Her Arrogant Boss (The Wright Kind of Wrong Book 1)

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Her Arrogant Boss (The Wright Kind of Wrong Book 1) Page 5

by S. E. Roberts

Thirty minutes later, I’m walking into the bar and I immediately spot Asa and Adam at a corner booth.

  “What’s up, man?” Asa fist bumps me as I slide in next to him. I shake Adam’s hand across the table.

  “Not much. Thanks for texting. I was bored out of my fucking mind with work.”

  “Dude, all you do is work. You need to get laid to relax you some.” Adam waggles his eyebrows.

  Maddison once again enters my mind, and I wonder what she’s doing at this exact moment. I imagine her lying on her couch in nothing but a T-shirt and panties, while she binges the latest reality show. She’s probably sipping on a beer, eating the peanut butter cups I always catch her with when she’s supposed to be working.

  “I’m good.” I snatch a tortilla chip out of the basket in front of us and dip it in salsa. “So, you moving back so I can finally hire you?” I ask my oldest friend.

  Asa moved to Ohio right out of high school to go to Cleveland State. Which just so happens to be the same school Bri went to years later. I’ve always been overprotective of my little sister, so like the good big brother I am, I had him keep an eye on her. If she ever found out, she’d have us both by our balls.

  “Nah, man. I’m pretty happy where I am. Plus, I don’t think the girlfriend would appreciate me moving five hours away.”

  We’re interrupted by the sound of loud cackling coming from the door.

  My heart leaps in my chest at the site of her. She’s stunning in a pair of skin-tight jeans and a low-cut rusty-orange shirt. It shows the perfect amount of cleavage, but the thought of other guys looking at her makes me see red.

  “Do you know them?” Asa disrupts my thoughts.

  I stand. “I’ll be right back.”

  I’m not sure how she’ll feel about me approaching her out in public, but I don’t take time to dwell on it.

  She’s talking to a brunette and another blonde, who looks identical to her. They see me first and smile. The brunette winks, encouraging me to talk to Maddison.

  “Hey, you,” I whisper in her ear, causing her to shiver.

  She spins around to look at me, surprise on her face. “What are you doing here?” She looks around, obviously concerned someone will see us together. It’s cute how worried she is.

  “Who are you looking for?” Tonight, she’s got half her hair pulled up, the rest barely hitting her shoulders. She has no idea how sexy she is.

  “Do you think we should be seen together outside of work?” I hit the nail right on the head.

  “Maddison, I don’t think Nellie will be out drinking at The Red Door Tavern, do you?”

  This causes her to giggle. “No, probably not.”

  She forgets that I’m the boss, and if I want to be seen with her, fuck the rest of them.

  “Who are you here with?” I hate that there’s uncertainty in her voice.

  “My buddies.” I point to Asa and Adam in the corner. I get closer to her ear. “I told you that while we’re together, I won’t be fucking anyone else. Only you, gorgeous.”

  I don’t miss the way she half smiles at the nickname.

  I hear one of her friends whistle across from us.

  “Holy shit. Do you have a friend?”

  Maddison rolls her eyes and throws her head back in a laugh.

  “Yep. Two over in the corner.” I wink at the brunette.

  She walks toward the table where my friends are sitting, “Oh, my God. She’s such a slut,” the other girl says.

  I look at Maddison, and her cheeks are tinged in pink.

  “I am so sorry. This is my sister, Chloe.”

  That explains why they look so much alike. I shake her sister’s hand before she leaves us to get a drink.

  “She doesn’t want to join your friend with the guys?” I ask her as I rub at her arm with my thumb before dipping my head down to capture her mouth with mine.

  “She’s very much married, so no.” She chuckles.

  “Ahh, well then that’s good.” I look around the room, “Do you want to dance?”

  She looks unsure of herself at first, but then agrees. “Sure.”

