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Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology

Page 63

by Smith, Maren

  “Let go, Morrigan.”

  I tasted the blood from where I bit my lip but felt no pain.

  “You don’t want to battle me. Did you not see outside how that would end?”

  It had ended with me underneath him, filled with his enormous cock, having the best, let’s face it, the only orgasm of my life. He must have read my thoughts.

  “That is not what I meant.” His tone was all growly.

  “I, just, I mean, no one has ever cleaned me down there.”

  “I’m not no one, am I?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Not exactly?” I heard the irritation in his tone. “This isn’t a game, Morrigan.”

  “It isn’t a game to me, either.” It wasn’t, not at all. This was real, almost too real. It was everything I had ever wanted, and I longed for it to last, even if I knew it wouldn’t. But, there were some things that I had always been insecure and self-conscious over. I had never had anyone that close to my vagina, not with any part other than their penis. My heart was thumping in my stomach, and it felt like the butterflies residing there were the size of birds. Large birds of prey, pecking at a dead animal.

  He watched my face, and I could tell he saw the battle raging inside of me. Reaching above me, he snatched the head of the shower nozzle off of its clip and sprayed the soap off my body. My heart was racing uncontrollably. The tick was back in his jaw, I knew I was in trouble.

  “Fuck,” I muttered.

  “Exactly right, little goddess.” He stepped out of the tub and snatched up a towel from the hook and wrapped it around my body. Turning me toward the doorway, he swatted my butt and gently shoved me out into the bedroom. “Bed, now.”

  “But, I’m wet.” I knew the second the words were out of my mouth; I had made things worse. I felt the towel rip off my body.

  “Aye, you are wet.” His growl hit my ears. “Do you know what hurts more than being spanked on a dry butt?” His hand went to the small of my back as he guided me to bend over the foot of the bed; the other came down hard on my bare, wet ass. “Being spanked on a wet one.”

  “I’m sorry!” The heat his hand brought to my moist, cold, goosebump-covered behind was intense. He held me down with one hand in the small of my back while his other hand danced over my flesh.

  “Not nearly as sorry as you are going to be,” he said, the line the same as I had read many times in my stories. Apparently, Daddy Doms really did all speak the same language, even those who happened to be gods. The thought had me stifling a giggle.

  “Is this funny to you?” Too late. I realized he had heard it.

  His punishing hand hit the tender skin below the curve of my butt with a hard swat. “I’m obviously not punishing you hard enough if you are laughing. Let me see if I can do better.” He punctuated each word with an even harder swat. I kicked my feet back and tried to squirm to the side, but he had a vise grip on me.

  “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to laugh! I just had a thought and it was kinda funny, but this isn’t! It isn’t, Daddy! It hurts!”

  “If you had time to think funny thoughts while I am spanking you, I’m not doing it well enough. The only thing you should be thinking about is why your Daddy is disciplining you and how you are going to do better in the future.” He continued his tempo, fast and furious, lighting my behind up. I was no longer even slightly cold back there, and I was sure that I wasn’t wet either.

  “Now, we are going to try this again.” He landed a volley of ferocious spanks onto my upper thighs. “I hope you listen better.”

  At that point, I would do anything to end the spanking. My butt was hot, on fire even. I wasn’t sure I could take much more.

  “Stay there.”

  I heard him rustling behind me, igniting my curiosity. I wanted to turn and see what he was doing, but I also didn’t want to give him any more reason to spank me.

  “Good. Come here, Morrigan.” I turned to find him sitting in an armless chair in the center of the room. He had put on a pair of underwear, but nothing more. His muscles rippled as he sat. I approached, unable to meet his gaze. “Now, let’s talk about your punishment.”

  “What?” My head snapped up to look at his face, to see if he was serious. I swallowed hard; he was. “But you just punished me. I thought we were done!”

  He made a tsking noise with his tongue.

  “No, little goddess,” he said. “That was just for your defiance in the bathroom.”

  “But… but…” I stammered in protest. My butt was already hurting.

