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Don't Go Away Mad (Burgers and Brew Crüe Book 2)

Page 15

by Lacey Black

  “Right,” I nod, reaching into the fridge. “What’s your pleasure? Wine or beer?”

  Her eyes flare with something that looks a lot like desire at my reference to pleasure. Though, if I have my pick, the pleasure she receives won’t be from alcohol, but from me. My mouth. My tongue. My hands. My cock.

  “Beer, please,” she whispers, swallowing hard and making my cock twitch.


  “Beer is good,” he hollers, barely looking up from the book he’s being shown.

  I grab two bottles of my favorite brew from the refrigerator shelf as Mallory comes up beside me. “Really? You gave her a gift before dinner? You’re just as bad as Walker.”

  I hold up my hands—with a bottle in each one—in surrender. “Hey, it was just one little gift. A book, Mal. I mean, you can never go wrong with books. They’re educational. If anything, it’s not really a gift, but more of a tool to unlock the imagination in her mind.”

  She gives me a look and crosses her arms. “Really?”

  “Really. I was totally thinking about her future,” I reply, somehow keeping myself from smiling.

  She moves her hands to her hips and narrows her eyes. “So that big gift beside the tree isn’t the big kitchen playset you hinted about last week?”

  I feign innocence. “Of course it’s not. You told me not to get it because there are tons of pieces and you’d forever be picking them up.”

  She rolls her eyes so big I can only see white. “You’re such a liar.”

  I bark out a laugh. “You love me.”

  “I don’t know why,” she mutters, reaching into the fridge and grabbing a second bottle of water.

  “You know. Hey, I bought that weird girly beer, just for you,” I inform her, handing Lyndee the two beers. Our fingers touch as she takes them, causing heat to shoot through my veins.

  “Oh, uh, yeah. Thanks. I’m not in the mood for that right now,” she mumbles as she quickly looks away, seeming a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

  “What? I bought that nasty fruit beer just for you,” I tease, pulling the trays of finger foods from my fridge.

  “I’m just not drinking,” she whispers, taking a quick sip of her water and stepping away.

  “Why, are you pregnant?” I ask with a snicker, a little too loudly.

  Suddenly, the entire room goes silent, and Mallory looks like she touched a spider. The color drains from her face, her wild eyes landing on Walker. You could hear a pin drop as everyone looks around, no one really knowing what to say.

  Walker doesn’t look nearly as freaked out as Mallory does. In fact, he seems downright happy. Even though our friend is smugly grinning, his next words still shock me and everyone in the room. “Surprise! We’re having a baby.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  My eyes are wide as I glance around the room. Something major is happening, and I have no clue what I should do or say. I mean, I barely know these people, and a pregnancy announcement seems like a pretty big deal.

  “Are you shittin’ me?” Jameson breaks the silence, a big grin spreading across his scruffy face.

  Mallory groans. “Let’s not make a big deal about this,” she argues, chugging her water.

  “Not a big deal? This is huge,” Jasper declares, pulling her into a hug. “Congratulations.”

  Walker grumbles as Isaac moves her way and hugs her too. “Keep those hands at a respectable ten and two position.”

  I arch my eyebrows in question, glancing at Jasper. He seems just as curious about his statement. “Ten and two? She’s not a car.”

  Jameson stands up from the table, Lizzie in his arms, as he approaches Mallory and gives her a hug too.

  I can’t help glancing at Walker, looking for an explanation. “No, but ten and two are the perfect positions on her back so you don’t get your ass beat,” Walker states his eyes focused only on Mallory.

  Feeling like I’m an outsider in a very private, family moment, I move around Jasper and start taking care of the appetizers. Most are already prepared, and all I have to do is take them from the oven warmer or the refrigerator. Platters of smoked salmon and cheese, mini beef tourtières, shrimp bruschetta, and veggie tartlets with what looks like a Greek cheese on top. Plus, fruit skewers, perfect for little hands. I smile as I help arrange the food on the counter.

  “I can do that,” Jasper says as he approaches.

