Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology

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Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology Page 14

by Smith, Maren

  “Like what?” She tried to sound challenging, she really did, but her confusion and uncertainty was clear.

  “First, things first, you need a bath.”

  A what? Like water boarding?

  Except that Pluto was stepping forward, his hands going for her spandex. She didn’t need to be naked to be water boarded. Chaotica shrieked and tried to dodge, but he was faster than her.

  Strong hands gripped her, manhandling her, and she heard her zipper being undone even before she felt cool air on her back. At least, it felt cool to her. Wearing spandex was hot. She shrieked, kicking and wriggling to the point where she even lost hold of the teddy bear, but Pluto peeled her out of her suit with an ease that was almost insulting. The pink wig she wore came off as she struggled, the pins having worked their way loose from her dark hair. Pluto easily held her as he plucked the rest of the pins from her hair, and no matter how she kicked and hit, she couldn’t seem to land a single blow.

  Even worse, she felt exhausted by the time he was done and hung limp in his arms wearing nothing but a bra and panties.

  “Noooo...” she protested when he started to take those off too.

  Just like with her bodysuit, he ignored her.

  It didn’t occur to her, until he had her naked body heaved back over his shoulder and was headed for the bathroom, that she hadn’t actually felt afraid of him the entire time. She wasn’t afraid he was going to hurt her. She wasn’t afraid he was going to rape her—despite undressing her, his touch hadn’t been sexual at all and his grip had been firm but not painful the entire time.

  Now, with one hand on her bare butt, she still wasn’t afraid of him.

  Well, she was afraid of him but not like that. Not terrified. Not worried that he was about to do something horrible to her.

  She was pretty sure that he was going to do exactly what he’d stated—give her a bath.

  What the hell was happening?

  Chapter 4

  The little hellion had finally stopped fighting, which was good. Keeping her from hurting herself when she was trying to hit him had been nearly as difficult as keeping her from hitting him. Now she was draped over his shoulder, panting but still. Probably plotting her next move.

  Pluto didn’t intend to give her a chance though.

  He knew how to treat a naughty little girl and that’s exactly what he was going to do. If she was what he suspected, she would be very susceptible to his current tactic. What he would do with her later... well, that was a problem for future him. Although, he was starting to think that he might like to keep her. He’d been having the argument in his head almost from the moment he’d decided to take her upstairs instead of to the basement.

  A little villain?

  I could show her the benefits of being a good girl.

  I’ve been looking for a little girl like her.

  She needs a real Daddy.

  This is the craziest idea I’ve ever had.

  Might not be the worst idea I’ve ever had though.

  There was definitely an attraction though, and it wasn’t one sided. While she was loyal to Big Daddy—for now at least—she was also intrigued by him. Even more by the room he’d put her in, which had gone a long way to confirming his suspicions.

  With her bare form draped over his shoulder, the shadows were making their own perusal of her body, undirected by him. She wouldn’t even know they were there as long as they didn’t cover her eyes again, but Pluto did try to get them to stop. Unfortunately, the shadows didn’t always listen, and this was one of those times.

  Wet, they informed him. If shadows could sound satisfied, they would.

  Dammit. He wasn’t sure he’d needed to know that. It made him think about all sorts of things that he definitely shouldn’t be doing with or to her yet.

  When he set her down on her feet in the bathroom, she covered herself with her hands as much as she was able and backed away from him into the corner of the room. That was fine. As long as he was between her and the door.

  He turned to the tub and started filling it with warm water, glancing over to the right where she was watching him with big eyes. The makeup she’d been wearing streaked her cheeks, her dark hair was a mess, and she was scrunched in on herself, trying to cover her pert little breasts and what he was fairly certain was a completely shaved mound. Her skin was tanned all over, which made him think that it was probably her natural coloring—that or she was very into nude sunbathing. The expression on her face was wary but confused, like she was trying to figure him out.

  Derrick returned her look nonchalantly, holding up two plastic bottles, one pink and one red. “Do you want to smell like cherry blossoms or raspberries?”

  She blinked at him but didn’t answer.

  He shrugged. “Raspberries it is.”

  Putting down the bottle, he clicked the top open on the raspberry bubble bath and was about to pour it into the stream of water filling the tub when she finally spoke up.

  “Wait!” He looked at her and she blushed before staring down at the ground, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Cherry blossoms.”

  “What’s the magic word, little girl?” he asked patiently. Just because she was currently technically his prisoner didn’t mean he was going to let her get away with no manners.


  Satisfied, for now, Derrick switched bottles. Bubbles immediately started frothing where the water was flowing into the tub, filling it. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Chaotica watching him, shifting her weight back and forth nervously.

  She was on edge. Anxious.

  And aroused.


  Derrick turned off the tap and turned his head to look at her. “Come on, little girl. Time for your bath.”

  Her feet almost moved. She almost obeyed. He lifted an eyebrow before realizing she probably couldn’t see it under the shadow mask he’d left on.

  When he spoke again, his voice was deeper, more authoritative. It was an order. “Now, little girl.”

