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Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set

Page 71

by Krystal Shannan

She writhed, moaning and biting back a scream of pleasure as an orgasm rolled through her body like a tidal wave set off by an underwater earthquake.

  He slipped a hand between her legs and fondled her dripping vagina, pinching her clit slightly to make sure she stayed in the moment and didn’t drift off too far in the sea of endorphins flooding her lymphatic system.

  The sounds she made while trying to hold back made him even harder. He wanted nothing more than to strip and plunge deep inside her body, taking her fully and claiming her as his mate. But that wouldn’t happen until she accepted him. Until she invited the claiming.

  Lycan packs were ruled by an alpha pair. A female could rule alone for a while, but most packs wouldn’t tolerate a single alpha for long. Balance was demanded. Males and females needed the connection to an alpha pair to solidify the hierarchy. Without the dual leadership, a pack would quickly splinter apart.

  He left her side momentarily and reached into his toy bag again, pulling out a strappy piece of nylon that would hold a vibrator in place against her swollen clit.

  “Take a deep breath.” He soothed her, rubbing her lower back until the shuddering and moans died down to a more manageable level. It wouldn’t be long before the next orgasm began coiling inside her.

  He slipped the small straps of rubber beneath her pelvis and lifted her just enough to slide the vibrator pad into place over her mound and clit, then fastened the two straps around her waist and the other two around her thighs.

  She was a good little sub. Not a hint of a question came from her lips, and her body relaxed the more he touched her. When the second vibrator came on though, she was going to come apart faster than she could imagine. He slipped his fingers between her legs again, loving how slick and needy she was for him. Withdrawing his fingers, he brought them to his lips and sucked the juice off them. She tasted like honey and sex.

  His cock jerked inside his pants, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning. Her scent and taste were heaven. He knew he’d never be able to get enough of her. If only he could convince her of the same.

  Pressing the button tab on a string that trailed down from beneath her body, he smiled when her ass jerked into the air and a hiss slipped between her lips.

  “Say thank you, Sir.”

  “Th-thank you, Sir,” she gasped between pants, her entire lower body beginning to shudder as yet another orgasm coiled, readying to burst forth.

  He pressed the tab again, raising the level of vibration another notch.

  A moan started deep in her throat and then she tensed. Her toes curled and her knees pressed into the back of the couch, but no matter how she squirmed or wiggled, she couldn’t get away from either toy. A raspy scream tore from her throat as she soared on her next high.

  Another followed shortly after and then another, cascading through her body like waves crashing on a beach.

  He stepped closer to her, settling his hips against the soft round globes of her ass. His dick prodded through his loose shorts.

  “Please, Sir.”

  His heart tightened in his chest at the label she’d just bestowed. He hadn’t asked her for that commitment, though he’d wanted to from the moment he played with her at the Castle.

  “You want me, subbie?” He pulled his shorts down and prodded her slick entrance with his eager dick.

  “Oh, yes. Please. Please. I need you inside me.” She was panting again.

  He slid a palm along her lower back. Her muscles were tightening, and she was squirming like a fish out of water. A smile played on his lips. He pressed the button on the end of the dildo in her ass and she moaned. The buzz from inside her picked up in intensity.

  Placing his hands on either of her hips, he aligned himself with her gorgeous wet pussy and slid deep inside. She was so tight, and the vibrations from the toys attached to and inside of her only drove him into a harder state.

  “Ah, ah.” She started to scream and then muffled her voice against the couch cushions.

  “I want to hear you, subbie. I want to hear every pant. Every moan. Every scream you can give me.”

  A half-growl-half-scream came from her throat, and Finn groaned as her pussy clenched down hard, milking his hard-on for everything it was worth. He pulled out and then slammed back, again and again, driving deep, working her into a frantic rhythm that left him sated and exhausted for the moment.

  He pulled out slowly, stroking the quivering globes of her ass. Whimpers shuddered from her body as the vibrators mercilessly continued to stimulate her swollen bits.

  A slow moan reverberated against the cushion of the leather couch, but she didn’t beg him to make it stop. The orgasms now were going to wring her out like the squeegee attachment on a mop.

  He smiled, massaging her ass and sliding his hand over the end of the dildo protruding from her tight little ass. He pressed the button again, raising the level of vibration and sending her careening over the cliff into yet another climax.

  A scream echoed through the empty house, and her knees slammed into the back of the couch as her body tightened. He pressed down with his palm on the small of her back, keeping her grounded and in place over the back of the couch. She pushed back against the weight he pressed down with but still didn’t ask to be released from the torture.

  A sniffle and a sob gurgled up from the seat cushion where her face was buried. Her body shook from the occasional shudder as she came down from the last orgasm.

  “Good girl, Teagan.”

  His dick was already hard again, but she wasn’t ready for another round. She needed at least two more orgasms to reach the first breaking point, possibly three. The sobs were a good sign. But he needed her to find a way to use a safe word. If she’d come into this steeled against ever saying anything, it would take a lot to break through that wall, especially since he wasn’t going to beat it out of her.

