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Fire's Mate (Charybdis Station Book 2)

Page 8

by C. W. Gray

  The doors opened, and Jellybean rolled inside, pushing his ball forward. He stopped and squeaked at Quigley a moment before rolling out a different door.

  Hack sighed. “That’s life on The Blue Solace.”

  Quigley heard Fire and David’s laughter before he saw them. His mate had Cyrus strapped to his chest and Cinnamon on his shoulder. David and Gracie ran with him.

  Fire ran to him and kissed his cheek. “Where’s Jellybean? We got distracted by snacks and lost him.”

  “He went out the other door,” Quigley answered.

  “It goes to the bridge,” Hack said with a yawn.

  “Thanks. Fluffle, train them well,” Fire said.

  Fluffle meowed softly and nodded at Fire.

  “Gotta go.” Fire grinned and waved goodbye before following Jellybean.

  Quigley grabbed David before he followed and hugged him tight. “Don’t forget to clean up after Gracie, son.”

  David nodded. “I do. Sometimes these little bots clean up her poop before I can, but usually it’s me.”

  “Good boy.” Quigley kissed the top of his head and set him on his feet. “Have fun.”

  David grinned wide and ran for the door with Gracie.

  Hack eyed him. “You don’t mind that Fire spends his days playing with the pets and babies?”

  Quigley shook his head. “It’s who he is, and I would never want to change that. Helara has blessed me.”

  Hack smacked his shoulder. “Good to hear. Fire isn’t like anyone else on the station, but he’s an important part of our family. I’m glad you recognize that.”

  “Enough talk.” Selene tossed Quigley and Hack vibro-swords. “It’s time for close-quarters combat.”

  Later that night, Quigley slipped into his room, utterly exhausted from the long day. Somehow, Fire and he had ended up with a private room. The kids were sharing a large room with all the other children on the ship, and Gram was keeping an eye on them with other volunteers.

  Fire was already there. He sat at the table next to a small window, a large platter of food in front of him. “I brought us dinner. Our babies are having a cupcake party with the other kids.”

  Quigley smiled. “Thank you, little flame.”

  Fire smiled widely, pure happiness pouring from him. “Aster snuck me a couple cupcakes. I ate one, but I saved the other for you.”

  Quigley smiled, his tiredness and worry lightening. That happened often when his mate was around. “Thanks.”

  Fire stood and guided him to sit down before crawling into Quigley’s lap. “Jellybean and Cinnamon are already sleeping. Cinnamon got in trouble today because he kept sitting on Princess Buttercup’s head, and Princess got annoyed and tried to set him on fire. Cinnamon moved before he got hurt, but Leti yelled at Princess, which hurt Princess’s feelings. He just didn’t want Cinnamon on his head. I made Cinnamon apologize, but I don’t think he was all that sincere. I have a feeling he’ll be sitting on Princess’s head a lot.”

  Quigley fed Fire a bite of the seasoned chicken and laughed. “They sound like brothers. One always has to do his best to annoy the other. Sara was a terror when she was a kid. She—” He stopped suddenly, grief hitting him hard.

  Fire cupped his face. “Quig?”

  “She’s dead.” Quigley gasped, pain shooting through him. “She won’t get to meet you or see Cyrus grow up. She didn’t get to see Helara from space or the inside of a spaceship. She won’t get a new life on Charybdis Station.”

  Fire’s lip trembled, and his eyes filled with tears. “I wish I had found you sooner. I could have saved her.”

  “We shouldn’t have needed saving.” Quigley felt like his soul was full of rocks weighing him down. “Tragedies happen. People die, and we lose the ones we love. That’s life.”

  “I don’t like it,” Fire said, voice dark. “It’s stupid.”

  “It is,” Quigley whispered. He pulled Fire closer and hugged him as tightly as he could. His mate squeaked but hugged him back. “Gram says things happen for a reason, and that the gods know better than us. That helps her deal with losing family, but I can’t believe that. Sara deserved to see all of this. She deserved a lifemate of her own.”

  “Tell me about her?” Fire asked, voice barely above a whisper.

  Quigley swallowed hard. “I’ve tried not to think about her since they killed her. We had to push forward. To survive.”

  “You get to rest now,” Fire said, stroking his fingers through Quigley’s hair. “The bad memories come when we least expect them.”

