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Loving Raylynn

Page 13

by C. R. Marcum

  “I want to taste you, and feel you around my cock, but first I want to get you relaxed. You’re gonna need to be for what I have planned.” He whispered in her ear while his hand cupped her hip.

  “O…okay.” She replied in a voice just shy of a whisper.

  Jax smiled and popped the button of her jeans open. He dropped to his knees in front of her, and stripped them down, never taking his eyes off hers.

  “Lie face down on the bed sexy.” He said as he stood. She leaned in and gave him a small kiss and did as he asked.

  She lay down on the bed and waited. She had no clue what he was up to, but whatever it was, she was fine with it. She tried to fight the desire that sprang up in her when she was around him, but it was no use. She needed Jax. She felt the weight shift around her, and was slightly startled by the cool liquid that was being put on her back. She could feel his cocky grin without having to see it. It seemed like eternity since she had lain down before his strong hands started to work her sore muscles. She let out a small moan when his hands found her shoulders and began to work out the kinks.

  “That feel good?” He whispered leaning in close enough that she could feel his warm breath on her neck.


  “Good. I swear, I could just run my hands across your body all day.”

  She couldn’t muster a response, his hands were skilled in more ways than one, and she needed this. She sank slowly deeper and deeper into the soft bed while Jax relieved every ache she had.

  “Baby, time to roll over.” Jax whispered. There was no response. “Babe, you awake?” He asked, already knowing the answer.

  Jax smiled to himself and stood. Looking at the sexy woman lying mostly naked in his bed, he wanted nothing more than to wake her up and bury himself inside her. Instead, he reached for her jeans and pulled out her phone. He set an alarm and laid it on the table next to her, before pulling off his jeans and climbing in bed with her. He lay there for a long time looking at her perfectness before pulling the blanket over them and slowly drifting off to sleep.


  Raylynn woke with a start. Her phone was going crazy. She reached for it and saw that it was Paisley. She wondered why she would be calling her from down the hall. Her question was answered when she felt something hard poking her in her leg. She had fallen asleep with Jax.

  “Hello.” She answered in a whisper, climbing out of bed.

  “Where are you? You promised Dad you’d be here for breakfast, and you are so not here.” Paisley screeched.

  “I fell asleep over at Ty’s. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Stall breakfast if you can okay.” She said looking for her clothes.

  “Fine, but we are having a talk about all this when you get home.” Paisley said before hanging up.

  “Uggh. Where is my bra?” she asked the room.

  “Babe, come back to bed. Your alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.” Jax mumbled still half asleep.

  “I can’t, I gotta get home. Where are my clothes?” She asked still looking.

  “On the dresser.” He said pulling himself to sit.

  “Thank you, shit I really gotta go.” She replied grabbing her clothes and tossing them on the bed.

  She smiled a quick smile at him as she reached down to grab her bra. She had just started to put it on when the bedroom door opened. Syn stood in the doorway with an expression of shock on his face.

  “Fuck, my bad.” He said slamming the door.

  “Shit shit shit, why the fuck was the door unlocked?” Raylynn asked throwing her shirt on.

  “That’s my bad, I got hungry after you fell asleep and just forgot to lock it. Something has to be goin on though; Syn doesn’t just barge in on me unless something is up.” Jax replied throwing the blanket back.

  She couldn’t help but watch him as he stood; her eyes drawn to the erection straining to break through his boxers. She heard him chuckle before pulling her eyes up to meet his.

  “See something you like?” He asked, pulling his pants on.

  “Maybe, but I really have to go.”

  “Ya know, a guy could really get his ego crushed hanging around with you.” He said with a smirk. “Not to mention a horrible case of blue balls.”

  “Hey, nobody ever said I came here to sleep with you. That was all you buddy.” She quipped, pulling on her own pants.

  “Yeah well, after the other day, I just had to find a way to get you alone again. I just didn’t realize you’d pass out on me.”

  “Well, at least you got to sleep with me.” She said and quickly gave him a kiss before grabbing her phone and leaving him alone in his room.

