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Loving Raylynn

Page 21

by C. R. Marcum

  “I’ve looked everywhere for her, I was going to yell at her for setting me up with Ty, but I couldn’t find her. Then I ran into him and figured he would know where she was, but he had been trying to find her too, so that’s why we asked you. I can’t find Brian either, and Nick is passed out in the hallway with blood all over his face.” Aspen rambled out.

  “Fuck! Alright, we gotta find her.” She said, freaking out.

  “I’ll go tell the other guys what’s going on, we can help you guys look.” He said, kissing her before turning around and jogging towards the others.

  Drake, Lucas and Syn had posted up against the wall, and were talking when he came up.

  “You done dry humpin Ray already?” Lucas asked laughing.

  “Paisley is missing, Ty and Aspen have looked everywhere for her and they couldn’t find her.” He said, shooting Drake a look.

  “That’s our problem how?” Syn asked.

  “That Brian fucker is nowhere to be found either.” He replied.

  “And Paisley was acting strange; she was very, umm, loose.” Ty added from behind him.

  “Shit, okay. We can help you look.” Lucas said nudging Drake.

  “Yeah, we’ll split up.” Drake replied, pushing away from the wall.

  Raylynn and Aspen joined the others as they all headed towards the hallway. They all split up and headed in different directions. Jax couldn’t help but worry that something bad was going to happen, and if that was the case, Ray would blame herself.


  “Where are we going? The dance is in the gym, we’re missing a good song.” She said, feeling a little lightheaded.

  “I know, but I wanted to be alone with you for awhile. I just want to get to know you better.” He said, wrapping his arm around her waist.

  “Well, where are we going then?” she asked.

  “The locker room. Have you ever seen the football locker room?” he asked, pulling her closer.

  “No, it’s the boys locker room. I’m not allowed in there.”

  “Well, after hours it’s fine. Nobody will bother us, and nobody will be in there.” He replied.

  “Okay. I guess that’s fine. I think I need to sit down anyway.”

  “Yeah, well you can sit down in there.” He said, pulling her faster down the long hallway.

  She wasn’t exactly comfortable being alone with Brian in the locker room, but she trusted him. She did wish that she had at least told Ray or Aspen where she was going. She really didn’t want them to worry.

  Her thoughts were cut short by Brian pulling her into the locker room. It was dark in there, and it smelled bad. This was not the place she would have picked to get to know someone better. Brian led her towards the benches.

  “This is my locker, I keep all my football stuff in here.” He said, pointing towards one of the lockers.

  “Is your jacket in there?” she asked, sitting on the bench.

  “Yeah, you wanna see it?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Yeah, I like the way you look in it.” She replied.

  Brian turned and opened the locker, pulling his letterman jacket out and slipping it on.

  “You like this?” he asked, pulling her up to stand.

  “Yeah, you look good in it.” She replied against his chest.

  “Aw yeah?” he asked tipping Paisley’s chin upwards.

  “Yeah.” She said, looking into his eyes.

  His lips were on hers before she knew what was happening. The kiss was soft at first, but quickly became more hurried. Paisley pulled away from the kiss, pushing her hands against his chest.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked pulling her closer.

  “Nothing, I just wasn’t expecting that.” She said, her insides screaming at her to run.

  Brian turned her in his arms so that her back was to the lockers. He pushed her backwards gently. The cold metal of the locker on her back sent a shiver down her spine. He placed his right hand beside her head and laced the fingers of his left hand in her hair. He brought his lips down on hers again and used his tongue to part her lips. She allowed him access and kissed him back. Her first real kiss. It was slow and sweet and Brian was good at it. She allowed his hand to hold her in place while his other hand found its way to her lower back. His fingers felt nice on her bare skin.

  She felt the kiss change; it was rougher and more intense. She tried to pull away, but his hand in her hair held her in place. She pushed against his chest, but still he held her. She knew this wasn’t good. This was not okay, and she needed to get away, but the room was spinning, and she wasn’t strong enough to stop him. She felt his hand slip lower down her back and cup the curve of her ass. She moaned against his lips, but it wasn’t a moan of pleasure, it was a moan of fear.