  Quigley nodded, closing his eyes. He buried his face against Fire’s neck and savored his mate’s spicy cinnamon scent. “She was a wild child. Sara loved going on hunts and exploring the desert.”

  “Like you,” Fire said, kissing Quigley’s cheek.

  “She was better with people than me. I hated talking to the other Burnished, so I stuck to myself. Sara, though, could make anyone like her. She had friends and was a true part of the clan.” Quigley huffed out a laugh and opened his eyes. “Despite that, her loyalty was with her family. She knew about my birthing line and never told anyone. She never made me feel like less of a person because of it.”

  “Rune checked you over and said you can have babies,” Fire said, shaking his head. “You can create another person in your body. Why would that be bad?”

  “Families turn on one another all the time,” Quigley said, voice sad. “In our clan, traditions run deep. If someone had discovered my birthing line, they wouldn’t just kill me. They would have killed all who had hid it.”

  Fire scowled. “I should have let Fire Fluffle eat them.”

  Quigley gave him a tired smile. “I wouldn’t have minded that, but I’m glad you didn’t. I don’t want you to have to kill anyone ever again. I’m not the only one with bad memories.”

  Fire bit his lip, thinking of the nightmare he had two nights ago. He had been on a long forgotten battlefield, following his queen’s orders to scorch the approaching Crellic army. “You don’t mind that I’m not a warrior?”

  “I want you to be exactly the person you are,” Quigley said, kissing his mate’s neck. “My happy little flame.”

  Fire scooped up a bite of the rice dish on the platter and fed it to him. “I’ve seen a lot of families during my cycles. Some actually enjoyed hurting each other. Then, even the good ones sometimes were stupid. Parents tried to force their children to act a certain way and got mad when their children weren’t perfect. Then those kids would treat their own babies the same way. It was always about being whatever their society wanted them to be. Look this way. Act this way.” Fire scowled. “All they had to do was love their babies. Sometimes that wasn’t enough, but a lot of times it was.”

  Quigley thought about Aster and David. “It really isn’t complicated, is it? My clan wanted to leave Aster and David in the deep desert when they were born, but I just wanted to love them. Now, I can’t imagine life without them. Gods, I can’t imagine a life without Gram in it. Sara and I grew up well, but without Gram, we would have been miserable.”

  Fire nodded. “Love is what’s important, and Gram loves you all. Now I’m here too, and you aren’t alone anymore. I’ll take care of you and our babies. I’ll bring you yummy food and make sure you always smile. If anyone upsets you… Well you’ve met Fluffle, and he’s my friend.”

  Quigley chuckled. “See? All I need is you.”


  Anchor’s Rest System, Charybdis Station

  Fire held Jellybean and Cyrus in his arms and watched Quigley’s face as they approached Charybdis Station. Quigley, the kids, and Gram all watched the station in fascination.

  Fire remembered when he first saw it. The planet-sized station was a beautiful work of metal and pure life. He didn’t know how the engineers had done it, but he did know that the station spoke to him like Genarg had. It had a curious nature that Fire could appreciate.

  “It’s beautiful,” Quigley said softly. His mate looked different dressed in on
e of Hack’s uniforms. His pants clung to the muscles in his thighs and ass, and the tight black vest bared his beautiful markings for all the galaxy to see.

  Cinnamon perched on top of Quigley’s head, almost disappearing in the black curls that Fire’s mate had let grow since they met. Quigley shivered, and Fire spun around, searching for the coat he’d bought his mate. He found it on the lounge beside Kelly.

  “Need a coat,” he said, shoving her a little so he could reach it.

  “I could have handed it to you,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “Then I wouldn’t have gotten to shove you,” Fire said, sticking his tongue out at her. Can’t let her know I like her now, he thought.

  Fire helped Quigley slip the coat on.

  “It feels strange to be cold all the time,” Quigley said, flushing. “You and the others don’t need a coat.”

  Gram pulled her own warm shawl around her. “They didn’t spend their whole lives on a hot desert planet. They say we’ll adjust in time.”

  Fire leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll keep the attic nice and toasty for you, Gram.”

  She chuckled and patted his arm. “That’s alright, Fire. Moses over there offered to help me stay warm.”

