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Silver Fox & The Western Hero: Warrior Forsworn: A LitRPG/Wuxia Novel - Book 3

Page 4

by M. H. Johnson

  And Alex gazed intently at his mentor for long moments before it finally clicked. “That’s the Cleansing Breath purification technique!” he uttered, before lowering his head for daring to speak.

  “Very good, Alex, it is. Few recognize it who haven’t served in the Legions. It is a very useful technique, as it uses a holistic Light Qi flow to cleanse one’s meridians. Thus, no matter what your natural strengths happen to be, no matter which element suits you best, this technique will benefit you. Though the processes of advancement become extremely slow, Light Qi techniques can also be used to safely cycle Qi and forge meridian channels.” His smile was almost sad. “Though meridian channels forged by white Qi will never be as strong or form anywhere near as fast as those tied to one’s elemental proficiencies, it is still a path of growth usable by cultivators unable to find any other manual, codex, or mentor whose proclivities match their own.”

  Alex blinked. “Is that what they use to train kitsune nobles?” He frowned, recalling Liu Li’s own frustration with how stunted she felt, having such limited resources to grow as a cultivator, techniques that, before Alex had gifted her with one of his greatest prizes, had all but promised a stunted future where she would never be able to achieve her true potential.

  His mentor only smiled, saying nothing on that subject.

  “Much as Golden Realms kung fu is a hard martial art, using the raw explosive power of the body, White Crane, in contrast, uses circular motions to best emulate and channel the flow of Qi. Best of all, White Crane technique can be mastered by anyone who cares to forge themselves as a true warrior, no matter their elemental proclivities or what cultivation techniques they use to forge their meridians channels. Further, it has no downside, no weakness, save the many hundreds of hours it takes to achieve even the most basic mastery.”

  His mentor’s gentle gazed hardened. “Now close your lips, open your eyes, and do your best to master this technique, just as you will master the basics of White Crane kung fu before you will be permitted beyond my personal grounds again.”

  Alex blinked at this warning, slowly nodding his head.

  For all that he hated how inefficient this technique was for him compared to Dual Path purification technique, if it would help him learn what he needed to somehow get an understanding of this martial art… he would embrace the bitter without complaint.

  Congratulations! Cleansing Breath purification technique is now at 4% efficiency!

  Cleansing Breath purification technique is now at 5% efficiency!

  Cleansing Breath purification technique is now at 6% efficiency!

  A tiny corner of Alex’s mind was surprised by how fast he was improving this technique compared to the rate he had originally learned it, but most of him focused only on controlling his breathing and the gentle flow of Qi through his body, pouring all his focus into observing his master, doing his best to sense in the barely-detectable flow of Qi through Elder Panheu.

  He could feel his perceptions expanding ever so slightly, his intent focus shaping a seed of potential he had long preserved before his own desperate need catalyzed it in the direction it had perhaps always been destined to blossom.

  Final Specialization Point invested! All Qi Perception-linked disciplines have increased by one rank!

  Until at last, after days of doing nothing but trying to feel the flow of his own Light Qi as he embraced his mentor’s preferred meridian purification technique, he caught a glimpse, just for a second, of the flow of Qi within Elder Panheu.

  Cleansing Breath purification technique is now at 25% efficiency!

  Soul Sight - Rank 2 (3) successfully used against Silver Naga cultivator!

  Alex almost toppled over, so startled and awed by the incredible power and potency of the Silver Naga before him, brimming with the power to create and destroy to an almost transcendent degree, and so carefully sealed away, it was only now that he was able to catch just a glimpse of the mighty rivers of pristine blue and loamy brown Qi flowing through his mentor’s meridian channels.

  He couldn’t hold back his ebullient smile, feeling for the first time in weeks like he had a ghost of a chance of finally understanding. But he took those moments to grab onto that vision of insight, savoring every second of watching the ebb and flow of countless streams of carefully cultivated Qi before his vision would eventually fade and blur, like slipping out of a dream.