  Drake walked down the long hallway that led towards the locker rooms. Jax and Ray had gone left and he went right. Lucas had stayed in the gym to look around and Aspen and Ty had gone outside. Syn, god only knew where he had gone.

  He hadn’t really expected to find her down here. Paisley had more sense than that. She wouldn’t have gone alone with some guy to the locker room. She wasn’t that kind of girl, and Drake knew it. The only thing that worried him was what Ty had said. Paisley wasn’t acting like her normal self. She was looser. Drake had decided in that instant that something wasn’t right. Paisley wasn’t loose. In fact, she was probably the most uptight little firecracker he had ever met.

  He came to a stop outside the locker room that read Boys. He listened at the door for a second before opening it slightly. He had thought he heard a moan, but he couldn’t be sure.

  He stepped inside, careful to be silent. He didn’t want to interrupt anyone if they were busy, but he had to make sure it wasn’t Pais. He quietly rounded the corner and what he saw turned his blood to molten lava.

  Paisley was on the bench, her dress pulled up around her hips. She was naked beneath it. Her panties lay torn on the floor beside her and she looked like she was sleeping. Brian stooped between her legs, unzipping his pants. Drake watched as Brian licked his palm and reached between her legs.

  It took only a second for what was happening to register in his mind, and in that second he had come around the corner. Before he had time to weigh the consequences, he grabbed him by the jacket he wore and threw him against the lockers.

  The sound of air rushing out of someone’s lungs is unmistakable. Drake had heard that sound many times, and tonight was no exception. Brian hit the lockers hard and slid down to the floor, and before his air fully escaped him Drake was on top of him. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up to stand, pushing him against the locker. He placed his hand around his throat and held him there.

  “If you ever come near her again I will fuckin kill you. Don’t think for a fuckin second that I’m playin with your little punk ass either. I will end your fuckin life if you so much as even look at her again.” Drake said, his words made clear by the clenching of his jaw. He didn’t yell, he didn’t have to.

  “You’re lucky I don’t kill you right here, right fuckin now.” He added, squeezing Brian’s throat a little tighter before letting him go.

  Brian fell to the floor gasping for air, as Drake turned to help Paisley. He pulled her dress down without looking and leaned down to try to wake her up.

  “She’s a cock tease anyway, she wanted it. Not my fault she can’t hold her booze.” Brian coughed out, still clutching his throat.

  Brian’s words hit him like a heavyweight fighter. Drake stood and like a bolt of lightning he was on him. Brian didn’t have a chance. Drake grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him up before hitting him with every ounce of power he had in him. Drake’s fist connected with his stomach, and he didn’t stop. He was about to grab him again when someone grabbed him from behind.

  “DRAKE, STOP MAN!” Syn yelled, wrapping his arms around him. “YOU’LL FUCKIN KILL HIM!”

  Drake fought against Syn, needing to finish what he had star
ted. He needed to watch the life drain from that motherfucker’s eyes. Syn held him tight, and pulled him. Brian lay on the floor, blood pouring from his mouth, gasping for air. Drake still trying to pull away from Syn heard the moan that stopped everything. Paisley was waking up, and he had to get her out of there.

  “I’m good, let me go. I gotta get her outta here.” Drake said, shrugging Syn off of him.

  “Grab her, I’ll take care of this faggot.” Syn said stepping towards Brian.

  Drake walked towards Paisley and without thinking reached down and cradled her in his arms. He lifted her up against his chest and carried her from the locker room. The last thing he heard was the familiar sound of air escaping lungs.


  She had looked everywhere, and Paisley wasn’t anywhere to be found. Her heart was beating faster than she ever thought possible, and so many bad thoughts were swirling around in her mind. She knew something was wrong, and maybe she had known all night. She knew she shouldn’t have taken her eyes off of her. Jax had been doing his best to keep her from freaking out, but honestly it hadn’t been helping. They had taken a left, and headed towards the girls locker rooms. They had checked every corner of the room before leaving. They had almost made it to the gym when they heard the yelling.