  Quigley glared at Hack’s grandpa. “What?”

  Gram smacked Quigley’s side. “Don’t start that shit, young man. I’ve been alone a long time, and Moses is nice company.”

  Fire’s eyes widened. “Oh. You and Grandpa Moses are gonna have sex. That warms Quig up too, Gram. His skin gets all glisteny and tastes yummy. Good idea.”

  Quigley squeezed his eyes shut when the people around them started laughing. “They maybe didn’t need to know that about me, little flame.”

  Fire shrugged and hugged Quigley. “I feel sorry for them ‘cause they don’t get to see you naked like I do.”

  Aster groaned. “Kelly, save me.”

  Kelly chuckled. “Come on. We’ll be landing soon, so let’s go get the Oryx ready.”

  “Gracie shouldn’t have to hear this either,” David said, wrinkling his nose and tugging his goat’s lead line. “I like being naked, same as the next guy, but glisteny and yummy aren’t words I want to hear describe Dad.”

  Fire rocked Cyrus and Jellybean. “They don’t know what they’re missing.”

  Quigley sighed and wrapped Fire in his arms, watching the station get closer. “Tell me who we’ll meet today.”

  Fire ran a finger down one of Cyrus’s long ears. He didn’t understand how something so big could still be so tiny. Babies are special.

  “Fire?” Quigley sounded amused.

  “Oh, okay, so you’ll meet Ma and Pops Brakenstone. They’re my friend Beck’s parents, and they love me a lot. Ma makes really good casseroles, and Pops gives the best dad hugs. Beck and his mate will be there too. Beck is really sweet and so is Beol. I like to visit Dr. Bloop and he lives with them. So do all their babies. Aketil is their oldest and she’s Crellic. She likes to explore the station with me, but Beck or Beol get mad when I take her with me without telling them.”

  “That’s a lot of people,” Quigley said, voice nervous.

  Fire kissed his cheek. “That’s just some of them. Fasi and Renee will be there too because they love me and want to meet you and the kids.”

  “Your clan leaders.” Quigley took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll show them respect.”

  “Then there’s Death,” Fire said, fighting back a yawn. “He said he needed to look you over. He’s my favorite brother friend and loves me too. He looks kinda scary, but don’t worry. He’s really nice. His mate, Val, always makes sure they have my favorite mustard for when I come make sandwiches at their house. Scythe lives there too, and he’s super snuggly and almost as good at naps as Marmalade.”

  Sebastian snorted from where he stood behind them. “I can’t wait for you to meet Death. He can see souls, you know. He’ll be able to tell exactly what kind of person you really are, and he can also harvest your soul in an instant.” He snapped his fingers. “One second you’re alive and aware. The next you’re an empty, soulless husk.”

  Quigley stiffened in his arms, and Fire leaned up to kiss him again. “It’s true. Death can summon spirits and control them too, but he doesn’t like to do that. He says it’s mean. Instead he just avoids them.”

  “That’s nice,” Quigley said, voice sounding strained.

  Sebastian’s laugh didn’t sound very nice, so Fire turned around and glared at him. “You told me yesterday that you like Quigley. Remember?”

  Sebastian winced. “You’re not supposed to tell him that. I’m just having a little fun with him. You only meet your mate’s family one time.”

  “It’s not nice fun.” Fire narrowed his eyes. “I’m going to make Woolly sleep with you tonight.”

  Sebastian groaned. “That kitten is so mean to anyone except Aster. How can something so cute be so evil?”

  Alois watched Fluffle stalk past them. “I ask myself that after every encounter with Fluffle.”

  Fire gasped. “Fluffle isn’t evil. Fluff is the greatest protector in the galaxy. Take it back, Alois.”

  Fluffle gave Alois a smug look, and the man rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay. Fluffle isn’t completely evil. He just scares me.”

  Quigley jerked beside him when the ship started its descent into the spaceport. “I’ll never get used to ships.”

  “You all have done a lot better than I expected,” Alois said. “Bigger ships are better than shuttles.”

  As soon as the clamps latched onto the ship, Fire put Jellybean on Quigley’s shoulder, then tugged him to the ramp. “I bet Ma cooked a big dinner for us. She probably made cake too.”

  Quigley looked around. “Do we have to go first?”

