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Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology

Page 58

by Smith, Maren

  Forseti cleared his throat, and I realized he was waiting for an answer, but I had forgotten the question.


  “I am a very patient god, Morrigan. However, right now, we don’t have time for games. I need you to pay attention. Do you understand that you need to follow my rules or find yourself face down over my lap?”

  “Yes, I understand what you are saying.”

  “As long as we are on the same page.” He nodded firmly and released my chin.

  I was still lost in my thoughts.

  Was I really going to allow this game to play out? The logical side of me worried about work and my obligations. Another side wanted to give in and explore this scenario.

  I was pretty sure we were still in Chicago and my coffee had somehow been drugged. I should be infuriated that they’d go as far as to drug me. Shaking off that frustration, I realized what was done, was done. I might as well explore my fantasies. Who knew how long it would be before a chance like this would appear again, if ever. What could it hurt to indulge for the weekend?

  “What are you thinking about?” Forseti’s gaze was dark and curious.

  “Just how far Monica must have gone to have set all of this up. You guys are really good at your crafts. I can’t believe she found a mind reader! Where did she find you all, anyway? Are you in a troupe? Some sort of circus, maybe? Just so you know, I am all in.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  He looked incredibly confused.

  “Monica, my coworker and best friend. She really went out of her way with this one. I mean, my birthday is coming up in a couple days, but this is, well, Monica is very extra, she is the one who hired you for this.”

  “Now you are being ridiculous. The time for games has passed, Morrigan. I need you to listen to me now.”

  I heard his denial, but didn’t pay it any heed. Of course he would deny it. That had to be part of the elaborate scheme.

  “Monica knows about my yearning to find a dominant man who will love me and spank me when I’m naughty and my obsession with spanking romance novels. She found you all and hired you to give me this experience. I was just asking where she found you. Do you get paid extra to actually spank your clients? Oh, and shouldn’t we negotiate a safe word?”

  “A safe word?” he questioned, with a shake of his head, seeming flustered. “If you don’t stop this right now, you are going to end up over my lap until you can listen.”

  I wondered if he had studied up on this to get that dominance down so well, or if it came to him naturally. Either way, I was impressed. I would have to get his card after all of this was over and leave him a good review online.

  “Yes, you know, a word I use when I want everything to stop. In case you spank too hard or something. I mean, you are quite large, and I am sure you are very strong.”

  “Morrigan, I know what a safe word is and—”

  “Good!” I interrupted him as my excitement over the possibilities started to build. If I was going to do this, I needed to give it my all and truly enjoy it.

  “We should pick something that is fun, none of that boring red nonsense. I think it should be creative, like Heffalump. I love that word. It is just so fun to say, don’t you think? Heffalump.”

  “Morrigan.” He said my name in warning.

  Were we supposed to get into character already? That didn’t seem fair. I wasn’t ready. He had god only knew how long to plan for his role. I needed a second to get into mine. What would my role be? Naughty little girl? Demigod turned evil? Damsel in distress needing rescue by a superhero? I had so many questions still. How long would I be here? Did Monica pack for me? Were my meals provided? Did I need to tip them when it was over?

  “I know, you are probably paid by the hour and want to get on with it already, but I have so many questions! Like, what is the name of the company you work for? How did you find an actual mind reader? How long did you have to study to get this role and act just right? Because, I have to tell you, you knocked it out of the park. How expensive are you? Did you choose a lesser god so you would have more creative license?” I paused to take a breath, and he interrupted me before I could start my second round of questions.

  “Morrigan!” His face was scrunched up with a look of exasperation, and his hands were clutching his head, as if he were in pain.


  “First of all, little goddess, when I spank you, you don’t get a safe word.” He leaned into me, emphasizing the last two words.

  “Little goddess?” I questioned, licking my lips.

  “Yes. I interchange valkyrie and goddess. I’m not going to call you little girl, because you aren’t a girl. You are a goddess. You are also a valkyrie and need to start thinking of yourself as such. Now, I have had enough of this nonsense. It is time for you to sit there, be quiet and listen to me.”

