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The Senator's Son, #1

Page 22

by Anna Albo

  Zach grabbed our bags, and I walked up the three steps to the front door. My head was floating, my stomach churning and my heart racing. What if they hated him? What if they compared him to Jake?

  I put my key in the door and went inside. "Hey, I'm home," I called out.

  Dad came from upstairs and Grandpa from the living room. Interesting. Normally, one of them was always at the shop on Saturday, which was our busiest day of the week.

  "Dad, Grandpa, this is Zach Walker."

  Zach was a couple inches taller than Dad, and he towered over Grandpa. Zach shook both their hands as Dad and Grandpa sized him up.

  "It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Zach said. "Emma speaks highly of you both."

  "It's nice to meet you too. Come on in, Zach. I was about to put on coffee," Dad said.

  Dad flipped on the coffeemaker while Grandpa motioned for Zach to take a seat at the kitchen table where there was a tray of cookies! Store-bought, but on a tray nevertheless. I'd never seen Dad or Grandpa do anything remotely domestic, preferring to eat cookies from the bag or container they came in. Were there mints on Zach's bed?

  "Tell us about yourself, Zach," Grandpa said. "What are you taking in school?"

  "I'm doing a Poly Sci major with history minor. I graduate next spring and then hopefully I’ll be off to law school."

  Grandpa's blue eyes widened. "Law school? What are you thinking of practicing?"

  "I'm not sure yet, but I'm leaning towards privacy law."

  "Any political aspirations?"

  "Not right now. I'm only twenty. I have lots of time."

  Grandpa chuckled, the fake politician kind of way. "Of course, you're so young. Any law schools in mind?"

  Dad put out the fancy creamer and sugar bowl, the ones we only used at Christmas. It was Grandma's set, the one she'd left me.

  "I'm still thinking about it. I'm going to start prepping all my applications in the fall."

  "You aren't thinking Western?" Dad asked, putting one of Grandma's Royal Albert teacups in front of Zach.

  "No, my parents are adamant that my undergraduate and law degree are from two different universities. Apparently, it's a thing."

  "I see," Grandpa said, shooting me a warning look. Did he think Zach was blind? He could see it too.

  "I've already told Emma, so she knows. We'd only be doing the long-distance thing for a year."

  "Provided you're still dating."


  "Just want you to be realistic. Not all relationships last forever."

  Dad poured coffee in Zach's teacup then realized he hadn't pulled out any more. He disappeared and returned with three more teacups and poured coffee for the rest of us.

  "Cookie?" Dad asked Zach, holding the platter up to his face.

  "Yes, thank you," Zach said, taking a digestive.

  Dad sat and stared at Zach like he was a work of art at the Louvre. I felt uncomfortable for him and felt a need to jump in.

  "So Dad, Zach wants to see the shop."

  Dad snapped out of it. "Oh yes, we could do that later this afternoon. I'd be happy to take you there."

  "I'll come too," Grandpa said. "We can go now."

  "Why not finish our coffee first? Dad went to all this trouble."

  Fortunately for Grandpa, the teacups were small and within ten minutes we were at the door, getting ready to leave.

  "Separate rooms, young lady," Grandpa whispered in my ear as they were hurrying Zach out the door.

  "Got it."

  I watched them pile into the car. I was sending Zach into the great unknown. Would Dad and Grandpa be kind? If they weren’t, I’d find out about it later, but I had a feeling Zach would be just fine.

  THEY WERE GONE UNTIL late in the afternoon and by the time they returned, I'd started on dinner. Dad texted to tell me Wendy was coming too. In all the euphoria of cookie trays and fancy teacups, he'd forgotten to mention it. I looked forward to seeing her. We kept in contact with emails, and now she'd finally meet Zach.

  Dinner was a roasted chicken, pesto green beans, a salad and garlic potatoes. I’d texted Dad to grab a few bottles of wine on the way home.

  The men returned, joking, laughing, and talking sports. They barely noticed me as Dad put the wine on the kitchen table and went straight for the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers.

