Forbidden Baby Daddy: A Secret Baby Romance

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Forbidden Baby Daddy: A Secret Baby Romance Page 6

by Lara Swann

  I smile slightly to myself, looking over at the beautiful, surprising woman next to me as my eyes adjust to the dim lighting.

  I guess a second round never occurred to her.

  Not that I mind. Lying here, with Chloe in my arms and the warm lassitude of such a hot climax…there’s not much more I could ask for. I stay awake for as long as I can, just to enjoy it, until eventually sleep takes me too.

  Chapter Four


  I wake up alone the next morning, and it takes me a moment to work out why I’m disappointed. I usually wake up alone. Then flashes of last night start coming back to me and I remember Chloe with a start - her warmth, her scent, her sweetness…

  I reach for her instinctively, rolling onto my side to find the bed empty. Not even warm. That’s enough to bring my eyes open fully, blinking against the morning sun glaring through the insubstantial blinds as they try to adjust too quickly.

  I run a hand over my face, trying to shift myself out of the deep lassitude of last night, but it’s hard. Last night was…something else.

  I’m caught somewhere between lying back remembering it all and trying to figure out what happened to Chloe, my mental state hazy, when my eyes are finally open enough to see the note on the pillow next to me.

  I reach for it, raising an eyebrow as I do.

  ‘Ash, thank you for last night. It was amazing. Incredible. Better than I ever expected. So, thank you. It’s exactly what I wanted. - Chloe’

  I read it twice, blinking at it as I do - and then my mouth curves into a small smile as I think back to the enigmatic, passionate girl who left it, before I sink back into the pillows and let the note drop with an amused chuckle.

  I think that’s the first time I’ve ever received a thank you note from a one-night fling. Then, I don’t think I’ve ever had a fling with a girl like Chloe before.

  Pity another round the morning after never occurred to her, either.

  But I don’t really mind. At least I know she enjoyed it - she didn’t rush out of here in mortification whenever she woke up, and it doesn’t sound like she regrets it.

  Not at all.

  That, along with the memory of last night, is more than enough for me.

  I let my eyes drift close again as her face swims again in my vision, the alternately gorgeous and adorable expressions that played across it, the blissed-out look she had in her eyes afterward. The laughter in her voice, the impish teasing and casual banter…

  Everything about her was a surprise. Unexpected. Exciting.

  I haven’t had that for a while.

  Who would have thought a conservative, inexperienced girl could possibly show me something new?

  I chuckle again at the idea of it, my hand drifting downward as I let everything that happened last night play across my mind, basking in the languid feeling of the morning after.

  I don’t leave the motel for quite a while.

  * * *

  It’s not until later that afternoon that I’m finally back where I should be, tinkering with an old Harley as I try to bring it back to life. I have no idea what the owner has done to the thing, but with the number of ill-conceived customizations on it, it’s enough of a puzzle that my mind only drifts to last night once or twice…every few minutes.

  It’s a nice feeling, though, and I’m enjoying the warm buzz it’s left me with as I work on the bike, humming every so often.

  Not much better than this - good times, and a bike to work on. Pretty much everything I ever asked for.

  The bell clangs above the shop door as I’m opening the engine up, and I glance up briefly, most of my attention still on the challenge in front of me.

  “You left early last night.” Blake says, walking in with an easy smile.

  I nod at him, but don’t reply until I’m done, carefully setting aside the individual parts on a tray to my side before reaching for a cloth and wiping my hands.

  His smile widens when I finally swing the chair around to face where he’s leaning against a counter, one ankle hooked behind the other.

  “Not that I blame you for ditching me for brighter things. Good night?”

  I snort in amusement, folding my arms and leaning back in the chair. We might have gone out to Jack’s together, but I’m not sure it counts as ditching when he was trying it on with Jessie. Again.

  I’ve never been sure whether to admire or despair over his thick skin, but he’s definitely hung up on that girl, however many rejections later. Poor guy.

  “Yeah.” I say, smiling slightly. “Yeah, it was a good night.”

