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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

Page 23

by R. E. Bond

  “Your boys are moody little fuckers.”

  Tell me about it.

  “Fuck off,” I muttered, walking to the office to sign him in, before going to my locker to grab my books.

  I bit back a growl as I got there to find Caden leaning against it, his gaze skimming over Hunter before giving me a tight smile.

  He needed a better poker face.

  “Hey, baby. How are you today?”

  Had Tyler already spoken to him?

  “Peachy,” I said curtly, his lips tugging down in a frown.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I just heard the latest from Ty,” I replied, but he shrugged like he wasn’t bothered.

  “Lukas just needs some time.”

  I scowled, grabbing my books and slamming the locker door.

  It didn’t make me feel any better.

  “I’m shitty that Jensen turned his back on him. He knows he needs to stay away from me for a while, so fighting about me is pointless. Lukas is obviously dealing with some shit, and since I’m officially the fucking devil, he needs Jensen around to help him deal with it.”

  “C’mon, he loves you. What do you expect?” He replied in a bored tone.

  I took a moment to calm down before meeting his gaze.

  “Is this what it’s like when you guys tell me to do shit and I ignore it?”

  He finally smirked, amusement dancing in his deep green eyes.

  “Basically. Look, they’ll sort it out between them, so don’t worry about it. Sit with us at lunch, yeah? It’s just me and Ty.”

  “Is Hunter welcome?” I asked with fake sweetness.

  Caden sighed dramatically as if I’d asked him to cut his own leg off.

  “Does he have to?”


  “Fine. You’re flipping the way we run this school, and you fucking know it,” he muttered with annoyance.

  I grinned, patting his shoulder firmly.

  “Good, because it was fucking shit when I got here. Besides, things change, Caden. Hunter’s keeping me safe, so get used to it.”

  He glared at Hunter but spoke to me.

  “You know we’d keep you safe.”

  “Like the Soldiers would give a shit about shooting at you guys? No offense, but at least with the Devils involved, they aren’t as likely to start a war without a little warning.”

  His expression became soft as he reached out to touch my arm.

  “Stay at home soon, okay? I miss you in my bed.”

  Hunter raised an eyebrow, bluntness in his voice that wasn’t necessary.

  “She won’t take trouble to your place and you know it, Holloway.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t mean I don’t fucking miss her,” he bit out as he turned and stormed off just like Tyler had.

  I couldn’t risk them getting hurt, but I was starting to feel horrible for not making time for them.

  Especially since they were practically begging me to.

  No wonder they’d been so moody with me.

  I was neglecting the fuck out of them.

  I headed to class with Hunter in tow, surprised to find Claire waiting for me.

  Was she fucking stupid?

  “Rory, hey. I…”

  I slammed her back against the wall and got in her face before she could finish her sentence.

  “Whatever peace you wanted to make, is fucking gone. You know not to fuck with me Claire, so why would you go out of your way to risk me putting a fucking bullet in you?”

  She stared at me with wide confused eyes.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, you fucking bitch. You know exactly what you did to cross me,” I spat, but she kept stumbling over her words like the pathetic bitch that she was.

  She was lucky I didn’t gut her.

  “I swear, I don’t know!”

  I scowled, moving back but keeping my gaze on her terrified blue eyes.

  “I know Skeet’s a fucking wet dream, but how dare you try to pretend you didn’t fuck him. I don’t give a shit if he was the one to suggest it, you’re meant to say no. It’s a chapter in the how not to be a little tramp guide I told you about when we met. Watch yourself, because I’m just dying to make someone bleed.”

  She visibly paled and ran from the room the moment I sat down, and Hunter chuckled with amusement as he sat beside me.

  “See? Leader material. Wasn’t that your sister?”

  I glared at him, hating that stupid word.

  She officially wasn’t my anything.

  “Apparently. I’ll kill her if she fucks any of them, you and Diesel included.”