  “Man, you are good at this. You have really gotten into your character. I guess, since I am going to play along, I should get into mine too. Okay, I’m a valkyrie demigod. Oh! One more question!”

  “Odin, she is trying my patience.” Forseti looked upward toward the ceiling. “Morrigan, just be quiet and listen. I won’t tell you again. Let me explain.”

  “I just need to know one more thing and then I will play along.” I felt my cheeks turn hot. This was an important question, but it was hard to ask. I mean, would it make him a prostitute? Spanking wasn’t sexual, but what if it turned into… there was no denying our chemistry... “Is sex included in your contract? I mean, I know they can’t pay you for sex because that would be illegal, but is there like a hard line, no sex with clients or you get fired rule, or is it on the table if both parties consent?”

  “I’m going to spank the ever-loving life out of you,” he declared, shaking his head. Not even a second later, he scooted to the end of the chair, and I went from sitting on his lap to lying over it.

  “Ummm, okay then. I guess we are going to start now.” I squirmed just a bit, trying to get comfortable. His hard thighs pressed into the underside of my belly. My hands hit the floor in front of me. One of his hands steadied me and rested on the small of my back.

  “Morrigan, this is not an act and we are not hired actors. This is not a game.”

  I was very aware of his other large hand resting on my now upturned butt.

  “This is real and you know it. You are putting up these walls because you are too stubborn to really look deep and recognize that everything we’ve told you is the truth. I am going to keep you safe. That is my mission, and by Odin, I am going to complete it. But first, I am going to set some boundaries and establish our roles here.”

  I never had a chance to respond. I was regretting wearing this damn dress again when he deftly lifted it over my back.

  “I am going to show you exactly what kind of justice I impart on naughty little goddesses who refuse to listen.”

  My heart started to race in anticipation of his spanking.

  Here it was. I was about to get spanked for real, just like the heroines in all the stories I read. I braced myself for the pain. Then I remembered. I don’t feel pain. I’ve never felt pain. My parents had taken me to the doctor several times after I had been injured, concerned because I hadn’t felt the injuries.

  His spanking wouldn’t hurt. I was slightly disappointed in the realization. I wanted to know what it felt like. I wanted the full fantasy experience.

  Oh well, this was for the best. I probably should pretend it does though, to keep up appearances and all. Let him believe he has doled out that justice. I’ll just lie still and be submissive over his lap until he is done. Maybe even throw out a couple pleas and cries to make it really convincing.

  My train of thought stalled when, without warning, the first swat landed on my panty clad behind.

  Forseti brought his hand down sharply, several times in the same spot on the meatiest part of my butt cheek before moving to the other side and doing the same. His tempo was fast and furious. There wasn
’t a warmup, like in my books. It wasn’t a slow build to a faster tempo. Also, the thin material of my panties wasn’t giving me a shred of protection.

  And… I felt it. It hurt.

  I couldn’t hold still. Pain wasn’t something I was used to. The clap of his hand on my butt hurt, and I didn’t understand why. I had been dealt hard blows before that had barely even registered but Forseti’s large, god-sized hand was raining down his own justice on my ass, and I could feel it. I could feel every swat. He was covering every inch of my behind with hard, steady slaps of burning heat.

  I didn’t like it. Not one bit. What was this feeling? It… stung. It felt like a fire was being built and my butt was the fireplace. How? How was this possible? It didn’t matter how, what mattered was that it hurt and with every fall of his hand, the pain compounded. I didn’t have to fake my pleas like I had planned. They spilled with lusty authenticity from my lips each and every time his hand connected with my ass. I wanted it to stop, and we were only a dozen swats in.

  “Please, Forseti! It hurts!”

  “Every time a woman is facedown over my lap, she says that,” he joked. “It is supposed to hurt. It wouldn’t be an efficient punishment if it didn’t.” His voice was calm and steady.