  “Hah. Yeah, from the looks of you, I can tell.” He grins. “Hadn’t seen her around before, either.”

  “No, I’m fairly certain she’s never been to Jack’s before.”

  “And…will she be coming back?” He asks, not at all subtle about the suggestion there.

  I run a hand behind my neck, shrugging. “I don’t know.”

  If I’m honest with myself, I’ve been wondering the same thing.

  Will she be back?

  “You weren’t all that good then, huh?” He says, ribbing me good-naturedly, with the easy banter we’ve had for years.

  I snort. “Better than you’ll ever be.”

  I even have a letter to prove it.

  Not that I’m going to show him that. He wouldn’t get it - in fact, I’m not sure anyone would. I kept it though, just because.

  “Nah, it’s just…probably a one-night thing.” I say, elaborating. “She’s not the kind of girl to hang around in those parts.”

  “Mm, getting too good for us, huh?” He smirks at me, but as easy as his attitude is, there’s more than just banter there.

  It’s not the first time he’s mentioned that I don’t come around so often, and I get more suggestions to meet at the club’s usual haunts than I’d like. He knows that I’ve been trying to distance myself from all of that - and hell, he’s one of the few people I can rely on for support - but I know it bothers him, on some level.

  I’m never going to want to stop meeting up with him, and even most of the guys I know…it’s still fun to catch up, go for some sweet rides and talk shop together…I still like them. I just don’t want to be part of what they do.

  “Have you seen the shop lately?” I ask, smirking lightly. I don’t have to look around to see the clutter - or the number of cheap bikes waiting for largely superfluous upgrades. “Still the grease monkey I always was - got a long way to go before I start turning classy on you, bro.”

  “Hm.” He makes a non-committal noise, before glancing around and finally smiling at me again. He knows this is my passion - the one thing in life I’m truly good at. Well, that and incredible sex apparently. “How’s business going?”

  “It’s good.” I nod. “Still slow, but I’m confident. Mostly cheap jobs at the moment, but that should get the word out, and hey, I can eat. That’s good enough.”

  His smile deepens, the sentiment reflected in his eyes as he looks around again.

  “Good - good, I’m glad, Ash, really.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Proud of you, bro.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  He’s silent for a moment, then shifts where he’s stood, refolding his arms and scratching behind his neck. I start getting the feeling that he didn’t come around just to talk about the girl I hooked up with last night.

  “We didn’t really get to catch up last night, huh?” He finally says.

  “No.” I agree, my tone already questioning. “I guess not.”

  “Yeah, well…there was something I wanted to ask you, actually.”

  “Oh?” I raise an eyebrow, trying to ignore the sudden discomfort in my gut. I’ve got a feeling this isn’t going to be something I want to hear.

  “Yeah, on behalf of Jared, actually—”

  “No.” I say immediately. “Blake, c’mon, you know I don’t want any part of—”

  “Just hear me out, huh?”

  I scowl. I’m not sure I even wan
t to do that much. I don’t think he gets it, what he’s doing - what they’re doing - or just how dangerous it is. I’m not sure whether listening could be enough to wreck the life I’ve just got set up how I want.

  “No details.” I say, my tone short.

  He gives a curt nod. “There’s a job we’ve got coming up - not for a while now, but it’s a big one. We could do with the extra support, if you’d consider it. Jared has me getting in touch with all the old guys - it’s not just you - I’m asking everyone—”

  “No. Absolutely not. The last thing I want is to be involved in a big job with a group of randoms I don’t know—”

  “It’s big, Ash. Your cut would be enough that you could expand the shop. Advertise to all the rubbies and rich folk if you wanted. You’d be more than just eating—”

  “No.” I repeat, folding my arms and staring him down. I’m not even the slightest bit tempted. “I’m not interested, Blake. You know that.”

  He finally stops, sinking back against the counter and sighing deeply. A moment later, the act is gone and he gives me a wry smile with a shrug.