  "Should I pull out the fine china for dinner?" I asked, my tongue firmly in cheek.

  He playfully punched me in the arm. "Look, Kiddo, I didn't know what to do. It's not every day my daughter brings home a young man," Dad said, well out of Zach's earshot. "And a senator's son, no less. He's probably used to the finer things in life."

  "Zach's pretty easy going."

  "I've noticed. And we like him," Dad whispered.

  Off he went with the beers. Wendy arrived shortly after, carrying a pie she'd made. Zach got up from the sofa where he and Dad had been enjoying their beers. I introduced them and Dad called Zach back to enjoy the rest of the afternoon hockey game.

  "What a handsome devil," Wendy said. "So tall and muscular."

  "Do I need to throw some cold water on you?" I joked.

  She laughed and gave me a big hug. "How are you, dear?"

  "I'm good. Very happy."

  "I'd be happy too! What can I do?" she asked, looking around the kitchen.

  "Would you mind prepping the green beans?"

  "Not at all."

  With the chicken in the oven and everything else prepared, I finally got a chance to sit. Zach made a spot next to him and I sank into the sofa wanting to wrap my arms around him, but didn't think it was appropriate in front of everyone.

  "Another beer?" Dad asked Zach.

  "Only if you're having one."

  "You bet."

  Dad went to the fridge and came up empty. "Crap, we're out. I'm going to run out and get some." Zach protested, but Dad was determined to please. "I'll be back before you know it."

  Wendy wandered off to see what puttering Grandpa was doing in the garage, leaving Zach and I alone.

  "So what do you think of them?" I asked.

  "You've got a really nice family. And man, your Dad looks so young." He paused. "You guys don't look very much alike. I see some resemblance, but not much."

  "I got Meredith's hair and eye color, but my height and nose from Dad."

  Zach winced. "You don't call her mom?"

  "Why would I? She's never been a mom."

  "Point taken. But your dad...I'm not into guys, but he's pretty hot."

  I laughed. "He gets that a lot, but he doesn't date much."

  "How am I going to keep my hands off you the next few days?"

  "I don't know. A lot of cold showers?"

  "You could sneak to my room."

  "Dad's probably got the entire house booby-trapped. They might like you, but not that much."

  "And you will tell them about us living together, right?"

  "I will, but after you've left. I promise."

  "And while you're at it, I think they also deserve to know about the Jake and Bianca thing."

  "I'll get around to it."

  "I hate secrets."

  "I know."

  Dad returned and he and Zach each had another beer. I left them to check on dinner. I decided we'd eat at the dining room table. We didn't eat there often, only for special occasions, but I thought this was pretty special. Zach and Dad set the table while Wendy helped me plate and dress the food. Grandpa, as usual, supervised. We all took our seats but Dad. He pulled out a tripod with his camera attached.

  "Thought we'd take some pictures. Now everyone scoot in close while I set this up." he said, fiddling with buttons.

  He'd brought the fancy camera home from the shop—the one he used to take high-resolution shots of items for the website. What was next? Was a wedding planner going to pop out from one of the closets?

  Dad rushed over and joined us. "Smile!" he said, as the camera took a shot. He went back to review it before making us take three
more. He then took shots of me and Zach, Grandpa and Zach, and then made me take a picture of him and Zach. For good measure I took a few of Wendy and Grandpa since Dad seemed to have forgotten all about her. Come to think of it, after my photoshoot with Zach, Dad had forgotten about me too. I didn’t really care. Dad and I had loads of pictures together.

  "I miss your cooking," Dad said, biting into his chicken.

  "I'm spoiled. Emma cooks for me all the time," Zach said.

  Dad and Grandpa stopped chewing and looked at Zach who didn't let on that he'd just screwed up. "I mean, she's always cooking and having me over."

  That answer seemed to satisfy them.

  We stuffed ourselves and when the last bite was taken, I stood and started clearing plates away. Zach wanted to help, but Grandpa patted his arm and told him to sit. Men. Wendy helped with me the dishes and Dad roused himself to make another pot of coffee.

