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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

Page 7

by R. E. Bond

  “Okay. Mom was asking about you.”

  Ah, fuck.

  I cringed. “Like, asking where my hoe ass is, or what?”

  He rolled his eyes as we all sat around the table to eat.

  “No, she wanted to know how it all works between us. Turns out, she’s a homophobe too, so that’s just great,” he said with frustration.

  Jensen’s eyes flickered to him, but I gave Lukas an encouraging smile, wanting to soothe his pain.

  “Give her time, remember? Besides, you and Jense have to figure shit out anyways. No point starting an argument with her until you know what’s going on.”

  “I know,” he mumbled, stabbing a forkful of pasta and shoving it into his mouth to avoid talking any more.

  We ate in silence until he spoke again after a while.

  “If I asked you nicely to stay away from the shed and crew shit, would you listen to me?”

  I’d been wondering when one of them would ask that.

  I snorted. “No.”

  He should know better.

  “Yeah, didn’t think so,” he scoffed, accepting my hand as I reached for his, giving it a small squeeze.

  “I’m okay. Seriously, Luke.”

  His eyes met mine, a frown firmly in place.

  “For now. Your luck will run out eventually, and nothing Skeet does will save you. You’re staying here tonight, yeah? You won’t sneak off or anything?”

  “I’m staying, why?” I frowned back, not understanding why he was so serious.

  “I just like to know when I’m asleep, that you’re safe,” he replied, finishing his food and pushing the empty plate back.

  He left the room without another word, a soft sigh leaving me.

  “Maybe you should go and talk to him this time. I’ll clean up.”

  Jensen stood quickly, appearing desperate to check on him.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. He needs you to anchor him again.”

  He gave me a kiss before disappearing down the hallway, leaving me to clean up from dinner in peace.

  Once I was done, I peeked around the corner to find them curled up on the couch together, Jensen holding Lukas against his chest and rubbing his back while whispering to him.

  I smiled as Lukas buried his face in Jensen’s neck, holding him tighter as Jensen placed a kiss on the side of his head.

  They were really sweet together when left alone.

  I left them in private, leaving a note on the bench to let them know I was only outside, before walking out into the warm night.

  I plonked down in a chair around the side of the house, lighting a cigarette and leaning back to relax.

  Peace and quiet.


  Well, that fucking lasted.

  I glanced over at the side gate to see Slash slipping through quietly, his face shadowed in the darkness.

  I gave him a nod in greeting, having a long drag before speaking.

  “Evening Slash.”

  He walked over and sat in the chair opposite me, his eyes searching my face with concern.

  It was a rare sight to see him worried.

  “How’s your face?”

  “Why are you here? It’s fight night,” I asked bluntly, ignoring his question entirely.

  If he was worried, then it served him right.

  He could worry all he fucking liked.

  He frowned, cocking his head slightly as he watched me.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay. We’re friends, yeah? I’m sorry about today, but…”

  “I know, the crew comes first. Thanks for not raping me or putting me in a fucking hole,” I snorted, watching him close his eyes for a moment with a sigh.

  “I don’t want that for you, babe. I don’t want Skeet to have to hurt you, or for my guys to touch you. Believe it or not, but I hated having to hurt you today. I get why you were pissy at Skeet, but you can’t just take someone’s gun and take shots at people.”

  “Why not? You guys do,” I threw back, making him groan as if I was irritating his peaceful evening.

  “Yeah, but if we go and take shots at people in another crews territory, we expect to not always get out in one piece. It’s dangerous shit, Donovan. I don’t want you getting hurt like I know you will. You know what Skeet’s doing right now?”

  I glanced away from him as I continued smoking, pretending I didn’t give a shit.

  “Running fight night?”

  “No, he passed it off to someone else tonight. He’s been sitting in the office, sulking like a bitch. Listen to him when he says things are dangerous, okay? He’s scared of what else you’ll do to get hurt.”

  “So, I should listen to him about you touching me?” I asked without hesitation, watching as he ran a frustrated hand over his face.

  I hoped I was annoying him, then maybe he’d just leave me be.

  “You know I’d fuck you, but unless you climbed on me willingly, I’d never touch you like that. He has a right to be concerned though, because I’m not the nice guy you seem to think I am.”

  “You honestly think I believe you’re a nice guy? You’re a dick, and that’s why I’ve put up with your shit. I always know to expect bullshit with you, because you’ve never led me to believe you’re a good guy,” I scoffed with amusement, earning an unnamed expression from him in return.

  “Do us a favour and keep your head down for a while, yeah? The crew’s getting antsy about you not staying in line, and some of them are pissed off that you’re waltzing around with a crown on your head.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I was becoming annoyed with the conversation pretty quickly.

  I butted my cigarette out on the grass and crossed my arms, giving him a dirty look.

  He seemed frustrated for a moment before answering me.

  “Some of them have lost their partners for less at the shed, and I let you walk out with only a few hits. Some of the older members are pissed at me because Skeet should’ve beat the shit out of you, or I should’ve raped you. I never want to fucking do that.”

  “Lost their partners how?” I frowned, an irritated scowl crossing his face.

