Lucian: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance
Page 4
I still to this day take care that you have a roof over your fucking heads and food on the table, you fat lazy piece of fucking shit.”
When Demi was finished, she stood up. Anger was like a blanket over her, and when Lucian reached for her, Daxton was glad to see her go into his arms where she belonged. This, he knew, was going to be a match for the ages. They needed each other and would go a long way in making things right for themselves.
“If you’re so fucking rich, which I don’t believe for a minute, then why the fuck are you getting everything that we should have?” Lucian asked Astrid if she’d been paying attention to her sister. “Big words, but no proof. If you have all this, I want you to sign
Mom’s house over to me and keep taking care of us. It’s the least you can do, because you took all of our inheritance from us.”
Daxton looked up Demi’s name on the computer. He was impressed with the woman and turned his computer to her sister. Right there, it spoke of her being the richest woman on the planet. That her ability to turn a nickel into a million was renowned. Both Nathan and Astrid stopped bickering to look at the article that stated that she was one of the most sought-after women in the world, and that she was as difficult to find as a needle in a haystack.
He knew what the article had said. That she was a recluse, that she didn’t grant interviews, and she didn’t go out to dinner unless it was a function. And even then, no one knew her. There were no pictures of her, nothing to say that she worked hard despite having all the money she’d ever need. He looked up when Lucian stood in front of his desk.
“I’ll bring her back later today. She’s upset.” Daxton looked at Demi and could see that if she was upset, which he’d be as well, she didn’t look it. “I’ll let you know when, all right?”
“Yes, of course. Thank you, Lucian. And congratulations.” The younger man only glanced at the computer, and Daxton knew just where his mind was going. “It won’t matter a hill of beans to her. You can make her happy, that’s all that will matter in the end.”
“If you say so. I had no idea.” Daxton nodded. “I’ll call you later and set up a time for her to come back.”
After they left, Nathan and Astrid started arguing again. They wanted to know how they could go about having the will changed, to make it so that they even got a portion of Demi’s money.
“We can sue her, can’t we? I mean, she didn’t even share her money with us all these years. We should have been getting a check monthly from her.” Daxton asked
Nathan why he thought that. “I don’t know. Because we didn’t kill her off when she was a kid? I mean, it was tempting. And I just don’t understand why Mom would have left her everything. The house should have been ours, not hers. It’s not like she needs it or anything. She said that Grandma, the old bitch, left her her home as well. That really isn’t fair, do you think?”
“What I think is that this meeting is over.” Daxton stood up while the other two looked at him like they were ready to pounce. “I’d like to give the two of you a bit of advice. First and foremost, I’d leave Demi alone. She’s happy now and will be for a lot longer than either of you will, but her husband to be is also a bear shifter. Not your run of the mill shifter either, but one that loves her enough to kill you without a second thought. The second thing is, I’m a vampire of considerable age and magic. You fuck with me, either of you, and it will be the last thing you ever do. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yeah, you do. But we’re going to get a piece of her, even if we have to kill that man to get to her.” Daxton only shook his head at Nathan. “And you are going to be looking at a way to get us a part of that money too. Do I make myself clear?”
Daxton let his beast go. That was all it took for the two of them to know that they were barking up the wrong tree. Taking them out of his offices and to the middle of a field, he stripped them both down to their skin and left them there. They’d have to figure out how to get home on their own now. And it would buy poor Demi a few days of not having them as a threat.
Lucian didn’t say a word on the way home. He drove her rental like he had this morning on the way in, but he was quiet now, like he was processing the fact that she had money.
Looking at the new car lot, she asked him to pull in. Lucian did so without a word.
“This is what’s going to happen. Are you listening to me?” He nodded but didn’t speak. Demi slapped him. “Now do I have your full attention?”
“You’re very violent, aren’t you? I said I was listening. What is it you need?” She told him to pay attention. “I am. Christ. Are you really that wealthy?”
“No, we are. As of nine this morning, your name is on everything that mine is on, except for this car. Which we’re going to take care of right now.” He was shaking his head. “Why not? Do you have something against driving a car that is younger than you are? I don’t doubt that you take good care of it, but—”
“I don’t want you buying me anything.” He was angry, and she was getting there too. “Look, I had no idea that you had all that stuff—money, homes, and businesses. We should just call it quits. That way you can go your way, and I can go on living the way I did before. It’ll be better for us both.”
“I see. And the fact that you tasted my blood, that won’t affect you at all.” His cursing was loud and long. “I’m taking that as a yes. All right, you don’t want a new car. Tough shit. I need you to drive me around, and if my family comes after me while
I’m out and about, I’d like to know that you can get to me without having to baby talk your truck into starting. Gannon told me that you have to do that on cold mornings, as well as warm ones.”
“That’s no reason for you to buy me a fucking car.” She looked out the window and thought about his anger. Getting out, she went to the first car she saw and wondered if he’d fit under the steering wheel. “What do you think you’re doing? I told you I don’t want a car.”
