Dark Angel: A Dark Romance: London Ruthless Series Book 1 (The London Ruthless Series)

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Dark Angel: A Dark Romance: London Ruthless Series Book 1 (The London Ruthless Series) Page 28

by Sadie Kincaid

  Half an hour later, I was walking out of Jayne’s apartment and back towards my car. To think I’d been worried that Jayne might simply be seeking revenge for her daughter. Whatever her motives were, she had just given me the key to bringing Jackson Carver down. Now, I needed to speak to Sebastian and put the next phase of my plan into action.

  Chapter 76


  I was lying in bed reading a book of useless facts I’d found in Gabriel’s office and the only thing I had learned was that it is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. I couldn’t concentrate on anything which required actual thought. He’d been out for almost four hours and I was beginning to worry. He hadn’t even called me once to check on me. Was he with another woman? Maybe he was telling her all about how his ex-girlfriend had shown up and dropped a bombshell on him, ruining his life?

  I heard a key in the lock and then Gabriel’s heavy footfall coming up the stairs and past my bedroom door. I held my breath, hoping he would come in — praying that he would. Desperate for the touch of him, the taste of him. To hear him whisper words of lust and longing in my ear. But he didn’t and my heart sank. I felt like bursting into tears but took a deep breath and bit my lip instead. I heard the door to his bedroom close seconds later and had to stifle another sob.

  I put the book down. Just five weeks earlier he hadn’t been able to get enough of me. He had told me that he loved me. Surely his feelings hadn’t changed in that short time? Mine hadn’t. I still loved him more than I could bear. Even if he was seeing a new woman, I was having his baby. Surely that counted for something? There was only one way to find out. Pull yourself together, Samantha, I told myself. If you want him, go and bloody get him.

  He was mine. I knew he was. If I would just get out of my own damn way.

  I tiptoed across the landing wondering whether I should knock or just go straight in. What was the protocol for such a situation?

  I decided to knock.

  ‘Come in,’ I heard him say.

  I pushed open the door. I was still wearing his t-shirt — and nothing else. Gabriel was sitting up in bed watching television.

  ‘Is something wrong?’ he asked.

  ‘No. Yes. Everything’s wrong.’

  Confusion flashed across his handsome face.

  ‘Well, for a start, you appear to have put me in the wrong bedroom. We both know I should be in here. Then there’s you wearing a t-shirt in bed. Covering up that body is nothing short of criminal,’ I smiled at him. ‘And I can’t sleep. I’m horny. I’m so fucking horny. I’d blame the pregnancy hormones but we both know that’s not true.’

  He said nothing and I wondered if it was too late. Had I really lost him? Or maybe now wasn’t the time for my poor attempt at humour.

  Just then he opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly I was terrified of what he was going to say. If he had turned me away, I wasn’t sure my heart would cope. I felt so fragile and I hated it. Perhaps honesty should have been my starting point when I’d walked in there looking for him to pull me into his arms and into his bed.

  ‘I’m sorry I left you, Gabe,’ I interrupted him. ‘I thought I was protecting us both. I do love you. I thought that I was broken … and then I found you again,’ I sniffed. Damn these bloody hormones!

  His face was impassive, giving nothing away. For an awful, heart-stopping moment, I thought he was going to tell me to go back to my own room.

  ‘Take off the t-shirt, Sam. And come here,’ he said.

  I peeled it slowly over my head.

  ‘No underwear?’ he smiled appreciatively.

  I reached the bed and he pulled me down onto it.

  ‘You know that if you stay with me tonight, you stay, Sam? No more running.’

  I nodded and in an instant, his hands were all over me, running over every inch of me. Reminding himself of every crease, every scar, every nuance of my body. And reminding me of his expert touch. I shuddered as he reached my knees and pulled them apart, exposing me to him. His hand slid up the inside of my thigh to where I was already slick for him — dripping with longing.

  ‘My beautiful, Sam. Always ready for me,’ he said as his hands started to work. Rubbing at my clit in slow, lazy circles. Then his fingers were inside me too. The rhythmic in and out. Around and around. Over and over, Driving me insane.

