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The Psalms of Mortality

Page 3

by Henry M. Piironen

dance upon the mortality,

  A light that shines the nobility of heart.

  The dawn of your wakening,

  Some hidden words of loving life,

  The tone of the song you are singing,

  Altering for a fruitful harvest of your own fulfillment.


  To know your Self,

  Away will then go your masters,

  And shall not have power over you no more;

  O, how could you not be a child of this Eternity,

  And for the marriage of your own soul to be completed!

  But most of the ignorant,

  They pour fire to the fire,

  Instead of finding the fountain of their fulfillment.


  As bowing to none and seeing the postures that command nature,

  By Mortality endowed with the experience of not being bound by the ages of humanity,

  The transient personality travels in experience.

  But in the pride we claim ourselves to be the commander of another,

  Perverting the flame to be a burning one,

  Instead of a vitalizing one.

  And so, useless harvest of the gifts of this virtue deepen;

  All that is “I” in you can return.

  I beseech for you to know your self.


  To do as the society demands me to exist as,

  To do as my sense of mortality demands me to exists as,

  A contradiction of the two needs is thus complete.

  Barren once were the rights of my mortality,

  Eyes dim to the time as mortality demands me to exist as.

  Many of my own years of trouble,

  All sprang from the laws of continuation of the society,

  But I found none,

  None had written from the rights to satisfy my mortal dreams,

  Which have rolled past my blinded eyes like the silent sorrow of the lost soul.

  I found myself not to be well,

  Anxiety and foolish expectations,

  Dreams of grand vanities,

  For life to be bought with millions of dollars,

  O my mortal soul,

  How had I neglected you!

  Remain there in the cave,

  Described by the wise Plato,

  In the cave created of our collective thinking,

  And see how they fight.

  Whose appearance is the greatest, leads us,

  And for the wealth and attraction,

  We see them most fit.

  Who am I to give the dreams of your mortal love;

  That, when you breath the fires of your fulfillment,

  By the look of their powerful and confident eyes,

  In the shining of their appearance,

  We follow them to seek dreams we can buy,

  And in agony we are without glorifying appearances;

  But how, O mortal,

  Could you ever own anything but your soul?


  Only few I see who have found in their thought,

  The liberation from the hymns of the mass;

  Only few dare to combat in themselves against this myriad,

  For this passing day of their mortality!

  How could any moment be with less wonder than your own birth,

  Tell me,

  If your own life were now set before you,

  The result of the life you would create yourself to live,

  Answering the desires of your vital and liberated heart,

  See the things the children of you should see,

  Yet not too far from where you are now,

  O mortal,

  The fate casted into stone by you,

  Into the dawns of your many awakenings throughout your life,

  The stirrings and sweet moments you should live,

  O what kind of a world would be your creation!


  The grasses bend in under the blowing winds of the day,

  Like a rooted colonies waiting for those,

  Who have ascended into being part of the wind,

  To move them according to their highest hopes and dreams.

  They rose into the heights profound,

  Seeking to divert the sufferings away.

  Farewell to poverty,

  Let my tears finally be heard,

  For that we seek to ascend,

  To be a wind for the blades of grass,

  Now infected with the vanity and greed,

  Full of pride and pompous attraction,

  Yet receiving the air to be the wind,

  From the blades of grass.

  Left and Right Arms now divine these,

  Who seek the rights of the mortals,

  Smitten without power over before fallen,

  From the core to the outer spheres of the circle,

  And with the resting place again returning to the soul,

  I say to you O mortal,

  Seek not things outside your fulfillment,

  With deceptive attraction,

  Your soul is easily enslaved.


  There is a path to the historical immortality,

  Beyond the wisdom of those who speak of only timely things,

  Beyond the wisdom of those who abuse only the trends of the contemporary,

  Thus speaking out of greed instead of deeply founded mysteries of wisdom.