“Well goody for you. I hate paying rent on something that isn’t necessary. I need one even if you’re being too childish to understand that you need one as well.” She moved to where the nice SUVs were. She had one at home she was going to have to sell off, she realized. “I have to have the one at home sold or brought here. Do you think that your parents would want it? It’s only a couple of months old.”
“Probably. The one that they’re driving now is— You’re not paying attention to me.
And I want you to look at me while I talk.” She turned and glared nastily at him, and he flushed brightly. “Okay, that wasn’t called for. I’m sorry. Again. But we don’t need you buying us a car. None of us do.”
“I’d like one.” They both turned and looked at Josiah. She’d forgotten that he told her he worked here. “I get a really good discount. Are you going to buy Lucian one too?”
“He said he doesn’t need one. He’s being childish.” She moved around the lot with his brother. Josiah showed her the options on the car she’d been looking for, and things that she could get on one too. “I’d like to get this one. How many colors does it come in?”
“Seven. One for each of us.” She nodded. “No, I was joking. You aren’t going to buy me a car, Demi. I can’t afford to pay you back, and I’m certainly not going to be beholden to you.”
“We’re family, correct?” Josiah nodded; he looked at his brother, then back at her.
“Family helps family, from what I understand. Since your pigheaded brother won’t take a car to rescue me when I need him, then perhaps I can convince you to do it. I will need you to make sure that I’m—”
“I’ll take a car.” She smiled at Lucian. “You’re not a nice person. I don’t like being blackmailed.”
“I don’t like resorting to it either, but you literally left me no choice.” He nodded.
“What color do you want? I want the dark blue one. But if you’d rather have it, then I can take the red one.”
“I’d rather have the blue one.” She no
dded and turned to Josiah. “How many do you plan on buying today? If you’re going to do this, then I’d like some input.”
“Good. I want you to have input. I just realized today when we were in the attorney’s office that I’ve been alone for so long that I want to interact with others. And when you took my hand, offering me comfort, I knew then that I needed you much more than you do me.” She walked away and looked at the other cars or tried to. Her eyes were filled with tears. He’d cheapened the outing. Not that it was his fault, not totally, but she’d wanted to do something nice, and he’d made her feel shitty.
“Demi?” She turned and looked at Lucian, not even bothering with wiping away the tears. “I’m so very sorry. I’m an ass, and worse than that, I made you hurt. I want you to know that I’m not normally so...I guess you could call it so selfish. And I was.
Not allowing you to do something nice for me, for my family, was a selfish act, and I am profoundly sorry.”
“Thank you. But let me ask you this. Would you have done the same thing for me if things were reversed? Bought me a car and one for my family when you knew that they were in desperate need of one?” He nodded. “So, it’s not the money. It’s because as a female, I shouldn’t be allowed to do something.”
“Pretty much. As I said, I was selfish. And I’d like nothing better than for you to buy me a car. All of us, if you’d like to. But nothing too extravagant. You didn’t get all this wealth from buying willy nilly, did you?” She laughed when he did. “Again, baby,
I’m so sorry. I’ll learn to keep my mouth shut.”
“Yeah, well, I’ll believe that when it happens.”
They walked around the lot for over an hour. They had a good time, and when he suggested they get dinner when they were finished, she said that was a good idea.
Going into the storeroom, Demi made her way to Josiah’s desk and sat down.
“I can’t sell to you.” She asked him why not. “You’re my sister-in-law. And that is against the rules.”
“But I’m not your sister-in-law. No one has even asked me to be a part of this family. You’ll sell to me or I take my business elsewhere. Tell your boss that.” He grinned at her and she winked. “If you’d like, I will tell him the same thing. I’m here to do business, and if he’s not willing to accommodate me, then he’s going to be shit out of luck.”
Josiah went to get his boss. When Mr. Caplin was sitting at Josiah’s desk, she asked him what he was doing. He told her that he was going to write up the sale.
“Will he get the credit for it?” Mr. Caplin looked at Josiah then at her, shaking his head. “I see. So, you’d take full credit for him making a nice sale.”
“That’s the way we’ve done things here for a long time, Ms.... I don’t think I caught your name.” She told him. “Well, Ms. Morgan, it would seem impartial of the company to let him take credit for a sale to his family. The commissions aren’t the big issues here, but—”
“Not to you perhaps.” She stood up and so did Lucian. He was grinning from ear to ear, and she didn’t have any idea why. “Will you excuse me just one moment?”
Mr. Caplin just leaned back in his chair. He had a smile on his face that made her think that he thought he’d won. Demi was a good business person, and she hadn’t gotten that way by taking shit from people who thought they were smarter than her.
Pulling out her phone, she called Mr. Lesley of Lesley Motors, where they were.
“Hello, Jamie, how are you and your lovely family?” He told her that all was fine, and he’d been thinking about her. “Oh, me too. We have to get together soon. I have some ideas for you on that new place you’re thinking of opening. But the reason I’ve called you. I’m trying to buy some cars, and your dealership has this ridiculous rule about someone selling them to me. We’re not family, but he’s using that as a rule to take the commissions for himself.”