  "You're going to tell them you're living with Zach?" Wendy asked, keeping her voice low.

  "After Zach leaves, just in case the news sends them into orbit."

  "And about Jake and his horrible girlfriend?"

  I let out a pained sigh. "Wendy, I don't know how to tell Dad. So many times I've acted it out in my head and in every scenario, Dad gets pissed and his friendship with Uncle Ron suffers."

  "I think you underestimate your dad. I get the impression his friendship with Ron is strong, so your falling out with Jake shouldn't affect it."

  I weighed telling Wendy about the texts, but they'd stopped. What was the point? "I know, but I was going to wait until the end of the school year and give Dad the whole summer to accept that I was going to be living with Zach in the fall."

  "I think you shouldn't wait too long. Things have a way of getting out." She was referring to Zach's slip up.

  "I know. I just happen to be the world's worst procrastinator."

  DAD PULLED OUT PHOTO albums. He wanted to show Zach what a cute kid I was. Zach appeared to be interested looking through the albums, commenting that I looked a lot like Grandma. I didn't see the resemblance.

  "And who's this?" Zach asked, pointing to one picture. I couldn't see it, but by the way Dad suddenly got uncomfortable, I had an idea who it was.

  "That's Meredith, Emma's mom."

  Grandpa cleared his throat and excused himself. He hated Meredith for abandoning me. When she sent me gifts, Grandpa wanted to throw them away, but Grandma was steadfast that one day Meredith would want to come back into my life. Nineteen years and she still hadn't stopped by. She moved away with her new family and never looked back.

  "She's pretty just like her daughter," Wendy said, her tone subdued as if to respect everyone's disdain.

  Zach looked at Dad, then me and finally Wendy, the only safe face in the room. "I apologize if that brings up bad memories."

  "That's all right. I keep the picture of her for Emma."

  "You don't need to," I said, my bitterness bubbling to the surface.

  "One day you might think differently," Dad said, flipping the page.

  After the horrible walk down memory lane, Wendy got up to leave. It was getting late and after my long day, I needed sleep. "I'll show Zach his room, then hit the sack," I said.

  "Zach, if you're not tired, we can hang out some more," Dad said, his face brightening at the prospect.

  "Sure, right after I get settled."

  We went upstairs to the spare room, the one Dad had meticulously cleaned. It still smelled of Febreze. Alone, Zach pulled me close and kissed me.

  "You look wiped," he said, brushing a stray hair from my cheek.

  "I am."

  "I didn't know it was your mom."

  "You're a liar," I said, slapping his ass.

  He laughed. "I figured it was her. She is very beautiful, just like you. That's all I'm going to say about her."

  "Good." I kissed him one last time. "Don't stay up too late with Dad. I don't want either one of you blabbing any of my secrets."

  ZACH STAYED ANOTHER two days before driving back home. He had hockey games to attend as well as a family fundraising dinner. He invited me, but I wanted to spend the week with my family.

  Grandpa had a road trip planned to hit some auctions and estate sales, which gave me and Dad a few days alone. He planned a movie night Friday and while he supplied the movies, I made the caramel popcorn.

  "Steve McQueen?" Dad asked. He knew I was a sucker for 70s movies.

  "I love Steve McQueen."

  "I got the box set while you were away at school. We've got The Magnificent Seven, Le Mans, The Thomas Crown Affair, or The Great Escape. Which one?"

  "Surprise me."

  He flipped through the DVDs and settled on The Thomas Crown Affair.

  "Dad, before we start watching, there's something I wanted to tell you."

  The smile on his face disappeared replaced with a look of worry. "Please tell me you aren't pregnant."

  I laughed nervously. "No, not pregnant."

  He sighed with relief. "Good. Then what is it?"

  I took the caramel popcorn and sat on the sofa. Dad sat down, too. His expression looked serious, and I felt the nerves building. "You like Zach, right?"

  "He's a nice young man. Why?"

