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Pregnant with the Tycoon's Heir (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 5)

Page 12

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Her phone buzzed, but she ignored it, assuming that it was Ella or Cassy. At the moment, she couldn’t look at the messages. She just wanted to…wallow. She was pregnant and definitely not jealous and just needed to wallow!

  Pierce listened to the lovely woman talk with half an ear, but his thoughts centered on Naya. What was she doing today? He wanted to be with her. Glancing at his schedule, he made a mental note to tell his assistant to cancel his last few meetings. He was going to take Naya out for a quiet dinner tonight. In public where he would be forced to keep his hands off her.

  He almost chuckled at the idea of him actually making an effort to not make love to a beautiful woman, but it was true. He understood that being alone with Naya meant that he would be making love with her. And it wasn’t just his own lust that was an issue. She was just as much of a participant. In fact, she’d been the one to initiate their sexual madness last time.

  He couldn’t suppress his smile at the memory. Nor could he control his body’s reaction. Instantly, he was hard and ready for her, aching with the need for a repeat performance.

  “Do any of these flats suit your needs?”

  Pierce focused on the pictures in front of him. He’d asked Ms. el Hamid to meet with him here because she had several rental properties that would be an improvement over Naya’s current living situation. He wanted her closer to his office. And she needed something bigger, more luxurious. He wasn’t a stingy lover and wanted something nice for her. As well as for himself. He provided well for his mistresses, giving them whatever they wanted.

  Although, Naya was…different. She was special. For a moment, he realized that he didn’t want the term “mistress” applied to her. He fully acknowledged that he wanted a sexual relationship with her. But for the first time, he also wanted…more. Although, what was more than a mistress?

  A word popped into his mind, but he discarded that possibility.

  Damn it, what the hell was he thinking?! More from a woman? Naya was lovely but…he barely knew her!

  No, he would set her up as his mistress and enjoy her company. That was his plan. It was a good, solid plan and it made sense for his life. And probably for hers as well. Naya was ambitious and talented. She wouldn’t want to tie herself down at this point in her career either.

  “Sir?” Tamara prompted.

  Pierce pulled his attention back to the present. “Right,” he sighed and leaned forward. One by one, he pulled the pictures of the apartments forward. One was by the Thames, looking out at Parliament with a luxurious, high-end kitchen. He wondered if she’d like that or if she’d prefer something a bit more subdued. Did Naya like to cook? Was she a baker? What were her hobbies?

  Pierce realized that he had no idea. In the past, he’d simply arranged for the lady in his life to live in an apartment that was convenient for him. Those ladies had been perfectly happy with the arrangement, since that meant that they were closer to the shopping districts. But again, Pierce was aware of the differences between the women in his past and Naya. He didn’t want to give her an apartment that wasn’t something she’d enjoy as well as one that would fit her lifestyle.

  “Let me take these pictures and I’ll let you know,” he told the woman who was lovely, but didn’t stir anything in him. Tamara el Hamid was beautiful and slender with an athletic build that might have enticed him at some point in his life. But she wasn’t Naya. Ms. el Hamid left him cold. She didn’t have the cute, sexy figure that he craved and she didn’t have the green eyes that sparkled up at him.

  A man might be annoyed by the fact that one woman had so completely enthralled his mind and his body. But Pierce knew a good thing when he found it.

  “That would be fine,” Ms. el Hamid stood up, stacking all of the pictures for him. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Danilov. If any other apartments come available that might suit your needs, I’ll send the pictures on at once.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” Pierce replied and shook the woman’s hand.

  Watching her leave, he admired the woman’s tight butt and long legs. She had a supremely confident stride and her long, dark hair swished against her back.

  And yet, he felt nothing. No stirring at all.

  Sighing, Pierce turned and headed back to his desk. “Lois!” he called out to his assistant.

  She appeared in his doorway, notebook in her hand. “Yes sir?”