  His hand seared my upper thighs with an especially hard swat. I could feel the tears building. What a weird sensation. The burning behind my eyelids startled me; I also never cried. Another slap to my thigh had my fight or flight instinct up and going. With one, powerful thrust, I tossed myself off of his lap and onto the floor.

  “Morrigan!” Forseti scolded, crossing his arms over his chest and scowling at me. “You get yourself back over my lap right now. If I have to put you there, you aren’t going to like what comes next.”

  “What comes next?” I questioned, parroting him. What could possibly be worse than the pain building in my butt? I rubbed fervently, surprised at the heat radiating from my globes.

  “What comes next, little goddess, is the feel of the broadside of my sword on your bare behind.”

  “Your sword?” I looked up at him from the floor, still cupping my poor, abused buttocks.

  “The statue of Lady Justice, blindfolded, with her scales in balance and a sword in her other hand. The laws of Midgard are based on Asgardian courts from long ago. As such, I have fashioned”—he held out his hand and a sword appeared—“my Sword of Justice.”

  I closed my eyes, then opened them again. That ‘sword’ was still there, a paddle made of wood and shaped like the weapon he called it.

  “When my hand isn’t enough, my sword finishes the task.”

  He held it up and I stared in awe. It was a beautiful piece of striking rosewood with a lighter contrast finish decorating its pommel and guard. Forseti’s hand wrapped around the contoured grip. As beautiful as it was, it was not something I wanted applied to my already hot behind.

  Making it clear that I didn’t have a choice in the matter, Forseti reached his free hand down to help me stand. For a brief second, I contemplated running. Looking up into his stern gaze I decided against it. It would be better to bide my time for escape when he least expected it.

  “Now, since this is your first spanking, I won’t hold that mini act of rebellion against you. I will give you a chance to rectify your actions by placing yourself back over my lap. I will excuse your rubbing as well, just this once. In the future, however, when I paint your bottom red, it is to remain that way until the effects have naturally subsided. There will be no rubbing. Do you understand me?”

  Sighing, I nodded. I understood. I didn’t like it, but I understood. He looked at me, an eyebrow cocked, but didn’t say a word. He sighed as I returned, slowly and gently, back over his massively hard thighs.

  “You stay on my lap this time. We are done when you have paid the consequences for your actions and not a second sooner.” He flipped my skirt up again, but this time, I felt his fingers go for the top of my panties.

  “No, please!”

  “Yes, Morrigan. You need to feel the palm of my hand on the naked skin of your behind. You’ve earned a bare bottom spanking, and a bare bottom spanking is what you are going to get.” He pulled my panties down to my ankles.

  I had thought the first set of swats hurt, but they were nothing in comparison to these. The feel of his skin on mine added a level of intimacy to the spanking and, boy, was he punishing me. The force of each blow jolted me forward. The pain quickly had me bucking. Forseti placed his other hand on the small of my back, holding me still.

  “You need to stop fighting and accept who you are, Morrigan. It would make life easier on all of us if you would remove whatever it is blocking you from seeing the truth of your situation. I can’t keep you safe if you fight me every step of the way. I am in charge here, little goddess, the sooner you accept that, the better for your butt. We can’t move forward until you acknowledge the truth of who you are.”

  He smacked my ass over and over again, and for the first time in my life, I wished I couldn’t feel the pain. Why now? Why did my pain sensors suddenly have to work?

  His hand cracked over and over on my butt, from the bottom of my lower back down the underside curve. He left no spot uncovered. When he paused, I was sure he was finally done. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I steeled myself so that I wouldn’t cry.

  Forseti lifted his knee, shifting me upwards and began to attack the crest between my butt and my thighs. I keened at the new sensation of pain, even more intense than what had built on my cheeks and threw my hands back to protect myself. He captured them in the hand resting on the small of my back and held them there.

