Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology

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Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology Page 15

by Smith, Maren

  Chaotica started crying harder in response to his words.

  Poor little villain. The desire to be a good little girl was there, he could see it. If he’d found her before Big Daddy had…

  Well, he hadn’t, so there was nothing to do now but try and turn things around for her. His priority might be taking down his nemesis, but right behind that was going to be claiming this sweet girl for his own. Lifting her up, Derrick arranged her to his satisfaction on his lap, pressing her head into his shoulder so that she could cry against his chest while he held her.

  “Why-y-y-y are you doing this to me?” she asked, wailing through her tears. “You’re not my Daddy.”

  Unlike before, when she’d uttered those words in defiance, now she just sounded confused. Lost. Like she didn’t understand what he was doing or why. To be fair, Derrick wasn’t entirely sure how he’d come to this place either. He’d just seen her snuggling the bear and he’d responded.

  Not that he had any regrets about it so far. He’d been enjoying himself right up until she’d lashed out.

  Actually, he’d enjoyed himself a bit after that too. Spanking a naughty bottom wasn’t exactly a hardship for him.

  “Because I want to,” he finally answered her. Trying to explain all his reasons was too much, too soon. Especially because he wasn’t sure he could verbalize all of them.

  Yes, he wanted her to trust him, to change her loyalty to him, so that she would tell him everything he needed to know about Big Daddy—preferably before the man managed to move his hideout—but that wasn’t the only reason. He’d seen her need, seen the lost little girl she was inside, seen that she’d needed a Daddy, and he immediately wanted to fill that need and to fix everything for her.

  He wanted to be her Daddy.

  Chaotica didn’t answer, but her tears were finally slowing. When she had worked herself down to sniffling, Derrick stood her up, toweled her off and then took her back to the little girl’s room still wrapped in the fluffy towel.

  She let him direct her every movement like a doll, watching him with dark, uncertain eyes that were just waiting for something terrible to happen. It took all of Derrick’s acting skills to hide the rage he felt at Big Daddy. Baby girls were meant to be cared for and cherished; Chaotica seemed surprised at every show of affection and care, and only expected the worst from him.

  That might have been because they’d been on opposite sides for so long, but he was pretty sure it had something to do with Big Daddy’s treatment of her.

  Well. He would discipline her when she needed it, he’d already demonstrated that, but he was also determined to show her how nice having a good Daddy could be. Using the carrot, instead of the stick. There was a small voice in the back of his head, moaning that this tactic wouldn’t work fast enough to catch Big Daddy, but Derrick was starting to think he didn’t care about that as much as he should.

  He definitely knew it wasn’t in him to treat her like a regular prisoner now that he’d stepped into his Daddy role with her.

  With the towel wrapped around her shoulders, she stood in the center of the room, wet hair plastered to her face and neck, and she kept glancing at the teddy bear she’d left behind on the floor.

  “What’s your favorite color?” Derrick asked her as he went over to the wardrobe. While he wouldn’t have anything specifically made for her, he could make do with what he did have.

  There was no answer and he glanced over his shoulder to see her dragging her toes back and forth on the pink and white rug she was standing on.

  “Chaotica, what’s your favorite color?” He deepened his voice, demanding an answer with his tone.

  “Pink.” The word was said almost begrudgingly.

  Derrick hid his smile as he turned his back to her. Considering the wig and spandex she’d been wearing earlier had both been pink, that’s what he would have guessed, but he’d wanted to make sure. There was a pink dress in the wardrobe that he was pretty sure would be a little big on her, but the ribbon around the waist would cinch it in nicely.

  Even better, it still had the tags on it because it had never been worn. Derrick just liked to be prepared. He’d been a Boy Scout after all. There was a small array of clothing appropriate for a baby girl in the wardrobe and only about half of it had been used before.

  He made a small show of taking off the tags so that she knew it was a new garment. While it might not have been bought just for her, its newness was still a little something special he could give her.

  From the expressions flitting across her face—ranging from excited and yearning to wary and suspicious—he knew that it meant something to her too. She was responding to him, she wanted what he was offering, even if she didn’t want to want it. The little girl inside of her was craving a real Daddy and everything he could give her.

  Considering her loyalty to a man who definitely didn’t deserve her, Derrick could only imagine what she would be like if she transferred that loyalty to a man who did.

  “This might be a little big, but I think it will fit well enough,” he said cheerfully as he dressed her. No bra, but he did pull out a pair of frilly pink panties with lace to put her in. Chaotica barely noticed the panties, she was too busy holding out the ruffled skirt and staring at it like she’d never seen a skirt before. The wonder in her eyes made him shake his head.

  She definitely hadn’t been treated the way she deserved by Big Daddy.

  Even if she was a little villain, her Daddy should take care of her. Derrick hadn’t thought he could hate the other man any more than he already did, but apparently, he’d been wrong about that. It was a travesty how shocked she was just by being put in a frilly dress.

  And she looked utterly, adorably delicious when he was done.