  I lead her out to the make-shift dance floor and she immediately molds to my body perfectly. I rest one hand on her hip and grab one of hers with my other. A slow song I don’t recognize is playing, and we sway back-and-forth without words. Words aren’t needed.

  “How did you know I’d be here tonight?” She breaks the silence as she looks up at me. I could get lost in the sea of blue that is her eyes.

  “I didn’t. My buddy Asa invited me out and I was bored as hell from working at home, so I thought I could use a drink.”

  She leans her head back against me. I wish I could stay in this moment forever.

  “Rock Your Body” by Justin Timberlake starts playing and all the women in the crowd, including Maddison, go wild.

  “Oh! I love this song!” This is a completely different side to her than I’ve ever seen, but it’s just as much of a damn turn on.

  She starts gyrating against me, and I grab her hips, grinding my dick into her belly. Her tits bounce up and down as she sways to the music. I put one of my legs between hers and she dry humps me, right on the dance floor. Out in the open, for everyone to see. I don’t know why, but the thought of everyone watching us fuck right here, right now, makes me want her even more.

  I slip one of my hands between her legs; and I can feel her wetness through her pants, and I have to wonder if she’s wearing any panties tonight. God, how I want to rip them off her body, and have my way with her. As much as that turns me on, I also don’t want to share her with anyone else. I’m a stingy bastard.

  “Do you wanna get out of here?” I breathe into her ear.

  She grabs my hand, pulling me through the crowd.

  “Hey, man.” Asa grabs my arm. “Her friend,” he points to Maddison, “is sick in the bathroom.”

  I groan under my breath. We should have left a minute earlier and I could have had her to myself tonight.

  “I’m sorry.” She stands on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. “I better go get my sister so she can help me.”

  She leaves me and I watch her walk away until she disappears into the bathroom.

  “Who is she?” Asa asks from beside me. I had almost forgotten that he was here.

  “My assistant.” I wouldn’t tell just anyone that. But we’ve been friends since grade school, and I know he won’t judge me.

  “Damn.” He whistles before walking away.



  “I’m never drinking again,” Greta whines as she heaves over her toilet. I have to cover my nose with my shirt to keep myself from retching along with her.

  “Liar,” I mumble as I hold her thick hair back. She’s lucky I love her.

  She finally pulls away from the royal throne and wipes her mouth with the sleeve of her shirt. Entirely disgusting, but I don’t dare tell her that.

  “No, really. I think if I puke anymore, I’ll die.”

  I get off the floor and wet a rag before handing it to her.

  “Don’t die. I don’t have anything to wear to your funeral.”

  I sit back down with her and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

  “Bitch,” she mumbles. “Was that Mr. Arrogant tonight at the bar?”

  The thought of Ian showing up tonight causes my cheeks to heat.

  “Oh, my God! It totally was. What the hell happened? The other night you were crying over him, now you were practically screwing him on the dance floor.”

  “I was not!” I swat at her arm, but she’s not lying. My best friend should be glad I didn’t ditch her for him tonight, because I was looking forward to wild monkey sex with my boss.

  “Mm-hmm, sure.” She winks at me.

  “Okay, well what about you? You were over there talking to his friends one minute, and the next I’m being told you’re puking your brains out in the bathroom.”

  She sighs heavily. “I was talking to his friends, mostly
Adam, and I kept throwing back drinks. He tried cutting me off, but you know me, I don’t let any man tell me what to do.”

  Greta sleeps around to avoid getting stuck with a prick like her father. Unlike her, I don’t have any memories of my biological father, only Hank, but he’s no winner either. He’s always treated my mom, Chloe, and I like shit.

  “You don’t have to be drunk off your ass to have a good time, G.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Thank you, Mother.”

  I stand to my feet, pulling her up with me.

  “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

  I walk her to her room, and within seconds, she’s sawing logs under the blankets. I go in search of my phone, having no clue what time it is. I slip my pants off and lie under a blanket on the couch. I wish I had a bed to go home to, but since I don’t, it doesn’t matter if I sleep at Chloe’s or Greta’s apartment. I’m sure my sister doesn’t mind getting rid of me for another night anyway.

