Dark World Genesis
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Dark World: Genesis
Dark World Saga
The Alex and Jay Chronicles Book 1
A.R. Kingston
Keen Quill Press
Denver, CO
Copyright © 2019 by A.R. Kingston
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A.R. Kingston
Keen Quill Press
8547 E Arapahoe Rd
Ste. J-397
Greenwood Village CO, 80112
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
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Dark World: Genesis/ A.R. Kingston-- 1st ed.
ISBN 978-1-7342400-2-3
To all the people who believed in me and refused to let me give up, thank you. You have no idea how much your encouragement means to me, or how close I’ve come to giving up if it wasn’t for you. So long as I have you, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing.
Also, a small dedication to my two pigs, Reuben and Kramer. You have been a wonderful inspiration for my pigries, and I love you dearly.
My soul made love to your soul long before our bodies met.
When I first laid my eyes on you, I recognized you.
You held my future in your hands.
― Anita Krizzan
The Pure Princess
Reminders of Pure-blood Duty
Meeting Richard
The Boy and The Barkeep
Jay’s Turmoil
A Conflict of Interest
Childhood Memories
A Close Call
A Step Forward
Unforgiving Thoughts
Alex and Richard: The Younger Years
Finding Her Totem
Rupert’s Vigilance
Confessions on a Secret Rendezvous
The Secret Plot
A Ploy to Save a Prince
An Outing with the Lord
The Subterfuge
Midnight Tango
Conspiracy Revealed
A New Ally
The Calm Before the Storm
Late Night Showdown
The Resistance
An Act of Treason
Realm of the Dead
Out of the Shadows
A Clash at the Tavern
Sailing Away
Journey to a New World
Chapter 1
The Pure Princess
Rain pounded on the windows, leaving streaks of water on the colored glass. Sitting on her window bench with a book in her lap, Alexandra Hamilton twirled her long chestnut hair on her slender finger while looking out her window. The vast courtyard below was devoid of life today, not so much as rat dared to be outside in this weather. March was a wet time of year in Manevia, and the capital city of Winter Haven where she lived was no different.
Watching the streaks of water run down her window, Alex heaved out a heavy sigh. Shutting her emerald eyes, Alexandra tilted her head back against the wall and pictured how good the water would feel against her skin. At this moment Alexandra would give anything to go outside and dance in the cold rain, but she knew that would not happen. Her father kept the door to her room looked for almost all eighteen years of her life.
Being the youngest child and only daughter of Lord Hamilton of Manevia, Alexandra was not afforded the luxury of being normal. No woman in their society ever was, at least not one who held the unfortunate status of being a pure-blood. Unlike the grays outside the castle walls, Alex could not fall in love, find a job, or do anything the so-called peasants do. Instead, they forced her to stay indoors and study laws, magic, and war strategies, so she could help her future husband best rule his province.
That honor would fall to Lord Philip Griffith of Rexham, the largest of the two neighboring provinces in the territory of Vega. If there was anything Alexandra hated in this world, it was the idea of having to marry Philip. Not that there was anything wrong with Philip. He was an exceptionally gracious man as far as pure-bloods were concerned, but Alex had no feelings of love for him. The mere idea of spending her life being married to someone she did not love was, in her mind, a fate far worse than death.
Unlike the rest of the pure-blood mages, Alex was different. All right, maybe she never fit in to begin with. She vehemently disagreed with pure-blood’s rigid ideas of how society should be run, or how one of her status was supposed to behave. Instead, she gave in to her feelings, and she was fond of using facts to form a logical conclusion, something her kind would never dream of. So all her life, Alexandra was looked down upon by black and white pure-blood mages alike for what they considered lunacy or insubordination.
Alex’s ideals and unconventional world views put her at odds with her parents a long time ago, and with the rest of her kind. Afraid of what would happen if she embraced her ideas, her parents locked Alex up in her room, claiming they wished to keep her safe. A prisoner in her own home, punished for being different, Alexandra stayed in her room and dreamed of a better life. And though her family thought they had kept her locked up from the outside world, they could not have been more wrong.
Alex had a secret, a dark secret, one which would get her beheaded if anyone was to find out. What her family didn't know was that Alex had been sneaking out of her room for the past twelve years. But she did not stop there. She had found her way over the castle walls, into the world of the grays. So, while everyone else was sleeping in their beds at night, Alex was living a secret life beyond the confines of the palace, a life she dreamed of being a permanent part of.
This shadow life, as Alex called it, was one where she got to be herself among the peasants whom she had grown rather fond of. And, as if spending her nights around the general population was not bad enough, she was seeing a gray man who used to work at the palace. Richard Cadwall had been her secret friend since childhood, and they progressed to a somewhat romantic relationship, one Alexandra cherished given its forbidden nature.