  “Your behind hurts?”

  I nodded.

  “Good, then I got your attention, didn’t I? Maybe next time when I tell you to go into the bedroom, you will go into the bedroom. That is what this is all about, Morrigan, that is why you are being punished tonight. You have to learn to obey me. My orders are not willy-nilly. I don’t say things just for the heck of it. Every order I give has a reason, a purpose behind it. In the heat of battle, you need to listen and obey without hesitation. Hesitation or disobedience can cause people to be injured or worse, killed.”

  “I’m not a soldier though. I don’t take orders.”

  “You trained as a police officer, so I know you have some experience with it.” Forseti frowned at me. “You are a valkyrie, little goddess,” he reminded me for what seemed to be the millionth time. “Whether you like it or not, it is in your DNA, you were born to be a soldier for Odin.”

  “Am I your soldier? Do you want me to salute you? Do you want me to snap to attention and march to your orders? Or do you want to be my Daddy? Because, they are two very different things.” I’m not sure where the anger was coming from, but dammit, I was angry. My hands balled in fists on my hips as I glared him down.

  “Let me tell you who you are.” He guided me over his lap, none too gently. I fell forward, still naked as the day I was born, the hair on his upper thighs tickling my underbelly. His hand landed sharply in the middle of my already warmed butt.

  “You are mine.” With extreme force, even though I knew he was holding back, his paddle-like hand fell. He’d smack several times in the same spot before moving to another and then another, covering the flesh of my ass with his heavy hand. It hurt, Lord, did it hurt. He remained silent, presumably focused on causing the most pain he could to the bottom he decided needed disciplining.

  “Ow! Please!” The pain he was causing with his hand was hurting way more than even his paddle had.

  “Please!” I gasped, writhing in pain. How was it possible that a mere hand could sear like an iron? Was he not hearing me? The sound of the slaps reverberating off the walls was loud, but surely not loud enough to cover up my cries.

  “Daddy! Please! Can’t you hear me?” I was beginning to hyperventilate.

  He finally stopped. “Yes, little goddess, I hear you. The problem was, you weren’t hearing me. This”—he swatted the top of my thighs—“seems to speak louder than my words do.”

  “I hear you!” His hand was resting on my swollen butt, I was surprised it wasn’t burning his flesh.

  “Glad to hear that, considering I just started talking. Your sit spot and upper thighs haven’t quite yet paid for your crimes. Justice needs to be had.”

  Wait, what? He wasn’t done yet?

  “But, my butt hurts,” I whined. It did hurt. It was agonizing. I hadn’t realized he had focused only on the meat of my cheeks until he said that. The few swats he had given me previously on my sit spot and thighs had been excruciatingly painful. The idea of him concentrating on those spots, with the force that he had just spanked my butt, sent chills down my spine and dropped a rock into my stomach.

  “These final five are for your cussing. You are lucky you aren’t getting them while you hold a bar of soap in your mouth.” He was merciful in the speed, but not the power behind the swats.

  Forseti stood me up between his legs and pulled me close, resting my head on his chest, his strong arms wrapped around me. He rested his chin on the top of my head. It wa
s tender and I lost it, sobbing against his chest.

  Chapter 10


  I let her cry, quite aware of the way her body was reacting. I could calm her with one touch, but I didn’t. I wanted her to feel everything. I allowed her heart to race, keeping tabs on the speed, not wanting her to truly be physically harmed. Once her sobs subsided, I lifted her and settled her on my lap.

  “Are you ready to listen now, little goddess?” She looked up at me with her eyes shining with the moisture from her tears and nodded.

  “I don’t need you to be one of my soldiers. Odin has given me plenty of those. I need you to be mine. Mine to love, to spoil, to hold. Mine to rein in when you get out of hand, which currently seems to be every couple of hours. But, that’s okay, I’m up to the challenge. What I need is for you to be safe and that means that there are going to be times when you need to obey me, without question or hesitation. Does that make sense?”