  “You were busy, and I wanted to help. That’s some news, huh?” I ask, changing the layout of the food twice before I settle on the way I like. When he doesn’t reply to my question, I finally glance his way, only to find him smiling.

  “Yes, it’s huge news, I’m happy for them,” he whispers so only I can hear. “He’s going to make an amazing dad. He’s already one to Lizard.”

  I watch as his gaze moves to his friend, who’s holding Mallory closely, his eyes on the little girl sitting at the table. “They’re not married though, right?”

  “No,” Jasper replies, glancing to the little girl at the table. “They’ve only been together a handful of months, but that doesn’t matter. They’re perfect for each other.”

  “Is Jasper Kohlmann a closet romantic?” I tease, picking up a tartlet and taking a bite. The flavor exploding on my tongue.

  Jasper snorts. “Uhh, no. You don’t get romance with me, sweets.”

  “No?” I ask, slowly chewing the delicious food.

  “Nope. No wine or roses here. But if you want mind-blowing orgasms, and lots of them, I’m your man.” He throws me a wolfish grin just to punctuate his statement, causing my core to clench with need. I remember his lips and the wicked kiss we shared Friday night. The man was born to kiss, and I can only imagine what he can do with that mouth on other parts of my body.

  I almost throw my hand in the air and ask where I sign up for the orgasms.


  “What do we have here?” Mallory asks, approaching the counter and diving into the platters. “Ohhh, is this beef in these little flower petal things?”

  “It is,” he answers, pointing to each dish and giving a list of ingredients. My brother comes over and takes a few appetizers, quickly followed by Jameson and Lizzie. Jasper moves to the oven, leaving Mallory and me alone by the refrigerator.

  “I’m not sure I like her much,” she mumbles, nodding to where Savannah stands off to the side, typing away on her phone.

  Come to think of it, she’s been off to the side on her phone since I got here. She’s barely given Isaac, let alone anyone else in the room, a second glance. But I don’t know her. Maybe she’s a workaholic and in contact with her job or a client. Or maybe she has a sick family member needing her attention. Either way, I don’t feel I can judge her completely, even if my gut tells me she’s not someone I’d consider a friend.

  “Oh, well, I don’t really know her,” I reply diplomatically.

  She chuckles. “Me either, but I can tell she’s no good for Numbers. Walker says he’s completely hung up on her too, but she keeps jerking him around. For that, I hate her. He’s my friend, the first person to help me when I moved to town, and I don’t like her screwing with his head.”

  What do I say to that?

  “How are you feeling?” I ask, trying to change the subject to a more manageable topic.

  She sighs and pops a hip against the counter. “Okay, I guess. I mean, I’m not sick yet, even though I’ve been nauseous the last few days. It’s still early though,” she says with a shrug as her eyes move to her daughter.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, noticing a slight melancholy in her gaze.

  She looks back and smiles. “Yeah, I am. I guess this just hasn’t sunk in yet. Yesterday I was shopping with Walker, picking out Christmas gifts for Lizzie, and today I’m pregnant with another child.” She gives me a sad look. “It’s been a wild twenty-four hours.”

  I bark out a laugh. “I bet.”

  She glances to Walker, the softest smile playing on her lips. “I always wanted
another baby, maybe even two more. I guess I just thought I’d be married this time around when it happened, you know?”

  It’s as if Walker has supersonic hearing, and suddenly he’s moving our way. He stops and grabs Lizzie off Jameson’s lap before he approaches where we stand. There’s something in his eyes, so assuring and resolute. “Lou, it’s showtime.”

  The little girl beams with excitement as she’s placed on her feet in front of her mom, smiling like the cat that ate the canary. “We dot a prize for you, Mommy!” she exclaims, her blonde curls pulled into pigtails.

  “A prize?” she replies, grinning at her daughter.

  “Surprise,” Walker states, handing something to Lizzie.

  I take a step back, so I’m not in the middle of whatever moment is happening, only to run directly into Jasper’s hard body. He places his hands on my upper arms to keep me from stumbling and pulls me back against his chest. I don’t complain. How can I? It’s a really nice, muscular chest.

