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First Moon : A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 1)

Page 10

by Jacquelyn Faye

  I laughed. "Lean forward, let me see."

  He did as I told him, the spray of water parting his unruly hair. I fingered through it, ignoring the spray of water, and didn't find any cuts. He did have a nice lump, however.

  "You're not bleeding. We'll take that as a win."

  "Easy with the fingers, though. That smarts."

  "Aww, big tough fireman gots a wump on his head?"

  "You're gonna get a wump on your ass."

  "Ooh. Kinky."

  He chuckled and let his head lean forward, letting the hot water run down his neck and back. His skin was darker than mine, but not his ass. It nearly matched the white square tiles of the shower. It was very pretty.

  "Would you help me up?"

  "Did you finish showering yet?"

  "No. I slipped getting in."

  "Hang on."

  I stepped back and pulled off my clothes. He had seen me naked earlier. I seriously doubted his ability to finish showering without breaking a bone or requiring stitches. At least that's what I told myself to justify getting into the shower with him.

  I stepped in behind him and made sure I wasn't in a position to slip before hooking my arms under his. "Come on. I can't lift you. You have to want to stand. You can do it!"

  "Har har. You're a real comedian," he said and worked himself to his knees, and then to his feet. As he stood up straight, his ass pressed into my naked front. "Um… Are you naked?"

  "Yes. Don't turn around."

  "But I saw you earlier."

  "I know. But this is… Oh never mind. Turn around if you want. We're not twelve."

  He didn't have to be asked twice. His eyes drank in my body. It was a little more intimate than standing in the grove in front of the entire coven. I could feel my nipples hardening even under the hot water, just from the weight of his gaze.

  "Well?" I had to ask.

  "You are beautiful."

  I let my eyes drop a little lower. He wasn't as massive as Chief, but still impressive. I moved a little closer and reached over his shoulder to grab the bottle of shampoo. "Turn back around."

  Surprisingly, he did as he was told.

  I squirted some shampoo in my hand, set the bottle down on the floor and began lathering up his hair. He tilted his head back as I massaged it into his blondish locks.

  "Do I get to wash your hair, too?"

  "If you want. I'm telling you right now, we are not having sex tonight, so don't get your hopes up."

  He started singing, "There's always tomorrow…" I even recognized the song from Rudolph. I slapped his ass with a sudsy palm.

  "Hey. Be nice to the butt."

  "If you're lucky. Turn around so I can rinse your head."

  He turned around, his cock a little firmer than before. Its head slid across my skin. "Sorry," he mumbled, not sorry at all.

  "Somebody's happy."

  "Both of us."

  I pressed up against him, running my fingers through his hair, the spray splashing down over his chest and onto me. He was trapped between my stomach and his. I fought very hard not to start moving up and down.

  "That feels good," he managed to say coherently.

  "Which part?"


  I got the rest of the shampoo out. "Do you use conditioner?"

  "Who doesn't?"

  "Fair enough. Turn back around."

  He leaned over and gently kissed my lips before turning. I shuddered. He'd done exactly the right thing. If he had gone full force, I might have shoved him out of the shower…

  I couldn't help it. While he was facing the other way, I slipped my fingers over my wet, and not from the shower, slit. I shuddered again and nearly came just from the swift touch. I don't think I'd ever been as turned on as I was in that moment.

  Later, Dot.

  I filled my hand with conditioner and rubbed my palms together. Jimmy tilted his head back and I worked my conditioner covered fingers through his hair, staring at his broad shoulders. I wanted to run my fingernails over them and down his back, but I maintained what little self-control I had left.

  "Okay. Soap your bod and let me under the water so I can wash my hair."

  "I don't get to do it?"

  "Can I trust you to behave?"

  "Absolutely…not, but I will get your hair washed."

  I thought about saying no, but I really wanted him to wash it. There were few things on earth that felt quite as good as someone washing your hair for you. "Fine, but try to behave. Don't make me zap your happy parts."