  That pink wig wasn’t going back on her head, but Pluto sat on the bed with her in between his legs to do her hair. She squeaked a little when her bottom hit the rug, making him grin. The after effects of her spanking weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Clutching the teddy bear back in her arms, she sat silently while he plaited her dark locks into two French braids. Which, of course, gave him a vision of using them to pull her forward while he filled her mouth with his cock, but he pushed the mental image aside.

  Shadows slid over her body, exploring her and reporting back to him that she was still aroused. Wetter than ever actually.

  Derrick felt like groaning. Things he definitely didn’t need to know right now.

  No taking advantage of the prisoner. No matter how cute and sexy and turned on she is.

  For a moment, he almost wished he was a villain who wouldn’t care about taking advantage of her.

  “Okay little girl. I need to go change and then I’m going to make us dinner. Any requests?”

  He kept his voice light and cheerful, but he wasn’t surprised when she didn’t move from her spot on the floor and just stared up at him silently. The need in her eyes, the yearning, almost killed him. She obviously wanted what he was offering with every fiber of her being, and she just as obviously didn’t actually trust the offer.

  Derrick didn’t take it personally. With time, she’d come to trust him more.

  But you don’t have time, dumbass. Not if you want the best chance of catching Big Daddy before he moves hideouts, remember? The faster you move, the better chance you have. Are you really going to throw this chance away because of a girl?

  Looking down at her, so soft and pink and sweet, so vulnerable and so guarded, Derrick realized that he really might be.

  “Be a good girl and don’t leave the room until I come get you.” And with that warning, he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 7

  Feeling almost dazed, Chaotica stared at the closed door.

  He’d left her alone? In his house? Was he insane?

  No. This must be a trap. It had to be, didn’t it?

  He didn’t expect her to actually stay right here, waiting for him, just because he said so… did he?

  What should she do now? She felt completely torn. There was a part of her that wanted to listen to him, to do as he said, because she didn’t want to disappoint him again. But he’d just left her completely alone and unguarded... shouldn’t she at least try to escape? Her pride bristled a little. Did he think she was completely incapable? Or maybe he just thought that his punishment had been enough to bring her in line.

  Chaotica stood up, rather than continuing to sit on her sore bottom, and flopped face down on the bed. It was soft. Squishy. So very pink. Just like her dress. All the pink made her soul feel happy.

  The spanking had hurt, but Big Daddy had hurt her worse in the past. She didn’t know why she’d ended up sobbing the way she had. There had just been something so intimate about being over Pluto’s lap, his hand crashing down on her bottom, and then the way he’d cuddled her... The combination had completely undone her defenses.

  But not enough to inspire blind obedience. If anything, she’d learned just how dangerous Pluto really was. He’d found her weakness and he was hammering at it. She had no doubt he’d keep hammering until she shattered.

  He expects me to try and escape. He must. The smart thing to do would be to stay right here, let him feed me and take care of me and be my Daddy. Ha! I bet he wouldn’t expect that!

  Would it really be the smart thing though?

  What was her goal?

  If she wanted to protect Big Daddy, that would definitely thwart Pluto. Even if he eventually caught Big Daddy, as long as she resisted Pluto’s questions, it wouldn’t be her fault. Hugging the teddy bear closer with one arm, she chewed on her thumb as she thought through her options.

  Number one—Escape. Well, try to. She didn’t know what measures Pluto had taken to contain her, but there must be some. Chaotica scowled. There better be some, or she was going to feel seriously disrespected.

  Escaping would risk Pluto following her, but it would also mean she could return to Big Daddy. Assuming she wanted to. The sting of his betrayal, shoving her at Pluto the way he had so that he could escape, hurt even worse than her butt did right now. Could she really be mad about that though? When it came down to it, wasn’t Big Daddy more important than her?

  He was. But realizing it made her sad. Before today she’d always been able to pretend that Big Daddy felt like she was important to him. Now she knew he’d sacrifice her in a heartbeat, without even a moment’s hesitation. It wasn’t just that he’d run and left her in Pluto’s clutches, he’d literally thrown her into them.

  And Pluto was treating her better than Big Daddy ever had.

  Because he wants something from you.

  Didn’t Big Daddy want things from her too, though? He wanted her sneaking skills, her thieving skills, and—apparently—her sacrifice. What did Chaotica get in return?

  Not baths. Not intimate over the knee spankings that hurt just the right amount, because you mouthed off. Has he ever done your hair? When was the last time he bought you a present? When was the last time he actually felt like your Daddy?

  Was that really a good enough reason to betray him though?

  Chaotica felt like wailing.

  She pushed her face against the soft comforter, letting it soak up her tears.

  Maybe she should just leave it up to fate.

  If she escaped and if that somehow led to Pluto finding Big Daddy, then was that really her fault? She needed to take care of herself. Big Daddy wasn’t going to. Pluto was only doing so because he wanted Big Daddy. This was the equivalent of rolling the dice and letting the chips fall where they may but... maybe that was the best she could hope for.

  It felt like less of a betrayal than telling Pluto where Big Daddy’s hideout was.

  What if I don’t make it?

  Not her problem yet. She had to at least try before she could fail.

  Chaotica pushed herself up from the bed. Soberly, she looked at the teddy bear before giving it one last hug. As much as she didn’t want to leave it behind, after all the comfort it had given her, it wasn’t really hers. She tucked it into the covers with its head propped up on the pillow, wishing with all her heart that she was tucked under the covers with it.