  “Contact my pilot and let her know that I’ll be flying out this evening. I don’t have a specific time yet. Then tell the hotel housekeeping staff to pack a bag for me for the weekend.”

  “Yes sir,” she nodded, scribbled a few notes, and left.

  He scowled at the woman who was efficient, but the pursed lips screamed her disapproval. He didn’t give a damn what she thought as long as she did her job.

  He dialed Naya’s phone number, not wishing to delegate this task to Lois and her disapproving efficiency.

  When Naya picked up, even her soft, lilting voice made his body ache.

  “What are you doing tonight for dinner?” he asked.

  Naya heard the deep voice echoing through the line and shivered. Pierce! Goodness, just his voice could make her come alive!

  “Naya?” he prompted when she didn’t answer immediately.

  “Sorry,” she snapped. “I’m not used to you calling me personally. Usually, you have a minion call me or you come down to my area and yell at me, which makes my co-workers think I’m about to be fired. Again.”

  His husky laugh sent fire shooting through her body. Heat and need was intense and scary in its power.

  “I’ll try to be more sensitive in the future,” he promised. “About tonight and this weekend, do you have plans?”

  His voice was silky smooth, like warm chocolate, with a spark of chili powder for spice. Darn it, he was good.

  “I’m doing laundry,” she told him, which was the truth. “And scrubbing my toilet.” She’d added that last just to be ornery and point out the differences in their lives. He was rich and powerful. She wasn’t. He lived in a penthouse suite in the most expensive hotel in the city and had a team of housekeeping staff. She lived alone in a small, bland apartment and had to clean it herself before it became a science experiment.

  “How about if I send over a team to clean for you and we head out of town?”

  Oh, the delicious temptation of his offer. Unfortunately, that wasn’t a good idea. “I don’t think so, Pierce.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we…”

  “Can’t keep our hands off of each other when we’re alone?” he offered when she didn’t finish her statement.

  Naya’s mind and body heated up at the images that popped into her mind. “Exactly.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” he offered. “We’ll have several days alone. Maybe by the end of the weekend, we’ll be sated with each other and can actually have a normal conversation.”

  Naya thought about the conversation she needed to have with him. She really needed to tell him about the baby. It wasn’t as if their conversations were particularly profound. Most of their communication was more along the lines of “More!” or something like, “Yes! Don’t stop!” Naya remembered a few Russian words from him that she suspected weren’t fit for polite company. She grinned at those memories. Yes, the memories of those moments with him were branded in her mind.

  “Naya?” he prompted.

  Naya sighed. “Dinner tonight would be good, although I really do have things I need to get done over the weekend. But…we need to have dinner in a public place.”

  His deep, sexy chuckle sent lightning throughout her body.

  “I’d had the same thought. How about dinner at the hotel tonight and then we’ll fly out to some place where we can spend the weekend together? One of my homes. You can even choose. Do you want a warm environment? Or mountains?”

  Naya’s mind whirled. “Are you telling me that you have a house in the mountains as well as one somewhere warm?”

; “Yes. Which would you prefer?”

  “Neither,” she snapped, irritated. She wasn’t sure she completely understood though. “I’ll meet you for dinner tonight. And the hotel restaurant is fine. But I need to talk to you, Pierce.” She peered through her office doorway, checking for eavesdroppers. When the coast was clear, she whispered into the phone, “No touching each other!” she ordered.

  His earthy chuckle warned her that he wasn’t going to promise that.

  “I’ll see you in my office at six. We’ll drive over together.”

  Unfortunately, he hung up before she could argue. She didn’t want to go to his office. Naya knew what would happen if she was alone with him. It would be better if she drove to the hotel and met him at the restaurant. That way, they wouldn’t be alone in his office or the limousine that most likely would drive him the few blocks to the hotel.

  She would send him a text message…but she didn’t have his cell phone number. Ugh!