  “Stay here Ray I mean it!” Jax yelled running towards the other end of the hall.

  “JAX!” she yelled after him, but he wasn’t listening.

  She stood there helpless, waiting to see if everything was alright. She watched the end of the hall, and within seconds of Jax disappearing into the darkness, she saw someone else, stepping out from the shadows. It was Drake, and he was carrying Paisley.

  Raylynn felt the air leave her, and her heart dropped to her stomach. She felt sick, like she had just taken ten rides on the tilt-a-whirl. She steadied herself against the wall and watched as Drake approached her.

  “Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay.” She asked when he was close enough.

  “We need to get her home Ray, she’s drunk.” He said coming to a stop in front of her. “We need another way outta here though, I’m not carrying her out through the gym.”

  She couldn’t speak. She just stood there staring at him. Paisley couldn’t be drunk. Paisley didn’t drink, and she never would. Losing her mother the way she did, Paisley wouldn’t drink.

  “Raylynn, is there another way outta here?” Drake snapped.

  His words snapped her out of her stupor and pulled her back to reality. Paisley was drunk, passed out in Drake’s arms. He had carried her out of the boys locker room. She could hear Jax and Syn in the distance. They weren’t yelling at each other though, so someone else was in there.

  “RAY!” Drake yelled.

  “Shit, yeah go through the girls locker room and out the back, it’ll take you to the side of the building.” She rambled out quickly.

  “Wait here for Jax and Syn, I’ll pull the truck around and meet you out front. Find Lucas and Ty.” He said before walking away towards the other end of the hall.

  “Drake, is she going to be okay?” She asked meekly. Her worst fear playing out before her eyes.

  “Find Ty and Lucas. We need to get her home.” Was the last thing he said before disappearing out of view.

  She stood alone in the dark hallway, the sounds of music and laughter echoing through the hall. She waited for what seemed like eternity before Jax and Syn came out of the shadows.

  Her mind was going a million miles a minute, and she could only imagine what had happened in that room. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know, but her heart told her she already did.

  Jax wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Syn stood behind him and looked towards the locker room. She could tell he wanted to go back, but something was holding him in place.

  “Where did Drake go?” Jax asked holding her at arm’s length.

  “Um, he took Pais out to the truck. He said to meet him out front.” She whispered.

  “Take her out to the truck, I’ll find little man and Lucas.” Syn said, patting Jax on the back.

  “No, you take her to the truck and I’ll find them.” Jax replied.

  “I’m good, you should take,”

  “NO, you take her and I’ll find them.” Jax interrupted, knowing his brother all too well.

  “Fine, Ray come on let’s get you out of here.” Syn said, taking her by the hand.

  Syn lead her through the hall and out into the gym. Everyone was still dancing and laughing, none of them knowing what had happened just moments before. She felt her legs begin to shake, and her vision was a bit blurry. She grabbed Syn’s hand a bit tighter and pulled him back towards her side.

  “I’m freaking out.” She said, leaning her head against his shoulder.

  “Fuck, it’s gonna be okay Ray, let’s get you outside. The fresh air will help.” He replied, wrapping his arm around her waist, and allowing her to lean on him.

  When they got to the truck, Paisley was in the backseat still sleeping, and Drake was in the driver’s seat.

  Raylynn climbed in beside Paisley and Syn jumped in beside Drake. They waited for only a moment before Ty came running up with Aspen by his side.

  “Did you find her?” Aspen asked coming to a stop at the driver’s side window.

  “Yeah, we got her. Gonna take her home though, she had too much to drink.” Drake answered, never taking his eyes off of Ty. “Jump in lil man, you can ride with us.”

  “Wait, Paisley was drinking? That’s not possible, she doesn’t drink because of her mom.” Ty replied before the realization hit him.

  “Ty, just get in the car.” Syn snapped.