  “You cock blocking me?” He grinned wide, my fists clenching on the table.

  “If you know what’s good for you…”

  “Hey, I’m joking. The only person I want to shove my dick in is you, Donovan. I promise,” he winked and bit his lower lip.

  I cracked a smile and gave him a small shove.

  “I’m honoured. Thanks, pretty boy.”

  Chapter twelve


  “Whore,” someone scoffed as I walked into the cafeteria with Hunter at lunchtime, my eyes narrowing as I kept walking and ignored them.

  Once at the elite table, people became quiet as they watched Hunter sit beside me.

  Caden and Tyler joined us not long after, causing the whispers to start again.

  I rolled my eyes at their predictable behaviour.

  Fucking sheep, the lot of them.

  Both guys seemed to have calmed down from their morning issues as they chatted to both Hunter and I, but Claire’s friend, Mandy, made her way over to us with a glare.

  She obviously had nothing better to do.

  “You don’t belong at this table, trash whore. You and your friend should move.”

  Caden flipped her off with ease, his voice bored.

  “Say’s fucking who, Mandy? Just because Ty let you choke on his dick once, doesn’t mean you’re some elite bitch. I told them to join us.”

  “Why the fuck would you bother? She’s obviously stringing you guys along, while fucking her latest. Are you blind or stupid, Holloway?”

  I glanced at her lazily, raising an eyebrow.

  “Are you fucking done? I’m trying to enjoy my lunch hour.”

  She seethed, her fists clenching by her side.

  I wished she’d just swing at me so I could throttle her.

  “You threatened Claire this morning. She’s my best friend, so…”

  I was suddenly on my feet, slamming her down onto the table and holding her there angrily.

  “Listen real good, alright? Claire’s my sister. I don’t give a fuck about any of you, so when I tell you all to fuck off or I’ll gut you, I mean it. Want me to slit your face a few times for me to get my point across?”

  “Aurora, let me go!” She wailed like the drama queen that she was, and I shook her slightly to snap her out of it.

  “Did my words fucking sink in?”

  “You’re crazy, don’t touch me!” She screamed, my eyebrow quirking with sick amusement at her fear.

  “Don’t forget it either. Now, fuck. Off.”

  I shoved her back and watched her scurry away towards one of the other girls, who I think was named Danika.

  I’d lost count of all the fake bitches there, seriously.

  Hunter groaned, adjusting his dick with no shame whatsoever.

  “Now I have to walk around with a boner all day again. Want to fix it for me, hot shot?”

  “I hear a punch in the junk usually sorts it out?” I offered sweetly, a cringe setting firmly on his face.

  “You’re a real mean bitch when you want to be, you know that?”

  “I’ve been told I’m a bit of a hard-ass,” I chuckled, making Caden smirk.

  “You can be a little unapproachable at times, sure. What are you guys up to tonight? Ty and I are heading to his house for a party, if you want to come along?”

perked up at that.


  “I heard you guys throw some wicked rich boy parties.”

  “We think they’re pretty good,” Caden grinned cockily, keeping his gaze on me. “So, how about it, Rory? You want to come along?”

  “I might stop in for a bit. Will there be a bottle of whisky waiting for me?” I asked slyly.

  He rolled his eyes but smiled.

  “You know I’ve got you. There’s always a bottle waiting for you, no matter where the party’s at.”

  “Then I’ll be there,” I promised, just as something suddenly soft hit me from behind.

  Before I could react, Skeeter’s voice cut through the air behind me like a knife.

  The fuck was he doing at school?

  “Who the fuck threw that? Speak up, you pieces of shit!”

  My fucking hero.

  I turned to see him with Diesel and a few other Psychos close behind, and I gave them a warm smile.

  “Hey guys, what’s going on?”

  Skeeter kept glaring at everyone around the room before finally looking at me, a smirk hitting his face.

  “Nothing, babe. Just figured we’d stop in to have lunch with you.”