  Tiptoeing over to the door, she tested the doorknob.


  She stepped away from the door, staring at it without opening it. That would be too easy. Or would it? Perhaps an alarm would sound as soon as she opened it. She’d also have to navigate her way through an unknown layout to get out. Plus, she already knew that her powers didn’t work on Pluto the way they did on everyone else. Sneaking past him was unlikely.

  Perversely, if it had been locked, she’d have been more tempted to risk it, but an unlocked door was too easy.

  Turning away, she moved over to one of the big windows and inspected it carefully. She didn’t see any obvious signs of an alarm system. Granted, the room was on the third floor, so perhaps he felt he didn’t need one all the way up here. Still. There was a large tree within leaping distance.

  Someone trying to get into the house wouldn’t be able to jump from the tree to the window without risking breaking the glass; however, jumping from the house to the tree would be slightly less risky. She could see a branch that she was pretty sure would be big enough to hold her. It wouldn’t take Pluto or Big Daddy’s weight, but she was smaller and lighter.

  And Chaotica loved climbing. When she was a little girl, she’d sometimes pretended she was a squirrel.

  A loud clanging sound somewhere in the house made her freeze. What was that? No way to know. She chewed on her lower lip. The longer she waited, the more likely it was that Pluto would come back to the room. There was no way to gauge how much time she had.

  Now or never.

  Carefully, she pushed the window up and open. There was no alarm and Pluto didn’t come bursting into the room. She couldn’t even hear approaching footsteps. Telling herself she wasn’t disappointed, Chaotica pushed out the screen. Still nothing.

  Okay, now she was starting to feel a little insulted. No locked door, no alarm on the windows. Hmm.

  Quickly, she rushed over to the wardrobe. There must be a tracking device in the clothing he’d dressed her in. She couldn’t be sure that she’d choose something that didn’t have a tracking device, of course, but at least her chances would be better in different clothes. Too bad he’d taken away her Chaotica outfit.

  Her heart mourned a little when she ditched the pretty dress and panties, but the leggings and tunic shirt she found were better suited to climbing anyway. At least this way she didn’t risk tearing any ruffles. And less risk of a tracking device.

  Having done everything she could think of, Chaotica moved back over to the window. Her lack of shoes was going to help her with the climb, but not so much with the rest of her journey back to Big Daddy’s hideout. She’d have to hotwire a car.

  Perched in the window, she carefully gauged the distance between her position and the branch she was aiming for. She was sure she could make the jump; she was less sure the branch would be strong enough to hold her. Only one way to find out.

  Chaotica grinned.


  Chapter 8

  Thanks to the shadow Derrick had plaited into Chaotica’s hair, he knew the moment she left the house. He just didn’t know how. Because it was one of his personal shadows, he was especially attuned to it, but like the rest of the shadows it required proximity to be able to communicate with him. While they were separated, he only got an idea of the general direction it was in, unless he reached for it and used the shadows to travel directly to its location.

  He wasn’t surprised that it was the only shadow to make it out of the house with her. The other two had been left in her panties and her dress, and both of those had come sliding back to him only seconds ago. The slipperiness of the shadows was why he’d never managed to tag any of Big Daddy’s compatriots before, although he’d tried. Even his personal ones didn’t stay put once they were out of the sphere of his influence. It was a
n imperfect system but securing the shadow in Chaotica’s braid had given him an opportunity he’d never had before.

  Checking the security cameras on his phone, he frowned when he saw the open window but nothing to indicate how she’d actually left the building. His heart nearly stopped when he saw movement off to the side of the camera. Pressing the arrow to move the camera’s angle, he saw the little villain scampering down the tree.

  She jumped from the house to the tree?

  The myriad of ways she could have been hurt or injured by such a rash act tumbled through his head as he grimly watched her climb down the tree. She moved as easily through its branches as a squirrel, but that didn’t make him feel any better. When he got his hands on her again, he was going to make sure she knew that taking such risks was unacceptable.

  Dammit, he’d left his rope in the bottom of her wardrobe for a reason! There was more than enough to get her safely from the window down to the ground.

  Grimly, Derrick called the shadows to him.

  Not wanting to lose sight of her completely, he flitted from cluster to cluster of shadows, keeping his eyes on her as he followed the shadow in her hair. She looked just as determined as he did, and she kept glancing over her shoulder as if expecting him to show up at any moment. He liked to think that she looked a little disappointed when he didn’t.

  As he watched her, he also kept a running tally of all the things he was going to punish her for.

  Handcuff her to me for a week for not staying where I told her to.

  Yeah, he liked that idea. Maybe a little too much.

  Twenty swats for jumping from the house to the tree. With a belt.

  Five swats for all those scrapes from climbing down the tree.

  Hmmm, should probably punish her for changing clothes without permission too.

  Ten swats for running around without any footwear. Is she trying to injure herself?

  Ginger in her bottom for hot wiring my neighbor’s car. Twenty swats with the ginger in her bottom for stealing it. Note to self—remember to return John’s car to him.


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