  His mentor smiled and said nothing, allowing Alex to observe as long and intently as he desired, until the afternoon sun kissed the clouds and they finally broke their fast that day.

  But his master had no doubt sensed something, for after lunch he said only, “Now, let us switch back to forms. Watch my katas, Alex. Look closely, and see if you finally begin to understand.”

  Soul Sight skill check made!

  And much to Alex’s relief, after a handful of minutes gazing intently at his mentor, he caught a flash of the Qi moving through the man’s meridian channels, understanding in a sudden epiphany that his master, who utterly vanquished him whenever they practiced forms, wasn’t using muscle alone to shift balance and limbs, but a liquid current of pristine white Qi. A flow of energy that could somehow compliment or even substitute for the power of the body alone.

  “Shall we practice our forms?”

  Alex immediately nodded, not even bothered when his mentor toppled him over almost effortlessly with the gentlest sweeps and tumbles, bending Alex’s own powerful punches aside with the most graceful of soft parries, redirecting all his blows.

  For Alex was studying the surges of Light Qi flowing through his master more than stressing the actual form itself, giving a nod of satisfaction every time his mentor swept him off his feet, finally beginning to understand.

  And perhaps Elder Panheu sensed something in Alex’s smile, for he neither scowled nor condemned, just kept up with the gentle give and flow of their practice until the sun had long set, and the sky was flashing with a million brilliant stars.

  Far brighter than they had ever been on Earth.

  His mentor finally smiled, pulling back, favoring Alex with the tiniest nod of respect.

  “I sense growth. I am eager to see the form it will take in the days ahead. Now rest. Counsel your body to stillness as your mind rehearses all it has learned today.” With those words, his mentor turned around and entered his pagoda, leaving Alex to his own thoughts and the awe he felt, that he might finally be beginning to understand.

  And the message he received the next day filled him with joy like nothing else had in the past two weeks.

  Congratulations! You have achieved Rank 1 in White Crane kung fu.

  Even without the prompt, Alex could already tell he’d had a breakthrough, awed and amazed to feel the Light Qi saturating his entire form now flowing in the directions he willed, slow moving arms embracing the katas as if in a dream, pulled forward as much or more by the manipulation of the Qi through his peripheral meridian channels as he was by his muscles as he strove not only to emulate Elder Panheu’s forms, but to mirror the actual flow of Qi he had sensed flowing through his master’s channels. Even as he practiced with daily diligence, a single blocked gate prevented ideal flow. But soon enough his peripheral channels made up for the slack, and Alex felt an incredible sense of accomplishment the first time he flowed through all the forms he had been taught with his Light Qi alone.

  It was almost noon by the time an intensely-driven Alex allowed himself to collapse in a state equal parts triumph and exhaustion, only then catching sight of Elder Panheu gazing at him so strangely, and Alex felt both awkward and chilled.

  He feared terribly offending his mentor somehow, and he still couldn’t get over how the man could utterly evade his Qi Perception.

  But upon closer examination, his mentor didn’t appear angry, just… surprised.

  “How are you feeling, Alex?” was all he said.

  Alex flashed an exuberant grin. “Like I’ve had a breakthrough, Elder Panheu. I think I’m finally beginning to unders

  “Show me.”

  Pausing only as long as it took for him to collect himself, Alex did.

  You have failed to knock your opponent off balance. You have failed to sweep your opponent. You have failed to arm-lock your opponent. Balance lost. Right arm is locked.

  Alex winced, just holding back a gasp as his mentor locked his elbow so tightly that he feared ligamental tears… and as quick as a blink, the pressure was gone.

  Alex felt his cheeks flush with something close to shame. He had felt it, he knew he had! That flow of Light Qi correlating with his movements. For all that it had been difficult coordinating it with his physical actions, even at their reduced pace, he knew he had felt those surges of potency.

  But it had done nothing in helping him overcome his master’s unbreakable stance. Yet strangely, his master had only peered intently at him, his hyper-focused gaze void of all humor or forbearance.

  “I am sorry, Elder Panheu. I fear I’ve let you down. Again.”