  “Okay, I guess I’ll see you at school or something.” Ty said turning to find Aspen already climbing into the backseat of the Suburban.

  “I’m not leaving her. You said it yourself, Paisley doesn’t drink. That means that someone was spiking her punch with god only knows what, and I’m not leaving her until I know she’s okay. So, get in the car and shut up.” Aspen said finding her seat next to Ray.

  Ty shook his head and climbed in next to her.

  “We will take care of her Aspen, you really don’t need to come with.” Ty said once inside.

  “You will literally have to drag me out of this truck kicking and screaming. I’m going with her. She is my best friend and I will not leave her until I know she’s okay so suck it the fuck up and deal with it Ty.”

  “Look, I know she’s your friend, but we can handle it.” Ty said, growing more impatient.

  “Ty, shut up. She’s coming with.” Raylynn snapped.

  “Thanks Ray. How’s she doing?” Aspen asked trying to see Paisley.

  “She’s okay, sleeping right now.” She replied.

  “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get her home.” Aspen said.

  “Jax had to find Lucas. They’ll be out in a second, I hope.” Raylynn answered.

  It took longer than a second, but no more than a minute later Jax emerged from the front of the school with Lucas by his side. It was then that the realization hit her. This was going to be a very tight car ride home.

  Ty and Aspen climbed out of the car and Jax climbed in. He helped lift Paisley up so that Lucas could slide in under her. Jax took his seat and cradled Raylynn in his lap, which left Ty holding Aspen in his. It was a tight squeeze, but the ride home was only twenty minutes long. Raylynn couldn’t take her eyes off Paisley. She had to be alright, she just had to be.

  “I got her.” Drake said lifting Paisley off of Lucas’s lap. “Syn get the door.”

  They had made the drive in eleven minutes flat. Drake had driven faster than Raylynn would have liked, but under the circumstances she was grateful. She watched as Syn bolted up the stairs and opened the door to the house. Drake had driven them home, his home. Raylynn wondered if it were out of habit, or if he had known that Paisley couldn’t go home in her condition.

  Once they were all in the house, Raylynn watched as Drake laid Paisley on the co
uch and take a seat on the table in front of her. Paisley was moaning and her eyes were fluttering. Raylynn knew that she was trying to wake up. She needed her to wake up. Raylynn sat on the table next to Drake and reached a tentative hand out and brushed the hair off of Paisley’s face.

  She knew what was going to happen by the sound Paisley made, but there wasn’t enough time to stop it. Paisley opened her eyes and tried to sit up, managing only to lift her head before she puked. Raylynn heard the dry heaves from behind her, and when she turned around she caught a glimpse of Lucas making his way down the hall. It took a second for Ray to take a quick inventory of the room. Jax was standing behind her, with his hands on her shoulders. Aspen was leaning with her back against Ty, he had pulled her against his chest and was holding her to him.

  “Fuck, Jax grab a towel.” Drake snapped, looking down at his pants. Paisley had managed to not only puke on herself, but on his pants as well.

  Jax took off down the hall and Drake stood.

  “I’m gonna go change, Ray stay with her. I’ll grab her something to wear.” He said before disappearing down the hallway himself.

  When they were alone, Raylynn turned to Aspen and Ty.

  “She wouldn’t have drank at all, let alone get pass out drunk at a dance. Brian or Nick had to have spiked her drinks.” She said, pausing only to judge their reaction.

  “I know, but she’s okay. It could have been a lot worse.” Ty said still holding Aspen.

  “She’s going to have a hell of a hangover tomorrow.” Aspen said, looking towards Ray.

  “Yeah, to say the very least.” She replied looking back to a sleeping Paisley.

  Jax had made it back with a wet washcloth and a towel. Raylynn smiled meekly at him and started the task of cleaning her off. She barely heard Ty and Aspen leave the room. Jax stayed with her as she wiped Paisley off.

  “I’ve got to get her out of this dress, there is no cleaning it off.” She said, turning her head towards Jax.


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