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Page 6

by Marie Tuhart

  “Of all the things you worry about.” Her voice held laughter. “Yes, I eat meat, and even if I didn’t, there are plenty of choices here.”

  “Well then, I would suggest the filet mignon if you enjoy a good steak.” He folded his menu and laid it aside.

  “You’ve decided already?”

  “I come here often.” It was one of the best places in town; he, Max, and Jordan ate here regularly when they needed a night out and to talk business.

  “I figured as much when the hostess greeted you by name.” She folded her menu and shook her head. “I can’t decide.”

  “May I choose for you?” His Dom side sat up. He enjoyed choosing meals for his dates, but not many allowed it. Of course, he hadn’t been on a date in a while, but some things never changed.

  “I’d like that.” The relief in her voice made him smile.

  “Anything I should be aware of that you don’t like?” He wasn’t going to assume anything with her.

  “I can’t think of anything.”

  “Is wine okay with dinner?”

  “It is.”

  Victor arrived with their water. “Have you decided?”

  “Yes.” Damon smiled. “Two filet mignons. Medium.” He glanced at Tessa who nodded. “Both with baked potatoes, condiments on the side, with the tableside salad. A bottle of Simple Pleasures Cabernet Sauvignon. We’ll decide on dessert later.”

  “Very good, sir. I’ll be back with bread and the tableside salad.” Victor picked up the menus. “Our wine steward will be by shortly.”

  “We have a few minutes now before the server comes back, and I can see questions in your eyes.”

  Tessa drew her lower lip between her teeth and let it go. Damon wanted to lean over and soothe it with his tongue. “I’ve never been with a man who has so much confidence. I know I’ve called you arrogant, but that no longer fits.”

  “It should. I can be arrogant. I’m fully aware of my faults. As for confidence, it comes with being a Dominant. Although some Dominants are unsure of themselves, especially in the beginning.” He’d been unsure of himself when he first started.

  “Tell me. How did you get into the lifestyle?”

  “It wasn’t until I turned eighteen.” That had been a dark time in his life. How much to tell her? If he wanted honesty from her, he needed to be honest himself. “I’d recently lost my best friend.”

  “Oh no.” Her hand covered his. “I’m so sorry, Damon. If it hurts too much, we don’t need to talk about it.”

  He turned his hand over and entangled his fingers with hers. “Thank you. I’m okay to talk about it.” With her the pain lessened. “My best friend was a big black lab. His name was Bruiser.”

  She squeezed his hand. “How long did you have him?”

  “Sixteen years. My dad got him for me when I was two.” In his memories, he could see Bruiser running through the yard to greet him after school. Bittersweet memories. The loss of his dog still affected him, as did other losses.

  He pushed away the dark thoughts. “Anyway, I was at college, a little bit adrift in my grief, when I saw an advertisement for a munch.”

  “Munches are fun.”

  “They can be. It was amazing how many college students were interested in the lifestyle. We were young though, so basically after the group put us through our paces, we were given a mentor.” Thank goodness for that. His mentor had helped him focus his need for control and helped him work through his grief.

  “Sounds like an interesting group.”

  “Yes, they’d been around for a long time and had learned how to encourage those who needed it by fostering a growing environment. Their rules were strict. We weren’t allowed to play until we were over twenty-one and it had to be under the supervision of our mentor.” He’d learned so much before he played for the first time, and those lessons stayed with him.

  “How did that go over?”

  “For me, I loved it. I learned more about myself and who I was than ever before, but it also gave me a family of sorts.” It also eased his sense of loss.

  “I’m glad.” She smiled as the waiter brought their food.

  “Did you go to college locally?”

  “No. I went to MIT.”


  “Enough about me. How about you? Where did you go to school?”


  “George Washington University?”

  “At first.” She took a bite of food, chewed, and swallowed. “My father wanted me to have a certain degree, and GW was the best place to go, but after my first year, I knew I didn’t want to be there. So I found a smaller college that would allow me to get my library science degree.”

  There was a tinge of sadness in her voice. “Your father didn’t approve.”

  Tessa groaned. “My father has never approved.” Her gaze met his. “I don’t want to talk about my family. Let’s just say, while I talk to them, I will never see eye to eye with my father.”

  “What about your mother?” Her face softened.

  “Mom was the best. She was the buffer between my father and me. She was also the one who put her foot down when I changed colleges and stood up to my father to let me do what I wanted.”

  “I see.” They ate in silence while he mulled over what she told him. He’d question her more about her family later. When the waiter cleared away their plates, Damon told him he’d signal when they were ready for dessert.

  “So let’s talk about the club and kink.”

  Her brown eyes widened, and she glanced around.

  “As long as we keep our voices down, we’re fine. There’s a reason why I choose this restaurant and this table.” Damon slid closer to Tessa. He kept his gaze on her face for any discomfort with him being close to her.

  “Are you sure?” There was a slight tremor in her voice, and he frowned.

  “Tessa, what is it?”

  She shook her head. Damon reached out and gripped her chin between his fingers and turned her head to face him. “Tell me.” He dropped his voice.

  “What if someone hears us?”