  “Use your imagination, Rory. You shouldn’t have been able to walk out by yourself tonight, and I’m not kidding when I say if you cause a scene again, I won’t be able to hold anything back. You’ve had so many fucking warnings, and I don’t want to see Skeeter destroy himself for beating you bloody. I don’t want to beat you bloody either, but it’s a better option than the other two. I don’t want you raped or killed. I really fucking don’t.”

  I sat still as he leaned forwards, taking one of my hands to uncross my arms.

  His eyes softened, his voice cracking so gently that I thought I might have imagined it.

  “Please, don’t make us have to do that.”

  “I won’t stand back and be pushed around, Slash. You’d know that by now,” I whispered, flinching a little when he tucked my loose hair behind my ear, running his thumb over the tender cut on my eyebrow.

  “I can’t keep making up excuses for you, and neither can Skeet.”

  His gentle touch softened me slightly, and for a second I leaned into it as my voice came out at a whisper.

  “Then stop making excuses.”

  He looked conflicted, his fingertips running across my face as if to feel for more damage as he started to speak, a whole new gentle tone in his voice than I’d heard before.

  “Babe, I…”

  “The fuck’s going on out here?” Jensen growled, making me jump at the sudden loud noise, but Slash moved his hand back and met his gaze without hesitation.

  “Just trying to convince her to stop doing stupid shit at the shed. The guys are a little bothered that we’ve been so light on her.”

  “You couldn’t have just chucked her a fucking text?” He glared as Slash rolled his eyes.

  “Look man, I wanted to make sure she was alright. They were solid hits, so I figured I’d check up on her.” />
  I hesitated before patting his knee, knowing for once he didn’t mean to cause trouble.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I should be thanking you. I know you mean well.”

  Jensen’s eyes followed my hand, a scowl taking over his face as he spoke curtly to me.

  “We’re going to put a movie on. You coming?”

  I nodded, saying goodbye to Slash before watching him slip out the side gate, then I followed Jensen inside.

  I tensed up as he spoke, the irritation strong in his voice.

  “You sure there’s nothing going on between you and Slash? From where I just stood, it was a little too friendly.”

  “He’s just a friend. If I can even call him that, I’m not sure yet,” I muttered, his eyebrow raising in question.

  “And he knows that?”

  I stopped walking, crossing my arms defensively.

  “He knows I don’t see him as anything more, yes.”

  “So why is he looking out for you so much like…”

  “I said he knows we’re just friends. I didn’t say he doesn’t see me as more,” I cut him off, intending on walking away, but his arm snaked around my waist and yanked me firmly against his chest.

  “Make sure you keep reminding him then, because it sure as shit didn’t look like you were just buddies a minute ago when you were relieved by his touch. Don’t fall for his shit, because if you do, you know Skeet will walk away, and I have no idea how the others would react about it. We don’t mind Slash, but he’s also fucking dangerous and a bit of a dick. I don’t like you even being buddies with him, in all honesty.”

  “It’s just nice to have someone on my side who isn’t fucking me, you know? I know you guys love me and aren’t playing a game anymore, but Slash has always been up front with me about shit. He’s never lied to me or pretended to be sweet. I trust you guys, I really do, but it took a little while for me to come around again. I don’t trust Slash, but at the same time I know he’s upfront when he wants something. We’re not even really buddies, just trying to get along,” I replied, relaxing as Jensen kissed my forehead and gave me a concerned look.

  “I know, baby. Just be careful around him. Did he mention how Skeet is?”

  I nodded, moving back so we could keep walking through the house.

  “He’s out back in the office at the shed sulking, apparently.”

  “You going to give him another chance?” He asked curiously, my lip lifting in a small smirk, making him laugh as I answered.

  “Yeah, I just wanted him to sweat a little as punishment.”


  I couldn’t fucking help it.

  Once Rory and Jensen had seen me leave through the side gate, I walked around to the other side of the house and peeked in the window where the curtain had parted slightly.

  I watched them talking, hearing little bits of their conversation and biting back a grin when she told him we weren’t really buddies.

  I mean, I wanted to fuck the shit out of her, but I’d been enjoying having her around to stir up.

  I watched them walk up the stairs before I decided to climb the tree beside the house and sit on a higher branch so I could see them still.

  I was thankful that the window was cracked slightly so I could hear them talking, and I was surprised when Jensen slid into bed and kissed Lukas softly, his voice gentle.

  “She’s alright. Slash was just pestering her.”

  Lukas growled.

  He actually fucking growled at the mention of my name.

  His annoyance made me smile a little.

  “He needs to fuck off and leave her alone. Hey, babe. Come snuggle?”

  I shouldn’t have watched, but who could honestly say they would take their eyes off her in that situation?

  Rory stripped down to her panties before climbing into bed, instantly straddling Lukas and giving him a kiss as the blankets pooled around her bare waist.

  “How about we skip the movie? Get naked for me, Mr James.”

  Lukas groaned but Jensen chuckled, his shirt already off.

  I totally didn’t fucking blame him.