  This time she stumbled forward, and then pulled up hard, as if in shock. Shaking his head, Derrick took advantage of her closeness and her hesitation to pick her up again. Ignoring the softness of her skin against his was impossible, but he did his best.

  He let her slide down into the bath, catching a glimpse of dark pink nipples and a smooth mound before her body slipped beneath the bubbles. The tub was deep and long, meant to hold a man his size, and she was much smaller than he, so she looked tiny amid all the bubbles.

  There were a lot of bubbles. He might have gone a little overboard. But she looked around at the bubble mountains and a little smile appeared on her face, her dark brown eyes brightening. Overboard didn’t seem so bad right now. He got a hum of pleasure from seeing her pleasure.

  Which made it harder for him to focus on his end goal.

  Brushing away his reaction, he picked up the bath brush he kept hanging next to the tub. The pleasure on her face had faded and her gaze was now locked onto the brush.

  “Don’t worry, little girl,” he said, holding it up so she could see it. “As long as you don’t misbehave, this won’t be used for anything but cleaning you.”

  Her lips formed a little ‘o’ and he could see the torn expression on her face.

  Hmmm. Seemed like someone might actually want a spanking. He’d keep that in mind. Right now, he needed to build her trust and lower her defenses though. If she pushed him, she’d get the response she was looking for, but otherwise she was in for some pampering.

  “Turn around.” He gestured with the brush, indicating that she should position herself so that he was at her side rather than her front.

  Still watching him warily, she obeyed, and Derrick got to work with scrubbing her back with the brush. All that spandex she was wearing should have made her sweaty while she was fighting. It had been a long time since he’d had a woman to give a bath to and he found himself relaxing into it just as much as she was.

she began lifting up the bubbles in her hands and blowing them into the air, giggling madly, he couldn’t help but grin and chuckle as well. She was delightful... and he might be in some serious trouble here.

  Chapter 5

  Bath time with Pluto. Would anyone ever believe it?

  Chaotica still didn’t know what to make of it. Part of her knew he was trying to manipulate her... but did she really care much about that? He was acting like the Daddy she’d always wanted Big Daddy to be, what she’d hoped he’d be. Although her fantasies had always included hot sex and spankings too, but she was kind of glad he wasn’t pressing her for either of those things at the moment.

  It would be really hard to tell him no.

  There was a big lump of guilt settling into her stomach like a stone. Because she probably shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as she was. Definitely shouldn’t be fantasizing about Pluto the way she was.

  Seriously, one bath and suddenly she was going to change all her loyalties?

  Nope. Definitely not.

  Even though Big Daddy had never given her a bath like this. Sure, he’d come and joined her in the bath when she’d asked him to, but he hadn’t ever bathed her. She’d been expected to bathe him. And he’d been annoyed when she played with the bubbles.

  Pluto just chuckled when she blew the bubbles from her hands, a deep, sexy chuckle that made her girly parts sit up and take notice.

  This is bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad.

  Especially because that guilty stone in her stomach wasn’t big enough. It was there, present and real, but it wasn’t swallowing her. And it wasn’t just because she was enjoying herself. It was because she wanted to give in. She wanted to tell Pluto everything.

  Because she wanted him to keep her.

  Which was stupid. So, so stupid. Pluto was nothing but a fantasy. Chaotica had given herself away by cuddling the teddy bear and he was preying on her weakness. Right?

  Look at his house. The room he put you in. The way he’s bathing you, a little voice in her head whispered. You gave yourself away because he knew what you are. He’s a Daddy and he wants a little girl. You could be his little girl.

  Except she was Big Daddy’s little girl. Wasn’t she?

  Every stroke of the soft brush over her skin, every caress of the washcloth across her body, sent another little tendril of doubt curling through her. And, right alongside the doubt, arousal. Pluto’s hands were impersonal, but that didn’t stop her nipples from puckering or her insides from clenching. The more he touched her, the wetter she got.

  She wanted his hands to become more personal. To cup her breasts and tease her nipples. To dip down between her legs and stroke her little pearl. To slide inside of her until she was quivering and begging for his cock.

  My fantasies are totally out of hand.

  They were also making her resentful. Because they weren’t going to come true. He wasn’t doing anything to turn her on, she was just getting turned on anyway. He wasn’t going to actually be her Daddy; he was just acting like it, so she’d spill her secrets. The gentle touch was all an illusion.

  The desperate need to escape welled up inside of her. Being presented with everything she’d ever wanted and knowing it was false… well it was too much. Too cruel. Far meaner than anything Big Daddy had ever done to her.

  “Stop it!” she snapped out suddenly as he made another pass of the washcloth over her stomach, grabbing his wrist. It was like grabbing a bar of steel. No matter how she pushed, she couldn’t budge him. “This is stupid, stop touching me!”

  Pluto leaned back slightly, resting back on his haunches, and she felt his piercing gaze studying her, taking in every line of her body. She tried to straighten her shoulders out and lift her chin up defiantly, but she was fighting against her internal urge to curl into a protective ball. While she didn’t get the sense he would hit her, she couldn’t be sure either… and she really hated the disappointed way he was looking at her. She shouldn’t care if she disappointed him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, sounding almost hurt, which simultaneously made her feel more guilty and resentful. “I thought you were enjoying yourself.”