  He chuckled throatily as we squeezed by each other in the shower. I ran my auburn hair under the water and rinsed my face before backing up and letting him shampoo. He was more gentle than I would have expected, working the liquid into my hair and then massaging my scalp. I tilted my head back and enjoyed the myriad of sensations running through my body.

  "Rinse time."

  I turned around and let my hair fall into the flow of water behind me, tilting my head back. Jimmy stepped forward and reached behind me, rinsing my hair. His hardness pressed against my stomach again. I was getting dizzy with want. It'd definitely been way too long since I'd last had sex. I reached out to steady myself against his chest. The firmness of his muscles, the feeling of the water cascading over him, I pressed myself even closer. A small groan escaped his lips as his hips circled.

  "I think you got all the shampoo out."

  "You sure?"

  "Pretty sure."

  "Okay then. Turn around and I'll put the conditioner in."

  I did as I was asked and wiped the water from my face, staring at the ceiling as he worked. Shampooing was much more fun. He reached around me and rinsed his hands in the stream of water before grabbing the body wash and loofa from the rack. I gasped as he began washing my neck.

  He made small circles when he got to my shoulders and back. I closed my eyes and leaned my head forward when he moved on to my arms. I spread my legs a little as he gently washed my lower back, and I nearly bucked my hips when he began washing my ass cheeks.

  I heard movement and a couple of thuds. I looked over my shoulder and Jimmy had knelt on the hard floor of the shower behind me. He began washing my feet and working his way up. I was panting by the time he got to my thighs.

  "Turn around."

  "I can't. That would be a horrible mistake," I managed to choke out.


  I felt him stand behind me as I began to catch my breath. His arms slipped around me and the loofa began making lazy circles over my stomach. "That's not what I meant."

  "I know. Tell me when to stop and I will."



  I rested my head back against his chest. His swollen cock nestled itself in the cleft of my ass. I'd never rinsed the soap away, he slid between easily, his height forcing him downward to my opening. He bumped against it, but never tried to force his way inside.

  He dropped the sponge and used the lather on his hands to wash the rest of me. He started with my breasts, gently gliding underneath before circling up around the sides and over my rigid nipples. His palms slid over them and I whimpered against his jaw. His one hand stayed and played as his other snaked down over my stomach and began fondling the patch of hair just above my opening. My hips bucked on their own, trying to force his hand lower.

  He kissed the side of my face as he let his middle finger slip in between my folds, over my clit and teasingly across my opening. His hand was slippery enough, but with my added moisture, he made lazy circles over my clit. All around, but never quite touching.

  "Please," I whispered.

  "Please what?"

  "Make me come."

  He moved his hand away and sluiced the shower water over me with the head, removing ever trace of suds. He backed me up against the wall and knelt down in front of me, staring at my pussy and darting his eyes to look up at me.

  Lifting my leg, he put my foot on the edge of the shower, opening me before raking his tongue ac
ross me. For an eternity I rode his talented lips. I came twice before I had to push him away, too sensitive to continue.

  I couldn't see straight.

  "Holy shit."

  "Not even gonna ask if you liked that."

  "Smart man."

  "Mind if I rinse the conditioner out of my hair?"

  I'd completely forgotten. I blushed and moved out of the way, letting him back into the stream of water. Thankfully we hadn't run out of hot water, yet. He was rigid as he closed his eyes. I reached out, wrapped my hand around his length, and began jerking softly. He groaned.

  Fair was fair. I dropped to my knees and kissed the tip. I looked up and he was staring at me as the water sprayed his neck and shoulders, blocking me. I could see the lust in his eyes as I slipped the tip into my mouth and ran my tongue along the underside.

  "Dot. I'm not going to last long…"

  I pulled the skin back, taut along the shaft and sucked him halfway in. It was as far as I could go before he hit the back of my throat. I wasn't an expert at this, not by a long shot. But for him, I would try. I sucked on him, actually enjoying the feeling of him in my mouth. His hips began bucking in rhythm. His breathing started getting heavier as he gave out little gasps of pleasure. I could feel his muscles tightening and after a few moments he reached out to steady himself.