  “Did you sign in like a good boy?” I asked with an amused snort, making Diesel grin as Skeeter replied, his face the picture of innocence.

  “C’mon, you know I’m a good boy,” he joked as they all moved towards the tables close by to sit down.

  Once comfortable, Skeeter glanced at Hunter, speaking quietly.

  “Can you run her around to Slash’s place after classes? I sorted out all the shit with the will, but I need her to know what’s going on with it, okay?”

  Hunter leaned back with a shit-eating grin, patting my thigh to taunt him.

  “You know I’ve got her, man. We were just going to hang out before heading to Ty’s party anyway.”

  Skeeter raised an eyebrow, not seeming amused in the slightest.

  “You’re going to Ty’s party?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  Skeeter’s face darkened and his voice went flat.

  “Because you fucking hate high school parties, maybe?”

  “Like fuck. I love a good beer and some barely legal titties,” he joked, giving me a wink before running his gaze across my chest. “Right babe?”

  I swatted him for being a prick, but a giggle slipped out.

  This was going to be a pissing contest forever, wasn’t it?

  “Starting to think you’re more of a dick in the ass kind of guy, but whatever you say, pretty boy. I’ll take your word for it.”

  Skeeter laughed, seeming to be enjoying the conversation all of a sudden, but Diesel moved closer to me, his voice laced with concern.

  “How are you today? Been having problems here I see?”

  I shrugged, not at all fazed by the hate people threw at me.

  I wasn’t put on the planet to be fucking liked.

  “Seems I’m outcast again, but I’ve got it under control. I don’t give a fuck if they like me or not.”

  An empty water bottle whacked me in the back of the head, and Skeeter growled as he nearly snapped his neck to glare at Mandy from across the room.

  “Back off, you dirty slut.”

  She smirked, her voice filled with sarcasm and torment.

  She was harmless, but she had a mouth on her and never knew when to shut up.

  “What’s wrong, Skeeter? Can’t handle anyone other than you roughing up your girl?”

  He went to argue, but Caden stood angrily, slamming his hands down on the table.


  It had been a while since the king of the rich boys had demanded attention, and the surprise was obvious on everyone’s faces.

  He’d been lenient on people, but he needed to put them back in their place.

  I loved every second of it.

  Everyone went silent as he aimed his glare around the entire room before continuing.

  “No one has the right to even speak to Rory like that, you got it? I don’t give a fuck who you are, so back off!”

  “Caden, she’s trash and you know it. Look at her, for fuck’s sake. She’s still the same trailer trash whore that she was when she showed up before getting under your skin. Well, apart from the fact that her daddy’s dead and now she’s on her own. How could you stand up for her after she killed your fucking dad?” Mandy smirked, causing people to start gossiping like wildfire.

  Tyler snorted, and if I didn’t know how to read him properly, I would have missed that he was actually nervous.

  “Where the fuck did you hear that bullshit from?” He asked without hesitation.

  “I heard it from Claire. She heard Slash and Skeeter talking to Rory one day about it all. She’s a murdering machine, and you’re too stupid to…”

  “Mandy, fuck off and stop talking shit before I make you. Claire’s just as bad as you are for talking shit,” Caden snapped, but Skeeter’s fists clenched tightly as he seemed to consider just gunning her down right there and then.

  I remained calm as I stood, casually putting my wrappers in the trash before speaking up.

  “Considering you think I kill people for a living all of a sudden, it makes you a bit stupid for mouthing off and making a scene about it.”

  “Why’s that?” She laughed, suddenly going silent as I flashed her a violent grin.

  “Because you just put both yourself and Claire on my shit list. I’ll be seeing you around, Mandy,” then I left the room with no fucks given, the guys following me to make sure I stayed out of trouble.

  I reached my locker and absently rummaged through it, but I was suddenly startled as Hunter pressed his front against my back, kissing my shoulder gently as he spoke.

  “What the fuck just happened?”