Opening her eyes, Alexandra observed the rain pound on the glass of her window pane. Looking over the large puddles forming on the ground below, she wondered what Richard was up to right now. Alex reckoned he was most likely working the docks as he did since getting kicked out of the castle. She wondered what it would be like to work for a living. Surely it beat sitting around in a locked room all day. But the sensation of something rooting at her hand interrupted her daydreams.
With a smirk, Alexandra’s eyes trailed down into her lap to a tiny pigrie attempting to get her attention. The tiny chocolate colored pig was round, with dark black spots and shimmering sea green wings. His dark brown eyes looked up at Alex as he twitched his speckled brown nose and let out a light grunt. The pigrie had been with Alex for as
long as she could remember, and aside from her and her butler, Rupert, no one else could see him.
“What is it Cosmo?”
“You know who I’m thinking of.”
“Reee.” Cosmo turned his head away, displeased with the idea of the pesky lad being on his friend’s mind.
“Oh come now, he’s not that bad. I sort of like him.”
“Rha.” Cosmo huffed, turning away to settle down in Alexandra’s lap as he would not argue his point.
Rolling her eyes, Alex glanced over at the old ornate wood clock on the wall and let out another sigh. The glass display told her it was only one-thirty. There was still another five hours left to go before she could escape her room and see Richard. Alexandra was looking forward to tonight's meeting, more so than usual. Tonight, Richard promised to take her to a tavern and introduce her to a friend of his whom he thought she would like.
Alex knew taverns were gray establishments which served alcohol, but she’d never been in one. She had never so much as had a drop of alcohol in her life. It was forbidden for pure-blood women to drink outside of special occasions, and Alex could never attend big social functions. Her father always stated it was because alcohol degraded their morals and turned them into dirty whores, and how his daughter needed be no part of it. Alex was not sure what he meant, but she was certain alcohol didn't do what her father claimed.
Yes, Alexandra Hamilton was a rebel, but she differed from the rest of the world in other ways, ones she dared not reveal. Shutting her eyes once more, Alex let a single tear stream down her cheek while contemplating what she was. Truth be told, Alex always felt alone in the world, even while in the company of Richard. Yet, despite knowing she differed from everyone, she still hoped there was someone out there like her. So, while it was unlikely, Alexandra dreamed of a day she would meet someone who could love and understand her particular insanity, someone whose demons needed the ones in her.
Chapter 2
Reminders of Pure-blood Duty
Daydreaming of a life beyond the walls, Alex got sucked into the world of her thoughts, one not bound by the rules of society. Every time she entered this secret world of her dreams, she found herself living in a strange house with a tall man, relishing in his embrace. Lost in her thoughts, Alex did not hear the lock click open, or the sound of her door opening as a kind old woman stepped into her room.
“Now dear...” spoke the woman in a gentle voice “... what would your parents say if they caught you daydreaming like that?”
Fading out from her thoughts, Alex looked up and smiled at the elderly woman standing before her. “Sorry granny, sometimes I can't help myself.”
Alexandra knew her grandmother, Phyllis, would not tell her folks about what she was up to. Phyllis was the only other person, besides Rupert, who understood Alex’s unique nature. Not surprising since before marrying Alexandra's grandfather, Phyllis had a decade-long affair with a pure-blood black mage over in the neighboring territory of Ardeen. Loathing having to give up the love of her life, Phyllis encouraged her granddaughter to abandon her duty if the chance ever came.
According to Phyllis, Alex was never an ordinary pure-blood. The gods chose her for a greater purpose. Phyllis stated countless times how it was the radical free thinkers like Alex who held power to change the world. But Alexandra did not want to change the world, she wanted to be free: to love, to live, to be liberated from the chains that bound her to the life she had become accustomed to. Mostly, she wanted to know why she was different, and why she never felt like she belonged in this world of theirs.
“So...” Phyllis came over and sat next to her granddaughter on the window bench as Cosmo fluttered away to lie on Alexandra’s shoulder, “... what are you supposed to be doing?”
“Practicing my spell casting.”
“And are you?”
“No. There is no point...” Alex glanced back out the window as the water traced new pathways on the glass “… I mastered all those spells ages ago.”
“In that case, have you looked at the ancient book of spells I gave you?”
“I have.”
“And how did you do with those?”
“I have not been able to perform them...” Alex looked down in her lap feeling like she had let her grandmother down “... I don't think I'm cut out for such spells granny.”
“Poppycock, you haven't got the right motivation love, that’s all.”
“Oink.” Cosmo chimed in agreement.
“But, what is the right motivation grandma?” Alex looked up at the smiling old woman.
“Spells are a funny thing, Alexandra.” Phyllis placed her gentle, wrinkled hand on top of her granddaughter’s “To use them, magic requires us to hold certain convictions and possess certain emotions.”