  "Dot. I'm cumming."

  I thought about pulling away. I really hated the taste, but I didn't. I let him go in my mouth and continued jerking his shaft with my hand. He groaned softly and once finished, I pulled my mouth away and let his juice fall from my mouth and down the drain.

  I stood up and got the shock of my life when he kissed me.

  Chapter 13

  The coffee was still hot, thank fuck.

  I took a big swallow, burned the hell out of my tongue, and avoided any eye contact with Jimmy. As soon as we had exited the shower, I practically ran for my bathrobe.

  Bad Dot. Bad, bad Dot.

  He kept grinning at me over the top of his mug.

  "You can stop that now," I said softly.


  "Flashing that shit-eating grin at me."

  "I know not of which you speak."

  "Keep it up and you're going to know the feeling of my foot in your ass."

  "Now who's being kinky?"

  My face flushed, completely on fire. "I hate you!"

  "No. You don't."

  "You're right. I don't. But that went a lot further than I'd intended. I was just trying to help your drunk ass in the shower."

  "So, you stripped naked and climbed in there with me."

  "Yep. I is a good Samaritan."

  "You is. Thank you."

  I blushed even harder. "How are you feeling?"

  He smiled. "Completely drained."

  "Oh, my God. Will you stop. You're trying to make me blush to death."

  "Nope. You just…"

  "I just what?"

  He set his mug down on the counter and put his hands on either side of it, looking me in the eyes. "You always seem so cool and collected. You take charge of every situation. You're just one of those people. Like you could run a multi-billion-dollar corporation or have dinner with a king and queen and not bat an eyelash. You're amazing. It's just nice seeing you a little flustered. Makes you seem more…human."

  "Yeah, yeah." I waved my hand dismissively.

  "Well, Dot. I must thank you again for everything. Especially the coffee. I should probably head home."

  "Like hell you are. I'm sure you would still blow a dot-oh-eight. You're not driving."

  "Ha! You just used the words dot and blow in the same sentence. You really can't say stuff like that and not expect me to make a joke."

  I spit coffee.

  I gave him the most horrified expression I could muster. He burst out laughing and nearly fell to the floor. Josie came running out of her room, took one look at the two of us, gave me a thumbs up, and waved goodbye.

  I wanted to die.

  "You can have the couch. I'm going to bed. One more joke and you're sleeping on the porch."

  "Yes, Lady. Your wish is my command…"

  I practically ran into my room and dove under the covers. Only when I had shut the light off and nestled my head in the pillows, did the smile find its way to my face.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The smell of fresh coffee woke me up. Not surprising since Jimmy was holding a steaming mug inches from my face and wafting the steam toward me. I blinked and groaned.

  "What time is it?"

  "After ten. Josie left, said something about hanging out with someone or other. Chief called your phone no less than three times. Oh, and your mother hasn't stopped calling. I didn't answer."

  "I left my phone in the kitchen?"


  "Is that coffee for me?"


  "I'm keeping you."

  "That was my plan."

  I chuckled and sat up, taking the mug from him and tasting it. He made even better coffee than me. I seriously debated chaining him in the basement. I blushed as that thought led to other thoughts. Happy little thoughts.

  "Thanks for the coffee."

  "Thanks for the wonderful morning view."

  I looked down. The comforter had slipped down exposing my bare breasts. "You're welcome."

  With a confidence I didn't feel, I peeled the cover off and strode to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I didn't mind if he saw me naked, but I'd be damned if I peed in front of him.

  I brushed my teeth and by the time I got out of the bathroom, he was sitting patiently in the kitchen. "Morning," I said formally.

  "Morning, Lady."

  "Save it for the Coven."

  "Still not comfortable?"

  "That day may come, but today is not that day."