  “Yeah, I figured. I told Jared as much - but he wanted me to ask, anyway.”

  I grunt. I wish he hadn’t. It’s the one part of our friendship that I doubt sometimes. Hell, it’s the one part of my friendship with any of those guys that makes me hesitate.

  If it came down to it, I’m not so sure he wouldn’t put club loyalty over everything else - my interests, his interests…anything. Considering what I know of what the club is willing to do, that’s not the best basis for trust.

  “Don’t suppose you want to come out again tonight?” He offers, his tone a little awkward, as if he knows the exact direction of my thoughts. “I was at least going to buy you a drink in exchange for the question.”

  I’m about to shake my head no, but then I pause. I had wondered about going back to Jack’s…

  “We could see whether that girl of yours comes back, hey?” Blake says, his smile growing as he unerringly guesses the direction of my thoughts.

  “Mm…” I consider it, not entirely convinced - either about going out with him after that, or even trying to look for Chloe. “Maybe. I’ll let you know. - see how things go here first, okay?”

  He nods. “Sure thing, bro. I’ll be around.”


  “Well, I’ll let you get on then. Hope to see you later.”

  I nod and he turns to head for the door, while I look back at the bike and try to remember what I was planning to do next. I’ve still got that uncomfortable feeling in my gut, and now I’m thinking about Chloe some more, too. Wondering whether I should see if she comes back tonight. I can’t imagine it’s the kind of place she’s going to start frequenting, but if she enjoyed last night and wanted to find me…I guess that’s where she’d look.

  I’m not sure how I feel about that idea, either. It was a hot night. She’s a feisty, intriguing girl and a breath of fresh air all at once, but I’m not sure what I’d want with a conservative, religious type who obviously has some of her own issues to work out.

  All I know is that I’m still curious.

  And I wouldn’t mind a repeat.

  It plays on my mind for the rest of the afternoon, and I barely make any progress with the bike before I give up and text Blake to say I’ll meet him at Jack’s.

  I take the Kawi out again, enjoying the feel under me as it hums through the evening traffic and the urge to get it out in the open - to go further, faster, to really stretch it fills me again. God, that was fun last night, too. Between what else happened, I’d almost forgotten about that.

  When I get to Jack’s, Blake is already there - along with the drink he promised me - and we’re pretty much the only guys in the bar. Jack gives us a semi-suspicious glance, but that’s just how he looks most of the time anyway, and we sit and talk shit for a while.

  The bar gradually fills up around us and I take a few glances around as it does, but after a few hours it’s obvious that Chloe isn’t going to appear. Not that I was really expecting her to anyway.

  Blake seems to come to the same conclusion, looking around himself.

  “Rough luck, bro.” He shakes his head.

  I shrug easily enough. “Nah, I didn’t really think she’d show.”

  “Maybe you weren’t quite as good as you thought, huh?” He smirks at me and I just laugh.

  “You wish, Blake, you wish. Maybe then you’d stand a chance with some of the girls around here.”

  “Mm, talking of…” He gives an appreciative look around. “Plenty more options, if your girl’s not coming. You interested?”

  He tilts his head towards a table to the side of us and I glance over to see a group of girls, leather-clad with punk-rock hairstyles and piercings in every place possible. A second look tells me that Jessie is one of them. Of course.

  I shake my head.

  He shrugs, but I don’t miss the second glance he sends in that direction. I have to fight the smile that wants to tug at my lips, knowing he’ll see it. It’s always the same when Jessie shows up - impossible to keep a conversation.

  “I mainly came for the free beer.” I tell him, raising the almost-empty pint in his direction. “I’ll probably head home after this one, leave you to it.”

  “My company’s not good enough, huh?” He grins at me.

  “A few hours of it is more than enough.” I match his smile, then finish the drink, setting it down with a small sigh. “Good luck with Jessie.”

  “Yeah, thanks, bro.” He’s already looking over there again and I shake my head, swinging my jacket back on and clasping him on the shoulder as I go past.