  Syn was sitting on the couch when she rounded the corner. Her eyes met his for only a moment, and she swore that she saw lust in them. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks and had to pull her eyes away.

  “Good morning sunshine. How was your night?” He asked her as she opened the front door.

  “Not as good as your morning. Did you enjoy the show?” She asked turning to look at him.

  “Maybe.” He replied.

  Raylynn heard his answer, but his look said more. His eyes were slowly looking her over, and he was biting his lip. She could tell he enjoyed what he saw, and she enjoyed him seeing it. She was snapped out of it when Syn started speaking again.

  “So, little brother didn’t hit it right huh? I figured he would have been a pro by now.”

  “Wait, we didn’t have sex, he gave me a massage and I fell asleep.”

  “Oh, I just assumed you did, considering the show I got to see this morning.” He said.

  Raylynn swore she saw a look of relief come over him.

  “Well, that’s what you get for assuming, and you should learn to knock.” She said turning back towards the door and leaving.

  Raylynn pulled up and killed the engine. Paisley had been so kind as to unlock the back door for her, so sneaking in shouldn’t be a problem. She crept around back and silently made her way in. She could smell the food coming from the kitchen but didn’t hear anyone talking. She had made it home in time for breakfast. She slowly made her way around the corner, when her foot found the bottom step she took off running. At the top of the stairs stood Paisley.

  “C’mon, we need to talk.” Paisley whispered as soon as Raylynn reached her.

  “Let me change and get ready, and we can talk on the way to school.”

  “Hurry up. Breakfast will be done soon, and Dad won’t be happy if you miss it.”

  “Okay, I’ll be quick. Love you Pais.” She replied giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Yeah yeah, I know I’m awesome, now hurry up.”

  Raylynn took the fastest shower of her life and threw on the first outfit she came across. She had enough time to throw her hair up in a messy bun and slap on a bit of makeup. Taking one last look in the mirror, she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs.

  She found Paisley, Richard and Katrina sitting at the table. They all turned to look at her as she entered the kitchen. She could feel the eyes on her as she grabbed her plate. She pretended not to notice as she sat down and took a bite of her hash browns. Paisley was the first to speak.

  “Glad to see you’re finally awake. I didn’t think you were ever going to get up.”

  “Yeah, I slept like the dead last night. I honestly didn’t want to get up.” She replied.

  “I’m glad to hear you slept well sweetie. Do you have any plans for this evening?” Richard asked.

  “Well, we still have to work on our project, so we’re probably gonna go to Ty’s house.” She answered looking to Paisley.

  “Yeah, I’ll have to have Aspen drop me off after practice.” Paisley replied.

  “Well, will you two be home for dinner?” He asked.

  “Actually, Ty told me that they were getting pizza for all of us, so we’ll just eat there.” Raylynn answered kicking Paisley under the table.

  “Ow, yeah, we’re gonna just eat there.” She said shooting a look at Raylynn.

nbsp; “Oh, well sweetheart it looks like we’re alone for dinner tonight.” Katrina said. She smiled a disgustingly sweet smile at Richard.

  “That sounds perfect. Maybe we should go out.” He replied.

  The girls were having a silent conversation with their eyes.

  “Girls, maybe you could stay with Aspen tonight.” Katrina said still looking at Richard.

  “Yeah, we can do that.” Raylynn answered still looking at Paisley.

  “Aspen will be okay with that.” She agreed.

  “Well girls, you should probably get going. You wouldn’t want to be late.” Katrina said, never taking her eyes of Richard.

  “Well, this is a little awkward. Pais, you ready?” Raylynn asked standing.

  “Yeah, let’s go. Love you Dad.” She replied.

  “Love you both. Have a great day.”

  The girls quickly scraped their plates and made their way out of the kitchen. When they hit the doorway, Paisley turned to face Raylynn.

  “Why did you kick me?” She asked

  “Because, I know you. Let’s go.”

  “We are talking in the car, you got it?” She barked.

