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The Warrior's Bride (Warriors 0f Valkred Book 3)

Page 13

by Roxie Ray

  “That would be her most likely course of action, true, but still…”

  “And third,” Judy continued, “if she's as effective at spying as you've said, then she probably knows that you were the one who took me to Macur in the first place. By now, she might even know that you consider me your mate. She'd probably take special pleasure in torturing us in front of each other, to inflict maximum pain and grief. If she's the sadist you claim she is, she won't be able to resist that, will she?”

  “Perhaps, but that's merely speculation…”

  “But fourth – and this is the really important one, Dhimurs, so you'll want to pay special attention – I have a duty to my parents and my people. I will not shirk that responsibility, or ask someone else to shoulder the burden for me. And you do not get to make decisions about how I choose to carry those duties out. You do not get to tell me whether I can risk my life to protect them. I'm the last, best hope the Macurians have to be anything more than a forgotten footnote in the history of the galaxy. You can either help me make sure that doesn't happen, or get out of my way, but you will not obstruct me, no matter how much of a 'warrior' you think you are compared to me. No matter how much you roar and rage and snap at me, I will not back down. Am I making myself understood?”

  I wanted to yell at her, to threaten her, to tie her to the nearest chair if that's what it would take to keep her out of harm's way. And I could have. All I wanted was to protect her, even from herself.

  But she was right. And what's more, I knew it.

  I'd been unfair to her.

  I'd tried to keep her from fulfilling her own honor and duty, in the name of my own. I had to protect her, yes – but more than that, I had to do so while respecting who she was. Allowing her to fight by my side, instead of forcing her to hide behind me.

  Perhaps my approach had been wrong from the start. Perhaps, rather than denying our bond, I should have been encouraging it, embracing it. Perhaps finally acknowledging it and acting upon it would make us stronger, not weaker.

  Either way, I had to try. I couldn't keep fighting my feelings for her. If it was our destiny to be together, so be it.

  If I truly couldn't dissuade her from placing herself at risk – and it was finally clear that I couldn't – I knew that there was another way for me to try to protect her. Even if the prospect filled me with anxiety over what her response might be.

  Even if bringing it up might change everything between us.

  “You do have the heart and ferocity of a warrior,” I conceded. “And your commitment to your people is the same as my own. I would do anything – brave any obstacle, fight any foe, lay down my life if necessary – to protect Valkred, just as you would for Macur. You may be a human by birth, and you may have been raised by Macurians, but you are as brave and steadfast as any Valkredian. No one can deny that. Your limitations in terms of training are dwarfed by your strength of will.”

  Judy put her hand on my face gently, caressing it. “Thank you. Coming from you, that means a great deal to me. And I know that you're only fighting with me because you want to keep me safe. But it's okay – as long as I've got you by my side, I know I don’t have anything to fear.”

  This was it. This was the moment to tell her my idea, my plan to keep her safe. But was I truly prepared to suggest this to her? Our attraction to each other was obvious, but despite the fact that we'd first met years ago, we still hadn't spent much real time together. What if it was too soon? What if she wasn't ready?

  Then again, what if it was the only real chance I had of protecting her from Torqa?

  “No doubt you are familiar with the Valkredian mating rituals,” I began. “You know that a bond is forged between both people involved – an unbreakable bond, one that unites their souls into one. For the most part, this happens between two Valkredians. However, when a Valkredian bonds with a member of another race, certain… elements… of our species are transferred to the other party involved.”

  “Like what? They grow wings and crave blood?” Judy forced a laugh, but her voice was trembling, and there was nothing but gravity in her wide blue eyes.

  “Nothing quite as obvious as that, no. But some of my race's natural strength, power, and vitality would be transferred in such a fashion. Akzun used this to heal his mate Carly when she was gravely injured and carrying his child. It might give you a much-needed edge if you are determined to confront Torqa.”

  “And… is that the only reason you think we should bond?”