  Fine, she’d email him right before six o’clock, telling him that she’d meet him at the hotel. That would keep them from being alone together and maybe, just maybe, she’d be able to tell him about the pregnancy. The key was having the courage to tell him as well as keeping their hands to themselves.

  Both were difficult to achieve, but she had to do it. Telling him was the right thing to do.

  Chapter 14

  Naya gasped for air, her body happily throbbing from the latest release. “We have to stop this,” she grumbled, but her hands slid down Pierce’s bare shoulders.

  “Right,” he laughed, shifting to her side, pressing a kiss on her shoulder.

  A moment later, he stood up and walked into the small bathroom. The plane was in the air…Naya had no idea where they were going. But just now, she didn’t really care. Her body felt as if it were floating, the release of endorphins or whatever it was that happened after sex, made her sleepy.

  “I don’t have any clothes,” she muttered as she rolled to her side. Her eyes were heavy and it was dark outside. Sleep was quickly enveloping her in its sweet release but she fought it, knowing that she needed to talk with him. She had to have a conversation with him, but, she couldn’t quite remember why.

  “Go to sleep, Naya,” he said, pulling her against him and she sighed as she rested her head against his shoulder.

  “Need to talk,” she muttered. “Important…!” she continued muttering, but her eyes were already closing, exhaustion from work and worry and, well, the beginning stages of her pregnancy.

  Naya’s last thought before she fell into a deep sleep was that she loved the way he stroked her hair.

  The knocking sound irritated her and Naya snuggled into the warmth beside her.

  “Sir, we’ll be landing in twenty minutes,” someone called through the door.

  Naya lifted her head and looked around, trying to orient herself. This wasn’t her bed and it wasn’t her tiny apartment. So…where was she?

  “Good morning,” Pierce’s gruff voice growled in her ear.

  She gasped as she realized that she was curled around him, her leg on top of his thick, muscular thigh. Once again, that overwhelming need was upon her and she turned to look up at him. Those gray eyes stared back at her and she shivered. He wanted her as well.

  “We can’t!” she replied.

  “I know,” he said, but still, neither of them moved.

  “I need a shower.”

  “No time. We’ll shower when we get to my house.” And with that, he stood up, carefully extricating limbs as he went.

  When he stood up, Naya’s eyes drifted over his naked form, her mouth going dry at the realization that he was fully erect and staring at her with lust in his eyes. Probably the same lust echoing in her eyes.

  “I’m getting dressed,” she told him. “You have to go…somewhere else.”

  He laughed. “You can dress in front of me,” he told her, but he turned and headed into that small bathroom.

  Naya realized that she desperately needed the bathroom as well. And a toothbrush. A hair brush would be nice, too. Instead, she slipped out of the soft, comfortable bed and grabbed her clothes. They were scattered all over the floor and she blushed, remembering the previous night. They hadn’t made it to dinner. He’d been furious to find her walking to the hotel and had ordered her into the limousine. After that, well, the anger had turned to passion and they’d skipped dinner. It had been a brutal fifteen minutes on the plane while they both waited, staring at each other, while the plane took off. Naya remembered watching Pierce sitting opposite her in the large, leather chair, her body throbbing with the need to be with him. But safety required that they be seated with seatbelts on during takeoff. She’d read the intention in his eyes though. Naya knew what he was planning once they were able to take off their seatbelts.

  And that waiting was the reason her clothes were scattered all over the floor.

  Sighing, Naya quickly pulled on her underwear and skirt. She was trying to figure out what had happened to her blouse when he stepped out of the bathroom.

  He realized that her clothes were a mess and grinned, winking in her direction. “We’ll go shopping for clothes before we head to my house.”

  She shook her head. “Where are we?” she demanded, pulling her shirt inside out, not sure how the silk blouse had become so tangled.

  “Aruba,” he said, hooking a finger into the waistband of her skirt and pulling her into his arms. “You’re going to look amazing in a bikini,” he growled before kissing her gently.

