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Dark Angel: A Dark Romance: London Ruthless Series Book 1 (The London Ruthless Series)

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by Sadie Kincaid

  ‘It keeps me occupied. And you haven’t answered my question.’

  ‘And I can’t. You know that. Client privilege.’

  ‘So, Gabriel is your client now?’

  Nick nodded.

  ‘You could have at least warned me. I thought you were on my side?’

  ‘I am, Samantha. I always am,’ he frowned at me. ‘What is going on with you? Talk to me.’

  I shook my head. ‘Nothing. Have a good weekend,’ I said before I walked out of his office. I collected the papers from mine and left the building, feeling betrayed and alone.

  Chapter 68


  I stepped out into the street and let out the breath I’d been holding in since I’d seen her. Nick had promised me she wouldn’t be there. We had been discussing his progress digging into Jackson Carver’s past. It was the last thing I needed right now to bump into Samantha. I was trying to focus on getting the job done without thinking about her constantly. Then she’d walked in with her hair up and wearing one of those damn pencil skirts and all I could think of was marching her to her office and fucking her senseless.

  I shook my head to clear it. I spotted Scott’s car waiting outside and jogged over.

  ‘You okay, mate?’ I asked as I bent my head down to the driver’s window.

  ‘Sound, Boss,’ Scott nodded.

  ‘I hope she’s not giving you too much grief?’

  ‘Nope. She never does. It’s probably not my place to ask, but is she okay?’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I asked, needing to know how she was doing.

  ‘She just seems different?’ he replied with a shrug.

  ‘Just make sure you look after her,’ I said as I placed a hand on Scott’s shoulder.

  ‘Of course, Boss,’ Scott replied.

  I jogged over the road to my car, eager to leave before I bumped into Samantha again. Part of me wanted to run back into her office and forcibly carry her out of there, take her home and make her realise that we belonged together. I could feel the anger welling up inside my chest.

  I needed a drink.

  Two hours later, I was sitting in a dark booth in the nightclub Sebastian and I had recently bought. It was only eight o’clock and the place was quiet. I looked at the almost empty bottle of whisky on the table in front of me. It had been full when I sat down.

  I put my head in my hands. The whisky hadn’t helped at all. In fact, it had only made me angrier. I was angry at everyone, including Samantha. Why couldn’t she trust that I could keep her safe? Why couldn’t she just let me protect her, instead of insisting on her one woman crusade to prove to the world she didn’t need looking after? My blood felt like it was boiling beneath my skin. I needed some fucking relief and I needed it soon.

  I wondered if I was imagining things when I heard a soft female voice beside me. ‘I thought that was you, Gabriel. Are you okay?’

  I looked up. ‘Jennifer?’ I frowned. Of all the people to run into when I was at my lowest ebb, it had to be my cheating ex-wife. She had spent a year begging me to take her back after I’d thrown her out. I suspected she missed my money more than anything else. But I hadn’t seen her in three years. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ I slurred.

  ‘I was just out for a drink with the girls after work,’ she replied with a shrug. ‘I thought I saw you sitting here.’

  ‘Well, now you know it’s me. You can go back to your friends,’ I snapped.

  She sat down in the booth opposite me. ‘You look like you could use some company,’ she smiled sweetly. ‘Or something else?’ she purred.

  My head was spinning and I needed some air. I needed… something. Jennifer looked at me intently. What did she just say? Suddenly a memory of her giving me a blowjob in a nightclub toilet popped into my head. I wondered if she was still any good at those.

  ‘Is there anything you need, Gabriel? Anything at all I can do,’ she reached over and squeezed my hand.

  ‘Actually, there is something?’ I stood up. ‘Come with me.’

  I held out my hand and she took it. I led us across the dance floor to the disabled toilet. My bouncers averted their eyes as I walked inside. Ordinarily they would stop anyone who looked like they were going in there for a hook up. But I was their boss, and it was my club. There wasn’t much they could say.

  Jennifer followed me inside willingly. I consoled myself with the fact that she knew exactly what my intentions were. I had every right to use her body after what she’d done to me.