“Are you saying I lack these emotions? Is that why I can't use the spells?”
“Not at all, dear.” Phyllis shook her head “You have always had the right emotions, you lack a reason to use them.”
“I'm sorry Granny, I don't follow.”
“You'll understand soon enough, Alexandra. A day will come when you'll be able to use one of the ancient spells or create one of your own, and then you will figure out what you have been lacking.”
Alex nodded in agreement, even though she still did not understand what her grandmother was talking about. She wondered how one could possess the tools but lack a reason to use them. This made little sense to Alex. Phyllis had always been cryptic in explaining how the world worked to her granddaughter, not wishing to sway Alexandra in any direction. Frustrated, Alex frowned as she tried to work out what it meant to have a reason to use the spells when a cold voice coming from the doorway pierced the comforting silence.
“What could a spring chicken and an old hen possibly be talking about this time of day?”
“Rah, Rah.” Cosmo barked and flew up to hide in the window pane from the person intruding on their peace.
Alex didn't need to look to know it was her oldest brother, Quinton, who was standing in the doorway. At thirty-one, Quinton was the tallest and strongest member of the Hamilton family, a fact he relished in. And as far as pure-bloods go, he was one of the worst. Quin was bloodthirsty and sadistic, yet devilishly handsome, which made all the girls swoon over him despite how he treated them. He was the type of man who would not hesitate to sell out his mother if it meant gaining a little more power.
With his hands behind his back, Quinton approached the two women. His hazel eyes fixated on Alex, and a fake smile spread on his face. Stopping right in front of her, Quinton looked down and moved his shoulder-length brown hair out of his face. Alexandra trembled under his cold, scrutinizing glance, knowing full well he was up to something nefarious if he was in her room.
“Well? Not going to include me in your conversation?”
“Quinton," Phyllis gave him a gentle smile “I was just helping Alexandra study her spells, that's all. Nothing to get all worked up about dear.”
“Is that so?” Quin’s eyes narrowed as his lips curled up into an evil smirk “Well then...” he grabbed hold of Alexandra’s arm, yanking her up to face him “In that case little sister, you wouldn't have any objections to me testing you. Do you?”
“Let go.” Alex struggled against his grip trying to get away “You're hurting me, Quin.”
“Am I?” he said in a silky voice as he tightened his grip even further “Forgive me sister, that was not my intent.”
“Quinton, you should not treat your little sister like that.”
“Stay out of this old bat.” Quin glared at Phyllis. Turning his attention back to Alex, he tightened his grip even further as he smiled at her sweetly. “Well sister, what do you say? Think you can handle a quick test of skill?”
Alex knew Quinton had no intention of assessing her skills. She also knew nothing good would ever come of this if she agreed. He was the same man who took every opportunity to torture and deme
an her since they were children, going as far as locking her up in the freezer when she was four. Not to mention the way he relished in her punishment years ago, on the day Richard got fired. No, Quin was planning something bad, and Alexandra was about to fall into his trap.
Still grasping his sister, Quinton’s face had a wicked grin and his eyes sparkled with malice. Alex suspected he already had some sick joke in mind before he even came in the room. But with her arm throbbing and going numb under his firm grip, she had no choice left but to play along.
“All right Quin...” she glared at him “... go ahead, do your worst.”
“That's the spirit. I knew you would not disappoint your oldest brother. And it just happens that I have the perfect test already planned out.” Reaching into his pocket, Quinton pulled out a tiny baby ratork; a tiny squirrel-like critter with rabbit ears and a skunk tail. Holding it tight in his hand, he sneered at his sister. “Found this little pest rummaging in the garden, and I knew he would make the perfect test subject.”
“What—what are you going to do to him, Quin?” Alex turned ashen as she looked at the innocent animal in his hands.
Quinton did not answer her. Instead, he smiled as he stroked the creature's fur. Suddenly, he stopped and looked up at Alex, his eyes shimmering with hatred. Reaching down, he snapped the animal's back leg with a sickening crunch. The ratork squealed in pain and struggled to get away, to no avail. Smiling sadistically, Quin reached over to fracture the animal’s other leg as it screamed in pain, causing Cosmo to freak out and hide under Alexandra’s bed.
“Oh dear. I seem to have broken it.” Quinton placed the crippled critter on the floor with a snicker. “Now, what should we do?”
Looking down in horror, Alexandra's stomach churned. She felt sick at what she had witnessed. Never in her life had she imagined this level of cruelty, not even from Quin. What a wicked trick lady fate played on her when she made the two of them siblings, she thought. Placing a trembling hand over her mouth to hide her shock, Alex continued to look at Quinton, wondering what he would do next.