  ‘Please, Gabe,’ I breathed.

  ‘Soon, baby. Soon. I always take care of you, don’t I?’

  The tightening in my core was building to a crescendo. It was so intense I could barely stand it. My body was on fire. He brought me to the edge of climax so many times, and then left me hanging there — on the precipice of ecstasy, before starting all over again. It was maddening.

  ‘Gabe, please.’ I whimpered.

  ‘Do you want to come, Sam?’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, my voice barely a whisper.

  ‘Hang on, baby. Not until I say so.’

  Oh, dear God!

  ‘I love how greedy you are for me. Never getting enough.’ His hands continued working me while he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, making me gasp in ecstasy. Then he started to nibble across my shoulders and up to my neck, growling in my ear. I bucked my hips against him, desperate for the orgasm he deliberately withheld, but he held me still with the weight of his body. Then his mouth disappeared, no longer growling in my ear or teasing me with his delicious tiny bites. I realised why when I felt his tongue join his fingers. Now he was rubbing, and sucking, and licking. I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer.

  ‘God please, Gabe,’ I gasped.

  ‘Come for me then, Sam,’ he growled, his teeth grazing my tender flesh as he did. My orgasm burst through my body like a river breaking a dam, making it feel numb and alive at the same time. My legs shook as Gabriel continued to rub the last of my orgasm from me in slow, delicious waves. I was still trembling when he pushed himself into me.

  ‘You know I love you, don’t you?’ he said.

  ‘Yes,’ I breathed.

  Then he fucked me, making up for all the time we’d been apart. I knew that he would be relentless and that I would struggle to sit down comfortably for any length of time tomorrow. He was going to nail me to the bed. Taking hold of my wrists, he held me down as he began his assault. But I loved it. I loved him. As much as I hated to admit it, I loved to be dominated by him — to give him complete control of my body. I climaxed again, just before he did, the sound of me screaming his name sending him over the edge.

  ‘Fuck! Samantha! Fuck!’ He collapsed on top of me. Completely spent. ‘I love you, Sam. I love fucking you. I love making you come.’ I felt his smile against my shoulder before he looked up at me, his eyes locked on mine.

  ‘I am sorry,’ I said again. ‘For leaving …’

  ‘I know,’ he replied as he pushed my damp hair from my face.

  ‘What were you going to say earlier? When I told you I was horny? You looked like you were about say something?’ I asked him.

  ‘I was going to tell you to get your sexy, horny little arse over here,’ he said with a laugh.

  ‘I thought you were going to tell me go to back to my own room.’

  ‘Sam,’ he said as frowned at me. ‘There is no argument in this world that we could have that would make me turn you away when you’re semi-naked and gagging for it.’

  ‘I didn’t say I was gagging for it!’

  ‘Not in those exact words, no,’ he grinned. ‘Anyway, I hope you know that I’m not letting you go ever again. Even if it means tying you to this bed.’

  I smiled. ‘Although I do enjoy you tying me to this bed, you don’t need to do anything that drastic. I’m not going anywhere. I love you. I belong with you.’

  ‘Good. Because you own me, Sam.’ He smiled at me, his green eyes twinkling and I wondered what I had ever done to deserve this incredible man.

  Chapter 77


  The following morning, I woke early. The overwhelming feeling of nausea rousing me from my sl
eep. I lay still for a few moments until it passed. Then I turned onto my side, moving under the weight of Gabriel’s heavy arm until I was facing him. I stared at him. My whole body ached with the exertions of the night before.

  He opened one eye. ‘Why are you staring at me? Do you need taking care of?’ he asked with a sleepy grin.

  ‘Gabe,’ I started and his eyes snapped open.

  ‘Don’t you fucking dare, Sam,’ he said.

  I reached out to touch his face. ‘I told you I’m not going anywhere. But I need to tell you something.’

  He stared at me impassively but I could tell what he was thinking. What the fuck now?

  ‘That time Garvey came to my office, he insinuated that someone else was behind him threatening me-'

  ‘What?’ he snapped as he sat up. ‘Why the hell didn’t you tell me about this at the time, Sam? For fuck’s sake!’