  "I hear you. Not one for ceremony myself."

  "You're an interesting fella, Jimmy. And why Jimmy instead of James or Jim?"

  "It's what they called me in school, many, many years ago. Dennis read it in my old yearbook and told the guys at the station. It kind of stuck."

  "Ah. Well what do you prefer? I'll call you something else if you want."

  "Nah. Whole town picked up on it. I don't mind it. What about you? Why Dot?"

  "Because Dorothea makes me sound like a pretentious puritanical prick."

  "I can see that. Why not Dorothy?"

  "Seriously? Can you just imagine all the Kansas jokes when technically they should be making jokes about dropping houses on me?"

  "I see your point."

  "Yeah." I looked down at my phone. Twenty-three missed calls and only three from Chief.

  "I guess I should call my mother."

  "Yeah. I need to get home. Thanks for everything."

  I narrowed my eyes and pointed at him.

  "I was referring to the use of your couch and your coffee. Nothing more." He held up his hands defensively.

  "Okay. I'll let you live."

  "Bless you, Lady." He gave me a wink. "So, this is the awkward part. Hug? Kiss? Or should I just run while I'm ahead."

  I tipped my head to the side, thinking for a moment. "Hug definitely. Maybe a quick peck on the lips. No tongue though. Way too early for that."

  He walked around the counter and wrapped me in his arms. I'll admit, it felt good. Especially when he sensuously brushed his lips across mine and then kissed me gently.

  "Bye, Dot. Have a good day."

  "You, too. Stay safe."

  "I will try."

  He left quietly through the front door as I stared at its white paint. Jimmy was defnititely…interesting. I'd fooled around with more than a few guys, but nothing recent. In my entire ninety-nine years of life, I'd had exactly one boyfriend. He'd packed up and moved to Europe with his mother. I'd been devastated. He was the reason for my hiatus from dating. Jimmy, on the other hand, I could see sticking around for quite a while. While I wasn't exactly ready to call him my boyfriend, yet, I didn't find the idea unapp
ealing in any way.

  In fact, judging by the smile on my face, I liked the idea. I thought about him a little more and felt the fluttering in my chest. The more I thought about him, the steadier it became and the happier I felt.

  Oh, shit. I really like him.

  Sighing, I picked up my phone and decided to call Chief first to try and get my mind off Jimmy. He picked up on the third ring.

  "Morning, sunshine."

  "Morning, Chief. Sorry I missed your call. Late night."

  "No worries. I was going to interview some of the Coven this afternoon. Would you mind tagging along?"

  "Not at all. I offered."

  "Wanna have lunch with me first?"

  "Sure. Diner?"

  "Sounds good. See you there, unless you want a ride?"

  "I'll meet you there."

  "Thanks, Dot. I mean that."

  The line clicked dead.

  I could almost hear ominous music playing in the background as I dialed my mother.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Hi, Marge."

  "Hey, sweetie. Grab your table. I'll be right there."

  I sat down in the booth and watched the people passing by the window. Main Street looked a little livelier than it had the past week.

  "What you want to drink?"

  "Coke. What's going on outside?"

  "They're starting to put up the Christmas decorations."

  "And that draws a crowd?"

  "Townful of busybodies. Won't see me out there gawkin'."

  "Seems like they put them up earlier and earlier every year. Back home is the same way. Halloween over, boom let's put up the Christmas shit."

  "Think they do that to get people to spend money, Dot."


  "Know what you want to eat or get your Coke first?"

  "Waiting on Chief, but I'll have the patty melt with fries."

  "I'll start the orders. I know what he wants."

  "He call it in?"

  "No, sweetie. He's been eating the same damn thing for ten years."

  "I can truly picture that."

  "Be right back."

  As soon as she slid behind the counter, Chief walked in. He smiled when he saw me. I melted a little on the inside. A little pang of Jimmy guilt hit me right in the chest. I wasn't expecting that.

  "Hey," he said smoothly and slid into the booth across from me.


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