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The Good, the Bad, and the Cyborg

Page 7

by Honey Phillips

  The understanding in her eyes helped erase his anger.

  “Then we can focus on more important things. I will take it very slowly,” he promised.

  “You don’t need to. I’m not a virgin.”

  “Slowly,” he repeated in a firm tone. He would not risk hurting her.

  As he swept his thumb across her clit, her eyes fluttered shut again. He kissed her, a slow sensual kiss that had her limp and helpless in his arms, her channel loosening around his finger. Only then did he add a second, feeling her body strain to accept him as he gently, persistently entered her. When he added the third, her eyes flew open.


  “Too much?” he asked, starting to withdraw, but she put her hand over his, holding him in place as she wiggled experimentally.

  “No. But I feel so full.”

  His aching cock would fill her even more.

  “Perhaps we should wait.”

  “I said I’m fine. I want this, Morgan. I want you.”

  The tight hold he had over his self-control began to weaken. He slid his fingers in and out, not quite so carefully, and increased his attention to her clit. She responded eagerly, whispering his name, and he could wait no longer. Over her protesting cry, he withdrew his hand, then notched his cock at her entrance. Slowly, he reminded himself as he started to push.

  Oh my. She had thought he was stretching her before but now his cock began to enter her, larger still. Her body gradually opened for him, stretching almost to the point of pain but he moved so slowly that she could adjust to his size as he gradually impaled her. When he finally reached the end of her channel, she was quivering, her body damp with excitement and a hint of nerves.

  “Are you all right, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice strained.


  “Let me help.”

  He moved slightly and she fought to keep from wincing but then he swept his thumb across her swollen clit and the aching fullness turned to a shocking pleasure. She cried out and instinctively tried to tighten her muscles, but she was full, too full, and her pussy ached at the pressure, yet somehow that only added to her excitement and she rocketed back and forth between pleasure and the edge of pain. He remained motionless inside her, but his thumb moved faster, harder, adding to the loop of sensation until she tumbled over the edge, her vision sheeting to white as she convulsed helplessly in his arms.

  She barely had time to catch her breath before he began to move, sending more shockwaves of pleasure through her system. A cool metal hand clasped her bottom, pulling her more tightly against him as the speed of his thrusts increased. She couldn’t move; she could only feel as he stroked harder, deeper, building her own excitement as he became more frantic, more forceful, his cock driving impossibly deeper until he shuddered and she felt the hot rush of seed filling her, sending her into a second shivering climax.

  Chapter Ten

  In the aftermath of the best sex she had ever had, Harriet curled against Morgan’s side and tried to sort out her feelings. Her body felt limp and satisfied—and perhaps the tiniest bit sore—but her mind couldn’t be still. Should she feel guilty, she wondered, to be moving on so soon?

  No. If there was one thing her time with both her mother and Winthrop had taught her, it was to seize whatever moments of happiness she could. At least Morgan couldn’t be taken from her so easily. She reached across to lace her fingers through his metal hand, the visible sign of his strength and ability to survive. But when she touched his hand, he stiffened and started to pull away.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You do not need to touch me there.”

  “Why would I mind?” She tugged his hand to absolutely no effect until he sighed and let her pull it closer. Trying not to blush at her own boldness, she placed it over her breast. The cool metal made her shiver as he curved it around the soft flesh and her nipple tightened. “I enjoy your touch.”

  “Hattie,” he groaned.

  “Can you feel me?”

  “Yes and no. My sensors pick up the warmth of your skin, the texture of your flesh.” He used his metal thumb and forefinger to enclose her nipple, applying a firm pressure that sent a spark of excitement down her spine. “They let me know that your nipple is getting harder, tighter.”

  “Mm.” She tried to shift closer, seeking more of that cool, firm touch.

  “I even like seeing my hand enclosing you, the contrast of metal against your soft, pale skin. But it is not the same.”

  He pulled his hand away but before she had a chance to protest, he replaced it with his human hand, firm and warm against her skin. “I much prefer this.”

  “That’s nice too,” she said breathlessly.

  “Or even this.”

  He replaced his hand with his mouth, the warm wetness shockingly erotic, and then he sucked hard and her whole body arched with the sensation. A cool metal finger probed between her legs, briefly circling her clit before slipping into her entrance. Despite the slickness easing his passage, she winced a little and he stopped immediately, lifting his head to study her face.

  “You are sore?”

  “It has been a very long time and you are… not small.”

  He started to withdraw but she clutched his hand. “No, don’t stop. It’s only a little sore and you’ve got me all excited.”

  “Do you want more?”

  His metal thumb swept across her clit with exquisite delicacy and she tried to press against it, seeking more of the sensation.

  “You must be still,” he warned, but there was a teasing look in his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you accidentally.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Can you?” His twisted grin appeared, and he repeated the soft touch.

  Her whole body quivered with the effort of not moving.

  “Even if I do this at the same time?”