  I didn’t think she’d be back, so I’m not exactly disappointed - but right now, I’m not interested in any of those other girls, either. I’d rather keep Chloe in my head for a little while longer, spend a bit of time thinking about last night, than try to replace it with something else. I’ve never been the kind of guy to need a new girl every night - a good memory will last me a long time.

  On a whim, I take the Kawi out again instead. A long, hard ride appeals more to me right now than anything else - and if I can’t have that with Chloe, well, my pretty little Streetfighter is a good second choice.

  It reminds me of last night, too, and what it was like with her on the back, flying down the highways and showing off a little. I smile as I think of it, and nudge the bike a little bit faster.

  Yeah, that’s going to be a fantasy to enjoy for a while.

  Chapter Five


  “Wow. Someone definitely got some last night.”

  “I, um—what—” I stammer, going bright red.

  I’ve just walked into Fisherman’s Tavern for our weekly tradition of half-price crab cakes and cocktails and Nat says that from all the way over at our usual booth, way too loudly.

  “Nat!” I scowl, trying not to look around as I step quickly over to him, sliding into the booth to hide before he can add anything else embarrassing. I don’t have a clue how he even knows that.

  “What?” He says innocently enough, taking a sip from his already half-empty pint as he looks me over. “All I’m saying, is you look stunning today. It’s glowing from you, babe. Must have been a while, right? God, you’re making me want to get out there and find a good-looking man for myself…”

  I grab a handful of the nuts left out on the table, mostly to have something to cover just how damn embarrassed I am. I wanted to talk to Nat today - I was so relieved to think our weekly get-together coincided for today anyway - but I wasn’t quite expecting…this.

  “Well, thank goodness my parents aren’t half as observant as you, then.” I mutter, though my stomach does a little flip-flop at the thought.

  At least I hope they’re not. They didn’t act like they were suspicious about anything.

  Then again, we also avoided each other most of the day. I got back in the early hours of the morning, enough that they definitely didn’t know
what time I came in - but since I was there when they woke up, I’m pretty sure they just thought I was out sulking until after they went to bed.

  After our raging argument yesterday, Dad was evidently taking his standard cool, disapproving approach of waiting for me to come back and apologize - and the inevitable lecture that would follow - which I used wholeheartedly to my advantage. Considering everything else that happened last night that I’m still trying to process - along with the weird high it’s left me with - the last thing I want to do is get caught in a long discussion with Dad.

  I did what was expected in the shop, but then I left as soon as I could - and I barely exchanged two words with Mom or Dad all day. If he wants to think I’m being some stubborn child in refusing to talk to him any further, then let him. I have other things to think about right now.

  Nat laughs. “From what you’ve told me, I doubt your parents have ever had good sex in their lives - they wouldn’t see it if it was right in front of them.”

  That’s oddly reassuring, if a little disturbing too. The last thing I want to be thinking about is my parents’ sex life…but…no, thinking back to last night, the idea of them doing anything like that feels totally impossible. I half laugh, half squirm with embarrassment and cover my head with my hands.

  “Oh, Nat…”

  “It was good then, wasn’t it?” He grins at me and I can’t help it, I smile back.

  I guess he’s right. I guess it is shining out of me - that’s how it feels, like a sudden burst of happiness and awe that I can’t possibly contain if I tried - and that same feeling has me smiling at random moments, sighing softly to myself, all sorts of things that I probably shouldn’t be doing, but I can’t help either.

  “Yeah.” I finally say, breathing the word as I half look up at him. I don’t want to meet his eyes for fear he’ll know exactly what I’m thinking and feeling right now - and somehow, those feelings seem private. “Yeah, ohh goodness, Nat, it was…unbelievable.”

  He laughs, then we’re interrupted as the waitress comes over to take our order. I doubt she needs to - we’ve been here every week for five years, and we always have their super special crab cake offer - but I’m secretly grateful for the interruption anyway. I couldn’t resist gushing about last night a little, but I’m not sure how much I really want to talk about it with Nat, either.


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