  ‘Because I assumed it would be Jackson, and I didn’t want you and my father getting involved with him. You don’t know him like I do, Gabe. He would destroy you both just for fun.’

  ‘I’d like to see him fucking try,’ he snarled.

  ‘Well, I wouldn’t,’ I said.

  ‘Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that you have, but why are you telling me this now?’ he asked.

  ‘Because Garvey is dead. Did you know that?’

  He nodded. ‘I heard someone threw him off a roof.’

  ‘I heard he jumped,’ I said with a frown. ‘Did you or my father have something to do with it?’

  ‘Not exactly.’

  ‘You expect me to believe that?’

  ‘I wouldn’t lie to you, Sam. I asked a contact up there to find him for me. He gave them a bit of trouble, and then he fell off a roof. I won’t pretend I’m not pleased about it though.’

  ‘Well, me neither, I suppose. But now that he’s dead, if there was someone else behind it, then we can’t find out who it was.’

  ‘It must have been Jackson,’ he said with a frown.

  ‘No, it wasn’t.’

  ‘How do you know that?’ he asked. ‘Isn’t it just his type of thing?’

  ‘No,’ I shook my head. ‘Not at all, actually, when I think about it. He’s perfectly capable of terrifying me himself, without needing anyone else to do it for him.’

  ‘But he must have been behind it.’

  ‘He said it wasn’t him. I could always tell when he was lying, and I looked him in the eyes. It wasn’t him.’

  ‘You looked him in the eyes?’ he glared at me.


  ‘When?’ he growled.

  ‘I visited him-'

  ‘You visited him? Fucking hell, Sam! When?’ he shouted.

  ‘A few months ago. Not long after we broke up. I wanted to make sure he was going to leave you and my father alone, and I wanted to ask him if he knew anything about Garvey. He didn’t seem to know what I was on about and like I said, I believed him.’

  Gabriel shook his head in annoyance. ‘You shouldn’t have visited him.’

  ‘Why not? I wanted answers and he could give them. I was perfectly safe. We were in a room full of prison officers.’

  ‘Is there anything else I should know about, Sam?’

  I nodded and he rolled his eyes.

  ‘He’s appealing his conviction.’

  ‘What? What does that mean?’ he asked.

  ‘It means that he may get his day in court and could have his conviction overturned if the court rule in his favour.’

  ‘What? How can that even be a thing?’

  ‘It’s our legal system. I told you it wasn’t perfect. I expected him to appeal the length of his sentence, but didn’t think he’d have any grounds to appeal the conviction too. It seems he has.’

  ‘Fuck!’ Gabriel whispered. ‘If he gets out …’

  ‘I know,’ I said with a shudder.

  Suddenly Gabriel pulled me to him again. ‘I will never let him touch you again, Sam. I swear to you.’

  I nestled my head against Gabriel’s chest, wishing that I could believe him.

  Chapter 78


  I took the folder from my desk as our junior partner, Simon Hardaker, walked into my office.

  ‘You’ve done a great job on this case, Si. Well done.'

  Simon smiled. ‘Thanks, Samantha. That means a lot.’

  I looked up to see Gabriel standing in the doorway. ‘Hello, handsome. To what do I owe this pleasure?’ I said.

  ‘I was just driving past and couldn’t go by without stopping in to see you,’ he winked at me.

  Suddenly, I remembered Simon was in the room. ‘Simon, I’d like you to meet Gabriel. He’s my... other half?’

  The two men shook hands. ‘Nice to meet you, Si,’ Gabriel smiled, using the familiar name that I had.

  Simon gathered up the papers he needed from my desk, dropping some on the floor as he did. Gabriel picked them up and handed them to him.

  ‘Thanks again, Samantha,’ Simon mumbled as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Gabriel had me pinned up against my filing cabinet before the door was even closed.

  ‘Your other half?’ he grinned.

  ‘Well, you’re so much more than my boyfriend, and anyway that makes us sound like a pair of teenagers. And partner is so business-like – Nick is my partner. So, I went with other half.’

