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Blessed With Love (The Sisters of Rosefield Series Book 6)

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by Emma Easter

  Throughout the years he’d spent talking with God, he’d never heard His voice. He’d hardly even heard it in his heart. Bryan was the one who heard God’s voice clearly and regularly. But for the first time, he had heard the Lord speak to him, and in an audible voice for that matter. Hearing the words brought him to tears. He looked at Audrey. She was sleeping soundly. He whispered, “Lord, we can’t adopt that little girl. I haven’t even agreed for us to have our own baby, not to talk of adopting a child.” He waited to hear what the Lord would say again, but he heard nothing.

  Ken sighed. The Lord had said he knew what to do. Did he? But if the Lord had said it, that meant he did. He looked over at his wife and sighed again. Was the Lord asking him to give in to Audrey’s demands and adopt a seven-year-old girl or agree to try for a baby now?

  For a long time, he wrestled with the idea. Finally, after hours of resisting, he asked the Lord what he should do. If he wanted to keep hearing God’s voice and save his marriage, he had to obey.

  “Okay, Lord, I give in. We can have a baby. That is the best I can do.” As for adopting a child, that he could not do. Hopefully changing his mind about having a baby now would be enough for the Lord and his wife.

  He shut his eyes to go to sleep, but knew that it would not be enough. He was surprised when he heard a clear whisper in his heart; “What time is it?”

  Picking up his phone from the bedside table, he stared at it and saw it was almost six o’clock in the morning. That meant he had not slept a wink.

  The still small voice whispered in his heart again, “Go to the orphanage now. Go and see Esther.”

  He blinked in surprise. He had to go to the orphanage now? He sighed wearily and climbed out of bed. He had no choice but to obey the Lord.

  He went to the bathroom, showered, and tiptoed around the room using his phone as a flashlight so as not to wake Audrey up. He dressed quickly, grabbed his wallet from the dresser, and soundlessly left the house.

  He found a taxi in front of the house, which was a surprise to him as he’d hardly found taxis passing by this way since they’d come to Peru. He got into the taxi after he told the driver where he was going and muttered to himself, “What are you doing, Ken? You should be preparing for the flight right now instead of going to the orphanage.”

  But he knew he was doing the right thing. He was being obedient to God even though he didn’t want to.

  As it was early, there was no traffic on the road yet and he reached the orphanage quickly. He paid the driver and got out of the cab. He went through the gate and headed straight for the hostel. Getting there, he stood for a long time in front of the building, reluctant to enter. The children would probably still be asleep.

  His eyes widened in surprise as children began to pour out of the building. Glancing at his wristwatch, he saw it was already seven o’clock. And then he realized it was a school day.

  His eyes grew wider as Esther came out of the hostel, her shoulders sagging and tears streaming down her face. He had actually only seen her twice. The first time he had seen her, Audrey had brought her to him so he could meet her and he had stubbornly refused to. The second time was when Audrey was going around the orphanage grounds with her. He and Bryan had been standing near the car, talking, but his attention had been divided. He had watched Esther with Audrey. She had seemed like a happy girl, skipping beside Audrey rather than walking, a smile planted on her face. But now, she was crying. Audrey must have told her that they would be leaving Peru for the United States today. Was that why she looked so sad?

  He watched her for some time as she followed the other children to another building not far from the hostel. Bryan had told him that the building, smaller than the hostel, was the children’s school. He started when someone spoke from behind him, “Mr. Baylor. I did not know you were coming here today.”

  He turned around and saw one of the teachers he had met on the first day he came here, as well as several times after. He smiled at the woman and said, “My visit here was actually unplanned.” He turned around again but did not see Esther. Facing the teacher, he asked, “The little girl my wife is really fond of… Esther… can I speak to her before classes begin?”

  “Of course,” the teacher said.

  The woman led the way into the school building. Ken followed her into a small classroom and saw about ten children seated in it. His eyes immediately found Esther and her eyes grew round as she looked up at him. A big smile appeared on her face and his heart raced.