  She seemed to ponder my question for a second, and when she opened her mouth to answer, the sweetest words poured out. “Yes, Daddy.”

  I couldn’t help it, I was pulled toward her like a magnet and, by Odin, if her lips weren’t the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. She slid her arms around my neck, holding me in place, accepting my claim to her mouth.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t smudge the lines of justice and arousal. I had always separated the two. Discipline and pleasure shouldn’t be combined together, it sent mixed messages. But there was absolutely nothing that could stop me now that I had started. I had lost control of the situation and my dick, with aide from my heart, was now in control.

  I pulled from her, planting little open-mouthed kisses down her neck and tracing her collarbone with my tongue. She was perfect. Holding her right breast in the palm of my hand, I twisted her left nipple between my thumb and forefinger, hearing her sweet gasp of pained pleasure. Dominating her, mixing pain and pleasure was sending a new sensation through me, urging me forward, urging me toward desires that I didn’t know I had until now, and now, I needed to fill them.

  I needed her. I needed to be inside of her, completing her, owning her. She was mine; she would always be mine.

  “Little goddess, this isn’t going to be gentle.”

  “Don’t be gentle then, Daddy! I need you, now!”

  I grabbed her then, squeezing her sore ass, and stood, carrying her to the bed. We fell together on top of it and I scooted us to the center. I tore my underwear off, readying myself for her. My erection couldn’t get harder. At least, that was what I thought, until she dug her nails into my side.

  “Daddy, please!” She wasn’t begging me to stop spanking her perfect ass, not anymore, she was begging me to take her.

  “Please what?”

  “Please take me,” she gasped. “Just please.”

  “Beg me for my cock, little goddess. Beg your Daddy for his big, throbbing cock.”

  What? Did I just say that?

  I did. Where did that come from?

  I stilled, looking down at her as I waited for her reaction. Wishing upon hope that I hadn’t just turned her off or pushed her away. Being in love was new to me, but it felt natural and right.

  “I want your cock inside of me. Please, Daddy, put your huge cock inside of me and pound my wet pussy.”

  Who was I to deny her? With a primal growl that even I didn’t recognize, I plunged into her depths, owning her with each stroke of my cock. I pounded into her, grabbing her hips and holding her still as I plowed hard and fast. She felt so good, so incredibly good, her warmth and tightness gloving over my dick as I slid in and out of her sopping wet pussy.

  * * *


  Forseti’s dick was as large as he was, thick and long, filling me completely. The harder he slammed into my body, the more I wanted. It wasn’t gentle, it wasn’t loving. No, it was animalistic partnering. A claiming of sorts, and I loved every moment of it. I shifted under him, lifting my hips high and he grabbed them, gripping hard, before looking into my eyes and driving forward, the hardest thrust yet.

  His powerful, guttural growl filled the room as he shuddered. I felt his warm cum shoot into me. I had never felt that before, but I did now. It was as if I was out of my body, I could feel every single nerve in my body.

  He stopped shaking and looked down at me. “Your turn.”


  He moved down and grabbed my legs, pulling me to the very edge of the bed. He inserted one, two and then three of his massive digits into my channel and started moving them in and out. He lowered his mouth and his tongue flicked over my swollen clit. I felt his teeth graze it as he started sucking. Without removing his mouth or slowing down, he lifted his eyes to mine. The intensity scared me, and I closed mine. I felt a sharp slap on my inner thigh and my eyes flew back open. He spoke, without saying a word, I wouldn’t remove my eyes from his again.

  The pressure started building inside of me, I needed to explode. My legs were trembling, he added a fourth finger and I screamed. It didn’t hurt, but the fullness was uncomfortable, his tongue flicked across my clit from side to side as he sucked harder and faster. My fists buried in the sheets, holding on for dear life. I climbed higher and higher, but wasn’t not quite there. It felt so good. So, damn good.

  Oh. My. God. The intensity of the orgasm that I was on the verge of was rocking me, driving me crazy. I needed the release. I was right on the verge, so close, so incredibly close.

  “Please, Daddy.”