  “Mommy, Daddy Walk has a kestion for you. I already tolded him yes. I wanted him to be my daddy forever,” she announces, handing her mom a folded piece of paper.

  With shaking hands, Mallory opens the note and bursts into tears. She drops to her knees and throws her arms around Lizzie and Walker, who has remained on his knees. One knee, in particular.

  “What’s on the paper?” I whisper, my eyes glued to the scene playing out before us.

  “I don’t know, but I have a pretty good idea,” Jasper murmurs, his warm breath tickling my ear. We’re so close.

  I glance around and find everyone watching, waiting, and smiling. Even Savannah seems to have pulled her attention away from the phone in her hand to witness this beautiful moment.

  “Mallory Sargant, you are the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever known. You are kind and loyal and have the biggest heart.” He glances at Lizzie, who’s still standing at his side, smiling. “The day you and Lou came into my life was the day I finally found my happiness.”

  He takes a deep breath and pulls a ring from his pocket. “This morning, we found out a pretty shocking surprise, but it doesn’t scare me. How can it when I’ve seen how amazing your daughter is? Our son or daughter will be just as blessed to call you Mom. I’m not scared. There’s no doubt in my mind that you were put on this earth for me. You and Lou,” he adds, smiling down at the little blonde.

  “So, Lizzie and I have a question for you. Lou?”

  “Mommy, will you marwe Daddy Walk? Pwease say yes!” the child proclaims, bouncing up and down with excitement.

  “Yes,” she whispers, swiping at the tears streaming down her face. “Let’s become an official family.”

  I sniffle as I watch Walker slip the ring onto her finger and pull her in for a long kiss. The room erupts in cheers once more. I glance up at the same time Jasper looks down, and I can’t help but smile at the wetness I see gathered in the corner of his eye. “That was amazing,” I mutter as he pulls me closer and hugs me tightly.

  “It was. No one deserves a happy ending more than him. He’s long overdue,” he replies, smiling as one of his best friends receives another round of congratulatory hugs.

  I step up to congratulate my new friend. Mallory quickly pulls me into a hug. “We’re friends now,” she states with a sniffle. “That means we hug.”

  It takes a second, but I return the gesture right away. How long has it been since I’ve truly had friends? A long time. So to be on the receiving end of one of her hugs and a declaration of friendship, I can’t help but smile happily. “Congratulations,” I tell her, dabbing at my eyes once more.

  “Thank you. I can’t believe he just did that. We practically stole your and Jasper’s thunder.”

  “Our what?” I ask, laughing.

  “Your thunder. You know, like in Friends? We didn’t even get to discuss the fact you’re here, as his date.”

  I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Finally, I stutter, “This isn’t…it’s not…like that.”

  Mallory rolls her eyes. “Whatever. In the months I’ve known Jasper, he’s never once brought a woman to a gathering. That means you’re special.”

  Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes. “We’re just old friends who went to school together a long time ago.”

  She laughs in my face. “Sure. Keep telling yourself that,” she says, nodding to my left.

  I glance over, only to find Jasper’s gaze locked on me as he chats with Isaac. There’s something raw, something primal in his eyes that makes me squirm a little in anticipation. I don’t know what it is about him, but I find myself completely under his spell whenever he’s near.

  Like now.

  I’m drawn to him, this pull is too much to fight.

  So I don’t.

  I won’t.

  I can’t.

  He smiles, as if he knows I’ve conceded. As if he knows I’m his. At least for now. I’m too weak to fight it.

  “Dinner’s ready. Let’s eat.”


  “She’s out,” Walker whispers, rocking a sleeping Lizzie in the recliner.

  “You ready to head home?” Mallory asks, glancing outside. “It’s starting to really come down out there again.”

  “Sure,” he replies, kissing the crown on the little girl’s head before slowly and carefully standing up. Lizzie squirms, but gets comfortable on his shoulder, the new doll Jameson got her tucked under her arm.

  “How are we going to get all of that home?” Mallory asks, pointing to the mountain of opened gifts scattered around the living room.