  I closed the door behind us and she pushed herself up against me. ‘I’ve missed you so much,’ she breathed in my ear. ‘Nobody fucks me like you, Gabriel.’

  I pushed her backwards. Maybe she should have thought about that before she fucked someone else while we were married?

  ‘We can’t fuck. I don’t have a condom,’ I growled. I was looking for some quick head and nothing more.

  She smiled at me. ‘You haven’t been in a nightclub toilet for a while then?’ she said as she indicated the wall behind me. I turned to see the condom dispensing machine. Fucking hell, it was like we were inviting people to have sex in here. But right now, it seemed like it would serve a purpose.

  I pulled some notes out of my pocket and she frowned. ‘You need change. Here,’ she said as she pulled a few pound coins from her handbag.

  I put them in the machine and pulled the lever and a box of condoms popped out of the bottom drawer. I handed them to her. She used her teeth to tear open the plastic wrapping while I unfastened my belt.

  When she’d opened the box, she pulled out a condom and handed the foil wrapper to me. Then she wrapped her hands around my neck and started to kiss me. I didn’t want to kiss her. I just wanted to shoot my load inside her and go home to bed. But, I was a gentleman, wasn’t I?

  I pushed her backwards towards the toilet, lifting her onto the wooden ledge behind the cistern. She pulled down my zip and pulled my stiff cock out of my pants and squeezed until I groaned. I tore open the foil wrapper with my teeth and rolled the rubber over my cock. Pushing her skirt up, I pulled her underwear to one side and pushed myself inside her. She groaned as she held onto my neck. ‘God, Gabriel, you feel so good,’ she breathed in my ear.

  I closed my eyes. This was so fucking wrong. But I was committed now. No point holding back. I put my arms either side of her, pressing my hands against the wall as I fucked her against it. I pulled out as soon as I’d come, staggering backwards. I stared at her. She wasn’t Samantha. Not even close. She smiled at me as she slipped down off the ledge and straightened her skirt. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the way as I bent forward and puked my guts up into the toilet bowl.

  Standing up, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  Shit! What the fuck had I just done.

  I could hear my mobile phone ringing on the bedside table beside me. I sat up and groaned. My head felt like it had been hit with a sledgehammer and my temples throbbed. I tried to swallow but my mouth was completely devoid of saliva. I glanced at the screen and saw it was Sebastian calling. I turned the phone onto silent and lay back down against the pillows. I would call him back later. I couldn’t face talking to him now. I couldn’t face anyone. I winced as I remembered my monumental fuck-up last night.

  What the hell had I been thinking? A quick fuck in a nightclub toilet with a woman I could barely stand just to relieve some tension. It was bad enough that I’d gone anywhere near another woman — but Jennifer! If Samantha found out she would be fucking furious — and heartbroken. Wouldn’t she?

  Samantha and I weren’t together, so why did it still feel like I’d cheated on her? Why did I feel sick to my stomach when I thought about the possibility of her finding out? I felt the bile burning against the back of my throat and swallowed it down.

  After I’d thrown up in the toilet last night, I’d told Jennifer that I’d made a huge mistake and that I never wanted to see her again. She’d ran out of the toilet in tears, but hopefully, she got the mess

  I should just forget that it ever happened. And the best way I could think of doing that was to throw myself into my work — specifically my work to end Jackson Carver.

  Chapter 69


  I watched my father as he sat opposite me playing with the hole punch on my desk.

  ‘You looking forward to tonight then?’ I asked him. He looked nervous.

  He nodded. ‘You’ll be there, won’t you? At eight on the dot?’

  ‘Of course I will. But I don’t understand why you’re nervous about it. Isn’t this engagement number five now, Dad? I’m sure you just do it for the parties,’ I said with a smile.

  ‘Not this time. Kayleigh is the one. This time I’ll make it up the aisle, I promise,’ he said as he flashed me one of his winning smiles right back.

  I highly doubted that. My father, as much as I loved him, seemed to have an innate inability to remain monogamous, resulting in four previous failed engagements.