  I put my hands on her shoulders, moving my body closer to hers. “You know that it is not.”

  She exhaled shakily. “I feel like I've been waiting for you my whole life, Dhimurs. Since even before we first met on Cexiea. When the time came for me to engage in the Macurian mating rituals, I put it off more than once because some part of me believed – no, knew – that you would come into my life again, and that we would be together. And I know that when our eyes met right before Torqa took me off-world, you felt that same connection. I know you've been fighting these urges during this entire mission so you could focus on the task at hand… I know how hard that must have been for you.”

  “You know a great many things, it seems.”

  “Yes. I do. But what I also know is that even though I was born on Earth, I must still honor the wishes of my adoptive parents and my tribe. I can't just decide to bond with someone without telling Ekaid and Lidea and asking for their blessing. Even if I'm fairly certain they'll give it, it just wouldn't be right.”

  “I admire your devotion to them. It's commendable that you wish to show such respect to your elders. And I do not want you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable or compromise your values. You are free to reject my proposal if you wish, of course.” I paused, and then added, “I would only emphasize once more that the physical benefits of having my blood in your veins might mean the difference between rescuing them and not.”

  I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. They may have been true, but I didn't want her to feel like I was pushing her to do something that wasn't in her heart.

  But after a moment of thought, she nodded. “You're right. And I can't bear the thought of losing them. Any more than I can bear the thought of not being with you.”

  “Which is exactly how I feel toward you. Perhaps we might keep our union a secret?” I suggested.

  “I don't love the idea of keeping something like that hidden from them, but after everything you’ve done to liberate them from Torqa, I can’t imagine they won’t approve of you claiming me as your mate. I suppose we can always go through the traditional formalities later.”

  My heart felt like it would beat right through my armor. “Then… should we… ?”

  Before I could finish my sentence, Judy's arms were wrapped around me, and her mouth was pressed against mine so hard it almost hurt.



  I couldn't wait another second. I had to have him, to be claimed by him – to take his blood, his essence, inside of me and let myself be changed forever.

  Whatever happened, whatever fate awaited us when we faced Torqa, I wanted to ensure that I would always carry part of him that could never be taken away from me… and that he would carry part of me as well, pumping through his heart and veins for the rest of his life.

  When my birth mother was alive, she'd told me about Earth marriages – how the spouses would wear rings as symbols that they belonged to each other. And on Macur, mated couples were given matching tattoos to communicate who they were mated to.

  But rings could be taken off. Tattoos could be burned or scraped away.

  This union would be eternal.

  Dhimurs returned my embrace, folding his arms and wings around me tightly. His feathers gently tickled the back of my neck, and his fangs nipped at my lower lip playfully, sending shivers of delight down my spine. I pressed myself against him as hard as I could, as though some part of me felt like if I kept going, we could simply merge into one being.

  He began to plant kisses on my neck again. I felt the points of his teeth once more, teasing me… except this time, they went further, sinking into my soft flesh. I gasped. There wasn't much pain, but still, the sensation was vaguely shocking. I'd always been taught to recoil from creatures that tried to bite me, and now I was inviting it, enjoying it.

  What a strange, sudden, wonderful turn my life had taken.

  My pulse thrummed in my ears as Dhimurs gently drank my blood. I could almost feel it strengthening him, nourishing him. I felt his tongue flick against my skin and my knees went weak. How much would he take from me and into himself?

  As if in answer to my silent question, he pulled back, using his thumb to tenderly wipe the excess drops from my throat. “Now it is your turn,” he said, using one of his sharp fingernails to open a vein in his own arm and offering it to me.

  I put my mouth over it eagerly, tasting the sweet, salty, coppery flavor that spilled out of him. It went to my head immediately, making me feel dizzy and vaguely delirious. The room seemed to spin around me and I held on to him more tightly, drinking from him.