  Naya’s head spun after he released her to pull on his own shirt. She remembered the silk in her hands and looked down, shaking her head as she continued to untangle the shirt and pull it on over her head. When she was fully dressed, Naya looked over at him. “What’s next?”

  “Come, we need to be seated before the pilot lands the plane.”

  She followed him into the brightly lit main cabin. They sat down and buckled their seatbelts, only moments before the pilot informed them that they were cleared to land.

  Five minutes later, the plane taxied to a stop. The flight attendant lowered the stairs and Pierce took her hand, leading her down onto the tarmac where a Jeep was waiting for them. It was one of those open air Jeeps with a roll bar over the top and Naya lifted her face up to the Caribbean sun, letting the rays warm her skin.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” he led her to the passenger side of the Jeep.

  Naya nodded and slipped into the seat, feeling free and wonderful with the heat that was softened by the gentle humidity. “It’s wonderful.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her, smiling down at her. “Better than cleaning your toilets, ya prav?”

  Naya laughed. “Much better,” she replied, smiling as he started the engine and drove out of the airport.

  “You need different clothes,” he announced.

  Naya shook her head, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Just a pair of shorts and some…well, just drop me off and I’ll get what I need.” She noticed that his accent was thicker now, and he fell back to his native language more often. It was…sexy. Unfortunately, Naya didn’t need him to become sexier. She needed to tell him about their baby, she thought as her hand fluttered over her stomach. It suddenly occurred to her that she hadn’t had any morning sickness after a crazy bout of sex with Pierce. What did that mean? Was that normal? She’d always heard that crackers helped appease the nausea, but sex?

  He shook his head again. “Not a chance, dorogoy. I dragged you here to see that luscious body in a bathing suit and I don’t trust you to get something that will do that body justice.”

  Naya looked down at her figure, not sure what he meant. “I’m not sure I trust your judgment when it comes to clothing,” she replied.

  He grinned and her stomach fluttered. “Ah, but you don’t know what I’m going to suggest.”

  She didn’t, but she knew him and he was a lot more adventurous at everything than she was. Naya had grown up counting pennies and budgeting
everything, wearing used clothing and buying things at second-hand stores. It wasn’t until she’d been accepted at The Burling School that she’d worn an outfit that hadn’t been previously worn by someone else. So, the idea of buying a whole new wardrobe for one weekend just wasn’t going to happen. Her frugal soul couldn’t handle that kind of extravagance. They drove for several minutes, leaving the small airport behind as they drove along the beach road with the sunshine beaming down on them and the soft air lifting her hair from the open windows. Finally, they came to a small shopping center. “That place looks good,” she said, pointing to what was most likely a discount store.

  “Nope,” he argued and kept on driving. Five minutes later, he pulled into a parking space in what looked to be the main shopping district. There were pretty white, pink, yellow, and soft blue storefronts, and everything looked very upscale.

  “I can’t afford anything here,” she told him, shifting in her seat nervously.

  He laughed again. “You’re not buying anything here, Naya,” he warned and walked around to the passenger side, lifting her out of the Jeep and setting her down on the wooden walkway. He took her hand and led her into a store with a well-known designer name on the outside.

  “This is too expensive!” she hissed, trying to tug her hand away from his.

  He released her hand as one of the salespeople stepped up. “How can I help you?” the salesperson asked, giving Pierce her best, brightest smile.

  “Ms. Banks needs a bathing suit and several new outfits.”

  The woman turned to Naya with a solicitous smile. “Size ten?” she asked.

  Naya’s cheeks turned pink as she nodded. The salesperson was something like a size zero and looked more glamorous than Naya could ever hope to be. “Yes. Ten is about right.” Although, sometimes her body preferred a size twelve. Not for long, she thought as her hand drifted to her stomach.

  The woman walked over to one of the racks and pulled out a pair of white shorts and a silky tank top. “How about if we begin with these? You can try them on and I’ll bring more to you.”


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