  ‘Will Gabriel be there too?’ I asked, despite knowing the answer to the question.

  ‘Of course he will be, Sam. He’s my best mate. Is that going to be a problem?’

  ‘No,’ I said defensively.

  ‘Good. Because you both promised me things wouldn’t get weird if you two didn’t work out. We’re all adults, you said.’

  ‘It’s not weird,’ I replied a little too quickly. ‘I was just asking. Is he bringing a date?’

  ‘I don’t know. Why? Are you?’

  ‘Probably,’ I replied with a shrug, although it was a blatant lie. But I didn’t want my father to tell Gabriel I was likely spending my nights home alone, reading Mills and Boon and pining away — which I was of course, minus the Mills and Boon.

  I smoothed my dress over my thighs as I stood outside the function room. It was a short black halter. Part of me was dreading having to face Gabriel, but the other part of me was desperate to see him. I pushed open the doors to the club and was greeted immediately by my father and Kayleigh. I liked Kayleigh and I hoped my dad didn’t mess this one up. After I had congratulated the happy couple, I went to the bar to get a drink.

  I was sipping my Jack Daniels and Coke when I saw Gabriel walking through the door, with a tall, beautiful blonde on his arm. I took a deep breath. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. How could he do be so cruel? Was he deliberately trying to hurt me? It had only been six weeks since we’d broken up.

  It was a small function room and as hard as I tried, I was unable to avoid Gabriel and his hot new girlfriend for the whole night.

  ‘Hello, Gabriel,’ I said as I eventually came face to face with him.

  ‘Hello,’ he replied coolly. His blonde date hung onto his arm, smiling widely. ‘Samantha, this is Fiona,’ he said. ‘Fiona, Samantha is Sebastian’s daughter.’

  ‘Oh, Samantha,’ she shrieked. ‘I’ve heard so much about you.’

  I smiled. Obviously not everything.

  ‘Why don’t I get us some drinks?’ Gabriel said.

  ‘Oh yes please. What are you drinking, Samantha?’ Fiona asked.

  ‘Jack Daniels and coke,’ I replied.

  Fiona wrinkled her nose. ‘Oh, I can’t abide spirits. Prosecco for me.’

  Five minutes later I was desperately trying to drown out the sound of Fiona’s inane chatter when Gabriel handed us our drinks.

  ‘Your Jack Daniels,’ he said to me and I swore I saw a twinkle in his eye. I blushed, recalling our weekend at the remote cottage when he had made ice cubes from the same drink and tortured me with them. Unable to stand being near the two of them for a moment longer, I excused myself.

  I spent the next hour listening to Kayleigh’s cousin talking about the merits of going vegan and began to wonder why on earth I had worn one of my best dresses for this. I stole glances at Gabriel and Fiona when I could and was annoyed to see him looking like he was enjoying himself.

  I finally decided I’d had enough small talk and made my apologies to my father and Kayleigh, telling them I wasn’t feeling well. I told a further lie and told my dad I had a taxi outside and left. I wanted to walk for a while and enjoy some fresh air.

  I wrapped my coat around myself as I strolled down the busy street, full of couples and friends enjoying an evening out. Suddenly I felt incredibly alone.

  ‘Samantha! Wait.’ I heard someone calling behind me.

  I spun around to see Gabriel running after me.

  He grabbed hold of my arm as he reached me. ‘What are you doing walking home by yourself?’

  I wrenched my arm from his grip. ‘What do you think you’re doing? Get your hands off me.’

  ‘You told your father you were getting a cab, and here you are wandering about alone. You know that psycho’s still out here. How could you be so stupid?’

  ‘Stupid? Me? Do me a favour, Gabriel and fuck off back to Fiona,’ I snapped as I turned away from him.

  He grabbed my arm again and pulled me into the doorway of the shop we were standing in front of. ‘You drive me fucking crazy, do you know that?’ he growled as he pushed me against the wall.

  He started to kiss me, his mouth clashing with mine. I tried to push him away but he was too strong. I bit his lip but he remained undeterred. Then his hands were inside my coat, on my hips, pulling me to him. I could feel his erection pushing against me and the fight left my body. I wanted him so much. I kissed him back and he groaned into my mouth.