  I tap on the screen of my phone, bringing it back to life. My heart flutters in my chest when I see I have a text from Ian. I don’t know what’s going on between us, but it scares me. He told me he only wants to sleep together and that we weren’t starting anything serious, but then why does he text me? And why does he want to dance with me? Although, I guess we’re safe as long as he doesn’t ask to take me out or to meet his family.

  Mr. Wright: You looked fucking hot as hell tonight.

  His words send shock waves to my core. I’ve always thought of myself as pretty sexual, but with him, I want to experience things I never have before.

  Maddison: You’re just saying that.

  Mr. Wright: Nope. How’s your friend?

  I smile at his question. Although, I should probably be worried that he’s getting personal, but I answer him anyway.

  Maddison: She’s fine, but I’ve never seen so much vomit in my life.

  I cringe when I send it, wanting to smack myself for the overshare.

  Mr. Wright: Well, glad she’s okay now. Was really hoping to take you home with me tonight.

  I sit and stare at his message. Would I have stayed all night? I don’t know. Would he have kicked me out like he did last time? If this is just supposed to be sex, then why do I care?

  I’m still staring at the text when my phone rings in my hand. I forgot to shut the damn ringer off, so I answer it quickly before it wakes Greta.

  “Hello?” I say breathlessly, even though I’m lying down, and definitely should not be out of breath.

  “Why didn’t you respond?” Ian asks on the other line.

  “I-I don’t know.” I sigh. “What are we doing?”

  He’s silent for a moment before he responds. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. We aren’t supposed to get serious, but you’re showing up when I’m out with my friend, and then texting me. You said this was just sex.”

  “It is,” he’s quick to say. “And I already told you I didn’t know you were going to be at the bar tonight. Should I have not approached you?”

  I’ve never heard him vulnerable like this before.

  “No, that was fine. I was glad you did. But can’t you get in trouble for this?”

  “Babe, I think you forget that I’m the boss.”

  I roll my eyes. “So, what? It’s okay for you to sleep with your associates, but nobody else can sleep around in the office?”

  “I don’t give a shit what anyone else does, but you.”

  A chill runs up my spine at his words.

  “Where are you at?” Disappointment floods me again at the fact that I had to leave him so fast.

  “I’m on Greta’s couch. I didn’t want to leave her in case she gets sick again. I hear all those horror stories about drunk people drowning in their vomit, so I feel better staying.”

  “Understandable.” A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth. Most guys would think I’m insane, but my quirkiness doesn’t even faze him. I suppose it wouldn’t, since he only wants me for sex. “So, you’re by yourself?” His voice is raspy and has my ovaries doing somersaults.

  “Yeah,” I whisper, not wanting to share this moment with anyone but him. “Where are you?”

  “I just got home.” As soon as he tells me this, I hear a door slam shut. “What are you doing this weekend?”

  The question is simple, yet the thought of seeing him excites me.

  “I’m headed to the zoo with my sister and niece tomorrow.” I had to bail on them last time for my interview, and Taylor will never let me hear the end of it if I don’t make it up to her.

  “Can I…” I pull my phone away, thinking the line might have gone dead. “Can I cook for you tomorrow night?”

  I swallow harshly. I should be thrilled that he’s inviting me over for more than a quick fuck, but that’s all we are to each other.

  “You cook?” I picture him in his kitchen with nothing but an apron on, and I want to say yes.

  “Why, yes, Ms. Monroe, I do. Let me guess. You assumed I had a butler and maid who do everything for me?”

  I had assumed that, but I would never tell him that. “No, of course not. I just didn’t know you liked to cook.”

  “Well, I do, and I’d like to do it for you.” He went from teasing to serious in only a matter of seconds.

  “I thought you said you don’t date?” I say harsher than I intend to.