  She was worried about that. “There’s no reason to worry, besides this looks like we’re having a date.” Her fears were his to ease.

  “I know, but…” She closed her eyes. “I’m being silly.”

  Damon studied her. “I think there’s something deeper. Shall I get the check and go back to my place or yours?” He kept his gaze on her to see her reaction.

  “No.” Her lashes rose to reveal determination in those eyes. “I’m fine.”

  He kept his gaze on her. No tremor now, just steely courage in her voice. “I reserve the right to call a halt to this talk if I feel you’ve become uncomfortable.” He would do it. He didn’t want her withdrawing.

  “I can agree to that.”

  “Fine.” He let his hand slide from her chin to her thigh. She shifted but didn’t push his hand away. “Jordan called to tell me that you had agreed I would be your trainer.”

  “Yes. I’m not sure what it involves.” Her hand fluttered to her throat.

  “Usually, I’d go through this when we met up Thursday, but there’s no harm in doing it now.” His fingers flexed against her thigh. “When the three of us set up the club, we agreed on some standards, though they’ve evolved over the years.”

  “Right, because there weren’t classes or questionnaires when I joined. I don’t even remember the NDA or background checks, for that matter.”

  “Yeah, when we first opened, we had only the NDAs. After six months, we included background checks, and two years ago, we started the questionnaires and classes.”

  “Why classes?” She tilted her head.

  Without thinking, Damon lifted his hand and traced the line of her neck with his fingers. Her skin was so soft and delicate. “We found some members were bringing guests who were a little too new to the lifestyle, and they weren’t ready for the club experience.” He remembered a few of those former members. “So the first class was
a basic introduction, as you saw.”

  “How many make it through the first night?” She shivered as he traced the skin at the back of her neck. “I noticed the two couples shaking their heads as Max talked with them.”

  “It’s about a fifty-fifty rate.”

  “That many drop out?”

  “Yes. I know it sounds high. It mainly has to do with the background checks. Many people storm out at that point.”

  “Oh, I can see that happening. Some people don’t want others to know their personal business.”

  “Right. We really don’t care about stuff like traffic tickets and jaywalking; it’s mainly to make sure there are no felony convictions, no domestic or animal abuse charges, trafficking issues, or underage problems.”

  “Who does them for you?”

  “We have a member who is local law enforcement; he helps us out. Of course, we pay for the checks we have done.” Damon took a sip of wine. He didn’t want her to think they were misusing the system.

  “So where does the questionnaire come into play?”

  “We were trying to find a way to make negotiations a bit easier. So many Doms were spending hours talking with subs that playtime was limited or non-existent. With the questionnaire, they can read over a sub’s hard limits to see if they’re a match.”

  “I wonder why others don’t do that?”

  “I’m sure some do. It is time consuming, but it benefits everyone.”

  “So you’ll be reading mine?”

  “With pleasure.” He couldn’t wait to see it. Based on how she reacted when he put the cuffs on her at the store Wednesday night, bondage was probably a soft limit.

  “And do I get to see your questionnaire?”

  “If you like, but I’m more than willing to tell you whatever you want to know.” He angled his head down. “I want to be your Dom.”

  A small groan left her lips, and her body shifted closer to him.

  Damn, she reacted to his Dom voice. He’d never had a woman do that before. He’d have to be very careful with Tessa. “Snap out of it, Tessa.” He modulated his tone slightly.

  Her eyes refocused, and she straightened. “I’m sorry. I zoned out there for a minute.”

  “What were you feeling just then?” While her skin was slightly flushed, there’d been little change in her breathing. He needed to know what to watch for.

  “Warm, fuzzy. Your voice has that quality to it. Makes me think of a tropical night in the arms of a lover. And then—wham—off I go into that cloud of enchantment.”

  Enchantment? He hadn’t heard that one before. Fascinating. “I’ll watch my tone then. Thursday night, I’ll be waiting for you at the club. We’ll take a tour, and I’ll show you all the equipment.”

  “But I’ve already been to the club.” A frown appeared on her brow.

  “Yes, but not for years, and I’m sure you noticed how things have changed. The Valentine’s Day party was different. There was no real big play going on that night.”

  She nodded. “All right, so you’ll show me around; is that it?”

  “For Thursday night, yes. Of course, we’ll discuss items on your questionnaire and determine your experience level so I can make sure you have the right wristband.”

  “That was new. It’s going to take time to remember what all the colors mean.”

  “You’ll catch on. They help all members understand experience level, but also help so a sadist doesn’t start negotiation with a sub who doesn’t like pain or isn’t experienced enough.” Damon paused. “Would you like dessert?”

  Tessa blinked. “Why not. Some coffee too, please.”

  Damon signaled the waiter and ordered dessert with coffee. When he turned back to Tessa, her fingers were tapping on the table. Was she nervous? Or impatient?

  “What else would you like to know?”

  “What happens after Thursday? Jordan said you’d be my trainer.”

  “Yes. I will stay with you in the club. If you choose to play with me, that’s fine. If not, I can find you a Dom who matches your criteria.” It would kill him to find someone else for her to play with, but he’d do it. It had to be her choice.

