to, 13.26
as tolerant, 12.13–15
as transcendental
to attachment & detachment, 2.64
to designations, 12.16
to dualities of life, 12.17–19
to fear & anxiety, 12.15–16
to material duties, 3.17–18, 3.35
universal form doesn’t particularly attract, 11.54 (9)
as unknowable, 9.28
vision of, 11.7
Pure devotional service, 2.39 (2), 4.10, 9.20
activities of, nine, 9.1
attainment of, stages of, 18.51–56
in Bhagavad-gītā, 18.1
Brahman attained via, 14.26
characteristics & qualities of, 6.7–32, 8.14, 10.9, 11.55, 11.55 (4)
compared with materially motivated service, 7.16, 9.2 (10)
conviction brings, 10.7
defined, 7.16
faith results in, 10.7
as goal of knowledge, 13.8 (1)
happiness via, 18.54
knowledge about Kṛṣṇa inspires, 10.7–8
knowledge via, 15.11
& lesser alternatives, 12.8–12
as liberation, 9.13, 14.26, 18.54, 18.58
via preaching Bhagavad-gītā, 18.68–69
vs. regulated, 12.12
return to Godhead guaranteed via, 11.55, 11.55 (5)
risks taken in, 12.17
Pure goodness, 14.10, 17.3, 17.4
Purification, 16.1
for ancestors, 1.41
via association with devotees, 14.27
via association with transcendentalists, 17.4
atonement for, 1.43
as austerity of mind, 17.16
via chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, 9.31
via charity, 12.11
all benefit from, 18.5–6
via death on battlefield, 2.22
from desire to lord it over, 13.22
via detachment from lust, anger, & greed, 16.22
via devotional service, Introduction, 2.50–51, 2.61, 3.9, 9.28, 10.11, 14.27, 15.20, 18.66 (2)
via duties performed, 3.8, 17.26, 18.5, 18.6
family traditions for, 1.39–44
via fasting, 17.5
via fire (sterilization), 2.24
foods suited for, 17.8, 17.10
gradual, 3.35, 16.22
compared with direct process, 17.28
via haṭha-yoga, 2.17
via hearing
Bhagavad-gītā, 18.71
about Lord, 18.55
from Lord, 13.22
via intelligence, 18.51
via Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 3.38, 3.41, 17.3
as direct process, 17.28
from material airs, 2.17
via penance, 18.5–6
via prasādam, 3.11, 3.13, 3.14
processes for, encouraged for all, 18.5–6
regulations of scripture must be followed for, 16.23–24
renunciation &, Introduction, 3.8
via rules & regulations, 3.6
via sacrifice, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 4.30, 18.2
all benefit from, 18.5–6
sannyāsa requires, 3.4
for sannyāsī, restrictions for, 16.1 (5)
via seeing Supersoul everywhere, 13.29