  What a sweet girl, he thought. He had always avoided her whenever he came to the orphanage and yet she was smiling sweetly at him. It was probably because she thought of him in connection to Audrey. And she clearly loved Audrey.

  The teacher walked over to Esther and said something to the little girl.

  Esther stood up and hurried toward him. He blinked in surprise when she took his hand. She looked at him with her beautiful big brown eyes and huge smile, and his heart melted. He immediately understood why Audrey had fallen in love with her.

  She held on to his hand as they walked out of the classroom together. He was amazed and filled with joy at the fact that, without question, she’d left the classroom with him, fully trusting him because she trusted Audrey. And yet he did not deserve her trust. He was the one standing in the way of her having a mother who loved her.

  His heart suddenly burned with guilt. They walked some distance away from the school building, and then he stopped and looked down at her. When she smiled widely at him again, he couldn’t take it anymore. He crouched before her, searched her eyes, and said in broken Spanish, “How would you like for me and Audrey to adopt you as our child?”

  She grinned and flung her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

  He felt overwhelmed with emotions as he held her. He laughed with joy and said, “I guess that is a yes.” He held her away and said, “Do you want to speak with Audrey on the phone so we can share the good news with her?”

  Esther nodded eagerly and Ken brought out his phone from his pocket and dialed Audrey’s number. He had still not forgotten the joy in Audrey’s voice on the phone that morning. The adoption process had been easy, but he knew it was the favor of God.

  Ken sighed now as he watched Audrey and Esther hugging again. They were so close, these two. Just like him, Audrey did not want to leave, but he knew she recognized they would not be given the opportunity for this upcoming trip again. And Audrey was eager to share the news with her sisters and go on the trip with them.

  After he hugged Esther again, he promised to call her every day. He and Audrey waved to Esther and left the house together.

  They drove to the airport in silence and he knew Audrey was slightly sad. But when they got on the plane, she smiled. “I am going to miss Esther, but I can’t wait to tell Trisha and Sienna the good news.”

  Ken nodded. “I just hope Sienna and Bryan will be able to make the trip.”

  Audrey smiled. “They will.”

  Ken frowned slightly and said, “How do you know?”

  Audrey smiled again. “Sienna cannot hide a secret to save her life... at least, not from me. She and Bryan are planning a trip to Rosefield. I am very sure of it. When we facetimed some days ago and I told her were going to Rosefield soon, I immediately knew she was planning a surprise trip there as well from the way she looked at me.”

  Ken said, “Well, I hope you are right.”

  “I won’t be surprised if they are already in Rosefield.”

  Ken smiled and shook his head. “This was partly why I married you, Audrey.”

  Audrey lifted her brows and stared at him.

  He said, “You are one of the most perceptive people I know.” When she rolled her eyes, he added, “But not just perceptive. You are smart, and beautiful, and the best wife a man could ever hope for.”

  She gave him a heartwarming smile and leaned in to kiss him. She drew back and said, “I just wish I could give you a baby.”

  His heart squeezed at th
e sadness on her face. He wove his fingers through hers and said softly, “You’ve given me everything I could ever want. I have you and our beautiful daughter. That is enough for me.” He gave her a kiss that he hoped would show her how much she meant to him. When he drew back, he frowned. She still looked worried. He was worried as well. He had gone from not wanting a baby to yearning for one in the space of two years. They loved Esther with all their hearts, but they wanted a baby desperately. Still, he had to be strong for Audrey and help her to see that even if they never had a baby of their own, they had each other, and they had Esther. And that had to be enough.

  Chapter Two

  Audrey smiled as she and Ken stood in front of Trisha’s house. They had already gone to their own house, dropped their bags off, and freshened up. Now, about to surprise Trisha and Frank, and maybe Sienna and Bryan if her guess was right, Audrey felt her heart racing with excitement. Not only would she get to see Trisha, and maybe Sienna, she would get to share the good news with them. She couldn’t wait.

  She reached out and rang the doorbell. Taking Ken’s hand, she grinned at him.