“Let me guess. The Ohio one near where your grandma lived.” She said that was the one. “I have had more complaints about him in the last six months than I have all of the others together. How many were you thinking of buying, Demi?” She told him at least ten. “Yes, well, I bet he didn’t mention the bulk discount either.”
“We didn’t get that far. I don’t want to cause you any trouble, Jamie, but I do want this to be done by the man who took us around. And yes, he is related to the man I’m seeing, but that isn’t any reason for him to lose the commission on the sale, do you think?” He said that Caplin had made that rule up on his own. “I see. No, actually, I don’t. How long as he been doing this?”
“For far too long. That man that took you around, you think he’d be able to take over the job? With you in his corner, I don’t see a problem with it if you don’t.” She said that she would guide him. “Well, that’s about as good as it gets where I’m concerned.
Please put the unemployed jackass on the phone for me, dear. And we really do need to get together. Very soon. I have an idea that you’re going to suggest that I build there.”
Demi handed the phone to Mr. Caplin and pulled Josiah to the side. As Caplin talked—begging, it sounded like to her—she told Josiah that he was going to be the new manager. He, of course, had to have a seat—on the floor.
By the time Mr. Caplin was being escorted out, she had Josiah believing that he could run a multimillion-dollar business. She, of course, didn’t mention that part, but let him believe what he wanted for now. As her sales were written up, he kept asking her if she was kidding him.
“Two things that I never kid about, Josiah—money and love. Ever. You will do a bang-up job here, and I have all the faith in the world in you. So does Mr. Lesley. And if you and I play our cards right, we can talk him into bringing his plant here and hiring a great many people.”
“That would be wonderful for the town. You’re really making a difference, Demi.
And I’m thrilled shitless that you’re going to be Lucian’s mate.” She just looked at the man in question. “You might even make him realize that it’s nice being rich. I don’t know, but you just might.”
They bought ten of the SUV’s. Two were on the lot, which she and Lucian were going to take, and Josiah made arrangements with another lot to have ten more brought here. He figured that if people were going to have jobs, they would want new cars too.
Demi thought that Josiah was going to be good at his new job. Now all she had to do was convince Lucian that having money wasn’t all that bad.
Chapter 4
Lucian sat at the desk in the biggest house he’d ever been in. Taking in the room, he tried to wrap his mind around what Mr. Shoe had just told him—or had been trying to tell him. Not only was Demi wealthy, but she had contacts all over the world that she could call on to make things happen.
“Are you all right?” He nodded at Alan, what he’d been asked to call his new attorney, then shook his head. “I know just how you feel. When she hired me, I was nothing at all. An ex-con that was as down on his luck as anyone could be. Hell, I was living in a box behind a department store.”
“But you’re an attorney.” He nodded and sat down across from him. “She helped you out? By sending you to college?”
“Not hardly. As a matter of fact, I was already an attorney. But I lost my wife and daughter in a car accident. A drunk ran a light and hit our car dead on. Killed my little girl instantly, and my wife died a few days later. I was injured, but nothing I couldn’t have come back from. So, when I met Demi, she literally picked me up, shook the shit out of me, and told me to get my act together. It took me three months to dry out. Yes,
I’d taken to drinking my sorrow away. I got help in the form of a doctor, got my licenses to practice again, and have been sober and working since. If she sees something in you, you can bet that she’ll make you see it too in no time.”
“I’ve noticed that. My brother, he was a salesman at a shitty car dealership, and now he’s running the place. She made a single phone call to make that happen. And I’m driving a br
and-new car, something that I’ve never had before, and there is one for each of my brothers and my parents. I’m a little overwhelmed right now.” Alan said that he would get used to it. “You think? I don’t. I’m terrified that she is going to wake up and realize that we’re not suited. The other shoe, no pun intended, is always dropping on the wrong side of the bed for me.”
“I’d get over that if I were you. If the shoe were going to drop with her, she’d have hit you in the head with it right from the start. Demi is smart. She’s a good woman, too.
But she is also stressed out, all the time. She needs someone to tell her to slow down. I’d not do it in that tone or words, but she needs to enjoy her life before it causes herself to have a heart attack. And she has had some scares, too.” Lucian asked him when that had happened. “A few years ago. She’d been trying to buy out a company that was failing. Like, failing so badly the owner wasn’t going to be able to hit his next payroll.
But he finally got a clue, did what she told him, borrowed enough from her to hit the next three payrolls, and the man is sailing on easy street now. So, your brother had better listen to Mr. Lesley. He knows she isn’t wrong about much.”
“That’s why he was so willing to listen to her when she told him to hire Josiah.”
Alan nodded. “She’s really as wealthy as she told us in the attorney’s office that day.”
“I’d say she glossed over a few things. Quite a bit, if I know her. She might have said something like a few million?” Lucian told him what she’d said about the homes, banks, and businesses. “Nah, that’s not even close.” Lucian let out a long breath. “She is
a multibillionaire; owns about fifty profit making companies, as well as hundreds of homes that she mostly rents out to people who’ve done something nice for her, and a few dozen warehouses that simply hold things so that when there is a disaster someplace, she can send water and supplies at a moment’s notice.”