  His mouth returned to her breast, pulling and tugging at her nipple with increasing urgency, and she buried her hands in the short dark strands of his hair, clutching him in a desperate effort to remain still. Sensations washed over her—the warm, wet pull of his mouth, the delicate sweep of his thumb across her swollen flesh, the cool metal stretching her channel, the slight ache only adding to the excitement. And then he scraped his teeth lightly across her taut peak at the same time as he pressed against her swollen clit and drove his finger deeper and she exploded, her body arching helplessly into his touch as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

  When she finally opened her eyes, he was smiling down at her, his face softer than she’d ever seen it.

  “That was wonderful.” She stretched lazily and his eyes darkened as he watched her move. She felt the heavy throb of his erection against her hip.

  “What about you?”

  “I can wait until your body has recovered.”


  “I’m fine, sweetheart. As long as I can hold you, I am content.”

  He rolled to his back, tucking her under his arm and they lay together in peaceful silence as she pushed all of her worries out of her mind and just let herself enjoy being with him.

  “I have errands to complete before nightfall,” he said finally.

  “You’re leaving me?”

  “Not willingly.” He dropped a quick kiss on her mouth that rapidly turned carnal, but he pulled away just as her body started melting into his. “But I will not take chances with your safety.”

  She frowned up at him. “I don’t understand.”

  “One of the things I picked up in town today was some security monitors. I’ll place them around the edges of your claim—”

  “Our claim.”

  “—our claim, so we will be alerted if anyone approaches.”

  “Do you really think that’s necessary?”

  “I’m not sure, but I would rather have them and not need them than need them and not have them.”

  He shrugged and stood up and she lost focus on his words. So tall and strong, he looked invinci
ble, the cybernetic arm just adding to the impression of strength. Her eyes traveled down over that big muscled body to the cock hanging heavily between his legs. Oh my, no wonder there was a pleasant ache between her legs. As she studied him, his cock started to stir.

  “Hattie, if you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’ll never get out of here.”

  “I don’t mind. We could spend all afternoon in bed…”

  “You are a wicked temptress,” he said, shaking his head. “But as I was saying, I would feel better about your safety with the security system in place.”

  “No one ever called me a wicked temptress before.” She smiled up at him and he bent over to kiss her again.

  “You are very tempting.” He teased her nipple with a gentle finger. “And very wicked to keep me from my duties.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I have duties of my own. But tonight…”

  “Tonight, I am all yours.”

  He kissed her again before pulling on his clothes and leaving. Was he really hers? The thought sent a thrill of happiness through her, even though she sternly reminded herself that it was just a partnership—with benefits. Still, the smile didn’t leave her face as she got dressed and went to check on her greenhouses.

  They were just finishing their breakfast the next morning when a chime sounded. Morgan immediately tensed and pulled out a small monitor, then relaxed.

  “It’s C-487, I mean Clint, and his female.”

  “Is she human?”

  “Yes. As far as I know, there aren’t any female cyborgs.”

  Her immediate pleasure at the thought of spending some time with another woman was rapidly followed by concern.

  “Do you think she’ll disapprove?”

  Hurt flashed across his face. “Because I am a cyborg, you mean?”

  “No, that wasn’t what I meant,” she said indignantly. “It’s just that my husband hasn’t been gone for very long. Everything has happened so fast.”

  His shoulders remained tense. “There was no reason to wait. You needed assistance right away.”

  Was that the only reason he was here, she wondered. His instinct to help a damsel in distress? After his passionate lovemaking, she found it hard to believe, but then again, her experience with men was so limited. Perhaps his passion was the norm and the lack of it in her other experiences was due to her own failings. They were both silent as they watched Clint and his female approach. Instead of using a rover, they were both astride Clint’s horse and she found herself envying the obvious intimacy between them. As if in response to her thoughts, Morgan stepped closer to her side as the couple dismounted.

  Clint wasn’t quite as tall as Morgan, but he was powerfully built, with broad shoulders and rather disturbing red eyes partially concealed by dark sunglasses. He too was dressed in the faded black shirt and pants that all of the rangers wore, a tarnished star on his chest. Accompanying him was a very pretty and very petite woman with a mass of curly dark hair and sparkling brown eyes. Harriet immediately felt self-conscious and oversized, but the woman’s smile was so friendly that she couldn’t help but return it.

  “Hi, I’m Jo! I’m so excited to meet another woman settler.”

  “I’m thrilled to meet you too,” she said sincerely. There was a definite shortage of women on Mars and it was oddly reassuring to see another female face.

  “I’m Hattie.” Morgan’s name for her came easily to her lips. She was no longer Harriet, worn down by grief. She was Hattie, pioneer on a new planet.

  The two men exchanged greetings but got down to business immediately.

  “Do you have a map?” Clint asked.

  Morgan pulled up a holographic image of the planet’s surface and Clint narrowed it down to the area surrounding New Arcadia. The narrow canyon where the town was located expanded out onto a wide stretch of desert and he brushed his finger over the area. “This plain is reserved for future expansion once there is enough oxygen in the atmosphere to eliminate the need for a dome.”