  He removed his fingers from me and plunged them back deeply into my core, his thumb going into my virgin butthole as his lips and tongue increased their speed. I didn’t have time to think about the impropriety of his thumb being in my bum or to show my uncomfortableness with the action. It was all too much, I shattered.

  Pure ecstasy rolled over me, crashed like waves over every inch of my body and I felt it all, every wave. I whimpered from the erotic bliss, my muscles going lax. I was boneless, screaming out his name right before the intensity took my breath away.

  It took a bit to come down from that climax. When I did, Forseti was next to me, staring at me.

  “Feel good, little goddess?” His tone was gentle, he worshipped me with his eyes.

  “Yes, Daddy. Felt really good.” It was the truth; I had never felt anything so good in my life.

  “Come here, now.” He rolled over onto his back and laid his hand flat on his chest. Moving into his arms, I laid my head on his chest. The slow and steady beat of his heart seemed to link to mine, steadying it.

  “It is weird,” I said, lifting my head.

  “What is?”

  “How you calm me so completely. I laid my head on your chest and my racing heart stilled.”

  “That is one of my powers. I have the ability to calm anyone at any time.”

  “I wish I had that power. There are times when people start arguing and I wish I had the right words to step in and make things better. I like to deescalate situations.”

  “That is my job in a nutshell,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I thought you doled out justice.”

  “I do that as well. Most of the time, justice is simply getting two parties to sit down and in a calm manner discuss things. I dole out appropriate punishment for crimes, sure. My ultimate goal, though, is to leave with the parties being amicable toward each other. Now, little goddess, it is late. We have had a very busy day and you need your rest. There are guards in place, keeping watch over the manor. We will sleep safely for tonight. Tomorrow, we will come up with a plan to battle Loki and his dark elves.”

  He gently pushed my head down on his chest and ran his hands through my hair and my back, like a parent soothing a cranky infant. I closed my eyes and tried to relax into him. I did feel safe in his arms, but falling asleep wasn’t easy. How had it only been a day? So much had happened in such a short amount of time. One second, I was drinking a S’more’s Frappuccino and reading a novel by one of my favorite autho
rs, and in the next second, I was face down over Forseti’s shoulder being kidnapped and carried away.

  One second, I was a human doing normal humany things and living a relatively satisfying life, and in the next, I was a demigod valkyrie tasked to save all of humanity.

  Sure, I’ll just go to sleep. It isn’t like there are bad guys chasing me. No, not bad guys. Demonic monsters.

  “Morrigan.” Forseti’s voice broke into my thoughts. “Would you care to explain why your heart rate is speeding up instead of slowing down into the resting rate of a good slumber?”

  Damn him and his powers.

  “I can’t sleep, Daddy.” Calling him that was natural. Maybe it was because I had fantasized for a decade about having my very own Daddy Dom, or maybe it was the way he looked at me, how he held me and corrected me with a look, a word or a firm hand on my backside.

  “Why can’t you sleep?”

  “Demon monster dark elves,” I whispered, aware of just how childish my tone had become when I spoke those words out loud.

  “Don’t think about them, sweetheart. Lay your head on Daddy’s chest and let me protect you. You are safe with me, little goddess. I won’t let anything harm you.” He placed his hand on my back, softly stroking down my spine. My heart rate slowed then. Then it slowed a little more… and a little more.

  Chapter 11


  How was it I found what I had been searching for my entire life, even though I hadn’t known I was looking for it? I stood at the edge of the bed looking down onto the most beautiful sight of Morrigan cuddled against my pillow, her hair spread out around her, like golden silk, sleeping peacefully. I almost didn’t want to wake her, but I had to.

  Our sentry had seen the dark forces entering into the state a few hours before and reported that they were making good time headed up the mountains toward us. We had a day, maybe two before they would be here. We needed to figure out Morrigan’s strengths, find a suitable weapon for her and come up with a strategy. Time was not on our side. Members of Odin’s Guard spent years training. We had, at best, two days. I reached over and gently shook her.


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