  “We can get them tomorrow,” Walker replies, glancing to Jasper for confirmation.

  “They’re fine here until you’re ready,” he states, running his finger along the back of my neck. We’re seated on the couch with my brother, Isaac and Savannah are on the loveseat, and Jameson on the floor. “Though I can’t guarantee I’m not putting that kitchen set together and whipping up some plastic meat and carrots in the microwave.”

  I smile. I’m not sure who was more excited when Lizzie opened that massive gift. The little girl or the man who gave it to her.

  “Lou’s going to be pissed when she wakes up in the morning and all this stuff isn’t there,” Walker adds as Mallory retrieves their coats from the closet.

  “Here, I’ll put together a bag so she has some of her new toys when she wakes up,” Jameson says, reaching for one of the large gift bags and filling it with some of the smaller gifts. Even then, it barely makes a dent in the number of gifts the three guys gave her.

  I glance over as Savannah pats Isaac on the leg and taps at her watch. She’s been fairly quiet all evening, spending a big part of her time on the phone. It also seems like Jameson has been avoiding her. He’s been cordial, but I can practically feel the animosity rolling off him in waves.

  “Yeah, we’re gonna head out too,” Isaac announces as he stands up and offers Savannah his hand.

  Each friend retrieves their coats and offers their appreciation to Jasper. The meal he prepared was downright amazing. I forgot how great of a chef he was. The man is a magician in the kitchen.

  Jameson’s the first one to pull me into a hug. “Those mini cherry cheesecake pies were to die for,” he whispers, kissing my forehead.

  I snicker. “There’s a baggie of leftovers on the counter. If you hurry you can get them before Walker finds them.”

  Jameson lets go and practically sprints to the kitchen. “Where’s he going? Jasper asks.

  “To get the pies.”

  His grin is mischievous. “Good luck finding them,” he mumbles, looking awfully proud of himself.

  I gape at the handsome man before me. “You hid them? That’s mean,” I state with a giggle.

  “Where’d you put them, Kohlmann?” Jameson demands as he reenters the room.

  Jasper just shrugs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Fine,” he argues, holding up a Tupperware container. “I’ll just take all of these,” he adds, refer
ring to the leftover appetizers, as he walks past us and heads straight out the door.

  Isaac is next, pulling me into a hug. “I’ll see you in the morning. I can’t wait to try one of those new scones you were talking about earlier.”

  “I’ll save one just for you,” I tell him with a wink.

  He takes Savannah’s hand as they head for the exit. I can tell how much he really cares for her. As everyone steps out the front door, I feel my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. Usually, I’d ignore it while with friends, but I can’t imagine who would be calling me at ten at night. I’m concerned the moment I see Mr. James, my landlord’s name, on the screen.


  “Good evening, Lyndee. I’m so sorry for calling you this late. I just knocked on your door, but it doesn’t appear you’re home.”

  “No, Dustin and I are visiting friends but will be heading that way shortly. What’s up?”

  “There’s a slight problem with the condo next door.”

  “What kind of problem?”

  “A pipe burst in her bathroom. We’re praying for minimal damage, but some of the water did seep through the wall into your bathroom. We’re going to need a few days to get it all fixed.”

  “Oh no,” I whisper, closing my eyes and placing my forehead against my palm. “So we need to stay somewhere else?”

  “Yes, unfortunately. We can help cover the cost of a hotel room, but I have to be honest, Lyndee, with only a couple of days until Christmas, I’m not sure we’ll get the job complete before the holiday.”

  I sigh, hating the thought of living in a hotel, especially over Christmas, but what choice do I have? “Okay, thank you for letting us know. Can we get in there and grab some of our personal items?”

  “Yes, of course. I’m here now getting things sopped up.”

  “Okay, we’ll be there in a few minutes. Thank you.” I sign off, trying to wrap my head around what Mr. James just said.

  “Everything all right?” Jasper asks, drawing my attention to where he stands with my brother. Everyone else is gone.

  “Oh, uh, no, not really. A pipe burst in the condo beside ours, and we have water. Dustin and I have to head to a hotel for a few days.”


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