  “Demanding little thing, aren’t you? How about we fuck you till your legs won’t work, then I’ll carry you into the bathroom for a hot bath? We should have plenty of time for a soak before going to bed for school tomorrow.”

  The cheeky smile that hit her face nearly made me fall out of the fucking tree, and the moment she slipped her panties off, I somehow mustered up all my will power and pulled my eyes away to climb down from the tree before I could change my mind.

  I might be a piece of shit, but I’d never watch her like that without her knowledge.

  She intrigued me, and no one fucking intrigued me.

  Shit, was she my friend now?

  I didn’t make a habit of giving a shit about anyone other than my crew, but Aurora fucking Donovan was working her way under my skin, and I’d be damned if I didn’t like it.



  I glanced up from my lunch at school to find Claire in front of me, an uncomfortable vibe rolling off her.

  Tyler went to speak, but I cut him off, my voice unsure.

  “Uh, hey?”

  “I wasn’t allowed to go to your birthday party, or I would have,” she mumbled, glancing around nervously as she tucked her blonde hair behind her ear with a manicured hand.

  I took pity on her.

  She was trying to be nice, so I tried to be nice back.

  Half-sister and all.

  “Do you have classes after lunch?”

  “Not today. Why?”

  “Meet me at my car at the end of lunch. We’ll go somewhere and talk without the audience,” I replied, a small smile pulling at her glossy lips.

  It was fucking weird.

  “Sure. I’ll be there.”

  Once she’d wandered off to her little group of stuck up friends, Tyler scowled at me.

  “Are you seriously going to hang out with her? After everything she did to you?”

  My eyes flashed to his, my voice low with warning as I spoke.

  “I fucking forgave you, didn’t I? She’s my sister, Ty. If she’s going to make an effort, so will I.”

  His mouth slammed shut instantly, but Jensen smiled at me, all proud and shit.

  I could always trust him to back me up with support.

  “I think it’s good for you to try and have a relationship with her.”

  “Thanks, Jense,” I smiled sweetly, Caden lifting his gaze to mine as he put his soda on the table to join the conversation.

  “We’ll hang out at Ty’s so you girls can hang at home if you want? Claire likes to swim like you do.”

  I frowned, jealousy surging through me before I could mask it, my voice petty.

  “Why do you know that?”

  “C’mon, baby. We grew up with her,” he sighed dramatically, making me scoff.

  “That’s a funny way to say you fucked her.”

  He rolled his eyes, but a nasty smirk teased his lips.

  “No offense to your newfound sister, but everyone’s fucked her. Mom’s not back from her trip yet either, so you’ll have plenty of time to catch up. Join us when you’re done?”

  “I’ve got to see Skeet at some point,” I stated, his shoulders shrugging lightly in understanding.

  “All good, see him first. You home tonight?”

  I nodded, giving him a small smile as he leaned over and kissed me tenderly.

  “Good. I’ve missed curling up with you.”


  “I’ve missed it too.”

  I watched Lukas eat his lunch silently, deciding to leave him alone.

  He and Jensen had been fighting when they thought I’d gone to sleep, so I knew they had some shit going on.

  I glanced at Jensen to find his eyes already watching me cautiously, knowing that I was thinking about Lukas’s mood.

  The moment Tyler and Caden headed off to fit in a gym session, I switched seats s
o that I was beside Lukas, his body tensing up instantly.

  I wasn’t going to talk about his private shit in front of Jensen, and he quickly relaxed as I kissed his shoulder and went back to eating my lunch silently.

  Jensen cleared his throat and stood.

  “Well I’d better get going. I’ll see you later, baby.”

  I frowned as he kissed me, watching him pat Lukas on the back before leaving without another word.

  I glanced at Lukas, speaking quietly so no one else could hear us.

  “What’s up with you two? I know you guys had a fight last night.”

  He shrugged, not bothering to look at me.

  “Nothing that I know of.”

  I rolled my eyes and stood up, kissing the top of his head and running my fingers through the black strands with affection.

  I’d have to wait for him to come to me and talk, I guessed.

  “Whatever. You’re acting just as weird as he is. I’ll see you later.”

  His arm suddenly shot out and wrapped around my waist, stopping me from leaving.

  “Hang on, let me walk you to your car.”

  “So, you’re going to talk about it?” I asked sweetly, a grunt of annoyance coming from him in response.

  I smiled as he shoved the rest of his lunch into his mouth before following me, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze as we walked through the school.

  Once away from people, he let out a sigh.

  “Jense wants to take it further already.”

  “Take what further?” I asked, a snort leaving him as he kept his eyes ahead.

  “You know what I’m talking about, Aurora.”

  I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.

  “Like, he wants to go on a date and get serious, or he wants to fuck?”

  “He wants to mess around more,” he bit out, a frown of confusion crossing my face.

  “So, you’re mad at him?”

  He shook his head as we walked up the steps, his tone dropping slightly.

  “I’m not mad, I just… I don’t know if I want that.”

  “Are you nervous, or is it just too gay for you?” I asked curiously, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

  “A bit of both.”

  “Want me to play around with you differently for a night to get you used to it?” I offered casually, a sudden nervous laugh taking over his voice.


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