  She was. That was the problem.

  Chaotica scowled, directing her inner fury at him even though she was just as angry at herself. Maybe even more angry at herself than she was at him. After all, he might be stirring up all sorts of traitorous feelings inside of her, but she was the one wishing this were all real.

  “Well I wasn’t.” She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing hard against her nipples, which were still perked and plump against her will. Chaotica glared down at the cherry blossom scented bubbles, because she couldn’t quite bring herself to glare at him.

  “I know we just met, and we haven’t gone over the rules yet, but lying is not tolerated, little girl.” Pluto’s voice was deep, authoritative, and his words sent a lance of need through her. Big Daddy had never cared whether or not she lied. At least, not as long as she didn’t lie about heist information. The one time she’d done that, trying to get his attention and possibly a spanking, he’d given her such a hard punishment that her bottom had been bruised for days, and then she’d had to work extra hard to get even the smallest touch of affection from him. It had been awful.

  She hunched further in on herself. If she could get through that, then surely, she could get through whatever punishment Pluto dished out to her.

  “You’re not my Daddy! You’re just an asshole!”

  Green eyes flashed and Chaotica bit her lower lip. Was he going to turn mean now? Was he going to give up the game now? Was she going to see the real Pluto?

  She squealed as he reached into the tub and yanked her up. Somehow, he’d maneuvered them both so that he was sitting on the toilet and she was over his lap. Water dripped off of her, soaking his pants, but he didn’t seem bothered by it at all. Considering how wet she was, she should be as slippery as an eel, but he held her easily in place with his forearm across her lower back and strong fingers curled around her hip. Her fingers pressed against the cool tile of the floor, not giving her nearly enough leverage to try and push herself up. When she tried to kick, her heels banged against the tub.


  “Lying and name-calling,” Pluto said, making a tutting noise. Even though she couldn’t see him unless she wanted to crane her neck over her shoulder—which she didn’t—she was sure he was shaking his head. “I might have let the lying slide, since we hadn’t discussed the rules yet, but no name-calling is common sense. Really, no lying is as well, so I’m going to address both right now.”


  Ow! Ow! Owie!

  His hand was big and hard, covering what felt like almost an entire cheek of her butt, and hitting more like a paddle than a regular hand. Her wet skin made the impact sting even more.


  Now the other cheek was stinging and burning too.

  “Stop it!” she screeched at him. “You’re not my Daddy!”

  “Not yet,” he said almost grimly. “But you’re my responsibility right now, because I’m the one taking care of you.”

  Not yet?

  While Chaotica might have liked more time to dwell on exactly what he meant by that, she couldn’t focus her thoughts at all, because as soon as he’d spoken the words, he started spanking her in earnest. She shrieked, struggling, as his hard hand came down again and again, smacking against her wet skin and stinging her poor bottom.

  The burn built with every swat, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. The whole time, he was lecturing her.

  Good girls don’t lie.

  Good girls don’t curse.

  Good girls don’t yell insults.

  Good girls appreciate people who are trying to help them.

  Her tears dripped onto the tile in front of her as she began to sob. Deep, body wrenching sobs. Not just because it hurt, but also because she’d displeased him, and he’d been being so nice to her and she’d had to go and ruin it. Would it
really have killed her to just enjoy the fantasy a little longer?

  She cried because Big Daddy had abandoned her. She cried because she was finally getting the treatment she’d always wanted, by a man she’d fantasized about, but who was only using her as a means to an end. She cried because it felt like her butt was on fire. She cried because her little pussy was aching and throbbing and she was utterly humiliated by her body’s reaction, given the circumstances.

  She cried because she desperately wanted to be a good girl… but somehow, she was never good enough.

  Not for Big Daddy, not for Pluto, not for anyone.

  Chapter 6

  Although he’d expected his little villain to rebel at some point, it had come faster and sooner than he’d thought it would.

  She was testing her boundaries. Seeing how he’d react. And now she knew—he was going to treat her like he really was her Daddy, even if she hadn’t acknowledged it yet. Well, he was going to treat her that way to a point. He might be a vigilante, but he had some scruples, and taking advantage of her sexually would cross quite a few of his lines.

  It didn’t matter that she was aroused… in this situation, he would still feel like he was taking advantage of her.

  But that didn’t mean he was immune to the sweet curve of her bottom, the way she wriggled on his lap, the seductive cries of a little girl receiving the discipline she’d been asking for. By the time she went limp over his thighs, fully submitting to her spanking, her bottom was a nice hot red and Derrick was hard as a rock.

  He considered picking up the bath brush, the way he’d threatened at the beginning of her bath, but he decided that she’d endured enough punishment to get his point across. Resting his hand on her red cheek, he could feel the heat emanating from her chastised skin to his palm, and he grinned.

  “You took your punishment very well,” he murmured, rubbing slow circles over her heated skin as he praised her. “Such a good little girl.”


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