  He tapped on the area where their homestead was located, just to one side of the plain. “How did you pick this claim?”

  “Pick?” She frowned at him. “Winthrop told me it had already been assigned to us.”

  “I thought all of the homestead plots were available for claim by the first person to register them,” Jo said. “I had a map with all of the available plots laid out when I was looking.”

  “Do you still have that?” Clint asked.

  “It should be on my tablet.” Jo pulled out the small device and scrolled through it. “Yes, here it is.”

  The men surveyed the image before Clint frowned at Hattie. “Your plot isn’t listed.”

  “I don’t understand. Does that matter?”

  “Perhaps. It would be interesting to know exactly how you ended up with it. Look.” Morgan pointed at the approximate location of their claim in the image. “We’re on the border of the expansion area but there are no other plots available for another mile.”

  “Does that mean I can’t really claim the land?” Her worst fear was coming to life. She didn’t want to lose another home.

  “No, I don’t think so. The claim was legally filed.” His eyes turned distant for a minute. “All of the documentation is in order. Which may be why Quilby offered to trade for the property once you added me as your partner.”

  “But why?” she asked, looking at all of them. “I know it’s a good claim, but is it that much better than any other?”

  Jo shook her head. “Not that I saw, and I saw a lot of plots.”

  “So it’s the location?”

  “That’s the only logical explanation,” Morgan said.

  “But what’s so special about it?”

  He studied the larger map again. “This is the town, then the claim. This is where the vandals disappeared. Do you notice anything?”

  “It’s in a straight line,” she said.

  “Yes,” he agreed.

  “But there’s nothing past that area,” Jo protested. “Just the canyons and then the drop-off.”

  “We should ride out there and take a look, Clint. See if we can find anything.”

  Clint nodded, then turned to Jo. “Is that all right with you, Josephine?”

  “Sure. Hattie and I will be fine.”

  “The sensors are armed,” Morgan added. “We will know if anyone approaches.”

  “That’s fine.” He still looked hesitant, so she laughed and patted his hand. “I promise we can take care of ourselves. And this is why you wanted Clint to come, right?”

  “Yes. But I do not want to leave you.”

  “Aw,” Jo said. “That’s so sweet.”

  “I never want to leave you either, my love,” Clint said with a frown.

  “I know.” The small woman stood up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “And I always miss you when you’re gone. So the sooner you leave, the sooner you’ll be back.”

  Emboldened by the other woman’s obvious affection for her cyborg, Hattie lightly brushed Morgan’s cheek with her lips. “I agree. Hurry back.”

  “As fast as possible,” he promised.

  Chapter Eleven

  Hattie and Jo watched as the two cyborgs rode off across the plain on their mechanical horses.

  “Did you ever read about cowboys when you were a kid?” Jo asked with a dreamy sigh.

  “Not really. My tastes ran more to magical realms. But now I can see what I missed.”

  “Real life is so much better.” Jo turned away from the window and gave Hattie a friendly smile. “So how did you end up with Morgan?”

  “I needed a partner,” she said briefly, not sure how much she wanted to share with someone she had just met. When the other woman maintained an encouraging silence, she gave in. “I was married, you know.”

  “You were? Oh yes, I remember now. A tall, thin man? I think I saw him on the ship. Was he ill?”

  “Yes. He had a weak heart. He was coming back from a meeting when a dust storm came up. I
t must have been too much for him and he collapsed.”

  “I’m so sorry. That must have been very hard on you.”

  Jo’s sympathy took her by surprise and unexpected tears welled up. Everyone else had been so matter of fact about the whole thing.

  “Thank you.” She sniffed and tried to regain her composure.

  “And that’s why you needed a partner?”

  “Exactly. This is a double plot and two people need to work the claim.”

  “You don’t have to answer me, but is that all it is? A partnership? There seems to be more between you.”

  She hesitated. “Do you disapprove?”

  “Me? I’m in love with my cyborg, remember?” Jo smiled at her. “And Clint thinks that Morgan has feelings for you.”

  “He does?” A warm glow spread over her.

  “You seem to like the idea.”

  “I do. I’ve started to care for him very much. When I asked if you disapproved, I didn’t mean about him being a cyborg but because it’s been such a short time since my husband’s death.”

  “Did you love him?”

  “I respected and admired him, but I didn’t love him,” she said honestly, before her hidden doubts erupted. “I don’t think he wanted me to love him, but what if I was wrong? What if he just didn’t know how to tell me?”

  “You can’t force love.” Jo’s face turned cloudy. “I should know. I came here with someone else as well.”

  “You had a husband?”

  “No, a partner. But we had known each other for a long time, and I used to think I was in love with him. But no matter how much I loved him then, he never loved me back—although he could put on a good show when he wanted something.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Jo shrugged. “Well, I guess we’re both older and wiser now.”

  “I’m not sure that age really helps,” Hattie said dryly.

  “Maybe not,” Jo laughed, then looked around the main room. “Your home is wonderful.”

  “Would you like me to show you around?”

  “I’d love that. Did I hear chickens when I entered?”


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