  ‘Come home with me?’ he pleaded.

  ‘What about Fiona?’

  ‘She’s gone home. Your father knows her. She is no-one to me. I swear.’

  I kissed him again, melting into him like hot wax. He pulled me back out onto the street and hailed a passing taxi cab. Once inside we continued kissing on the back seat, rubbing our hands over each other’s bodies. The cab driver made a comment about us getting a room but neither of us cared.

  When we reached Gabriel’s house, we were barely inside the door before he had my dress up and off over my head. He pushed me against the wall so I had the cool plaster against my back, and the heat of a determined Gabriel at my front. He dropped to his knees and started to lick and suck at my tender flesh. His fingers and his tongue working me into a frenzy. He was urgent and fervent, lacking his usual finesse.

  ‘God, Sam. I’ve missed you so much. You taste so fucking good,’ he growled.

  The vibration of his growling against my hyper sensitive clit had me climaxing around his fingers and shouting his name.

  Then he was standing again, pushing his body against mine and whispering in my ear. ‘I’m going to take you to bed and fuck you all night, Sam. I’m going to bury myself inside you. I’ll make you come so hard...’

  He trailed off as we stumbled up the stairs, his mouth never leaving my body. I returned his ardent passion with my own. I craved his touch, his taste. I felt empty without him. My body physically ached for him. He pushed me through the door to his bedroom and down onto the bed.

  He pulled my hands above my head. ‘Don’t move them, Sam,’ he growled. ‘Or I’ll tie you up.’

  ‘Then you’d better tie me up, Gabe. Because there is no way I’m going to be able to keep my hands off you.’

  He groaned. ‘God, you are so fucking sexy. I’ll leave your hands free then. I love the way you claw at my skin when you’re desperate to come.’

  Gabriel was true to his word. He fucked me over and over again until I was hoarse from screaming his name. And he made me come so many times I lost count, with his fingers, his mouth and his magnificent cock.

  The light was breaking through the blinds when I woke the following morning, tangled in Gabriel’s arms and legs. My limbs ached from the previous night’s endeavours, in a way they hadn’t done for weeks. I tried to extract myself without waking him, but failed spectacularly. He draped one of his muscular arms over me and pulled me back to him.

  ‘Gabriel,’ I started, and I knew he could tell from the tone of my voice.

  ‘Don’t say it, Sam.�

  ‘Last night doesn’t change anything, Gabe. I have to go.’

  He moved his arm and let me get out of bed. He didn’t say anything else and I was glad, because if he’d tried to make me stay, I just might have. It broke my heart to leave him again — but it was better for both of us. He deserved someone better than me. Someone who could give him everything he deserved and love him the way he needed to be loved. Not some broken shell of a woman who didn’t know how to be in a healthy relationship. And I needed to be on my own. As much as I missed him, I knew that I was better off alone.

  Chapter 70


  I sat on my sofa and stared at the piece of pink and white plastic in my hands.

  Two blue lines.

  Holy shit!

  What the hell was I going to do? What was Gabriel going to say? Oh, dear God, what would Jackson say? What would he do? Although I already knew the answer to the last question — he would kill me!

  I had been feeling nauseous for a little over a week, but I had put it down to stress. I hadn’t even registered that I’d missed my period until Sadie had been complaining about menstrual cramps the day before. By my calculations, I was about five weeks. The night of my father’s engagement party. How could I have been so stupid? I had been on the pill while Gabriel and I had been together, but had only taken it sporadically since we’d split up. Taking that little yellow pill every morning was just another reminder that I didn’t have him in my life. And now I would probably always have him in my life — or at least a part of him.

  I had no idea how I felt about that. I thought about my beautiful Alice and my heart felt like it was going to break in two. I had always wanted to be a mother, but I had lost my one and only chance when I’d lost Alice – at least I thought I had. And now I was pregnant, and not with Jackson’s baby, a man I despised and who would have been a terrible father, but with Gabriel’s. I felt the sob catch in my throat.


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