  The sensation was like molten gold flowing into my body and hardening gloriously. I felt more solid, yet lighter somehow – quicker, more agile and full of energy. The colors of the world around me sharpened, becoming more vivid. I heard a loud thumping sound, and after a few moments, I realized it was his heartbeat.

  I could sense the others on the ship, even though we were in a different room – I could almost hear their thoughts. More than that, I felt I could even hear the stars outside, singing to each other in harmony across vast distances.

  He withdrew his arm from me, and I fought the urge to snatch it back and keep drinking.

  “Is this what it's like for everyone?” I breathed.

  He chuckled. “Different people experience the bonding differently. It is more… intense for some than others.”

  “I want this feeling to last forever.”

  Dhimurs looked deep into my eyes. “It can, Judy. And it will. I promise.”

  Then we were kissing feverishly again, fumbling with the fasteners on each other's tunics and trousers and tearing them off so we could revel in the flesh beneath.

  He led me to the cabin's bunk and gently pushed me down onto it, admiring my naked body. I loved the way he looked at me – hungrily, as though he wanted to consume every part of me, as though he would never get enough. I stretched out, sliding my limbs over the covers seductively – or so I hoped.

  “Do you want me?” I asked.

  “More than I have ever wanted anything in my life.”

  “Then come and take me.”

  Dhimurs placed his hands on my thighs, spreading them apart. My pussy was already gleaming with moisture at the thought of finally having him. So many nights on Macur, tossing and turning alone in my bed of glittering moss, I'd thought about what this would be like… touched myself, putting my hands all over my body and wishing with all of my heart that they were his.

  At last, my wish would come true.

  He climbed into bed next to me and put one arm around me, tracing delicate patterns up my inner thigh with the fingertips of his other hand. His middle finger pressed against my clit tenderly, and I inhaled sharply, arching my neck and closing my eyes. The sensation was like nothing I'd ever felt before – like a blinding bolt of lightning, traveling from the surface of my skin to the deepest core of my body and starting a fire there. So different than the times I’d spent with myself.

  His finger rubbed circles around my clit and the flames inside me raged hotter, threatening to consume me utterly. I spread my legs wider, as wide as they would go, wordlessly inviting him, begging him, telling him I was his. I could feel his cock against my leg, the promise of things to come.

  He stopped rubbing and pushed two fingers inside of me...slowly, carefully, so he wouldn't hurt me despite how tight and unpracticed I was. He knew just where and how to touch my hidden places, stroking them expertly until I couldn't take it anymore. Everything inside me was vibrating fiercely, to the point where I thought I might shake so violently I'd come apart.

  “Please,” I hissed urgently. “Please, please, I need you now, please…”

  “Then you shall have me, my love.”

  Dhimurs rose and positioned himself on top of me. His cock pressed against my labia, hesitating, savoring the moment – then he thrust into me. There was a brief flare of pain, and I cried out sharply. I'd been told that this was to be expected the first time a woman lies with a man, but the strange snapping sensation still surprised me.

  What was even more surprising was that part of me liked it – it almost seemed to sharpen the pleasure that went with it.

  He cupped the back of my neck with one hand, bracing himself with the other as he plunged, deeper and deeper, finding the most deliciously sensitive areas within me. The experience was so much more intense than I ever could have imagined. The chill of his skin was like a cold, beautiful rain on the flames that burned inside me. This is what I’d hoped for on Drekkir.

  “Oh Dhimurs, I never knew… I never thought anything could make me feel this way…”

  I felt pressure building in me rapidly, surging through me, as though I might explode at any moment. It was almost too much for me to bear. My entire body seemed like it was burning from within.

  My climax tore through me like magma springing forth from an angry volcano, and I screamed his name, over and over, so loudly it made my throat sore. Seconds later, his body spasmed and I felt him release himself inside me in an icy gush, cool and refreshing. He exhaled, whispering my name – his breath tickled my earlobe delicately.

  Then we were lying together in a joyful tangle of arms and legs and wings, exchanging words of love and promises of forever.