  Fire bounced in place until the ramp lowered. “Look, it’s Dr. Bloop! Hi, Dr. Bloop. This is my mate, Quigley, and look at my baby. This is Cyrus. Aren’t his ears precious?”

  Beck and Beol’s dog grinned at him, tongue hanging out. Family? Family is good.

  “They’re the best family ever.” Fire nodded. “You’ll like them when you get to know them. Hi, Luna. This is my mate, Quigley.”

  Wyatt and Morgan’s dog sniffed Quigley’s ankle, then settled her paw on his foot. Mate smells good. I like him.

  “Thank you, Luna,” Fire said, pride filling him. “He’s a little shy, so make sure you snuggle him if you have time. Quig needs lots of love. Okay?”

  Luna leaned against Quigley’s leg and let him pet her. I’ll snuggle him.

  Honey and Stardust flew clumsily to him and landed in front of Quigley. Mate? Honey sent him the image of Draif and Lucas entwined together on the couch.

  “Exactly,” Fire said and introduced the two baby dragons to Quigley.

  Someone cleared their throat, and Fire turned around. “Oh, it’s Fasi. Quigley, come meet Fasi. He gives good hugs too.”

  Fasi chuckled and pulled him into a gentle hug. “I’ll try not to squish the baby.”

  Fire turned Cyrus to face his friend. “Look at those chubby cheeks. Cy loves kisses.”

  Fasi bent and kissed the baby’s cheek. The large purple Grell looked fierce, but he was soft and mushy inside. “He’s beautiful, Fire. I’m so happy for you and know you’ll make a wonderful dad. Now, introduce me to your mate.”

  Quigley gave Fasi a solemn look and nodded. “I’m Quigley. I’m a good hunter and have been training with Selene and Silas to join the station’s enforcement. I will work hard to contribute to Charybdis Station if you allow me and my family to stay.”

  Fasi blinked a few times, then guided Fire and Cyrus to Renee. “‘If I’ll allow you to stay’?” He hugged Quigley tightly, lifting the large Burnished off his feet. “Son, you’re already family.”

  Fire hugged Renee and giggled. “Quig’s face is all red.”

  The small Havenite woman snorted. “That just means he needs more hugs in his life, doesn’t it?”

  Fire nodded. “You’ll watch out for him when
he joins enforcement?”

  Renee patted his cheek. “Of course I will. Silas has already made it clear he wants your mate as his partner after he finishes training.”

  “Fire.” Shae ran through the crowded spaceport. Fire’s friend was a slender Siren with elegant horns. “I wanted to be here right when you landed. Damn, is that your mate hugging Fasi? He is gorgeous.”

  Fire grinned smugly. “I did good, huh?”

  “You certainly did,” Shae said and hugged him. “How is everything going?”

  “You were right about sex.” Fire squeezed Shae tightly. “It’s a lot of fun.”

  Renee snorted. “I really don’t want to know what the two of you talk about.”

  “Shae’s the only one that will tell me things.” Fire kissed Shae’s cheek. “Sex really was fun, but snuggling is the best. I think if my dick hadn’t liked Quig like that, I would still be happy as his mate.”

  “I love that heart of yours,” Shae said, giving him a fond look. “I’m glad you found him.”

  “Me too.” He heard a familiar bleat and turned around. Gracie stood with David and Aster. The kids looked a little overwhelmed at the sheer number of people coming and going around the spaceport.

  Kelly stood behind them, one hand settled on Aster’s shoulder and the reins of the Oryx in her other.

  “Renee, Shae, these are my other babies. This is Aster, our sunrise, and David, our sweet boy.” Fire pulled Renee to them. “That’s Gracie, David’s goat.”

  David scowled. “I’m not sweet.”

  Fire bent and hugged him. “You can’t hide it, David. Just embrace the sweetness. Make it your own.”

  David sighed. “I guess I can be like you. I want to talk to the animals too.”

  “Oh, goodness, look at all these beautiful children of yours.” Ma Brakenstone pushed past Renee and grabbed Aster in a hug. “You’re just so precious, sweetheart.”

  Aster gasped, face full of shock. She hugged Ma back. “You feel so beautiful.”

  Ma tilted her head and gave Aster a fond look. “What, dearie?”


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