  He slid his palm up and down the backs of her thighs, watching the muscles contract and release. Her toes flexed, and he slipped his hand between her legs, sliding two fingers into her wet vagina. He curved them just enough to rub against the front of her vaginal wall, and she shattered around him again.

  A hard, raspy scream tore from her lungs, and her pussy clamped down on his fingers like a vise.

  “Good subbie. Let it go,” he coaxed. “Tell me when it’s too much. That’s an order. Answer me so I know you understand.”

  “Y-yes, s-sir.” Her voice was choppy and forced, but she got the words out clearly.

  He used his other hand to find the control string hanging from the toy affixed to her clitoris. Clicking the button, he upped the speed by two levels and smiled when an angry hiss came from her mouth. “Don’t you dare bite or claw my couch.”

  Her body shook as if the fury of a Texas tornado was corralled inside.

  “Ahh. Ahhh.” The moaning was louder now.

  She wasn’t getting much of a break between climaxes. It was amazing what the female body could endure. She had to be getting close to her breaking point. She couldn’t just keep riding these orgasms without passing out. Eventually she’d safe-word.


  Chapter 8

  “Red!” Her voice cried out, ragged and panting.

  Finn moved at the speed of sound, flipping off the clitoral vibrator first and then turning off and removing the anal one. He unsnapped the straps secured around her thighs, lifted her limp lower body, and pulled the bright pink vibrator pad out from under her as well, dropping both toys into an empty bin to be cleaned and sanitized later.

  “There you go. Good girl. I’m proud of you for using your safe word and recognizing when you’d had enough. That’s good.”

  A rumbling growl from her chest was her only response.

  It had taken longer than he’d thought it would for her to stop the vibrators. Five orgasms more than he’d predicted. She was one tough cookie… and in a lot of emotional pain to allow herself to go as far as she did.

  He lifted her from the back of the
couch, her body a limp dishrag in his arms, and pressed her tightly to his chest as he wrapped her in the soft fleece blanket he’d placed just to her right earlier in the session.

  Walking with her around to the front of the couch, he sat at the end and cuddled her in his arms like a newborn. She was so petite. So vulnerable.

  Her skin was cold and clammy, and a light sheen of sweat covered her forehead.

  He reached to the table beside him and picked up the open bottle of water he’d brought from the kitchen earlier and set it to her lips, letting her take small sips, then broke off a piece of a chocolate bar and pressed it to her mouth. She opened for the chocolate, and he swore he saw just the slightest hint of a smile dance across her face before she ducked her head deeper into the folds of the blankets.

  Her soft breath tickled his skin, and he listened as her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. Her breathing, too, evened out, and she was soon sleeping soundly on his chest, wrapped in his arms as if she belonged.

  She did belong. She was his.

  No other female Lycan in town was a perfect match. No other woman could give him the family he’d always wanted. For a century he’d waited and prayed. He’d gone out on missions for the town. Volunteered for rescue trips to help the pack up in Ada, Oklahoma, sneak out pockets of Lycans who’d been trapped in the intolerant republics of the former United States of America.


  No one.

  Not once in eighty years had he crossed paths with a single female that made his magick spark the way Teagan had the very second she’d walked into the Castle courtyard that night.

  She was meant to be his, and he wouldn’t let anyone or anything stand in his way. Especially not that bastard of a vampire, Javier. Or her misguided notion that she needed to be beaten and whipped to find pleasure.

  Whatever it took, he would be the Dom she needed. The Master her soul desired.

  He heard his cousins on the porch before the door opened. Tightening his arms around the precious woman in his lap, he moved swiftly through the back of the house and into his bedroom, pushing the door closed behind him with his foot.

  After tucking her into his big bed, he went into the bathroom and started a shower. He needed to clean up before she woke up and put on some clothes. He also needed to get his things from the living room and put them away. She would probably want her clothes back as well, but that could wait a few more minutes.

  He listened as his cousins entered the house they all shared. A few muffled comments were exchanged, and then he heard the front door open and close again as they respectfully left him to finish what he’d started with Teagan.

  They were good guys, his cousins. At first he’d been worried that four single Lycans living together would be a nightmare, but they’d grown closer as a family, and everyone was great about respecting each other’s privacy.

  The bar down the street was the perfect place to wait out anything. It was the only building in town with a functional radio and television. Even though the only thing anyone could watch was the news, it still provided a bit of interest from time to time. Electronics were banned in the town unless they’d been enchanted by one of the resident Bateman witches. Even though they lived in Texas, electronics could and still would be tracked by military and government.

  Sanctuary needed to stay off the radar as much as possible. The lower the electromagnetic-frequency profile they could keep, the better for everyone. Satellites barely paid their little town any mind at all. And that’s the way the town’s founder, Rose Hilah, and everyone else wanted it to stay.

  He rolled his neck as he stepped into the scalding spray of water. The shower door clicked shut behind him, and he let the stress of wondering how Teagan was going to react when she woke up slip away.

  One step at a time.

  For now he was satisfied that he’d gotten her to use a safe word. At least she wasn’t so far gone that she couldn’t feel anything any longer.

  Hope bloomed in his heart and he grabbed hold of it.