  “Fine, come on.” Raylynn replied walking out the front door.

  “I want to know everything.” Paisley demanded walking towards the car.

  “You sure about that? It’s a lot.” She asked climbing in.

  “Yes, everything, start talking.”

  As they started to school, Paisley tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Raylynn to start talking.

  “Okay Pais, what do you want to know?”

  “Everything, but you can start with why Jax and Syn were fighting, and what exactly happened between you and Jax.”

  “Shit, are you sure?”

  “Don’t make me ask again. You told me you would tell me everything.”

  “Fine, Jax and I have kinda been fooling around since the night that they came home all beat up.” She said, waiting for the inevitable shit storm that would follow. When none came, she continued.

  “Anyway, we were kinda messing around and Syn knew it. So, he knocked on the door and asked us if we were coming. Jax got shitty, I left and they fought. That’s it.”

  “Now when you say you guys were kinda messing around, what exactly do you mean?” Paisley asked

  “Just what it sounds like. We were kinda messing around. You know, kissing, touching, actually we almost slept together, but Syn stopped that by knocking when he did.” She replied.

  “Wait, you got naked with him? Seriously?” Paisley squealed.

  “Well, yeah. I mean seriously Pais; you have noticed how hot they are right?” She waited looking at Paisley. When she didn’t speak Raylynn continued. “Look it just kinda happened. We were kissing and he started touching me and it felt really good, then he…you know.” She said looking to Paisley.

  “No, I don’t know.” Paisley answered looking down at her hands.

  “Well, okay, first you agree that all of the guys are really good looking right?”

  “I mean, yeah I guess so. I don’t know.”

  “Okay, well. Have you ever done anything with a guy? I mean, we’ve never really talked about guys.”

  “Not really. I mean, I’ve been kissed and stuff, but nothing else.”

  “Oh my god. Okay, well Jax kinda made me orgasm.” Raylynn said feeling embarrassed more for Paisley than for herself. She wasn’t prepared for what came out of Paisley next.

  “Oh My God…did he go down on you?” She squealed.

  “Jeez Pais, no he didn’t. I mean, he did get me off, but he didn’t do that. Hands only Pais.” She said with a smile.

  “I can’t believe you. Ray, those kinds of guys only want one thing. Jax isn’t good for you. I mean, come on, they are like…thugs. They fight and carry guns. That is scary; I don’t want you to get hurt. You understand that right?”

  “Pais, they really aren’t like that. Jax is funny and unbelievably sweet. He cares about me, hell the reason I didn’t come home last night is because he gave me a massage and I fell asleep. He could have tried something, but he didn’t. Instead, he set an alarm on my phone so I wouldn’t be late for school. Syn, I mean he is protective. He’s funny too, and Lucas. Drake takes care of all of them and has since he was eighteen. They are a family, and they do what they need to do to protect themselves and each other, and I really wish you would try to get to know them.” Raylynn said.

  “Okay, I get that they are family, but where are their parents? I mean, Ty is only seventeen and he lives with his brother.”

  “Shit. I promised Jax I wouldn’t tell anyone.” She said shaking her head. She wanted Paisley to understand why she feels so close to them, and why she is so comfortable there.

  “Well, now you have to tell me. I won’t say anything.”

  “Fine, but so help me Pais, if you say anything to anyone I will never forgive you.”

  “I won’t, now spill it.”

  “Uggh, fine. Drake and Ty’s mom passed away as you know. Well, Jax and Syn had an older brother, and he was Drake’s best friend, well he was killed by some people in front of Drake. After he died, Jax’s mom took off. She couldn’t deal, and she just split. Well, Ty’s dad and Jax’s dad were good friends. They ended up setting Drake up with a bunch of cash and when Drake turned eighteen, they found the guys who killed Jax’s brother and.” She stopped.

  “And what Ray?” Paisley asked listening intently.