  ‘I like other half,’ he said before kissing me. ‘I think Simon might have a little crush on you,’ he chuckled as he started to kiss my neck.

  ‘Don’t be daft. He’s just a baby! And besides, I think he has a girlfriend.’

  ‘You really are blind sometimes, Sam.’ He ran his hand through my hair, grabbing a handful at the nape of my neck, tilting my head up to the perfect angle to silence my impending retort with a deep kiss.

  He finally let me up for air and I asked. ‘Does it matter anyway? You trust me, don’t you?’

  ‘Implicitly. I know you only have eyes for me.’

  I smiled at him. ‘I love how sure you are of us. Of yourself. Although some might say arrogant?’

  I saw the wicked gleam in his eyes. ‘Well, I happen to know for a fact that you love me. And I also know that you’re well-aware no-one can fuck you as well as I do. No-one else can make you come so easily — can they, Sam?’

  I opened my mouth in mock horror. ‘It’s all about the sex with you, isn’t it?’

  His hands slid down my body and he started to lift the hem of my skirt. ‘We both know I could make you come right now. All I’d have to do is get my mouth on you, and you’d be screaming my name within five minutes.’ He whispered in my ear, his teeth grazing my skin. ‘I bet you’re already wet for me.’

  Before I could stop him, he moved his hand inside my skirt and up my thigh. He smiled as he confirmed his suspicion. ‘Samantha,’ he groaned as he slipped a finger inside. He was about to drop to his knees when my office door opened and Simon bounded back inside.

  ‘Did you say...’ he started before he saw us pressed against the filing cabinet. Thankfully, Gabriel’s back was to the door, his large frame shielding me from view. He withdrew his hand and straightened my skirt so quickly I was sure Simon couldn’t have seen what we were doing. Nevertheless, I flushed bright red. Both from embarrassment and the orgasm that was already building from Gabriel’s expert touch.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ Simon sputtered.

  Gabriel didn’t miss a beat. The fact we were almost caught in flagrante delicto didn’t faze him at all. ‘My fault,’ he smiled. ‘I should have locked the door. I’ll see you later, baby.’ He kissed me and then walked towards the door. Once he was out of Simon’s view, he turned to me and sucked his wet finger clean, before winking at me and walking out of my office.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Samantha.’ Simon said, his face as flushed as mine was.

  ‘Don’t worry, it’s fine.’

  I wondered whether I should tell him that I wasn’t usually in the habit of getting felt up in my office,
well at least not every day. My cheeks burned with embarrassment but I thanked God that he hadn’t walked in two minutes later and found me pinned to the cabinet with Gabriel’s head buried between my legs.

  ‘So, what were you saying, Si?’ I asked.

  We started to discuss how to proceed with a restraining order he had been applying for when my phone vibrated, signalling a text. I saw the message display on the screen — bright and bold.

  You smell so good, Sam

  I quickly pocketed the phone and blushed again as I counted the hours until I could be alone with him.


  I smiled as I put my phone back in my pocket and climbed into my car. I’d been at Donovan Cook to see Nick to update him on my very helpful chat with Jayne Hunter. Nick had confirmed the elements of her story that he’d been aware of and we both agreed that this was exactly what we needed to bring Jackson Carver down for good.

  I’d stopped into Samantha’s office too, pretending I was there to see her. Not that it was any imposition to ever visit her at work, especially when I always found her dripping wet for me and ready for whatever it was I had in mind. If only that new junior partner of hers hadn’t interrupted us. I ran my hand over my face and inhaled her sweet scent, feeling my cock start stirring to attention. I felt like going back in there and taking her home. I’d spent too long away from her and as she’d only been back in my bed for one night, I hadn’t fucked her even nearly enough to make up for that yet.

  But the important thing was that she was back by my side and all was right with the world. Now, I just had to put the next stage of my plan to finally be rid of her psychopathic ex-husband into action.

  Chapter 79


  I was surprised to see my father instead of Gabriel at five o’clock that evening.

  He flashed me one of his winning smiles. ‘Gabriel had some business he needs to deal with. And I have finally got my licence back, so I’m here to escort you home and keep you company.’


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