  Teagan opened her eyes and pulled back the edge of the dark blue fleece blanket that encapsulated her. The room was bright. White walls. Beige carpet. A dark-stained dresser matched the bed she was lying in. She sat up and shivered when a draft of chilly, air-conditioned air swept across her bare breast, making her nipples tighten instantly.

  Where were her clothes?

  Where was she?

  Her body was sore in very nice places, and her clit ached from overuse. The memories came rushing back. Finn’s couch. His hands. The toys he’d put on her. Used on her until she’d… safe-worded. Gods, she’d done it again! He hadn’t even laid a hand on her. She’d been brought to rock bottom by a couple of fucking toys.

  Not a whip.

  Not a cane.

  Two dumbass vibrators had done her in. This guy must think she was such a weakling.

  Even so, she had to admit the sex had been amazing, but that’s not what really stuck out in her mind. He’d held her after the whole thing was over. After she used her safe word. She’d never felt as close to another man as she had while she’d cuddled into Finn’s big lap. He’d fed her chocolate and let her sip on a bottle of water until sheer exhaustion had claimed her.

  She licked her lips. Remnants of the decadent chocolate still lingered.

  Her body tingled from head to foot, and her muscles were like jelly, unable to contract and hold her upright without shaking. She pulled the blanket tighter around her naked body and let her bare feet touch the carpeted floor.

  Water was running in the bathroom adjacent to the room. The door was slightly ajar, but she couldn’t see him. His scent, however, permeated every molecule of air in the room. She took a deep breath and sighed.

  The magick in her blood was excited by his scent. By his presence. He was a match to her magick like her previous husband had been. She’d known females who’d lived two hundred years before finding a compatible mate—now she’d found a second less than year after losing her beloved.

  Tears welled in her eyes, burning as they cascaded down her cheeks. Her chest tightened, and she sucked in breath after breath. She needed to get out. To get away from this man. She didn’t deserve him. She’d had her happiness. She’d had a wonderful mate and a beautiful daughter. She couldn’t do it. What if she lost everything again?

  It would kill her to go through it a second time.

  If it hadn’t been for Javier, the first time would’ve killed her several times over. Somehow he always knew when she was at her lowest and would show up. Probably had something to do with vampires having the ability to scent pheromones. Everyone in town might think he was an asshole without a heart, but that was the furthest thing from the truth.

  He might be a sadist and get off on the pain of others, but he felt things deeply and valued her life. Even when she didn’t value it at all.

  Moving swiftly to the window, she unlatched the lock and shoved the frame up. She dropped the blanket to the floor and climbed out into the grass next to Finn’s house. With a shudder, she shifted into her wolf form and took off across the front yard.

  Hopefully Finn would just let her go. Javier had been wrong. She couldn’t do this again. She couldn’t let anyone else into what was left of her heart.

  Chapter 9

  Finn opened the door connecting the bathroom to his bedroom.

  He knew before he saw the empty bed that she was gone.

  His head turned as a breeze blew cool air across his wet chest. The window was open, and the blanket she’d been wrapped in was lying in a crumpled heap on the floor below it.

  His lip curled and a growl simmered low in his gut. He hadn’t thought she’d run, but he’d underestimated how hard she’d taken the scene… or how hard she would fight the connection between them.

  He took a deep breath, scenting the salt from her tears on his sheets and the whiff of fur just outside the window where she’d shifted into wolf form to flee his house.

  If a stronge
r hand was needed to keep her safe and centered, then that’s exactly what she would get from him. They’d had sex. The bond had started.

  He dressed quickly and left the house, headed toward Javier’s place on the other side of town. The vampire had been her only confidant since she’d arrived in town. If anyone knew what made her tick, that asshole of a sadist would.

  He knocked on the heavy oak door of Javier’s brownstone. A second later the door opened, and he was face to face with the blue-eyed Spanish devil.

  “Smells like it went well for you this morning,” Javier drawled, his tone taking on the charm and confidence of a Southern-born aristocrat.

  Finn snorted. He’d showered thoroughly, but even he could still smell Teagan. Their scents had started to mix. Eventually they would join permanently, marking each other as mates. Having sex with her had started the process, and there was nothing natural that could stop the magickal bond once it started.

  “She ran,” Finn said, crossing his arms over his chest and stepping away from the doorway. He turned and looked out across the street at a line of nearly identical brownstones. The Lycans in town called it vampire row. As much as the blood-suckers preferred their space and never shared territory except with vampires they considered mates, all the Protectors had elected to live in close proximity with each other, a phenomenon even Rose herself couldn’t explain. He figured it was so they could keep an eye on each other.

  “Of course she ran.” Javier stepped out onto the porch, shutting his front door behind him. “You pushed her instead of punishing her.”

  “She doesn’t need to be punished.”

  “How do you know?” Javier said, his voice dropping lower.

  The hair on the back of Finn’s neck rose, and he whirled back around to face the vampire. “What could she have possibly done to deserve your whipping her? She’s not a masochist.”

  “I know.”

  The answer was so matter-of-fact. Javier knew she wasn’t a masochist, and yet he’d agreed to top her and scene with her, knowing she wasn’t sexually aroused by anything he was doing.


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