  “You don’t block the Hand of Justice from delivering its punishment.” The disapproval was clear in his tone. I now questioned every single character in my books. I had longed for a relationship like they had, to be over a lap receiving a disciplinary spanking for being naughty. Now I knew I had romanticized the pain. It hurt a lot more than I had ever imagined it would… and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

  For the first time in my life, I wasn’t in control. I couldn’t move off his lap, I couldn’t put my now trapped hands back to protect myself. All I could do was lie there and feel. I felt helpless as the swats continued to come down. He moved just a bit to the top of my thighs, and I lost the fight; the dam broke. Tears spilled over my cheeks, and I sobbed. His hand continued to blister my thighs. That’s when it happened. The words came rushing out, like my tears, unexpected and uncontrolled.

  “Please, Daddy. Stop!”

  Chapter 4


  My hand paused midair. What did she just say? My heart lurched, a feeling like I hadn’t felt before. She had called me Daddy. Everything changed the moment I had accepted this assignment and seen her face. It was as if I had been handed her by Frigg, my grandmother, the Goddess of Marriage herself and told she was my wife. I had never felt this level of arousal for anyone else before nor this sense of protectiveness. I had found my mate; of this I was sure.

  And if my mate needed a Daddy, I would be one.

  “No, baby girl, Daddy isn’t going to stop, not until you have learned your lesson.” Daddy. Oh yes, I could be her Daddy. I could take care of her.

  “I have! I have, Daddy! Please!”

  I lifted my hand off the small of her back and put it between her shoulder blades, listening. As the God of Justice, I had the power to discern feelings. She was in pain, but not severe pain, in fact, she was far from being near her limit. I had just scratched the surface. I felt the confusion radiating through her.

  “Morrigan, what are you confused about?”

  “I…” She took a deep breath and I felt the conflict ramp up inside of her.

  “I’m sure you have a lot of conflicted emotions right now,” I nudged. “I can tell the pain of the spanking is confusing you, much more than any other I have ever spanked.” I sent a wave of calmness through her. Her heartbeat slowed to a more manageable level.

  “I’ve n
ever felt pain before.”

  Ah. That would explain it. Of course, she hadn’t. A god doesn’t feel pain from the hands of a mortal.

  “A human wouldn’t be strong enough to cause you pain,” I informed her as gently as I could. “You are a demigod, Morrigan. You are stronger than any human could be. Contact from a human would feel like a sweet caress to you. I am a god, sweetheart. My strength is significant enough to cause you pain. This is why it is so important for you to recognize who you really are. When you are fighting against the dark forces of our world, their strength will far surpass anything a human could throw at you. Although you couldn’t feel pain from humans, I am glad to know my correction has an effect on you, but we are not done yet.”

  I shifted her on my lap and started the spanking again. I marveled at the shade of red her behind was quickly turning. My handprint would rise with each swat before the color would radiate out from it. Her feet started pounding the ground, sending her panties flying and I tightened my leg over hers. She was unaware of the strength she possessed. I could feel it bubbling under the surface. I increased the strength behind my swats, bringing my arm higher in the air before meeting flesh on flesh.

  Her butt was now completely swollen and red, but I wasn’t quite finished. I reacquainted my hand with her sit spot and upper thighs. One thing I knew, from meting out this kind of justice, was that to stop before they had received a thorough chastisement would be about as beneficial as having not spanked at all. I kept reading her, making sure I wasn’t taking her too far but also, not being too lenient. It was an important balance. This, her first spanking, needed to leave a lasting impression. She needed to know I was in charge and that I would always deliver on my promises. I slowed my tempo down, being intentional with each swat, hitting the most sensitive places.

  “Are you contrite now, little goddess? Are you going to listen and obey your Daddy?” I had no idea where these words were coming from. They felt right tumbling from my lips. I laid my palm on her back and felt into the depths of her soul. She was comforted by my words and aroused, very aroused. I felt my own erection standing at attention, poking into her soft stomach.


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