  To this his mentor laughed and Alex blinked, not knowing what to make of such an unexpected reaction.


  But his master only smiled and shook his head. “You have not let me down at all, Alex. Merely… surprised me.” His gentle smile hardened. “But you have only taken the first steps along the White Path. Now that I see you actually do have potential, we are going to train you twice as intensely from this point forward. Unless you object?”

  Alex was not so dense as to miss the quiet warning with those words. “No, Elder Panheu. No objections whatsoever!”

  “Good. Now let’s address the flow of Qi through your peripheral meridian channels as you execute those forms. You want them to be in absolute sync with your every movement, until you reach a point where flexing your Light Qi is just as instinctive and automatic as flexing your muscles. And for that, you need practice.” He gazed thoughtfully at Alex. “And more than just the practice you get with forms. Randori will also be incorporated.”

  Alex swallowed. “You mean...”

  His mentor grinned. “That’s right. As soon as I judge you ready, you’ll be embracing White Crane’s teachings in the school of combat, allowing the crucible of battle to teach you the bitter cost of poor focus and lack of mastery. A place where triumph is its own sweet reward, and the skills you master in the ring are skills that will serve you in almost any situation.”

  Alex swallowed. “But, master, I just barely...”

  He swallowed his words upon catching his master’s gaze, transforming his protest into a bow. “It will be as you say, Elder Panheu,” Alex whispered, dreading what was to come.

  His mentor’s intent gaze never left Alex’s own. “Meditate upon this moment. I expect you to practice basic forms at dusk and dawn, feeling the flow of Qi at all times. But first, sweep the manor foyer and prepare tea. Peng Dan will be arriving shortly.”

  Alex formally bowed and did just that, having learned to prepare Elder Panheu’s blend of herbs just the way he liked it, his Biochemical Mastery skill instantly recognizing the mild stimulants and autophagy inducers within the tea that made it quite similar to green tea back home, but not quite. Which made him smile in odd reflection as he swept the mosaic floor displaying the five elements in perpetual balance, polished the hardwood table, and set out the now piping hot tea.

  This realm had so much in common with ancient China, Japan, and Thailand, while being uniquely and distinctly itself, its naming conventions and fighting styles blending so many elements together so perfectly. Even as the wondrous architecture of Yidushi reminded him of an odd fusion of Rome and China, the towering edifices, majestic copper domes, and soaring pagodas were a magnificent fusion of all of Asia and the Middle-East.

  But considering the incredible vastness of this empire, with a dizzying number of cities, principalities, and kingdoms all within the Golden Empire, it itself presently at war with yet another empire from what Alex had offhandedly heard, made it clear that he was dealing with the cultural flow of a realm many, many times the size of Earth. He could only imagine what ramifications this would have in all elements of life, and it was not surprising that a single city incorporated what had seemed an entire continent’s worth of inventions and innovation on his home world.

  Even the naming conventions seemed to be an odd blend of cultures, most people having either two single syllable names or one compound name, but the exceptions were plentiful, and the name was often shortened when on familiar terms with someone you felt close to. Like he and Hao Chan.

  He flushed, suppressing a smile upon recalling just how quickly she had encouraged him to call her by her given name alone. Fortunately, neither she nor anyone else had found his preference just to be called by his single given name, Alex, at all odd. No doubt because he was a Ruidian.

  “Alex, are you finished? Peng Dan has arrived.”

  Alex flushed and bowed, realizing he had allowed himself to get distracted, quickly making an exit out of his master’s luxurious quarters through a discreet servant’s door, all but feeling Peng Dan’s gaze burning into his backside.

  A soft feminine snort could be heard. “Really, Elder Panheu. I don’t know why you feel the need to employ that Ruidian. My family has any number of servitors who would be more than honored to serve you in whatever capacity you see fit.”

  Elder Panheu gave a bemused chuckle. “I have no doubt of that. But despite his origins, he has proven to be a half-decent caretaker of my garden, and I’m never one to turn away anyone capable of diligence and hard work.”