  I glanced over my shoulder at him, ignoring the filthy look that Skeeter was giving him.

  “That was Claire signing her own fucking death warrant. I have to find her and talk to her.”

  Tyler appeared rattled as he spoke, an unusual sight from the jokester of the group.

  “Is that code for putting her in a fucking hole?”

  “No, I’m going to talk to her, then kick the shit out of her if I have to. If I get mad enough, then I’ll put her in a hole,” I shrugged casually as Hunter stepped back from me, he and Skeeter groaning at my promise of violence, but Caden shook his head.

  “Let me handle her. You have enough shit going on, and It’s my job to keep everyone here in line.”

  “Doubt it, Holloway. Claire knows too much, so I need to make my point in one way or another. Hunter and I will sort her out with some of his guys,” I replied, and Skeeter instantly narrowed his eyes on me with frustration.

  “Why the fuck would you take the Devils instead of your own crew?”

  “Because, she’s shit scared of them. She’s always thought you and Slash would keep me in line, but she has no idea how Hunter’s crew works. She’s more likely to shit her pants without me laying a hand on her this way.”

  It made fucking sense to me.

  “Want us to deal with Mandy? Scare her into shutting her mouth? Traumatize her a little?” Skeeter offered, itching for some action.

  “If you must,” I smirked, moving towards him to kiss his cheek, knowing he was just ready to make someone bleed or cry.

  Most likely both.


  Something was coming.

  Something fucking bad.

  I’d already lost Slash, I couldn’t lose Rory too.

  Mandy and Claire were both a danger to my girl, I just wasn’t sure how much.

  Razor and the Soldiers were still lurking around outside of town like rats, which told me they weren’t done with us.

  I’d hoped that they’d do a runner for starting war with us, but they didn’t.

  They wanted to hang around and take my girl from me too.

  I was breaking, and I knew Hunter could tell.

  I didn’t
want him to fucking notice how out of control I was, just in case he took advantage of my weakness.

  I had no idea what his plan was, all I knew was that he wanted Rory.

  His eyes were always on her, or his goddamn hands.

  He was lucky that I didn’t cut them the fuck off.

  We used to be closer than brothers, but I couldn’t allow myself to trust him again.

  I wanted to so badly, but I just couldn’t.

  I couldn’t watch him walk away from me again.

  “Hey, you good?” Diesel asked, jolting me back to reality.

  I scrubbed my hands over my face as I tried hard to focus.

  “I’m good.”

  He rolled his eyes at my stubbornness, patting my shoulder for support.

  “Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”

  “What isn’t? Slash, Rory, Hunter, and I’ve even got to fucking worry about Gilbert and Lukas. Why isn’t shit ever simple around here?” I muttered, a confused expression crossing his face.

  “Why do you need to worry about those two?”


  I needed to learn to keep my mouth shut.

  I didn’t like the whole gay scene because I thought it was bullshit, but it wasn’t my life to worry about.

  All they’d done was hurt each other anyway, not that I could tell Diesel any of that.

  I’m a prick, but I’d never talk to anyone about their secret relationship crap.

  It wasn’t my business, and I wasn’t sure how much of it Diesel knew already.

  “Ah, nothing man. They’re just dealing with shit at home,” I replied casually, watching as the hint of a smile twitched on his lips.

  “Skeeter, do you care about other people? Wow, times are changing, brother.”


  “C’mon, you know they’re good guys. Besides, they mean everything to Rory, so I kind of have no choice but to like them. Hunter on the other hand…”

  “You do know they have something going on, right? I don’t know what, but they’re close as fuck, Skeet,” he cut me off, a frown taking over my face.

  What did he fucking know?

  “You want to elaborate on that?”

  He shrugged, appearing uncomfortable for narking on them.

  “I dropped by her place this morning, and they were curled up in bed asleep together. They’re apparently not fucking or anything, but they care about each other. Should I have told you earlier? I told him to fuck off, but she got defensive.”


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