  Seconds later, the door opened and Trisha peered at them. “Audrey!” she exclaimed. “I thought you guys were coming at the end of the week!” She hugged Audrey tightly and then hugged Ken.

  Audrey followed Trisha into the house, Ken behind her. She braced herself as Sienna came running into the living room screaming. She threw her arms around Audrey and said, “I have missed you so much!”

  Audrey grinned and stepped back slightly to study Sienna. “You didn’t tell me you were coming to America, Sienna.”

  “And yet you don’t look surprised to see me here.” Sienna laughed.

  “You are very bad at hiding anything,” she said to Sienna. “I guessed you and Bryan were going to come.”

  “Of course you did, Audrey,” Sienna said.

  Audrey grinned.

  “Where are Bryan and Frank?” Ken asked Trisha.

  “They are both at the park with the kids.”

  “Okay,” Ken said. “I’ll go and surprise them there.”

  After Ken left, Audrey sat on the couch, in between her sisters. Trisha turned to Audrey and said, “Sienna nearly gave me a heart attack when she arrived at my doorstep with Bryan and Ethan. I was so surprised… but it was a good surprise.”

  Sienna giggled and threw her hand around Audrey’s shoulders. “You look like you are bursting to tell us something. Yes?”

  Audrey nodded and beamed. “I have great news to share. Actually, Ken is the one who is supposed to share it. Maybe I should wait for him to come back.”

  “No!” Sienna and Trisha screeched. “Tell us now!”

  Audrey gave Trisha and Sienna a teasing smile. “Guess what it is.”

  Sienna’s eyes grew big and she covered her mouth with her hand. “You’re pregnant, Audrey!”

  Audrey’s heart sank and her excitement evaporated. She shook her head slowly and said, “No. Unfortunately, I am not pregnant.”

  Trisha pursed her lips and said, “Sienna, why did you bring that up? You know Audrey is sensitive about it.”

  Sienna bit her lip, looking mortified. “I’m so sorry, Audrey,” she said.

  Audrey gave her a sad smile. “Sienna, there’s no need to apologize.”

  Trisha reached out and rubbed Audrey’s back soothingly while Sienna smiled cautiously at her. Audrey brushed aside her sadness and injected excitement into her voice again. “Let’s forget about all that for now and focus on the good news I have to share,” she said.

  Sienna said, “Okay, Audrey, tell us the good news. The suspense is killing me.”

  Audrey smiled and Trisha exclaimed, “Out with it!”

  “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you guys now.” Audrey chuckled as she looked at the eager expressions on her sisters’ faces. “So, the government still won’t let Faizan back into the country, but they have finally decided that Faizan isn’t such a security risk anymore. They have agreed for us to go and see him… but only within the next two months.”

  Sienna squealed and wrapped her arms around Audrey while Trisha beamed and began to clap.

  “Finally!” Trisha said happily. “I’ve missed Faizan so much.” She looked at Audrey and added, “Just this morning, Sienna and I were talking about how much we miss him. Now we will get to see him soon.”

  Sienna said, “Audrey, we were also talking about Mom and Dad’s anniversary. We think it will be a good idea if we all did something special to mark their upcoming fortieth anniversary. We were even talking about going on a trip but we didn’t know where. Now we do! Taking a trip together to that women’s camp will be perfect. We can also take some things we will donate to the women and children there.”

  Audrey nodded. “That’s a great idea.”

  “So, we agree to go and see Faizan and use that trip to mark Mom and Dad’s fortieth wedding anniversary?” Trisha asked.

  “We do,” Audrey and Sienna said together.

  Trisha said, “It’s in only three weeks. I hope Frank will be able to go by then. The restaurant has been so busy these past few months.”

  Sienna said, “Bryan will definitely be ready to go. We’ve taken a long break from our ministry.” She looked at Audrey. “And speaking about that, I told Trisha that Bryan and I have news to share with everyone.”

  Audrey stared quizzically at Sienna. “What news?”

  “Oh well, I might as well tell both of you now,” Sienna said. “Bryan and I are moving out of Peru.”