  “Of course, Elder Panheu. You no doubt know best. But should you ever find him lacking...”

  “Then I shall not hesitate to avail myself of your generous offer. Now, Lady Peng...”

  “Dan is fine, Elder Panheu.”

  Alex’s eyes widened. The sultry lilt to her voice was unmistakable.

  “Very well, Peng Dan. Now breathe deep, feel the flow of heavenly energies from the sky above and the swell of earthly energies from the ground below. Excellent. Now visualize them swirling together in your Lower Dantian, coalescing into pure Light Qi… no, not Wood Qi. In pursuing White Crane kung fu, we harness Qi as a whole, as you should know.”

  Even meditating quietly in his garden shack, Alex could hear Peng Dan’s frustrated sigh as if they were just feet away.

  “Really, Elder Panheu, why is this art so hard to master? I understood the basics of Oakform in less than a season!”

  “You did indeed. It catered to your strength. But tell me, Lady Peng, when was the last time you’ve beaten any cultivator embracing Firesnake style?”

  “Never,” was the soft reply. “And the gods know I played the fool when I was goaded into accepting that challenge.”

  “Yes, you did. But you’re wise enough to train under me, now. The beauty of White Crane kung fu is that it has no weaknesses, and any talented cultivator is capable of learning it.”

  “But Elder Panheu, it’s so difficult! I still can’t feel the flow of Light Qi through my meridians, and I’ve attended thrice-weekly lessons with you for months!”

  “Yet you are improving. I can sense your foundation strengthening already, using the cultivation and restoration techniques I’ve taught you. If you were truly hopeless, you would no longer be attending this school.”

  Her aristocratic voice was spiked with sudden alarm. “Elder Panheu, please don’t give up on me now!”

  “I have no intention of doing that, my dear, so long as you keep your promise to avoid using any more cultivation pills, hoping for a quick breakthrough. I fear that you did yourself far more harm than good, and it is only by the graces of good fortune that we were able to repair and stabilize your foundation.”

  “Yes, Elder Panheu. I was playing the fool. I know that now. This lowly girl is grateful for her master’s devoted care.”

  Alex heard his mentor’s quiet sigh. “You are of noble blood, Lady Peng. The Dogeza is unnecessary for one such as I.”

But you’re a Silver Naga! Even nobles defer to you, and my entire clan is grateful to you!”

  “As shown in the monthly spirit pearl your clan bequeaths to my account. Now assume the lotus position and meditate upon everything we have gone over these last three months.”

  Alex felt a sudden jolt that took him right out of his own meditation, his mentor’s words echoing through his skull. Lady Peng’s family was paying a spirit pearl every month for thrice-weekly private lessons? And here he was, training every day under someone so revered even nobles fawned before him, receiving free daily lessons that would and should be costing him an absolute fortune.

  He grimaced and shook his head, promising himself that the moment Peng Dan left, he would practice his White Crane forms even more intently than he already had been. Considering the value of his mentor’s counsel, it would be the gravest of insults to do anything else.


  You have successfully harmonized Light Qi with your strike! White Crane kung fu is now Rank 2!

  Alex took a deep, shuddering breath, wiping the blood away from his gushing nose, too exhausted even to smile, for all that he was filled with a curious elation. It had been weeks since he had had that first wondrous jolt of understanding, that breakthrough that allowed him to spot and emulate the flow of Light Qi through his peripheral channels such that it mirrored perfectly the flow of his muscles, having struck the target before him with sufficient force to shatter the thick wooden plank.

  And it had been a circular punch reminiscent of a boxing hook. And what an odd contrast it was to the straight punches and kicks his Adderstrike ability could be used with, the White Crane attacks almost always circular in style and execution.

  “Visualize yourself in the heart of a maelstrom, with currents leading left to right and right to left. You can tap into either flow, but your movements must always be circular. Even the way you step to the side and avoid your foe’s strikes embraces these techniques,” his master had explained, and Alex had found the visualization helpful.


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