  Their kind the historically immortal outlive,

  Like a banana fly is outlived by a human,

  And ascend into entities inside the mass mind.

  If you are to be a person of great significance,

  Live in wisdom like the wise King John the Baptist,

  Who walked among men unequal only in knowledge,

  A leader is like a personification of characteristics,

  Amplified in the followers,

  And who becomes a timeless, but unseen head,

  Like Richard Dawkins is for Atheists,

  The manifested actions of their words,

  Foretell the actions below the head.

  Ever the historically immortal kings,

  Their disputes and conflicted thoughts divide;

  Have you not a soul of your own to rule, O mortal?

  Can I not see your heart behind the camouflage?


  Where are those who speak of the rights of the mortals,

  And give me the liberty of a living sentiency?

  I speak this to my brothers and sisters,

  We are all mortals, united by the briefness of our existence.

  The order developed by the ancient of men,

  All a creation thought;

  Follow well in that organized thought,

  And you are rewarded by the rewards created by thoughts;

  Perceive that reality as an illusion,

  A transient form of organization of cause and effect,

  Get your skin as hard as you can,

  For there is no reality created beyond the created,

  Yet existing.

  How to treat your brothers brotherly,

  How to treat your sisters sisterly,

  O we are but of the same root and origin;

  What you face beyond the valued,

  Given by those who are created through knowledge to have status to judge,

  Even over your own tastes and experiences,

  Prepare for dreadful questioning,

  And questionable it becomes:

  You shall not be allowed to exist outside the created.

  You will never be released unto your own freedom,

  Until you accept the two:

  Greater weight is set over the continuation of the society,

  A lesser weight is set over the rights of your mortal fulfillments.

  The sins of this realm are plenty—if sin you choose to see.

  I seek not to make anyone a slave,

  For that the times of the past would be gone,

  Is a faith of great illusio


  The mortal denies the value of gold over the value of a sentient life,

  It is the heart of others I dwell in;

  Where is it? The treasure beyond love!

  Whose left arm alone will give satisfaction enough for the soul?

  With your own thoughts open the realm of your full satisfaction;

  The war of this world has not been ignited by anyone of the now living.

  None of us foreknow the moment of our birth or our death.

  The reality of our existence,

  Us the living,

  Rests only within us.

  With our feathers open for ways of the noblest in our hearts,

  An illusion to the donations of our time,

  Gone and then freely given.

  The lightning in storms of liberation,

  Spring as seeds from within,

  Over these flesh made limbs,

  Seeking some form of one’s own soul;

  The liberated from the slavery to ideas,

  The humanists finally go to their resting place,

  As now all mortals speak:

  “We became free of oppression.”


  Only few moments are granted,

  For me to ascend to the liberty of my soul,

  And when I return,

  What is it you would have me to do for you?

  For together we form a life greater than one,

  From the existence of all of us,

  Even the animals,

  Is created what we live in.

  Do not look with pity on those whose paths have fallen;

  But in the rebels in this unthinkable oppression,

  I see the seeds of a new kind realm.

  And in the temple of our bodies,

  I seek to fulfill my mortal desires,

  Thus, come not to bring guilt over the ways of the free and the rebellious!

  Without a burden created of thought,

  Time is not shorter or less spent.


  From the subverted and latent desires,

  The negligence of the soul begins,

  Though guarding innumerable human beasts from rising.

  How numerous the number of the indifferent persons may be,

  The majority of humans exist not in one time period alone.

  Though gratified from one virtue,

  So are some oppressed by the lack of the same virtue;

  Of mercenaries,

  Mortals devoted to death,

  Condemned are they not with each other.

  And much lament falls over the mortal,

  Should he fail in any of his virtues.

  That is,

  Your eyes weight according to your heart.

  When a mortal perceives the universal humanity,

  Across time and space,

  Wide and deep,

  Gentle and understanding are his eyes.


  To see the mortal walk his life in cheer,

  O, he is but manifestation of the joys of life!

  The mortal

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