  “How do you feel?” I asked as we pulled our clothes back on. Bonding with Judy had brought me happiness beyond my wildest dreams – but I knew it had been her first time, and I was concerned that in my eagerness to claim her, I might have hurt her.

  She paused, genuinely thinking it over. “A little sore, I guess. But it's weird. The things I can see and hear now… the way my body feels… like I could run for hours without rest, jump from planet to planet, and effortlessly defeat any foe.”

  I laughed, clapping my hands together. “Good! The bonding worked as it was meant to. Even so, you must be careful not to overestimate your new abilities. Torqa is still a dangerous and determined enemy, and we don't know how much the ranks of her private army have expanded.”

  “She may be cunning, but she's still a slimy coward who murders defenseless tribesmen, kidnaps the elderly, and hides behind mercenaries,” Judy said. “She doesn't have your courage and strength of will. No one could.”

  “I appreciate your confidence in me.” I kissed her on the forehead. “I will do my best to live up to it. Now, shall we return to the command deck?”

  “After you.”

  As I walked ahead of her and through the door, she gave me a teasing slap on the buttocks, momentarily surprising me. Her strength had increased so much that the playful smack almost stung! Clearly, she was feeling full of life and vigor! I was doubly relieved that she'd consented to the bonding.

  When we stepped onto the command deck, the look in the eyes of the crew told me that they had guessed at least part of what had transpired between us in private.

  Surge gave me a knowing smirk. “So it's settled, then? Judy will be used as bait along with you?”

  “Correct,” I confirmed. “She made a most… compelling argument.”

  “And based on the Valkredian energies which I sense are now flowing through her veins,” Respen said jovially, “I can only deduce that you have chosen to bond with each other. Congratulations – how marvelous!”

  “I do not believe it was necessary to trumpet that particular observation in front of the rest of the crew,” I grumbled, “but I will accept your good wish
es just the same.”

  “No one can blame you two for taking such a step,” Vahmi pointed out. “It's perfectly natural for comrades in arms to… find comfort with each other on the eve of a perilous battle with an uncertain outcome.”

  Thezis gave Vahmi a look of disgust, then moved a few inches away from him.

  “We still have much to discuss,” Vahmi went on, oblivious to Thezis' reaction. “Yes, we've agreed that we must trap Torqa and use the two of you as bait… but we haven't worked out the details of how we intend to effectively ensnare her.”

  “The trick, as I see it,” Judy said, “is to dictate the location of the exchange, so we can have more control over the situation as a whole. Where can we have her meet us so we'll have the advantage without seeming too obvious about it?”

  “I have an idea about that,” Surge replied, “but you might not like it. The most logical choice is Cexiea.”

  Judy tried not to show any emotion, but I could still sense the sudden coldness that gripped her at the name of the space station. “Go on.”

  “Well, it's not as though we could ask her to meet us anywhere else where we'd have the upper hand,” Surge explained. “She'd never agree to it. But Cexiea is neutral territory. She's familiar with the layout, so she'll probably believe that gives her an edge. She may even have agents already in place there.”

  “So far,” Vahmi said sourly, “you're making it sound like a pretty terrible idea.”

  “Exactly. And she'll probably think so, too. But Cexiea is run by the Sives, who have worked with us in the past… and who already rejected Torqa's invitation to join her forces. There's a small army of them, they're stone killers, and they're armed to the teeth. For the right price, they may be willing to provide back-up and help us ambush her.”

  I considered this course of action carefully. The Sives were a criminal syndicate that profited, either directly or indirectly, from almost all of the thieving, gambling, whoring, smuggling, extortion, and murder for hire in the galaxy. Yes, they could be reasoned with, maybe even bought off. But could they be trusted? And if so, what would we have to pay or promise in exchange for their assistance? Would we be saving Valkred from Torqa only to deliver it into the hands of gangsters and cutthroats instead?


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