  Audrey yelped with joy. “That means you’re coming back to the United States!”

  Sienna bit her lip and shook her head. “We’re not coming back.”

  “Then where are you moving to?” Trisha asked, her voice tinged with worry.

  “We’re not sure yet,” Sienna answered. “Dr. Lincoln said he has another job for us somewhere else. He just told us a week ago.”

  Audrey pursed her lips. “Does that mean you guys don’t know when you will return to the States at all?”

  “No,” Sienna looked down at the floor. “We don’t. All we know is that it won’t be anytime soon.”

  Audrey’s heart sank.

  Trisha shut her eyes and opened them. She said in a sad voice, “I really thought you would stay in Peru for about two or three years and then move back to Rosefield. Now, I don’t even know when or if you will move back here. Meanwhile, Audrey hardly comes to Rosefield anymore.”

  Sienna leaned over Audrey and gave Trisha a hug. “Don’t look so sad. We will call each other as regularly as we always have. Nothing will really change.”

  “What if you move somewhere remote where we can’t video chat or even talk on the phone?”

  “I have thought about that but I’m hoping and praying that isn’t so.”

  “Can’t you guys just come back here and start a ministry or something?” Audrey asked.

  “We can’t just go anywhere we want to. We have to follow the Lord.”

  Audrey sighed again, but Sienna took her hand and said, “We all have reasons to be unhappy now, but let’s forget about all that and focus on the happy news. We will get to see Faizan soon and also have what I know will be an amazing vacation together. I can’t wait to see Faizan and Zainah.”

  Audrey nodded, becoming excited again. “I remember when Zainah told us about her daily life at that women’s camp. It all sounded so exotic and wonderfully strange. I’ve actually been dreaming of going there and experiencing the desert life for myself.”

  Audrey looked up as the door opened. The men came into the house, laughing, and Audrey smiled. She said to Ken, “Have you told Bryan and Frank about the open door to go see Faizan?”

  “I have,” Ken said.

  She began to tell the men about their idea to use the trip as a way to celebrate and mark their parents’ fortieth wedding anniversary.

  Trisha said, “We have to go soon.” She looked at Frank. “Baby, will you be able to leave the restaurant and travel with
me? We might stay there for quite some time.”

  Frank looked up thoughtfully and said, “This period has been very busy at the restaurant, but I definitely want to go. I don’t want to stay here without you, Trisha. I guess I will have to get Nick to come and help with the running of the restaurant while I am away.”

  “And Bryan… Sienna said you would have no problem going away on vacation for a few weeks.”

  “Yeah! It all sounds really exciting. I am already looking forward to going.”

  “So it is all settled,” Audrey said and looked at Ken. “We are all going?”

  Ken nodded and everyone said they were in.

  Audrey breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Good! Now we have to start planning the trip as soon as possible.”


  Faizan bent down and put his hand on Zainah’s huge belly. They were outside their tent at the camp, just talking and enjoying each other’s company. He kissed her belly and then smiled up at her. “The baby is growing, my darling. Soon, we will have a beautiful baby who looks just like you,” he told her.

  She beamed at him and said, “No, Faizan. Our baby will look like you.”

  Faizan chuckled. “Okay. Let’s agree that if our baby is a girl, she will look like you, but if he’s a boy, he will look like his papa.”

  “‘Kay,” she said. “I like that we don’t know our baby’s gender. It will be a surprise. Either way, we will love this baby dearly.” She rubbed her stomach and looked up at the clear skies. It was a beautiful day.

  Faizan couldn’t take his eyes off her. She looked so beautiful as she gazed up at the sky. He had never been as happy in his life as he’d been since he married Zainah. He loved her dearly, and he loved the life they had made for themselves in this place. It was just like heaven on earth. The camp was simple compared to the life he had made in America, but he wouldn’t give it up for anything. He still missed his sisters, but the few times he had gotten to speak to them on the phone had been very precious and he prayed every day that he would be able to physically see them soon. But for now, he was completely content.


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