  “Let’s just say that both of their dads are in prison for a very long time, and those guys won’t ever hurt anyone else. Anyway, they had signed papers and stuff saying that Drake was the legal guardian of Jax and Syn and Ty. Drake used the money they left to open the garage, and now they all work there. Drake taught all of them how to fix cars. Hell, he also made them finish school. So, really Pais they aren’t bad guys, they just went through a lot growing up, and now they will protect themselves and each other no matter what.” She finished as she pulled into a parking space and killed the engine.

  Raylynn turned to face Paisley who had been unusually quiet. She wondered if she had actually done more harm than good. She waited quietly for Paisley to speak. When she finally did, her response was unexpected.

  “So, you like him huh?” Paisley asked seriously.

  “Well, yeah. I do.” She replied.

  “I still don’t think he’s good for you, but I guess I can try to get to know them better.”

  “Trust me Pais, they’re good guys, and I can defiantly take care of myself when it comes to them.” She said climbing out of the car.

  “I know, I just worry about you Coop. I mean you went through hell back in Chicago. I don’t want you to fall in with the wrong kind of people. That’s all, I love you and I know what you deserve.” Paisley said when they met at the hood.

  “I know Pais, and I love you too.” She said before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the waiting school.

  The rest of the day went by without incident, and by the time the last bell rang the three of them had a plan for the evening. Raylynn and Ty were going to go ahead to Ty’s and grab pizza on the way. Aspen was going to bring Paisley over after practice, but the girls would have to stay with Ty. Aspen had plans with her family that she couldn’t get out of. Paisley was not happy about the last part, especially after Raylynn had texted Jax and let him know that she was staying over again. Paisley had all but told her that she would not be sleeping with Jax while she was there.

  After she and Ty made it back to his place, they set up shop in the living room. They planned to get most of the mathematics figured out before Paisley got there so that they could begin the building process. The two of them fell into an easy conversation and the time seemed to fly by. Before either of them knew it, Paisley was there with them. She almost talked them to death for an hour or more before finally falling into the busy work of the project.

  It wasn’t long after they had completed the foundation of the coaster that the guys started t
o file in. Drake first, followed by Jax and Syn. Drake made sure to ruffle Ty’s hair on his way through, and Paisley couldn’t help but giggle. Syn sat behind Ty on the oversized chair and kicked back with a beer. Jax of course found the spot closest to Raylynn and sat down.

  Raylynn felt him watching her, and before she knew what was happening he had positioned himself behind her and pulled her closer, capturing her lips with his. She instantly felt warm. She would never understand how he managed to do that with a single kiss. She felt the stares coming from all angles and pulled herself away from the kiss. She had been right, when she looked around; Ty, Syn and Paisley were all staring at them.

  “What?” she asked looking around the room.

  “Nothing, just really wish ya’ll could wait until you’re alone for all that shit.” Ty said.

  “Jeez Ty you act like we are having sex on the couch. It’s just a kiss that’s all.” She defended.

  “Yeah, I mean shit Ty you’ve been around way more than that.” Jax chimed in.

  “Never mind, I’m getting pretty tired, Pais you wanna come hang out with me?” Ty asked standing.

  “No, I’m good. I really need to talk to Jax and Raylynn anyway.”

  “Okay, well you gonna come in when you’re done right?” He asked grabbing a piece of pizza.

  “I’m not sure. I might just sleep on the couch.”

  Ty shook his head and looked to Raylynn. He gave her an ‘I’m Sorry’ look and walked out of the room. Syn not too far behind him. The three of them were all alone, and Raylynn was actually terrified.

  “So, Jax I wanted to talk to you.” Paisley started.

  “Okay, what about?” he replied scooting back on the couch. Raylynn stood and sat herself next to him.

  “Well, you know that Raylynn is my cousin right?”

  Jax nodded.

  “Good, well what you might not know is that she is also my best friend. Now, for some reason, she likes you. I honestly think she could do better, but she likes you. I just want you to know that if anything happens to her while she’s with you, so help me god, I will find you and beat you to death with your own arms.” Paisley stated calmly. Her calm made it that much more sinister.


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