  "I don't know how to tell you this because I know you'll freak out, but I'm not going to beat around the bush." I had an image of the day Dad tried to explain sex to me. Twenty minutes later and I’d felt like I knew less about sex than I had before he sat me down. "Zach and I are living together."

  Dad leaned back on the sofa and crossed his arms over his chest. He was biting down on his lower lip, pondering and possibly fuming. "I see. How long?"

  "Awhile. We weren't always dating, but I moved in because...well, Jake wanted more time with Bianca and, well, Bianca doesn't like me. So I did them a favor and moved in with Zach and his sister." These lies were just piling up now. I needed graphs and charts to keep track of them.

  "Zach's sister also lives with you?"

  "Yes." That was the truth.

  "And you moved out of the apartment with Jake? Why is this the first I've heard of it?"

  "I figured you'd be disappointed and wouldn't want me living with Zach."

  "But his sister does live with you?"

  "Her name is Genie and she's great."

  Dad took a minute to absorb it all. "You're my daughter so we can have these frank and open discussions, right?"


  "Are you having sex with him?"

  Oh, God. "Yes."

  "Are you using protection?"


  "I'm going to tell you something, and I'm not sure how it's going to come out, so hopefully I don't screw it up." He took a few breaths, struggling with what was coming. "You are a gift to me, don't ever forget that. When you were born, I was a mess and if it wasn't for Grandma and Grandpa, I'd have been lost. And as much as I love you and can't imagine life without you, I do not want you to make the same mistakes I did. Don't let him talk you into doing anything you don't want to do and always keep yourself protected. And remember I love you more than anything in this world even though I might have just sounded like the biggest jackass on the face of this earth."

  "I understand what you're saying."

  "And if for any reason you find yourself in trouble, you come to me. I will always support you."

  "I know."

  "Enough said. Are we going to watch this movie, or not?"

  That was the perfect opportunity to come clean about the real story with Jake, and I didn't. I was a coward.



  With only a little more than a month of classes to go, the first few weeks after spring break flew by. And now that Bianca had finally stopped harassing me, I felt a need to gain a bit of my independence back. I insisted on taking the bus home on Thursdays when Zach's classes ended a few hours before mine. Sometimes he'd wait for me by working out at the gym and other times he'd reluctantly let me go home alone.r />
  Sure, the walk through campus spooked me a bit, but there were so many people around, nothing could possibly happen.

  "What do you have on her anyway?" I asked one night as we were lying in bed. He'd just finished telling me that he'd seen her at the gym that day and she hadn't said hello.

  "If I tell you, I'd have to kill you," he joked.

  "Come on," I said, squeezing his arm.

  In an instant he was on top of me, kissing and caressing.

  "No, you don't get off that easy," I said between kisses.

  "Why do you want to know anyway?"

  "Because I'm curious."

  He slipped his hand beneath my underwear and started his careful massage. "It's not important," he murmured.

  "You're trying to distract me."

  "Is it working?"

  "Yes," I said, kissing him back.

  In seconds we were naked, him inside me, pushing deeper and deeper. Sex with him was so natural, so right. Sometimes in class, my mind would wander off to us in bed, on the sofa, on the kitchen counter, or in the shower, and I'd tingle with anticipation. My body craved him all the time.

  "Back to Bianca," I said, after he returned from disposing of the condom.

  He groaned. "I hoped you'd forget."

  "No," I said, welcoming him back into bed and finding my spot in his arms.

  "This is all I'm going to tell you. I may have a video of her doing something that would be very embarrassing to both her and her family if it ever got distributed."

  "A sex video? Is it with Jake?"

  "I'm not saying what it is and Jake isn't in it. It's from before he came along."

  "Is she doing drugs in it?"

  "I'm not telling."

  "How'd you get it?"

  "I'm not telling."

  I pondered this. "Have you had it for a while?"

  "Yes, and she knows I have it. Why are we still talking about her anyway?"

  He was right. Bianca wasn't worth my time. I ran a finger up and down his arm, sleep had no intention of coming. "I've wanted to ask you something for a really long time," I said.


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