  “You wouldn’t mind finding me someone else?” Her question was soft, but her fingers stopped moving. Good sign? Maybe.

  “I wouldn’t be happy, but this isn’t about me; it’s about you.” Her eyes widened. “I mean that, Tessa. A bonded Dom/sub relationship is something special. One I’ve never had.”

  “But you think I’m the right one?”

  “Yes.” He wasn’t going to lie or hide anything. “From the first time we met, there was a spark.” He couldn’t deny it. Damon would make sure he kept her safe. He wouldn’t lose her as he’d lost in the past.

  “A spark of annoyance.”

  Damon chuckled. “You are easy to provoke at times.”

  “And you’re very good at doing that,” she snapped back.

  There was his spunky woman. “I mean what I say. If you need a contract between us, I can have it arranged.”

  Tessa pursed her lips. “No, I don’t need a contract.” She took a breath. “I believe Max and Jordan would have your head if you did something you weren’t supposed to.”

  “Not to mention Sierra and Crystal.”

  Her laughter lightened the mood. “My friends are the best.”

  “They are, and I’m glad they’re looking out for you. Tell me how you got involved with kink.”

  “Much like you, in college at a munch. But it was a different time then.” She stopped as the waiter arrived with their dessert and coffee.

  A large piece of chocolate cake with a fork was placed on the table and their coffee poured.

  “Dessert.” Damon lifted the fork, cut a piece, and held it to Tessa’s lips. Her cheeks flushed as she parted her lips and allowed him to slip the bite into her mouth. The fork moved as she brushed her tongue over it.

  Damon slowly pulled the fork from her mouth, watching as she closed her eyes and savored the burst of chocolate on her tongue. His cock stiffened, and he made a mental note about food play being a possibility.

  Tessa’s lashes rose, and her cheeks bloomed even more when she realized he was watching her. “That is delicious, but I can feed myself.” She went to reach for a fork only to realize there was only one.

  “It’s my pleasure to feed you.” Damon took a small bite before getting another piece on the fork for Tessa. When he held it out to her, she hesitated, then opened her mouth for the treat. Each time he gave her a bite, his dick pulsed and hardened.

  Their coffee had gone cold by the time the cake was finished. Damon signaled the waiter for fresh cups.

  “So tell me how your first munch went.”

  “It was nice. A bunch of us from the university were there, and the people were nice. We were all over twenty-one.” She took a sip of her coffee. “I hit it off with several people and got invited to a private party.”

  Damon frowned. “Private parties can be dangerous for someone new.”

  “I was lucky. The people at the munch took me under their wing and made sure I was safe. I will say that party was eye-opening.”

  “Did you play?”

  “A little, not that night. A couple of years later, a small club opened, and we all went. My friends found me a Dom. He was older and understood I was new to the lifestyle. He took good care of me, never pushing me and helping me understand.”

  “How old were you when you found your Dom?”


  Not too young. “Why did you wait four years?”

  “Because I never felt comfortable at some of the house parties. My friends and I never went to one without each other, and we all left together.”

  Damon said a silent prayer of thanks that she’d had good people around her. “When and why did you stop coming to Wicked Sanctuary?”

  “I moved here a little over four years ago and joined the club on recommendation of my Dom from DC. The club has changed so much fr
om the first time I saw it.”

  Damon nodded. “It has. As we increased membership, we saw ways to make things better.”

  “Anyway, I went to the club twice and stopped.” Her fingers toyed with the rim of her coffee cup. “It wasn’t anything that happened at the club or anything. It was me. I needed a break to find myself.”

  “And did you find yourself?”

  “I thought so. Until Sierra and Crystal started going to the club.” Her lips turned up. “The conversations at girls’ night made me realize I’d cut a part of myself off.”

  “Why the Valentine’s Day party?”

  “Anonymity.” She pushed the cup away. “I wanted to see for myself what the club had become, and having a masquerade party helped me do that without tipping anyone off, or so I thought.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything to me?” He was curious why she didn’t tell him she’d recognized him. Some men might have been angry. He might have been for a few minutes, but then he had a feeling Tessa had good reasons for what she did. And, to be honest, he’d been completely under her spell that night.

  “At first, I was surprised to see you there. I mean, I knew you were friends with Max and Jordan but didn’t realize you were into the lifestyle. After that, I thought, what the heck. How did you figure out it was me?”

  “There was something too familiar about you. Plus your voice.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “How did you know I was the Dom behind the wolf mask?”

  She glanced down at the table and then back at him, her eyes alight with mischief. “The way you held yourself, your voice and…I knew.”

  “You never let on.” He’d seen a woman he wanted to play with that night. He was standing on the cusp of something special. He’d finally found a woman who called to his inner Dom. Tessa reacted to him without thought.

  Surprise smacked him upside the head. They were already good together. When they played, it was going to be epic. He was ready to step off the cliff into a full-fledged relationship with Tessa. Who could have guessed it would happen to him so quickly?

  “You left before midnight? I looked all over for you.” He couldn’t keep the disappointment out of his voice.

  “I’m sorry.” She ducked her head again.


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