  “I don’t. Can’t I just have a friend over for dinner?”

  “We’re not friends. You’re my boss,” I smart back.

  “Well, then, you’re fired.”

  “No.” I shake my head, even though he can’t see me. “I need my job more than I need friends.”

  “We’ll call it a business meeting.”

  I hear Greta puking her guts out, once again, and I’m hoping she made it to the bathroom first.

  “I’ve gotta go. Greta is sick again.”

  I hear him sigh. “Okay. Is there anything I can bring the two of you?”

  Most girls would be flattered by a sexy man offering to help them, and maybe I am a little, but I don’t want to read too much into why that is.

  “No, we’re all right. See you Monday.”

  Without saying anything else, I hit “end” and scrub my hand over my face before checking on my best friend.



  Monday morning finally rolls around. Most people hate the first workday of the week, but me, I’ve been desperate to see Maddison since she left me Friday night. Her friend is a cock blocker. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking for inviting her over to my place for dinner. I wasn’t, I suppose. There’s just something about her that makes me do things I’m not used to doing. I don’t think when I’m around her, I just act and then feel like a dumbass afterwards. It’s probably good that she turned me down, but hell if I’ll let one rejection stop me from trying harder. I know she’s nothing like Destiny. If she were, she’d want more than sex from me. The Wicked Witch just wanted to rob me of my fortune and use it toward her addiction.

  “Coffee?” I look up to see Nellie at my office door holding a mug.

  “Please.” I stand to take it from her and she gives me a strange look. “What?” I ask over the top of the cup.

  “Nothing.” She turns to leave. “You just seem different.”

  “Nope. Still an asshole.” I return to my chair and stare at my computer screen, looking over my calendar to see what appointments I have today.

  “Oh, good. I’d hate for you to change.” She rolls her eyes before leaving me to work.

  I busy myself, catching up on emails and phone calls. I’m in the middle of a call with a new client when I look up, and Maddison walks to my desk to give me a file she’s been working on all morning.

  “Mr. Carpenter, let me call you back soon, if you don’t mind.”

  I hang up and she quickly walks out of the room.

  “Ms. Monroe, wait.”

  She freezes at my words, but slowly turns around with a
heavy sigh.

  “Please, don’t do this here.”

  “Do what?” I cross my arms over my chest and arch an eyebrow at her. “I just wanted to see how everything was going with Nellie. Are you starting to feel comfortable enough to be left on your own? This is her last week.”

  Her shoulders relax and a small smile covers her face.

  “Yes, I think so. Did you need anything else from me?”

  I stand from my desk, walking to her slowly, afraid she’ll run from me at any second.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “What?” she whispers out as she stares up at me, her breathing suddenly heavy. It’s taking every ounce of willpower not to close the door and bend her over my desk until she’s calling my name.

  “Have dinner with me.” I don’t ask this time.

  “That’s entirely inappropriate, Mr. Wright.” She’s trying to hold herself together, but I can tell she wants to cave at my demand.

  I push the door shut behind her and lean into her ear and immediately notice her shudder at my nearness. She can’t deny whatever is happening between us.

  “If I recall,” I nibble at her lobe, “you didn’t mind being inappropriate with me at the charity event the other night.”

  She gasps as she throws her head back. “That can’t happen again.” Her words say one thing, but her reaction to my touch tells me all I need to know.

  “Yes, it can.” I run the palm of my hand up her skirt, stopping right before I hit her panties. She looks up at me when I don’t go any farther.

  “Why’d you stop?” she squeaks out, annoyance on her face.

  I slip one finger under her panties and run it through her juices, causing her to toss her head back, once again.

  “Have dinner with me,” I mumble into her hair.

  “Okay. Okay.” She grinds herself against my finger, but I pull it back.

  “Okay, what?”

  “I’ll have dinner with you!” She covers her mouth when she realizes how loud she’s being. I know nobody can hear her back here. I have my office far from the front desk for this very reason.


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